RRA - Landscaping on Garvey - Study Session - Internal Files Box 069ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: ALFONSO RODRIGUEZ, DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER /r% DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 1989 RE: LANDSCAPING ON GARVEY AVENUE - STUDY SESSION The study session was scheduled to discuss proposed raised landscaped medians and landscaped parkways which are recommended to be included in the Garvey Avenue reconstruction project from City limit to City limit. Letters were sent to the business community along Garvey Avenue notify- ing them of tonight's meeting. As you know, the Agency has proposed improvements to Garvey Avenue which include pavement and parkway areas. Staff recommends the con- struction of raised landscaped medians and reconstruction of the land- scaped parkways to improve the aesthetic appearance of the street. Raised landscaped medians would replace the existing two-way, left-turn painted medians. In order to design adequate segments of uninterrupted landscaped medians, some left-turn pockets to the minor cross streets may need to be eliminated. Staff will be able to better determine these loca- tions, if any, once the conceptual design is completed. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Provide raised landscaped medians and landscaped parkways on Garvey Avenue. 2, Direct the City Engineer to provide a proposal for Garvey Avenue improvements which would include: a. concept phase to determine precise landscape configurations and left-turn pocket locations; and AGENCY AGENDA FEB 7.1988.: ITEM No. 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 917709(818)288-6671 • Telecopier 8183079218