CC - Item 5A - Time Based Traffic Synchronization Along Valley - Internal Files box 069i C F ~ 2' P:6 f1 1 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGE /t- DATE: JUNE 21, 1990 RE: TIME BASED TRAFFIC SYNCHRONIZATION ALONG VALLEY BOULEVARD In February 1989, the Rosemead City Council considered a demonstration by the County of Los Angeles to install a time based signal synchronization project along Valley Boulevard. At that time, the County of Los Angeles was notified of Rosemead's desire to retain final control of signal phasing within City boundaries and the Council's hesitance in approving the project without Caltrans cooperation at the intersection of Valley and Rosemead Boulevards. In turn, staff forwarded a draft jurisdiction agreement to the County incorporating the Council's wishes on the matter. The County rejected the City's alternative and forwarded a draft agreement which does not specify City control of the signal phasing along Valley Boulevard. In addition, staff was notified that the County was not successful in reaching an agreement with Caltrans with respect to the intersection at Rosemead Boulevard. Basically, the County's proposal on this item mirrors the concepts rejected by the City Council in February 1989. At the request of the County, this item has been brought back to the Council for a final determination on the synchronization project. Should the Council wish to proceed with this matter, it is clear that it would do so within the terms outlined previously. If the Council wishes to refuse the project, it would be appropriate to authorize the Mayor to forward correspondence to that effect. Attached for the Council's review is a copy of the draft agreement developed by staff, a copy of the County's proposed jurisdiction agreement and copies of the correspondence received on this matter. RECOMMENDATION Because this is a policy decision of the City Council, staff has no recommendation on this matter. FGT:ru Attachments (25) COUNCIL AGENDA JN Y 6 1990 ITEM No. TL-A RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, CONSENTING TO ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PORTION OF VALLEY BOULEVARD FROM DELTA AVENUE TO TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD WITHIN SAID CITY AS PART OF THE SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors did on duly adopt a Resolution declaring the portion of Valley Boulevard from Delta Avenue to Temple City Boulevard, within the City of Rosemead, to be a part of the System of Highways of the County of Los Angeles, as provided in Sections 1700 to 1704 inclusive of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, said Board of Supervisors by said Resolution requested this Council to give its consent to allow the County to synchronize traffic signals under the Federal-aid Urban (FAU) program and perform appurtenant work within said portion of Valley Boulevard in the City of Rosemead described above; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15301, Class 1 (c), of the State Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, the Secretary of Resources designated this type of project as categorically exempt. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rosemead does resolve as follows: r r SECTION 1. Consent to Inclusion in County Highway System. This City Council does hereby consent to the establishment of that portion of Valley Boulevard from Delta Avenue to Temple City Boulevard, within the City of Rosemead, as a part of the System of Highways of the County of Los Angeles as provided in Sections 1700 to 1704 inclusive of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. Said consent is for the purpose of synchronizing traffic signals and performing appurtenant work as may be necessary by the County of Los Angeles. SECTION 2. Cooperation with Neighboring Jurisdictions. This City Council does hereby consent to cooperate with neighboring jurisdictions to implement, maintain and operate coordinated traffic signal control across jurisdictional boundaries for this project and ay future traffic signal projects funded with FAU funds. SECTION 3. Maintenance and Operation. This City Council does hereby consent to maintain and operate and to finance its jurisdictional share of the maintenance and operation costs of the improvements installed with this project. In order to maintain full effectiveness of these improvements, should the City determine that a change in signal operation for any of the intersections within the project limits within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Rosemead is necessary, the city will coordinate with the County of Los Angeles to ensure that the overall effectiveness of the system is maintained. The City of Rosemead, however, shall retain the right to modify traffic signal operations within its cooperate boundaries as it deems necessary. SECTION 4. Indemnification. This City Council does hereby consent to fully defend, indemnify and hold harmless the County of Los Angeles, its officers, and employees from any liability imposed for injury occurring by reason of any acts or omissions on the part of the city of Rosemead under or in connection with any work performed with this project. SECTION 5. Transportation Systems Management (TSM) Study and Implementation. This City Council does hereby consent to a study by the County of low cost TSM improvements, including, but not limited to, peak hour parking and turn restrictions that can be implemented in conjunction with the project, and also consents to implement all findings from the study found to be feasible and warranted based on engineering criteria and fiscal capacity contingent on Council