TC - 12-07-95AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting December 7. 1995 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Introduction: Introduce new Commissioner, Mr. Victor Ruiz Roll Call: Commissioners Larson, Knapp, Ruiz, Vice - Chairman Alarcon, Chairman Tirre "Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Ruiz Invocation: Commissioner Larson I. MINUTES - Regular Traffic Commission meeting of November 2, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: Approve minutes as presented. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes; total time allocated is 15 minutes). HI. OLD BUSINESS A. REVISED DRAFT SPEED HUMP FLYER. Staff has revised the draft flyer based on the Commission's comments. RECOMMENDATION: Recommend City Council approval of draft Flyer. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO DIAMOND SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER. Request from Commissioner Larson to review the traffic conditions of the Diamond Square shopping center access on Garvey Avenue west of San Gabriel Boulevard. RECOMMENDATION: No Changes to Existing Conditions. V. STAFF REPORTS A. STAFF RESPONSE TO COMMISSIONER REPORTS (11- 2 -95). B. WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY TRAFFIC SIGNAL FORUM (10- 26 -95). C. TRAFFIC SIGNAL WORK ORDER (11- 7 -95). D. "OTS TRACKS" - FLYER. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File Staff Reports. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT Thursday, January 4, 1996 at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770. ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 6, 1995 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Tirre, at 7:05 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Tirre Commissioners: Larson, Knapp, Alarcon Ex Officio: Administrative Aide: Carl Holm Deputy Traffic Engineer: Joanne Itagaki Sheriff Liaison: Miller The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Larson The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Knapp I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner Alarcon, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for October 5, 1995. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None III. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. DRAFT SPEED HUMP POLICY Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that on August 3, 1995, staff was directed to develop an informational flyer discussing speed humps. The intent of this flyer is to provide staff with a tool to distribute to residents requesting speed humps to slow traffic in their neighborhood. Commissioner Alarcon recommended that the third paragraph that reads "Many local governments, including the City of Rosemead, are waiting for the State of California to recognize the speed hump as an official traffic control device before considering the installation of speed humps ", be removed. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that perhaps the paragraph could be re- worded. Chairman Tirre asked what the difference was between speed humps and speed bumps. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki used graphics to illustrate the difference. 1.401010 1 0 121 a V vrc.L F It was recommended that the Traffic Commission review and recommend that the City Council approve the draft flyer as a policy. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Larson, and carried unanimously to approve the draft flyer as amended. Page 1 1 V. STAFF REPORTS - None VI COMMISSIONER LARSON: a. The church gates on Marshall Street near Janson school are being left open. b. Commissioner Larson inquired if the Yellow Cab Company in Rosemead has a business license. He has not seen a business license /permit for the City of Rosemead displayed in these vehicles. C. The area around Ingleside Hospital is looking very unpleasant. d. There is still a problem on Garvey by the Auto Auction. Eastbound - There were three or four trucks parked eastbound, to go into the Auto Auction. The left turn lane was blocked. On Denton, there was a truck parked in the middle of the street. Westbound - The vehicles that were headed east couldn't make a left hand turn. Would like staff to look into putting in left turn pockets. Administrative Aide Holm stated that the Auto Auction is working with the City to resolve this problem, and the Traffic Commission issues were forwarded to the Planning Commission. COMMISSIONER KNAPP: The flashing red light at Williams School is not working, just south of Del Mar. The signal at Walnut Grove and Mission north /south traffic, turns very quickly. SHERIFF MILLER: There has been an increase of bike accidents in the City. Bike safety classes are being taught through the Sheriff's Department. Commissioner Knapp inquired about creating a bike safety flyer (like the speed hump flyer). In addition, we could place a bike safety ad in the Chamber of Commerce newsletter. CHAIRMAN TIRRE• Thanked Joanne for the memo responding to Commissioner comments from the last meeting. ifiINESSIARLS i114Lf 'h Y There being no other business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. The next meeting will take place on December 7, 1995. Page 2 STAFF REPORT TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEERn DATE: NOVEMBER 21. 