CC - Item 5C - Possible Acquisition of Property 9029 Valley Blvd - Internal Files Box 069TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER._ DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 1998 RE: POSSIBLE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY- 9029 VALLEY BOULEVARD At the Council Meeting of February 10, 1998, the Council met in closed session to discuss the possible acquisition of the Edwards Theater property located at 9029 Valley Boulevard for public parking purposes. Pursuant to Councilmember Taylor's request I have attached information on Old Town Pasadena, Myrtle Avenue in Monrovia, the K-Mart site, and the Freeway Nissan property. The cost of an appraisal of the aforementioned property is $3,500-5,000. If the Council wishes to pursue the possible acquisition of the property it would be appropriate to make a motion to direct staff to obtain an appraisal in an amount not to exceed $5,000. COUNCIL AGENDA 1 FEB 2 4. 1998 ITEM No. C =tf9029v1y