approval, prior to installation of the improvements. SECTION 6. Findings of Categorical Exemption. This City Council does hereby find that the project is categorically exempt from the requirement for an Environmental Impact Report pursuant to Section 15301, Class 1 (c), of the State Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970. SECTION 7. Finding of a Minor Nature. This City Council does hereby find that pursuant to Government Code, Section 65402 (b), the aforesaid improvements are for street improvements of a minor nature and that, therefore, the provisions of said Section requiring the submission to and report upon said project by the City Planning Agency do not apply. Sample Only 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _0 12 13 14 15 16 17 is ,9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 j 28 it I~ li RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, CONSENTING TO ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PORTION OF VALLEY BOULEVARD FRCM DELTA AVENUE TO TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD WITHIN SAID CITY AS A PART OF M SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES VHr-REAS, the Board of Supervisors did on duly adopt a Resolution declaring the portion of Valley Boulevard from Delta Avenue to Temple City Boulevard, within the City of Rosemead, to be a part of the System of Highways of the County of Los Angeles, as provided in Sections 1700 to 1704 inclusive of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, said Board of Supervisors by said Resolution requested this Council to give its consent to allow the County to synchronize traffic signals under the Federal-aid Urban (FAU) program and perform appurtenant work within said portion of Valley Boulevard in the City of Rosemead described above; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15301, Class 1 (c), of the State Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, the Secretary of Resources designated this type of project as categorically exempt. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rosemead does resolve as follows: SECTION 1. Consent to inclusion in County Highway System. This City Cou--^.cil does hereby consent to the establishment of that i portion of Valley Boulevard from Delta Avenue to Temple City 2 Boulevard, within the City of Rosemead, as a part of the System of I 3 Highways of the County of Los Angeles as provided in Sections 1700 4 to 1704 inclusive of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of I~ 5 California. Said consent is for the purpose of synchronizing traf- 6 •i fic signals and performing appurtenant work as may be necessary by I7 the County of Los Angeles. 8 SECTION 2. Cooperation with Neighboring Jurisdictions. This 9 City Council does hereby consent to cooperate with neighboring ,r ;p i; jurisdictions to implement, maintain and operate coordinated e 11 traffic signal control across jurisdictional boundaries for this pe' 12 project and any future traffic signal projects funded with FAU funds. 13 j, SECTION 3. Maintenance and Operation. This City Council does 14 ;1 hereby consent to maintain and operate and to finance its jurisdic- I 15 tional share of the maintenance and operation costs of the improve- 16 ments installed with this project. In order to maintain full I 17 effectiveness of these improvements, should the City determine that 1g a change in signal operation for any of the intersections within 19 the project limits within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City 20 ;I of Rosemead is necessary, the City will coordinate with the County 21 .i of Los Angeles to ensure that the overall effectiveness of the 22 system is maintained. II 23 SECTION a. indemnification. This City Council does hereby 24 'I consent to fully de_'end, indemnify and hold harmless the County 25 IiI of Los Angeles, its officers, and employees from any liability 26 ;I imposed for injury occurring by reason of any acts or omissions on t';e part of the City of Rosemead under or in connection with any 27 28 I~ work performed with this project. ;I " I 2I a 4 5 6 I 7S 9i i0 11 12 13 1a 15 16 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 SECTION 5. Transportation Systems Managament (TSM) Study and Implementation. This city council does hereby consent to a study by the County of low cost TSM improvements, including, but not limited to, peak hour parking and turn' restrictions that can be implemented in conjunction with the project, and also consents to implement all findings from the study found to be feasible and warranted based on engineering criteria and fiscal capacity contingent on Council approval, prior to installation of the improvements. SECTION 6. Findina of Categorical Exemption. This City Council does hereby find that the project is categorically exempt from the requirement for'an Environmental Impact Report pursuant to Section 15301, Class 1 (c), of the state Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970. SECTION 7. Finding of a Minor Nature. [Should the City Ccur,cil find that pursuant to Government Code, Section 65402 (b), the aforesaid improvements are for street improvements of a minor nature, include the following: This City Council does hereby find that pursuant to Government Code, Section 65402 (b), the aforesaid improvements are for street improvements of a minor nature and that, therefore, the provisions of said Section requiring the submission to and report upon said project by the City Planning Agency do not apply. TScP5.13 FaS 6 9 5 ;i:_LD.k.N ASSOC ROSLSE.A.D ~uu: . c ~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OFLOSANGEwLEoS M N I LOS GANG~LES. CALIFOIA 912 456 HALL OF (213) 27"111 PETCR F. SCnnB~wUM . a... cnr.s0<. nq, ais,a <r July 21. 