1995 RE: REVISED DRAFT SPEED HUMP FLYER DISCUSSION Attached is the REVISED DRAFT speed hump flyer. As discussed at our November meeting, the revisions include a re- wording of a paragraph and the inclusion of graphics. In addition, the flyer has been reformatted to fit in a standard business size envelope. The following is the original wording and the revised wording for your reference: DRAFT Many local governments, including the City of Rosemead, are waiting for the State of California to recognize the speed hump as an official traffic control device before considering the installation of speed humps. REVISED The State of California does not recognize the speed hump as an official traffic control device. There are no standard designs developed for installation of speed humps. This is an additional concern for liability exposure to the City. Please review and comment on this REVISED DRAFT flyer. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Traffic Commission approve the REVISED DRAFT speed hump flyer. Upon approval, the REVISED DRAFT will be submitted to the City Council for final approval. Once Council has approved the flyer, the flyers will then be distributed by staff as needed. JI RSD \SPDHP TRAFFIC COMMISSION i V O LIJ co >. 8 a) N "- C O t O N c N N CL a3 Q O a) N E.� aN a) O N N a). L O 7— c•�w d� L a) O c N C O O C a5 Q) en a) CL v 5 E m a) M- Ea cm 7 c 3 = w .o U 'O C L L O U a) U '> () c6 N C @ .0 ui a C a) E .0 U Q L c N a � w O a)wV a) a�i 7 N a) w N a) a C N O N O a) `O O C O aC ) C U N a) N O m C O N N a). L O vcf d� ~aa)a) a) a) O N E aH E a) M- Ea O 7 v 7 f0 w L L U a) U '> N y c a) a) Q. -0 m a) E y aa) w O N O O L w C O Y Y c O c U O N O V 'C c> f0 N O .= o c w V L a) a): +0+ N a) i- N.0 mw LJA o� Z O N O U L N L O � Y . -O -ow a) N N L a) af6i� a�0io�3ai aciLn cu))- � a) E a) C O O N N U) C p O L �`p .N.. a3 O N Q' O a' E N -p ,N —_ 0 a) r a7 a) w a3 O C O N N a) O N O) a) Y E ca t U (� L U N N C 'O CO 7 O a) O w (u a) a) c O N c N N > L a— N O N _ � •� U L O O y a) '.. O E a3 N N �wU'!) -wL p J > O n ~ m Q U } U p w W J Q w w >2i wU) U) 0 crMCc: 00 00 M O a7 3 O1�Vn O• o) as � >+ N V co O WDo A N L a� V � m 70'_ N°c.3�3o m° fn 3�,3 (D CD 9 n= m m Q ) ° n 0-1 ° 6 m 3 m 7 m� v 5° �. _,�w���n '� mm N0 ED v'o o m _mo 3 p = cn -° 0 N 3 � N c -cn N T7 0 °_ �' 0 3 N N Om O= Q D n. O O- S CO -° v C m 0 (n ((D/ -) (ND v =•(� n N m <' N N N N m m 7 S N p 7 (D 7 tD < m 3(a 6-0 .. 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S "6 (D p N _ N cn 3 �` O 'O O (D O W N N (D C U N Z O O (D S ,� (D fD N S N n 7 O N a CD (D rn, T< 30 E?. ii o ..Q � N "a N -O _0 6 W 0) CD _ (D C O (D ° 01 O N O» (D � D) N (D N S N 7 Q (n — N (� S (D CD 3 n D1 S Q1 ,-. 7 D) N _ N 7 (D cn S N S ,0.. O. S (u (D 7 N ^-� (D n (D O_ p < :-' 7 (D (D (D CD ( (D (D = O_ O. N N D) (D STAFF REPORT = TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER T DATE: NOVEMBER 28, 1995 RE: GARVEY AVENUE WEST OF SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD - DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO DIAMOND SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER REQUEST During the September 7, 1995 Traffic Commission meeting, Commissioner Larson requested staff review the traffic conditions on Garvey Avenue west of San Gabriel Boulevard. Commissioner Larson was specifically concerned with westbound vehicles turning left into the Diamond Square shopping center. This location was reviewed by the Traffic Commission in November and December of 1992 and in January of 1993. The original recommendation was to install a "Right Turn Only" sign for exiting traffic and a "No Left Turn" sign for entering traffic at this driveway. After receiving a letter from the Diamond Square owners and property managers, the Traffic Commission reconsidered the installation of the "No Left Turn" sign into the center. The Traffic Commission agreed to remove the restriction but retain the "Right Turn Only" sign for exiting vehicles. The minutes of the meetings regarding this item are attached for your reference. CONDITIONS Garvey Avenue is an east/west primary arterial 76' wide. