CC- Item 7A - 8555 E. Hellman Avenue - Internal Files Box 069~?5 TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, FROM: THOMAS E. HOWARD, DATE: FEBRUARY 7, 1985 CITY MANAGER DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER RE: 8555 E. HELLMAN AVENUE At the request of the City Council the City Engineer contacted Caltrans to determine what could be done about cleaning up the electrical equipment storage yard located at the subject address. I I On January 22, 1985, the Deputy City Engineer met with Mr. Ray Hega, Superin- tendent of Electrical Maintenance Operation, District 117, to determine what could be done in order to improve the appearance of this maintenance yard. It was suggested that slats be installed in the chain link fence. However, Mr. Hega indicated the reason the area was left open as it currently exists was to reduce the amount of vandalism that has occured at this site in the past. He has indicated that prior to the removal of the shubbery which used to surround the site there was a minimum of one (1) act of vandalism or theft occurring at that site each week. It was further mentioned that the L. A. County Sheriff's and the State Police had indicated they could better monitor the activity within that yard if they had an unobstructed view into the yard. For these reasons he has requested he not be required to install either the slats nor other shielding devices. Therefore it is requested that they clean up the storage area by trashing un- usable items that are laying around the perimeter of the yard or stacking those usable items in a neat and orderly fashion and to control the weeds by the use of roundup or simply trimming them in an orderly manner. This, Mr. Hega in- dicated, will be done in the next week to 10 days. The City staff will monitor this situation and keep you informed of any further results that may arise. TEH:sm COUNCIL AGENDA FEB 12 191b` ITEM No.