1989 Honorable Dennis McDonald, Mayor city of Rosemead 8338 cast Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mayor McDonald: FIVE YEAR TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION PROGRAM As you know, the County is moving ahead with a five-year Countywide program for thehighways . to meet the cosignals ngestionnthour roughoutarterial cr.alle cerof )reducing `traffic traffic I previously corresponded with former Mayor G. H. "Pat" Cleveland about the County paying one-half the City's cost of Synchronizing the Valley Boulevard signals. I also understand that the Director's staff has met with your City hyour Council and City staff, and that you are aware. that all the signals within ave City on Valley Boulevard and those on Garvey Avenue, a third year project, thescost received an allocation of Regional FAU funds thata the for a of of these projects. On this basis, I propose install improvements at no cost to your City. This will then allow your City to use the money earmarked for the'Valley Boulevard and Garvey Avenue projects on other high priority City projects. Assuming your City's concurrence with this proposal, I have asked the County Director of Public Works to have his staff work with City staff on the details of moving ahead. As always, it is a pleasure to work with you and your City on projects that provide improvements for our citizens. Sincerely, WT' S v PETE SCHABAR'JM Supervisor, First District PS :cm/B Department of ouolic Works ^1LLiI;C ASSOC riOSc 11 ~.jD UUa „ C BOARD OF-SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES MALL OF ADMINI57llA110N 1 LOS ANGELES. CAUPO"NIA gOO12 • =151 121]191"111 PETER F. ACMADARUM r. .1 ..A.P February 9, 1990 Honorable Dennis McDonald, Mayor City of Rosemead --is East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Cear Mayor McDonald: VALLEY BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION PROJECT I have discussed the concerns expressed in your recent letter'regarding our Valley Boulevard Traffic Signal Synchronization project with Mr. T. A. Tidemanson, the Director of Public Works. As you may know, the County is using a considerable amount of Federal-aid Urban funds and gasoline tax revenues to improve the synchronization oeportsals in order to reduce traffic congestion Countywide. that, should left-turn phasing be needed at one of the intersections we are proposing to improve as a part of our program, we would certainly include it as a part of our program. Because of our large financial commitment to this program and the sked need to keep our signal work synchronized, Cities to mutually y once the new system is installed. Therefore, upon completion of a project a City could, working with County staff, install new left-turn phasing or revise the system timing in order to improve the flow of traffic. The Director informs me that his staff has been working closely with Caltrans to see if signal system timing can be developed so traffic on Valley Boulevard can to progressed through the Valley Boulevard/Rosemead Boulevard intersection. Currently, the State has a synchronized signal system on Rosemead Boulevard which stretches from Foothill Boulevard in Pasadena to the Pomona Freeway in I includes over Whittier Narrows. Their 7.5 miles long. intersections and the need to provide time for left-turn phasing and pedestrian crossings, their system timing cannot be changed. Additionally, Mr. Ti demanson informs me that, because of similar constraints along Valley Boulevard, he optimum system timing for our proposed system must be longer than the States, resulting in a "break" at Rosemead Boulevard. Even with the "break" at Rosemead, our proposed Valley Boulevard system will include 26 signalized intersections and will progress traffic for over 4.5 miles, which will be quite ceneficial to the motoring public. The Director reports that he investigated .';f c952 ^:LDAS ASSOC ROSEXE{p iOUI Honorable Dennis McDonald -2- February 9, 1990 the option of maintaining the progression on Valley Boulevard through the Rosemead intersection with the "break" occurring on Rosemead Boulevard. However, this would not appear to be beneficial on a regional basis, since Rosemead Boulevard carries in excess of 50,000 vehicles per day, or nearly double the volume currently carried by valley Boulevard. While it does not appear feasible to progress Valley Boulevard traffic through the Rosemead intersection in light of the State's system, Mr. Tidemanson reports that it may be possible to improve the flow of traffic by adding additional lanes, possibly an eastbound right-turn lane. I have asked him to have his staff work closely with your City staff on some improvement of this type. Additionally, as you may know, based on a Board of Supervisors request, the Traffic Reduction and Free Flow Interagency Committee is currently preparing a report on the feasibility of utilizing reverse flow traffic lanes on Valley Boulevard as a pilot program. The Director reports that this route appears to have the proper traffic flow and roadway characteristics for such an installation and this may possibly be a solution to moving more traffic on Valley Boulevard through the Rosemead Boulevard intersection. The feasibility report is expected to be available late this spring, and I will furnish you with a copy as soon as it is available for your review and comments. ? look forward to hearing from you so that we can cooperatively move ahead with the Valley Boulevard Traffic Signal Synchronization project. Sincerely yours, PETE SCHABARUM Supervisor, First District PS:cs/M cc: Department of Public Works