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a two -way left -turn lane in the vicinity of the driveway in question. The 1993 24 -hour traffic volume counts indicate approximately 26,500 vehicles per day traveling in both directions of Garvey Avenue. Figure 1 depicts existing conditions at the driveway. DATA The accident history from January 1, 1992 to March 31, 1995 was reviewed. There were 3 accidents reported in the vicinity of the driveway. These accidents are summarized below: TRAFFIC COMMISSION Page 2. Location and Description Day -Date Time Garvey 239' west of San Gabriel Tue- 4/20/93 Northbound vehicle turning left broadsided an eastbound vehicle proceeding straight (Right -of -way Automobile). Garvey 255' west of San Gabriel Thu - 5/7/92 Northbound vehicle turning left broadsided an eastbound vehicle proceeding straight (Right -of -way Automobile). Garvey 337' west of San Gabriel Thu - 8/13/92 Westbound vehicle turning left broadsided an eastbound vehicle proceeding straight (Right -of -way Automobile). DISCUSSION 4:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Observations were made at the driveway location during business hours. Traffic counts were made at the driveway in half -hour increments. These observations indicated the majority of vehicles accessing the driveway were turning right in to or out of the driveway. A few vehicles were observed turning left in to and out of the driveway. Figure 2 identifies the traffic counts taken at the driveways. The effect of the vehicles turning left into the Diamond Square shopping center on the traffic flow of Garvey Avenue was observed. Very little, if any, delay or congestion was observed as the left turning vehicle stopped (or slowed) to complete their turn. Traffic flow was not significantly affected by these vehicles. However, there may be periods when congestion occurs with vehicles stopping to complete a left turn into the shopping center. Vehicles turning left into the driveway can access the shopping center at other locations without significantly impacting their travel pattern. Vehicles traveling westbound on Garvey Avenue, east of San Gabriel Boulevard, can turn left at the signalized intersection of Garvey Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard. This is a "protected" signal movement and vehicles can access the shopping center on San Gabriel Boulevard. Vehicles approaching from southbound San Gabriel Boulevard to westbound Garvey Avenue would change their traffic pattern and continue south on San Gabriel Boulevard. Again, access to the shopping center can be accomplished from San Gabriel Boulevard. Page 3. Based on the traffic counts recorded at the driveway, there is a minimal amount of traffic entering the driveway from the westbound direction compared to the amount of traffic traveling on Garvey Avenue. This minimal traffic can sometimes affect the traffic flow on Garvey Avenue causing a queue back to the intersection of San Gabriel Boulevard. During field observations of this location, however, no queuing was identified. Furthermore, it is anticipated that the property managers of the Diamond Square shopping center would object to a left turn prohibition on Garvey Avenue as discussed in January 1993. RECOMMENDATION Therefore, it is recommended that no changes be made to the existing traffic controls at the Diamond Square shopping center driveway on Garvey Avenue at this time. Attachments JI: RSD \GARWOSG 0 0 I � I 11 I ' I I I I I 1 I I I I II it I 1 N S S I C � t os 3 S I W s II i. :> — — A S c I� H H H N I u II a I I II v •79 730W TYV9 T ui D[ -79 73 /2(9l9IYv9 Z 1 1 I uj I I I I I- I I �I I w L I � I I I I I I I 1 I Q T ui D[ -79 73 /2(9l9IYv9 ,w a ,ot I it I;'• 1 I � i I I I I J Q LU 0 w W cn U- 0 U 1 1 I I I I I I- I I �I I I I � I I I I I I I 1 I j 81 NI I I � Lu I Q SS 43 GG h lu A q ,w a ,ot I it I;'• 1 I � i I I I I J Q LU 0 w W cn U- 0 U ROSE21EAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 5. 1992 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Pinon, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. I. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge to the Flag was delivered by Commissioner Larson The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Larson II. ROLL CALL Chairman Pinon Commissioners: Beezley, Larson, Tirre, Knapp III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. It was moved by Commissioner Tirre, seconded by Commissioner Beezley, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for September 3, 1992. B. It was moved by Commissioner Tirre, seconded by ^ Commissioner Beezley, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for October 1, 1992. IV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None VI. NEW BUSINESS A. TURNING MOVEMENTS ON GARVEY AVENUE ELST AND WEST OF SAN Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that staff reviewed the driveways on Garvey Avenue east and west of San Gabriel Boulevard. The Traffic Commission has indicated that left turns into and out of these driveways -has caused some confusion and problems to the traffic flow in the area. East of San Gabriel Boulevard, the driveways provide access to the Savon /Beeches