CC - Item 4B - Request for crossing guard at Emerson School - Internal Files Box 069TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 28, 1996 RE: REQUEST FOR CROSSING GUARD AT EMERSON SCHOOL- EMERSON PLACE AND PROSPECT AVENUE Staff received a request from Pat Slusser, Principal of Emerson School. Ms. Slusser is requesting a crossing guard be placed at Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue to assist students crossing at the yellow crosswalk. This item was previously before the Traffic Commission on March 27, 1992. At that time the request was denied because the location did not meet the criteria that Caltrans has developed for the use of adult crossing guards. The Traffic Commission reviewed this item again on May 2, 1996. No residents were present at the Commission meeting. The Commission found that the placement of a Crossing Guard at Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue is warranted and will serve to enhance the safety of children crossing the street. A copy of both Traffic Commission staff reports and minutes are attached for Council's review. RECOMMENDATION: The Traffic Commission voted 5-0 to recommend the following action: 1. Placement of a Crossing Guard at Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue (Figure LAGENDA MAY 2 81996 D:\DATA\TRAFFIC\REPORTS\CROSS.GRD ITEM No. e~ TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: MARCH 7, 1996 RE: REQUEST FOR CROSSING GUARD IN FRONT OF EMERSON SCHOOL - 7544 EMERSON PLACE REQUEST A request has been received from Ms. Pat Slusser, Principal of Emerson School. Ms. Slusser is requesting a crossing guard be placed at Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue to assist students crossing at the yellow crosswalk. Emerson School begins at 8:00 AM and releases at 2:31 PM and 2:36 PM. A similar request was made at the April 2, 1992, Traffic Commission meeting. The staff report and meeting minutes are attached. CONDITIONS Emerson Place is a 36-foot wide east/west residential roadway with one lane of traffic in each direction. Opposing lanes of traffic are separated by single yellow skip striping. A yellow crosswalk exists on the west leg of Emerson Place at Prospect Avenue. The posted speed limit on Emerson Place is 30 mph. In the vicinity of Emerson School, the speed limit is 25 mph when children are present. Prospect Avenue is a 36-foot wide north/south residential roadway. The intersection of Prospect Avenue and Emerson Place forms a "T" intersection. Prospect Avenue is STOP controlled at this intersection. There are no stripes on Prospect Avenue. The prima facie speed limit is 25 mph. Figure 1 depicts existing conditions. Emerson School is on the south side of Emerson Place extending from Prospect Avenue east to Jackson Avenue. The teacher's parking lot is adjacent to the west side of the school. No additional parking is available on the school grounds or adjoining properties. The "back side" of the school is bordered by Whitmore Street. Access to the school is limited to the pedestrian gate on Emerson Place just east of Prospect Avenue. There are three other gates that access the school but they are kept locked for security purposes. Student drop-off and pick-up are conducted mainly near the Emerson Place/Prospect Avenue school access gate. Page 2. A four-way STOP is located at Emerson Place and Jackson Street with yellow crosswalks on all four legs. A crossing guard is posted at this intersection. The crosswalk at Jackson Street is approximately 300' east of Prospect Avenue. DATA Pedestrian counts were taken at the intersection on Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue. These counts were conducted from 7:00 to 8:45 AM and from 2:00 to 3:15 PM on a regular school day. During the morning count, a total of 129 students crossed in the crosswalk. In the afternoon, the pedestrian count increased to 144. Traffic volume counts were also taken at the intersection. This count identified 802 vehicles crossing the crosswalk in the morning and 590 vehicles in the afternoon. The accident history at the intersection of Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue was reviewed for the period between January 1, 1992 and September 30, 1995. This reviewed identified three accidents occurring at or within 100' of the intersection. These accidents are summarized below: Location and Description Date Time At - Southbound left turning vehicle 12/10/92 12:40 PM broadsided an eastbound vehicle proceeding straight (Right-of-way Automobile). At - Northbound pedestrian collided 10/6/94 2:45 PM with a westbound stopped vehicle (Pedestrian Violation). 