CC - Item G - Engineering Proposal for Street and Landscaping Improvements in Valley - Internal Files Box 069A C ®r TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS RrFRANK OSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 • ENGINEERING PROPOSAL FOR STREET AND LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS IN VALLEY BOULEVARD (MUSCATEL/LOMA) AND CONCRETE REPAIRS ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS Attached for your consideration is an engineering proposal from +illdan Associates for engineering design, design and construction surveying, construction observation, contract administration and utility coordination for street and landscaping improvements in 'Malley Boulevard and concrete repairs on various City streets. The street improvements include removing the landscaped parking lane planters along Valley Boulevard and constructing curb and gutter to orc•.ide ccntinuous parking. At present, a 7-foot wide concrete parking lane exists between the planters from Ivar to Loma Avenues, with the flow line located 5 feet from the curb. With the removal of the planters only, the location of the flow line will remain unchanged. In the future when Valley Boulevard is reconstructed, new curb and gutter will be constructed with the flow line adjacent to the curb. The landscaping improvements include parkway irrigation and landscaping utilizing the existing eucalyptus trees where possible. Locations for concrete repairs will be selected based upon the Countv's list of annual asphalt repairs and a list of streets with high priority repairs supplied by the City Engineer. COUNCIL AGENDA SEP 1 1 1990 ITEM No ~drl -c r C Page 2 The total construction cost for this project is estimated at $339,000. _ The proposed scope of work is as follows: Preliminary and Final Design $ 20,000 utility coordination 3,000 Design Surveying 5,800 Construction Surveying 5,200 Construction Observation and Contract Administration (based on 45 working days) $ 30.000 Total Proposed Fee: 64,000 RECOMMENDATION it is recommended that the city Council approve the attached engineering proposal and direct staff to begin the preparation of the necessary plans and specifications. :GT:js Attachments A:09ll90j (1) C (r, WILLDANASSOCIATES ❑ E1t5?~rL~,~JNERS \ -rcr,-sacnd Ccn5u1t:na -~wices Since ,vc- \J~r August 6, 1990 M.r. Frank G. Tripepi City Manager City of Rosemead SKS E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead. CA 91770 Subiect: Proposal for Professional Engineering Design, Design and Construction Surveying, Construction Observation. and Contract Administration for Street and Landscaping Improvements in Valley Boulevard (Muscatel/Loma) and Concrete Repairs on Various Ciry S-,ree.q Dear NI-r. Tripept: ested, vve are pleased to subrnit this proposal for the above-referenced requ services. Generally, the street improvements include the removal of the landscaped parking lane planters along Valley Boulevard and constructing curb and gutter to provide continuous parking. The landscaping improvements include parkway Llrigatioa and landscaping utilizing the existing eucalyptus trees where possible. Locations for concrete repairs will be selected based on highest priority within streets that are not identified for near-future street pavement upgrading. NVe propose to provide the following basic services: Preliminary Design Phase 1. Confer with the City staff to review, in more detail, the Citvs wishes and requirements for this project. Rev ew all available information and data assembled by the City staff. Research a!I existing underground ffer.ed by the improvement project. and overhead. utilities which may be d cort:piied ata. Rz,:iz•., August 6, 1990 Page 2 4. Develop base draµrines for Valley Boulevard. a. Plot existing survey data, as necessary. b. Identify and plot substructures, as necessary. C. Conduct field verification of all survey data. j• Determine drainage correction requirements, if necessary. 6. Develop preliminary improvements plans, including proposed locations of street trees in the parkway for Valley Boulevard. Deane Lim!'-,s of pavement and concrete removal for V lley Boulevard. Define C U,s of pavement and concrete replacement for Valley Boulevard. 9 provide a schedule of iocations for concrete repairs on various City streets. 1~. ]ze~ZeS' the repair lgcai:qns iOC ire- removal. root pruning. root barriers, or anV OCP.er sve C'.al iequiremel 11. Develop pre'.im"ary cost z_timatzs. 12. Subm it przi mman design plans to all affected agencies and utility companies for review. Final Design Phase wing approval of conceptual design and improvements by the Ciry, Follo As will prepare detailed plans, specifications, cost estimates, Wlldan sociates and y, with contract documents. Attend coordination meetings, as necessar City personnel at various times during the design phase to obtain additional input and review of Nvork. _ Specifications and contract documents shall be prepared to conform to applicable requirements of the City of Rosemead. Prepare final project cost estimates. C C August 6, 1990 Page 3 4. Confer and coordinate with other agencies and utility companies in the preparation of the final plans. j. Make necessary revisions. Contract Administration 1. Prmide the City with 30 sets of plans and specifications for bidding. ' Assist the Citv in securing bids and awarding project. Provide the necessary consulting senices required to coordinate the efforts between the City and the contractor. Coordinate and conduct preconsm-ction meeting and provide meeting minutes. Review and approve progress payment requests. cer inct es and complaints for toe C'F' relating to the project. 6. An. Pro idz for coauact eniorcemznt for compliance with plans and specifications. S. Perform as-built corrections on original drawings. Ltilit% Coordination 1, Coordinate «ith utility companies to provide for any proposed utility Lmproyements prior to new pavement construction. coordinate relocation of utility company underground facilities. Provide coordination with water company to implement an upgrade of fire hvdrants, as needed, within the project. De<ign Su-vev and Construction Surcev Angeles Counn Road Department's list of annual asphalt Based upon the Los repairs and a list of streets supplied to the County by the City Engineer, the ' ,viil provide locations of concrete repairs by address, including length Court and areas of removal. , ill pro. de the foliowieg ser:ices: pro ide li strew requ rinv concrete repairs fo the County. a st o C r August 6, 1990 Page d b. Mark repair locations with paint prior to preparation of bid package. C. Perform research at Los Angeles County and the City of Rosemead for survey information. d. Provide design and construction survey for Valley Boulevard. e. Provide marling of limits of removal during construction for Valley Boulevard. f. Set ties for centerline monuments disturbed by construction. o Reset centerline monuments disturbed by construction. Corstruction Observation Provide the necessary w"eekly. months`', and final reports as needed. Provide daily constrttcrion observation during the construction period. Po% ide copies of day construction observation reports on a weekly basis, if reeuested. Provide necessary coordination with other agencies to provide final inspection of the project. Final inspect project and provide letter to City stating that the installation of improvements was accomplished in accordance with the plans and specifications. Our proposed fees are as follows: SZ0,000 Preliminarv and Final Design (Fired Fee) 3,000 Utility Coordination (Fixed Fee) 5,500 Design Suneving (Filed Fee) 5,200 n Surveying (Fired Fee) i o Construct nd i on a Construction Observat Adminisuation (Fixed Fee 000 30 Contract based on a 45 day contract period) Total Proposed Fee . 563,000 { Aueust 6. 1990 Paee The current estimated construction cost for the total project is $339,000. The design conforms with the portion of the Citvs agreement with Willdan Associates which fee pertains to design engineering services. questions regardin_ this proposal, please contact me at your Should you have any q convenience. Respectfully submitted, "rll T DAN kSSOCIATES Tom Bro'ha-d Vice President . DDR:'ss S9-,'_O 000 j 063 I6n\p*00',ct0-19