shopping center on the north curb line of Garvey Avenue. West of San Gabriel Boulevard, the driveway provides access to the Diamond Square shopping center on the south curb line of Garvey Avenue.' Garvey Avenue is an east /west primary arterial that traverses the length of the City. The roadway is 76' wide with two lanes in each direction separated by a raised center median or a two -way left turn lane. At the intersection of San Gabriel Boulevard, right turn only lanes are provided in the east and west bound directions. The accident history from January 1, 1989 to September 17, 1992 was reviewed. This accident history revealed several accidents occurring in the vicinity of the driveways. Based on the summaries of the accidents, the following four accidents were related to the driveways being analyzed. A sample count was taken of the vehicles turning left into the driveways and turning out of the driveways. This sample count is only a relative measure of the anticipated turns at the driveways at any one time. The sample count revealed the following: ^-' Driveway A 100% turn right out of the driveway Page 1 Driveway B 50% turn right out of the driveway 50% turn left out into the driveway Driveway C 30% turn left out of the driveway 64% turn right out of the driveway 6% turn left into the driveway Due to the proximity of the driveways to the intersection of Garvey Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard, it is important that traffic flow is maintained. This reduces the possibility of rear end and broadside collisions. Turn restrictions can be posted at the driveways to reduce the number of vehicles turning left into and out of these locations. For the Savon /Beeches shopping center, another driveway east of those analyzed will provide a better location to execute the left turns. This driveway is further from the intersection and provides a two -way left turn lane for these vehicles. This two -way left turn lane provides an area where the vehicles can execute their turns out of the flow of traffic. ® For the Diamond Square shopping center, prohibiting left turns out of the driveway directs vehicles to the intersection of Garvey Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard. This intersection provides east /west protected left turn phasing. In the eastbound direction, U -turns are allowed and vehicles have a "protected" opportunity to travel in the westbound direction. The proposed double - double yellow line will prohibit vehicles from turning left into the shopping center. Vehicles wanting access from the westbound direction can use the driveways on San Gabriel Boulevard. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on this analysis, the following measures were recommended and are depicted on Figure 1: Driveway A A. Install a "Right Turn Only" (R41) sign for exiting traffic. B. Install a "No Left Turn" (R17) sign facing entering traffic on the existing street light east of the driveway. Driveway B A. Install a "Right Turn only" (R41) sign for exiting traffic. B. Install a "NO Left Turn" (R17) sign facing entering V traffic on the existing street light east of the driveway. Driveway C A. Install a "Right Turn Only" (R41) sign for exiting traffic. B. Install a "No Left Turn" (R17) sign facing entering traffic. t^ Garvey Avenue A. East of San Gabriel Boulevard - Install a double yellow line and a 12" white line. B. West of San Gabriel Boulevard - Install a double yellow line. Page 2 .® commissioner Knapp stated that on Driveway "B" where 50% turn right out of the driveway and 50% turn left out into the driveway, there is no indicated as to how many people are turning out and making a left turn out of the driveway at Beeches Market. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that all they did was a sample count, and found that few if any cars were turning left out of the driveway at this location. Commissioner Knapp stated that she did not agree with changing the double yellow and allowing no left turns. This will give no access to eastbound people going into Beeches Market and Savon. Deputy Traffic Engineer stated that there is another driveway further east. After further discussion and or concerns regarding the driveways "A" and "B" from several of the Commissioners, it was moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner Tirre�, and carried unanimously to table this item until next month and have staff look at what was there before the construction. The Commission asked that all business owners affected be notified and invited to attend the meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner Tirre, and carried unanimously to table Driveway "C" until staff notifies the merchants at Diamond Square. Commissioner Knapp wanted to reiterate to staff to notify residents and or business owners when an item that concerns them comes before the Commission. B. REQUEST FOR CROSSWALK AT THE INTERSECTION OF WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AND DOROTHY STREET Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that this request came from Ms. Burchett, a resident, who has requested the installation of a crosswalk on Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street. She indicated that students of Willard Elementary School that live east of Walnut Grove Avenue must cross at either Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard or Garvey Avenue. She feels this is too far to travel and that crossing at Dorothy Street would be easier for the students. Walnut Grove Avenue is a 61' wide north /south roadway. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. There are fronting residential uses on Walnut Grove Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard. Parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway in the vicinity of Dorothy Street. The posted speed limit on Walnut Grove Avenue is 40 mph. Dorothy Street is a 40' wide east /west roadway. There is no striping on this roadway. The east end of this street terminates at Walnut Grove Avenue to form a "T" intersection. Dorothy Street is STOP controlled at this intersection. A yellow crosswalk exists on Dorothy Street at Walnut Grove Avenue. Parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway. The prima facie speed limit is 25 mph on this street. iellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard is approximately 780' north of )orothy Street. Garvey Avenue is approximately 1,860' south ,f Dorothy Street. he accident history within loo' of the intersection was eviewed for the time period of January 1, 1989 to June 21, 392. This accident history indicated 5 accidents were :ported. Page 3 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1992 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Pinon, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. I. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge to the Flag was delivered by commissioner Knapp The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Knapp. II. ROLL CALL Chairman Pinon Commissioners: Beezley, Tirre, Knapp Absent: Larson III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. It was moved by Commissioner Tirre, seconded by Commissioner Beezley to approve the minutes for November 5, 1992. Chairman Pinon asked that in the future the minutes include the maker of the motion, who seconded it, and the subject of the motion. Chairman Pinon asked that his comments regarding the possibility of putting a correctional plane to the Savon driveway be included as discussed under New Business VI.A. " Motion was carried unanimously by those present to approve the minutes as corrected. IV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None V. OLD BUSINESS A. TURNING MOVEMENTS ON GARVEY AVENUE EAST AND WEST OF SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD - SAVON /BEECHES AND DIAMOND SQUARE SHOPPING CENTERS Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that Figure 1 showing the easterly driveway to Savon /Beeches shopping center is attached. The proposed left turn restrictions into the driveways of the shopping center was to maintain a freeflow of traffic on Garvey Avenue. Left turn lanes into these driveways cause traffic to queue onto Garvey Avenue and into the intersection, thus reducing traffic flow and creates a potential for rearend type accidents. The accident history from the October staff report does not indicate that left turns into the driveways are a problem. ' Very few vehicles turn left into the driveway steadily. A 15 minute traffic count was taken of all the driveways. No - vehicles turned left into Driveways A or B, only one vehicle turned left into Drivewway C. A review of the 1988 traffic count of left turn lane volume at Garvey Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard revealed that the -� -_• w highest volume of left turn traffic for east and west bound direction occurred in the p.m. peak time. Turn pockets are '.., determined by the peak hour traffic volume. Existing pocket lanes are at a minimum to service this intersection. _. .. Reducing this length any further would result in longer delays and congestion. Based on the October Staff Report and the following analysis, _ the following measures recommended as follows remain . unchanged: A Chairman Pinon stated that recommendations for Driveway A, B, C, and Garvey Avenue be voted on individually. Steve Rolte, Controller for Beech's Grocery Company, 301 E. Olive, Burbank stated that there is currently and has always been, a Right Turn Only sign at Driveway B, with no restrictions on coming into that driveway. Clarification was requested on how many feet proposed double yellow lines going to Driveway B would be. Deputy Engineer Itagaki stated that the