70' west of - Westbound vehicle 8/5/94 9:30 AM rearended a westbound left turning vehicle (Unsafe Speed). Page 3. DISCUSSION Observations of Emerson School were conducted at the start of the regular school and the release of the school. These observations included: 1. The primary drop-off area is in the immediate vicinity of the main gate near Prospect Avenue. A high degree of double parking occurs in this area causing congestion on Emerson Place. Parking is available in front of the school to the east of the main gate but is not heavily used by the parents. 2. The pick-up area extends along the length of the school on Emerson Place. Parents also park on Prospect Avenue and walk to the main gate. If parking is not available, double parking often occurs. 3. During the afternoon release period, a school bus parks in the red zone of the crosswalk. However, the bus does not always pull to the curb because of cones that are placed by the school to keep the red zone clear of other vehicles. This requires vehicles traveling on Emerson Place to pass around the bus in the opposing lane of traffic causing confusion and congestion. This bus remains for a period less than 10 minutes. 4. Vehicles stop for pedestrians crossing in the crosswalk on Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue. Caltrans has developed guidelines for the use of crossing guards. Attached is a worksheet for the placement of a crossing guard based on these guidelines. The worksheet indicates that the traffic volumes on Emerson Place and the pedestrian volumes crossing at Prospect Avenue satisfy part of the guideline. The existing crossing guard at Emerson Place and Jackson Street is an alternate controlled crossing 300 feet from this intersection. This does not satisfy the first part of the guideline. Based on field review of the intersection, engineering judgement indicates the placement of a crossing guard on Emerson Place at Prospect Avenue will enhance pedestrian safety at this crossing. A crossing guard will not, however, be the "cure-all" to the problems in front of the school. Staff met with Ms. Pat Slusser during an afternoon release period. -We discussed with Ms. Slusser several items that should also be considered by the school to improve the situation in front of the school. These items, however, are at the discretion of the school and may require approval from other boards or committees. Page 4. The following items should be considered by the school to help alleviate the congestion and confusion in front of Emerson School: 1. Open the existing pedestrian gate east of the current entrance. This may reduce the congestion in the immediate area of the main entrance. More vehicles and parents may be more willing to park farther away from the main entrance if their children can exit at another location. This may also reduce the incidence of double parking. 2. Do not place the cones in the red zone for the bus. The red zone does not allow vehicles to park in this area. The placement of cones often keeps the bus from the curb causing congestion on Emerson Place. 3. Construct additional parking or loading area in the grass area in front of the school. This increases the area where students can be picked-up without crossing the street. This may also reduce double parking and congestion at the intersection of Emerson Plac and Prospect Avenue. Overall, the placement of a crossing✓at the intersection of Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue will assist the elementary school pedestrians crossing Emerson Place. The crossing guard, however, will not remove all the problems occurring at the location. The items identified above may also help the situation. RECOMMENDATION The placement of a crossing guard at Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue is recommended. It is further recommended that the existing red curb be marked "No Stopping Bus Zone" to allow the school bus to legally stop in this area. Attachment JI: RSMEMERSON ~,~Q 0~ CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADULT CROSSING GUARD WARRANTS (FROM CALTRANS TRAFFIC MANUAL) LOCATION: ~rvw ^S-,n Rnoe Q± 1~+ o~DeC~ Ay ~,1~ DATE: 3 S '56 Adult crossing guards may be used under the following conditions: 1. At uncontrolled crossings where there is no alternate controlled crossing within 600 feet; AND Not Applicable Satisfied: Yes 9) a. In urban areas where the vehicular traffic volume exceeds 350 during isap each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) in which 40 or ~ac more school pedestrians cross daily while going to or from school; QA or V Satisfied: Yes No b. In rural areas where the vehicular traffic volume exceeds 300 during each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) in which 30 or more school pedestrians cross daily while going to or from school. Satisfied. Yes No 9 Whenever the critical (85 percentile) approach speed exceeds 40 mph, the guidelines for rural areas should be applied. 