CC - Item 5B- Request for funding from the Rosemead American Little League - Internal Files Bix 0690. - TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS RROOSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: RANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY DATE: JUNE 3, 1992 RE: REQUEST FOR FUNDING FROM THE ROSEMEAD AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE Attached for your consideration is a request from the aforementioned organization for funding in the amount of $8,000. Also attached is a treasurer's report of the organization dated May 13, 1992. FGT:js Attachment A:060992j(2) l COUNCIL AGENDA JON 9 1992 ITEM No. ROSEMEAD AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE, INC. A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION P.O. BOX 6928 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 I.D. NO 405-18-10 4 Mr. Donald Wagner, Assistant City Manager Mr. Wagner, RECEIVED C T Y OF ROSEMEAD JUN 031992 AM PM 7j8j9,l0,iljflj1j2,3,4&6 1. Enclosed, please find the request for funds from City Council! If you have any need for further documentation, or need to contact me for any reason, my work number is (818) 458-4722 or at home (818) 289-4172. Thank you for your intervention regarding this request.; will you notify us when this will be placed on the agenda so that we may be present? Thank you again. sincerely, 11 ian Anaya, Vice President Rosemead American Little League 1988 CALIFORNIA DISTRICT 18 LITTLE LEAGUE CHAMPIONS ROSEMEAD AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION P.O. BOX 6928 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 ID #405-18-10 May 16, 1992 Honorable Mayor, Margaret Clark CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mayor: This request, submitted to the City Council of Rosemead, in the amount of $8,000 for the fiscal year 1992, represents an outstanding balance which was inherited by the current Board of Directors of the Rosemead American Little League from last year's board. For whatever reasons the monies were not paid accordingly, it is our responsibility to make sure that all outstanding balances are taken care of. Rosemead American Little League is composed of players from different ethnic backgrounds that reside in the Rosemead area. This is a requirement set forth by the Little League Organization that sanctions us, and their City residency must be proven before they can participate. Our players have one thing in common, that is they are mostly all from low-middle income homes whose parents are striving to keep them away from gangs and drugs by enrolling them in the local sports programs, of which we are one. Little League Organization rules also prohibit us from denying any youngster the opportunity to play just because the family cannot come up with the registration fee. As I am sure you are all aware, running any youth program in these times is extremely difficult, but even more so when funds available within the Community are limited. Because of the financial status of many of our parents, tapping their resources is not only burdensome for them, but nearly impossible. In spite of this, our fund raiser has allowed us to pay some towards the previous balances due, but it leaves us with no working capital for this current year. We have obtained some sponsorships, but every small business in Rosemead is hurting, and those that still contribute, have their own special projects they support. Some of our planned fund raisers did not materialize due to circumstances of which we had no control such as the booth planned for the Cinco de Mayo festival that was canceled. Additionally, the snack bar at Garvey Park has always provided a good income, but having to give up 32 days of that income has hurt us a great deal financially. So as you can see, much of our planned funding has not come through. For this reason we turn to you for your much needed assistance. This is a good program, one that would hurt the Community if it ceased to exist. Mayor Clark, City Council, Rosemead - 05/16/92 Page -2- Replacing equipment that is either broken, ruined, or unsafe for the 21 teams representing Rosemead American Little League has been very costly, but we have managed to get at least the minimum in order to start play. Although some of our teams are sharing, for health reasons, this is not encouraged. Our largest expense apart from the equipment and uniforms is Umpires and baseballs. With four teams playing at Garvey Park on Tuesdays and Thursdays, two teams on Fridays, and 8 teams on Saturday and Sunday, this amount can be considerable. This does not even count the teams playing at Fern Complex, where our 13-15 year olds play. This year we are involved in an interlock, which brings other neighboring City leagues into our area, but at Fern Complex we do not have a snack bar where we can sell hot food, so any monies earned there are limited to packaged snacks and candy bars. All of our Board members, managers and coaching staff are volunteers dedicated to teaching the youngsters entrusted to our program good values and sportsman- ship, so the money needed is not for anything but paying off our outstanding balances so that any money we earn this year will be used in running this year's program. Thank you in advance for any consideration you may give Rosemead American Little League and for any assistance you may be able to provide. Sincerely, jROOSSEMMEEA_DAMERICANN LITTLE LEAGUE Lillian M. Anaya, ViVresident LMA/