CC - Item 4C - Request for additional Stop Signs at the intersection of Dorothy and KelburnTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEM D CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CR WE, CITY MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2004 RE: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL STOP SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF DOROTHY AVENUE AND KELBURN AVENUE The City received a request from Mr. Peter An of 7505 Whitmore Street, requesting the installation of additional stop signs at the intersection of Dorothy and Kelburn Avenues due to a blind spot when vehicles park at the intersection. Field observations at the location noted that vehicles parked in the vicinity of the intersection reduced visibility of motorists stopped on Dorothy Avenue turning onto Kelburn Avenue. The purpose of "Stop" controls is to assign right-of-way, and is typically assigned to the street with the least volume of traffic. Multi-way control is applied to locations where traffic on each roadway is nearly equal and heavy enough to require the rotation of right-of-way in order to minimize overall delay and reduce congestion. The existing stop controls at the subject intersection meet the basic levels of stop control, with Dorothy Avenue (least volume) being stop controlled at Kelburn Avenue (higher volume). Therefore, no additional stop controls are recommended at this time. Based on the reported collision history and field observations, the visibility onto Kelburn Avenue from Dorothy Avenue could be improved. Therefore, the Traffic Commission recommended the installation of red curb on the west side of Kelburn Avenue north of Dorothy Avenue. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to install red curb on the west side of Kelburn Avenue north of Dorothy Avenue. Attachment DEC 12 2004 ITEM No.11Z. diLf - Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: November 22, 2004 SUBJECT: Request for Additional Stop Signs at the Intersection of Dorothy Street and Kelburn Avenue REQUEST A letter' was received from Councilmember Alarcon from Mr. Peter An, 7505 Whitmore Street. Mr. An has requested the installation of additional stop signs at the intersection of Dorothy Street and Kelburn Avenue. Mr. An indicates there is a 'blind spot' when vehicles park on Kelburn Avenue that blocks the visibility of vehicles stopped on Dorothy Street. CONDITIONS Dorothy Street is approximately 34 feet wide with no centerline striping. The south side of the roadway provides for angle parking for Garvey Park. The south side of the roadway is fronted by single-family residential uses. Dorothy Street is stop controlled at its T-intersection with Kelburn Avenue. There is also a yellow crosswalk across Dorothy Street at Kelburn Avenue. Kelburn Avenue is approximately 36 feet wide with no centerline striping. South of Dorothy Street, Kelburn Avenue provides additional angle parking on the west side of the street. The fronting uses are single family residential. There is a yellow crosswalk across the north leg of Kelburn Avenue at Dorothy Street. Exhibit 1 depicts conditions at the intersection of Dorothy Street and Kelburn Avenue. DATA The reported collision history at the intersection of Dorothy Street and Kelburn Avenue was reviewed for the period from August 30, 2001 through August 30, 2004. The following collisions were reported at the intersection during this period. Description Date & Time 1. Southbound vehicle proceeding 08/28/02 at 6:45 AM straight broadsided an eastbound vehicle turning left. PCF = Auto R/W violation December 2, 2004 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Additional Stop Signs at the Intersection of Dorothy Street and Kelburn Avenue Page 2 of 3 2. Eastbound vehicle turning left broadsided a southbound vehicle proceeding straight. PCF = Auto R/W violation 3. Eastbound vehicle hit a fixed object. PCF = Ran stop sign 24 hr volume 293 444 533 Traffic and pedestrian counts were taken at the intersection. These counts revealed the following: Traffic Volumes Dorothy Street (EB) Kelburn Avenue (NB) Kelburn Avenue (SB) Pedestrian Volumes Xing West Leg Xing North Leg Xing South Leg ` Note: School starts at 8 DISCUSSION 8:15 to 8:45 AM 2 children/10 adults 2 children/ 1 adult 11/13/02 at 8:35 AM 12/30/03 at 2:40 AM AM Peak PM Peak 42 (8:00) 35 (4:00) 48 (8:00) 56 (5:00) 71 (8:00) 48 (5:00) 1 child/2 adults 30 AM and ends at 2:25 PM. 2:10 to 2:40 PM 24 children/21 adults 4 children/6 adults 3 children/2 adults Field observation of the location was made throughout the day. Occasionally, there were vehicles parked in the vicinity of the intersection. These vehicles, however, did reduce the visibility of motorists stopped on Dorothy Street turning on to Kelburn Avenue. The primary visibility constraint was the fence built behind the sidewalk. During the pedestrian counts, very little conflict was observed between vehicles and pedestrians crossing the streets. The low traffic volumes on both Dorothy Street and Kelburn Avenue support this. The purpose of "Stop" controls is to assign right-of-way. The basic "Stop" control is typically assigned to the street with the least volume of traffic. Beyond this basic level of control, multi-way control is applied to locations to where traffic on each roadway is nearly equal and heavy enough to require the rotation of