2. At stop sign-controlled crossing: Not Applicable Where the vehicular traffic volumes on undivided highways of four or more lanes exceeds 500 per hour during any period when the school pedestrians are going to, or from school. Satisfied: Yes No Continued on Page 2 Page 2 ADULT CROSSING GUARD WARRANTS 3. At traffic signal-controlled crossings: Not Applicable a. Where the number of vehicular turning movements through the school crosswalk exceeds 300 per hour while school pedestrians are going to or from school; or Satisfied: Yes No b. Where there are circumstances not normally present at a signalized intersection, such as crosswalks more than 80 feet long with no intermediate refuge, or an abnormally high proportion of large commercial vehicles. Satisfied: Yes No VICTOR RUIZ What about setting a time frame, have we looked into Instead of reading "No Stopping Anytime", how about from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., and explore those ave don't want to penalize the whole Community in gene of certain individuals. 4 JOANNE ITAGAKI That's a possibility as well. WILLIAM ALARCON We have a motion and a second. You made the amendment, Mr. some sort of a solution. Commissioner Larson wi Tirre withdrew his sec We to try to come up with his motion, and Commissioner the motion. It was moved by Co ioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Alarcon to give o in dings and discussion tonight as a staff report to Planning Commission, and see if they can take action, o make some sort of a joint action together. AYES: Chairman Alarcon, Commissioner Tirre, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Ruiz NOE Commissioner Larson A NED: None NT: None B. NEW BUSINESS REQUEST FOR CROSSING GUARD IN FRONT OF EMERSON SCHOOL - 7544 EMERSON PLACE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the report. This request came from Ms. Pat Slusser, Principal of the school. Ms. Slusser is requesting the crossing guard at Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue RECOMMENDATION: The placement of a crossing guard at Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue was recommended. It was further recommended that the existing red curb be marked "No Stopping Bus Zone" to allow the school bus to legally stop in this area. Commissioner Knapp stated that she is concerned with the back of the school at Whitmore Street, at the pedestrian crosswalk. Emerson School might be requesting a crosswalk at that location, sometime in the future. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that those gates are kept closed, because of security problems. Page 3 Commissioner Larson suggested that the bus zone be moved east. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that she will be writing a letter to the school further indicating what are recommendations were, and also include changing the bus zone. Commissioner Larson stated that this would be more convenient for the teachers and better visibility for the crossing guard. It was moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. In addition, to moving the Bus zone east entrance gate, and use that gate instead of the one they're using now. TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER 1 DATE: MARCH 27, 1992 RE: REQUEST FOR CROSSING GUARD AT EMERSON PLACE AND PROSPECT AVENUE REQUEST A request has been received from Mr. Bruce Davis, Principal of Emerson School. Mr. Davis indicates the intersection of Emerson Place/Prospect Avenue is "very dangerous" and "near misses" often occur. He is requesting a crossing guard be assigned at this intersection. Mr. Davis' letter is attached. CONDITIONS Emerson Place is a 36-foot wide east/west roadway. There is one lane of traffic in each direction separated by a single yellow skip stripe. The posted speed limit is 30 mph except when children are present in the vicinity of Emerson School (25 mph). Prospect Avenue is a 36-foot wide north/south roadway that intersects Emerson Place at a "T" intersection. Prospect Avenue is stop controlled at Emerson Place. No striping exists on Prospect Avenue in this area. The prima facie speed limit is 25 mph. A crossing guard is posted at the intersection of Emerson Place and Jackson Street. This intersection is approximately 350 feet east of Emerson Place/Prospect Avenue. Figure 1 depicts these conditions. DATA A review of the City's accident history from January 1, 1987 to September 30, 1991, did not reveal any reported pedestrian-related