CC - Item 5A - Adopt a Wall Program - Internal Files Box 069TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: V` APRIL 22, 1992 RE: ADOPT-A-WALL PROGRAM Staff has been approached by G.R.I.P.P. (Gang Risk Intervention Pilot Project) to start an "adopt-a-wall" graffiti removal program. The program will utilize."at risk" Rosemead student volunteers who will remove graffiti from City parks, recreation areas, city facilities, and additional facilities to be selected by the City. Supplies will be donated by the City's graffiti removal contractor, and transportation will be provided by G.R.I.P.P. The appropriate liability waivers will be entered into by all affected parties. The program will begin on a small scale utilizing 10 to 12 volunteers in the programs inception, and will be evaluated at the end of three months. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the creation of an "adopt-a-wall" program. FGT:nv C:4-28-92N:2 COUNCIL AGENDA APR-2 8 1992] ITEM No. Y-A