right- of-way in order to minimize overall delay and reduce congestion. The intersection of Dorothy Street and Kelburn Avenue meets the basic level of stop control with the street with the least volume of traffic (Dorothy Street) being stop controlled at the street with the higher volume of traffic (Kelburn Avenue). Therefore, no additional stop controls are recommended at this time. December 2, 2004 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Additional Stop Signs at the Intersection of Dorothy Street and Kelburn Avenue Page 3 of 3 However, based on the reported collision history and field observations the visibility from Dorothy Street could be improved. Therefore, the installation of red curb is recommended. RECOMMENDATION The installation of 40 feet of red curb is recommended on the west side of Kelburn Avenue north of Dorothy Street. This red curb will provide additional sight distance for motorists stopped at Dorothy Street. It will not significantly affect the neighboring residents, as there will remain over 100 feet of parking on this side of Kelburn Avenue. Exhibit 1 depicts this recommendation. Attachment 6r vl, fiw .'0 pub cn° ~FNw° o q uwgl °~N 707 Ps -SOTS ,59 Os OI z F Y I ~ o a W Q a a 1 1 d II _ : W LLJ W N LQ V I W O - a V) o I W X = r ' } LLI O m p a 3 1 0~ LLI Y D U F 31 1 ~ Qs- f z-~ 0- ' ,R dE Jla K Oa 0 ~a 3 F X N \ X m L r 3 n7 O m F' O F l 3 z rn € > w g - u. b; O g co Of I 1 1 ; -y / CY J ° - w 3 d) Z lL ~ ~ O - ' • z N ~ ° 3 = 3 LLI x I 1 I w a ~ I 1 Y x Q U i Z ~ z m= w 3 LU J ,ab OCT.-18'04(MON) 10:20 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 10/15/2994. 07:48 9894689868 Peter An 7505 Whitmore St Rosemead, CA 91770 October 4, 2004 ,y. K M- City Of Rosemead City Hall 8836 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear William Alarcon, My name is Peter An and I am a resident of Rosemead City. Sorry to bother you but I would like to take some of your time to tell you about a traffic concern nearby my area. There are two streets that cross each other and causing it to a three way street These two streets that cross each other are called Dorothy and Kelburn, it is right next to the Garvey Park Gym and Garvey Park. A stop sign should be considered at this cross street here because these two streets crossing each can be very dangerous I have a friend that live on Dorothy, for him to turn mto Kelburn is really hard and dangerous. The reason it is dangerous for him is because there are car that park on to the side Kelburn, causing a blind spot for my fri end to turn into Kelbum. He has a very hard time to see if there is any car that is going to pass or not. He says most of the time he turns when he thinks there is no car. When a driver think in order to turn to a street is very dangerous, a driver have to be 100 percent sure in order to turn or make any traffic decisions. Besides benefiting driven, putting up a stop sign can also benefits pedestrians. Next to these two streets dangerously crossing is a public park named Garvey Park. This park bas everything, unlike any public park, there is a basketball gym, swimming pool, and a tennis court This park attracted many people of all ages. During the summer, many kids would go to the swimming pool and have fun. The basketball gym also attracts people of all ages. With this much people that go to the park, there is a big possibility they will use the cross street with Dorothy and Kelbum. There is also an elementary school that is right next to the park as well and there is going to be a big chance of kids crossing this dangerous cross street here. Sothis dangerous cross street not only is dangerous to drivers but can be a problem for pedestrians. With Dorothy Street and Kelburn Street crossing and causing a dangerous tbree-way section, many problems can occur. It affects the ability of drivers that is making a turn from Dorothy Street to Kelburn Street A stop sign would not only benefits drivers but pedestrians as well. A neazbv Ru~li~pul~cyitb..everytliing dsa~v~t~la6 of peopleihereeveryday: -IdIIrarl"e park but also an elementary school is nearby as well. With a school nearby, there are possibilities students will approach this dangerous section. So if you can consider putting up a stop sign, it may help many people and will make the residents nearby feel safe. Thank you for your time and hope this can help our community. Sincerely, Peter An ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 2, 2004 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Knapp, Vice-Chairperson Matsdorf, Commissioner Quintanilla, & Commissioner Benjamin Absent: None Pledge of Allegiance: Vice-Chairperson Matsdorf Invocation: Commissioner Quintanilla APPROVAL OF MINUTES - November 4, 2004 L It was moved by Commissioner Benjamin, and seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla to approve the minutes of November 4, 2004. Vote results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Vice-Chairperson Matsdorf, Commissioner Quintanilla and Commissioner Benjamin No: None Absent: None Abstain: None H. COMMUNICATION FROM THE AUDIENCE - None III. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL STOP SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF DOROTHY STREET AND KELBURN AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report. Recommendation: The installation of forty (40) feet of red curb on the west side of Kelburn Avenue and north of Dorothy Street is recommended. It was moved by Vice-Chairperson Matsdorf and seconded by Commissioner Benjamin and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. V. STAFF REPORTS Assistant City Manager Wagner noted the following events: Dinsmoor Open House on December 11, from 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm; Chamber of Commerce Mixer at First American Bank on December 9; Zapopan Target Area Clean-up on Saturday morning, December 4; reorganization of Traffic Commission in January, 2005. Traffic Engineer Itagaki reported that the red curb requested for Valley Boulevard at Hidden Pines Place was approved by the City Council. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Quintanilla questioned the accuracy of the traffic sensors at the Valley, Mission, Rio Hondo intersection. Traffic Engineer Itagaki said that the Contractor responsible for this equipment performs routine maintenance checks and that this intersection is scheduled for review soon. Commissioner Quintanilla also mentioned that the twenty minute parking limitation at the Post Office is not being observed. Chairperson Knapp reported that Lee Ann Dalessio from the Chamber of Commerce asked if the area in front of their building could be restricted to twenty minute parking and also noted a lack of street sweeper signs on the west side of the street. Chairperson Knapp reminded those present of the People for People Christmas Dinner at the Rosemead community Center on December 18. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m., with three people in the audience. The next regular meeting of the Traffic Commission is scheduled for January 6, 2004. /bt The Mayor declared said.motion duly carried and so ordered. A. RESOLUTION NO. 2004 - CLAIMS AND DEMANDS Councilman Taylor stated for the record that he voted No on this item and also voted No at the Housing Developoment Corporation Meeting that just adjourned. Mr. Taylor stated that he voted No because there is not enough information available on the use of the HOME funds, and that he does not want to bail o he own, s of the e(rty." III. LEGISLATIVE The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 2004-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $495,766.85 NUMBERED 45801 THROUGH 46021 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM IMPERIAL, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2004-27. Vote resulted: 9 Yes: Alarc6n, Clark, Imperial, Taylor, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (CC-E was removed for discussion purposes) CC-A ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES EXTENDING THE DATE BY ONE YEAR FOR EFFECTIVENESS AND RECEIPT OF TAX INCREMENTS FOR PROJECT AREA NO. 1 AND PROJECT AREA NO. 2 A.1 ORDINANCE NO. 832 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING PART 6 OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROJECT AREA NUMBER 1 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 33333.6(E)(2)(C) OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW. ADOPT A.2. ORDINANCE NO. 833 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING SECTIONS 530 AND 610 OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CCMIN:7-27-04 Page #5 PROJECT AREA NUMBER 2 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 33333.2(c) OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW CC-B EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT - STREET TREE MAINTENANCE CC-C EXTENSION OF LIGHTING AGREEMENT - QRS LIGHTING SERVICE CC-D AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND 90Tn ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION - OCTOBER 17- 20,2004, SAN DIEGO CC-F SELECTION OF CONSULTANT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) AND HOME PROGRAM SERVICES MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ that the Council approve the aforementioned items on the Consent Calendar. Vote resulted: Yes: Alarcon, Vasquez, Clark, Taylor, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-E APPROVAL OF PARTNERSHIP WITH EAST LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY CORPORATION (ELACC) FOR USE OF HOME CHDO SET-ASIDE FUNDS Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, Rosemead, stated that his comments on this item are the same as his comments during the public hearing. Mr. Nunez left a video for the Council to review. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN ALARCON, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ that the Council approve the partnership with the East Los Angeles Community Corporation; authorize the City Attorney to finalize the commitment agreement and related documents; and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all agreements. Vote resulted: Yes: Alarcon, Vasquez, Clark, Taylor, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CCMIN:7-27-04 Page #6 V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION - None VI. STATUS REPORTS - None VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS - None VIII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m., in memory of Bryesna Limbrick, an Encinita Elementary School student who was slain outside a 7-Eleven store in the City of El Monte. The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 10, 2004, at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: City Clerk MAYOR CCMIN:7-27-04 Page 47