accident in the vicinity of Emerson Place/Prospect Avenue. A pedestrian count was taken on March 19, 1992, between 7:30-8:30 a.m. and 2:00-3:00 p.m. A summary of these counts is as follows: Emerson Place Prospect Avenue East Lea West Leg North Lea 7:30-8:30 a.m. 3 62 12 2:00-3:00 p.m. 5 89 7 Vehicle counts were not taken at the intersection of Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue. However, based on field observation, the volume of traffic during the two hours analyzed is less than 350 vehicles per hour. DISCUSSION Caltrans has developed criteria for the use of adult crossing guards. For uncontrolled crossings like the intersection of Emerson Place/Prospect Avenue, the vehicular traffic demand must exceed 350 vehicles per hour for each of any two hours in which 40 or more school pedestrians cross daily and no alternate controlled crossing are within 650 feet. The pedestrian volume exceeds the 40 used as a criteria by Caltrans. However, the vehicular volume is less than 350 vehicles per hour. This indicates the vehicle-pedestrian conflicts are below the guidelines set by Caltrans. In addition, a crossing guard exists less than 600 feet to the east. Field review of the intersections of Emerson Place/Prospect Avenue indicated the crosswalk has the proper signing and markings to warn motorists. vehicles parked adjacent to the crosswalk does limit visibility of pedestrians. RECOMMENDATION Based on the guidelines set by Caltrans, the intersection of Emerson Place/Prospect Avenue does not meet these guidelines for the use of an adult crossing guard. Therefore, it is recommended that the request for a crossing guard at Emerson Place/Prospect Avenue be denied. 0 7/ 6 Page 3. It is further recommended that red curb be installed to extend the visibility of pedestrians in the crosswalk. The installation of red curb is recommended as foll I ows (see Figure 1): 1. Extend existing red curb on the southside of Emerson Place approximately 30 feet to the westerly crosswalk line. 2. Install red curb on the southside of Emerson Place from the easterly crosswalk line approximately 40 feet easterly. 3. Install red curb on the northside of Emerson Place from the westerly crosswalk line approximately 40 feet westerly. JTI:nv Attachment A:4-2TRAFFIC:2 lo:U: -ab y 6 ~1~: U 1 February 11, 1992 Mr. James Troyer Rosemead City Hall 8338 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Troyer: OiLLLA.\ A{~ Uk. hubzat1L wjvll GAMY SCHOOL DISTRICT RALPH WALDO EMERSON SCHOOL 7544 EAST EMERSON PLACE, ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 BRUCE C. DAVIS, PRINCIPAL r I would like to request that a crossing guard be assigned to the corner of Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue in Rosemead. The crosswalk at this inter- section is "mid-block". This intersection is very dangerous. I have often witnessed near misses when people enter the crosswalk. It is a common occurrence for vehicles to be involved in accidents at this intersection. 1 When school is dismissed at 2:25 P.M. and 2:45 P.M. many people arrive by car to pick up children at this intersection which is front of our main gate. They commit moving violations and park illegally. In order to make the intersection safe for our students we have tried the following: 1. Appealed to parents at assemblies to drive and park their vehicles prescribed by law. 2. Printed up letters in English, Vietnamese, Spanish and Chinese with the same appeal and handed these letters to vehicle drivers. 3. Spoke with drivers that are violating the law and asked them to drive and park according to the law. Several times each year I call the Temple City Sheriff and request traffic enforcement. We are fortunate if we can get them out once a year. They tell me they are short handed. We feel a crossing guard is imperative. Sincerely, Bruce C. Davis principal, Emerson School- ?CD:jw r STOv ~ E MEI'SON 6-K 1-,4 ins RtA C.r I IU P. C4r I ~ SCHOOL x1uG ''9"5 LEGEND N, T3D- 5:20 Al-1 (2lDp - 3.OO PM) Pt DEhT2iAN CpuNr W 7 I~ W a No 2 36' d01S 2 ~SCMOOL xiuG 4 ~(5) PuAc E i° by - - pmg-oad ' Rc Curb EME IZ~ n_l ~SCNDDL )P AHEAD ~iCJn~ FIGU2E aEQUEST Fde pz 6ugeD 0/,,/ P1 AT FE05PR7 CITY OF ROSEMEAD r Iql C i.. ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 2. 1992 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by chairman Pinon, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. I. CALL TO ORDER CMi~..an t~-,wn . The Pledge to the Flag was delivered by r m4-s The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner La-- Ii. ROLL CALL Chairman Pinon Commissioners: Beezley, Larson, and Tirre Absent: Commissioner Knapp REQUEST FOR CROSSING GUARD AT EMERSON PLACE AND PROSPECT AVENUE Traffic Engineer Johnson stated that this request was received from Mr. Bruce Davis, Principal of Emerson School. Mr. Davis indicated that the intersection of Emerson Place/Prospect Avenue is "very dangerous" and "near misses" often occur. He is requesting a crossing guard be assigned at this intersection. Vehicle counts were not taken at the intersection of Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue. However, based on the field observation, the volume of traffic during the two hours analyzed is less than 350 vehicles per hour. - Caltrans has developed criteria for the use of adult crossing guards. For uncontrolled crossings like the intersection of Emerson Place/Prospect Avenue, the vehicular traffic demand must exceed 350 vehicles per hour for each of any two hours in which 40 - or more school pedestrians cross daily and no alternate controlled crossing are within 650 feet. This indicates that the vehicle-pedestrian conflicts are below the guidelines set by Caltrans. In addition, a crossing guard exists less than 600 feet to the east. Based on the guidelines set by Caltrans, the intersection of Emerson Place/Prospect Avenue does not meet these guidelines for the use of an adult crossing guard. Therefore, it was recommended that the request for a crossing guard at Emerson Place/Prospect Avenue be denied. It was further recommended that red curb be installed to extend the vinibi1 it- of pedestrians in the crosswalk. The installation of red curb '.:as recommended as.follos:s: I 1. Extend existing red curb on the southside of Emerson Place approximately 30 feet to the westerly crosswalk line. 2. Install red curb on the southside of Emerson Place from the easterly crosswalk line appror.fmately 40 feet easterly. install red curb on the northside of Emerson Place from the _estcrly crozs.:alk line apprcxic.ately 40 feet westerly. Paoe 3 " -.,.^p C. REQUEST FOR CROSSING GUARD AT EMERSON PLACE AND PROSPECT AVENUE - Con't - Speaking before the Commission was: Bruce Davis, Emerson School Principal Mr. Davis stated that he agrees with the Traffic Engineer as far as not putting a crossing guard mid-block. He would like to see the - people driving the area, drive in a safe fashion. ,j Mr. Davis stated that the school has made several attempts to educate the Community in this matter. He would like to see regular _ law enforcement to ticket these people. " Chairman Pinon inquired if Mr. Davis would be oppose to having the crosswalk removed. - Mr. Davis stated that he would, all people going down Prospect _ cross at Prospect Avenue and Emerson Place. Administrative Aide Troyer stated that the City could send our bilingual Parking control officers to this location, who may be - - able to speak to the latino parents. He also stated that he has _ a volunteer who would like to volunteer their services in the afternoon. It was moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner Tirre, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's - recommendation. In addition to stronger enforcement by the Parking Control Officers and the Sheriff's Department, with the services of the volunteer from 2:25 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. STOP SIGNS ON RAMONA BOULEVARD LT BURTON AVE"Ur 00, raffic Engineer Johnson stated that this request came fro or erial for the installation of "stoo" signs on Ramona B vard a rton Avenue. This request for "stop" signs has be ddressed pre sly. The tra counts conducted for the August, 1990 port were used in this an is. The count were considered to ain relatively the same sin o changes in the travel patte ave occurred. The accident his from April, 1990 to ember, 1991, provided updated informatio r the intersectio o Ramona Boulevard and Burton Avenue. The a 'dent history d• g this period did not reveal any more reporte ollisions previously identified. Based on the favorable acci Is ory and traffic volumes it is , recommended that the request _ stop" signs on Ramona Boulevard at Burton Avenue be denied. Commissioner Larson stat at in t ast, there was talk, about picking up some proper _ o straighten he curb out a little bit , and that's where it w s eft, no 'action i taken. Traffic Engineer son stated that staff di preliminary investigation a what it would take to redo ~ curb, in terms of cost estim fie feels perhaps the cost •::as ficiently high, and m ave just been dropped. Traffic Engi Johnson recommend hat staff collect all information, and b, it back to the ission. It oved by Chairman Pinon, seconded by Commissioner La a arried unanimously to have staff bring this item back nex 1h for furth id er cons eration :.,ith the original recommendation. Page 4