installation of double yellow lines would be in conjunction with a No Left Turn restriction. RECOMMENDATIONS Driveway A - After further discussion and or. concerns about Driveway "A ", it was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Chairman Pinon, and carried unanimously by those present to accept the Traffic Engineer's recommendation on No. A. Install a "Right Turn Only" (R41) sign for exiting traffic; and to deny No. B. Install a "No Left Turn" (R17) sign facing entering traffic on the existing street light east of the driveway. Driveway B - It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Chairman Pinon, and carried unanimously by those present to accept the Traffic Engineer's recommendation on No. A. Install a "Right Turn Only" (R41) sign for exiting traffic; and to eliminate No. B. Install a "NO Left Turn" (R17) sign facing entering traffic on the existing street light east of the driveway. -2- i' A Driveway A. Install a "Right Turn Only" (R41) sign for exiting traffic. B. Install a "No Left Turn" (R17) sign facing entering traffic on the existing street light east of the driveway. Driveway A. B Install a "Right Turn Only" (R41) sign for exiting traffic. B. Install a "NO Left Turn" (R17) sign facing entering traffic on the existing street light east of the driveway. - Driveway C A. Install a "Right Turn Only" (R41) sign for exiting traffic. B. Install a "NO Left Turn" (R17) sign facing entering traffic. Garvey Avenue A. East of San Gabriel Boulevard - Install a double yellow line and a 12" white line. B. West of San Gabriel Boulevard - Install a double yellow line. Dave Schaenbeck, District Manager for Savon, 5261 Via Bernardo, Yorba Linda stated that limiting the access to Driveway B may severely impact Savon's sales, whose sales are the lowest in L.A. County, partially due to the store not facing a major street access. A possible alternative would to close the store as their lease will be up with Beeches in 1993. A Chairman Pinon stated that recommendations for Driveway A, B, C, and Garvey Avenue be voted on individually. Steve Rolte, Controller for Beech's Grocery Company, 301 E. Olive, Burbank stated that there is currently and has always been, a Right Turn Only sign at Driveway B, with no restrictions on coming into that driveway. Clarification was requested on how many feet proposed double yellow lines going to Driveway B would be. Deputy Engineer Itagaki stated that the installation of double yellow lines would be in conjunction with a No Left Turn restriction. RECOMMENDATIONS Driveway A - After further discussion and or. concerns about Driveway "A ", it was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Chairman Pinon, and carried unanimously by those present to accept the Traffic Engineer's recommendation on No. A. Install a "Right Turn Only" (R41) sign for exiting traffic; and to deny No. B. Install a "No Left Turn" (R17) sign facing entering traffic on the existing street light east of the driveway. Driveway B - It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Chairman Pinon, and carried unanimously by those present to accept the Traffic Engineer's recommendation on No. A. Install a "Right Turn Only" (R41) sign for exiting traffic; and to eliminate No. B. Install a "NO Left Turn" (R17) sign facing entering traffic on the existing street light east of the driveway. -2- Driveway C - It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Chairman Pinon, and carried unanimously by those present to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation on Driveway C, No. A. Install a "Right Turn Only" (R41) sign for exiting traffic; No. B. Install a "No Left Turn" (R17) sign facing entering traffic. Garvey Avenue - It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Chairman Pinon, and carried unanimously by those present to deny the Traffic Engineer's recommendation on No. A. East of San Gabriel Boulevard - Install a double yellow line and a 12" white line; and to accept No. B. Install a "NO Left Turn" (R17) sign facing entering traffic and the left turn arrow in the pocket for those vehicles travelling west on Garvey Avenue making a left turn onto San Gabriel Boulevard be moved further west by 3' to vi. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUESTED PARKING RESTRICTION CHANGES AT SHUEY SCHOOL AND ENCINITA SCHOOL Deputy Engineer Itagaki stated that another request was received from the Rosemead School District to review the red curb installations at Shuey and Encinita School. A review indicated that some red curb and street sweeping parking restrictions were present at both schools. Recommendations were made to provide red curb side parking at Shuey School. The curb side parking was readily available at Encinita School, therefore, no additional parking restrictions were recommended. For Shuey School, the recommendations are shown on Figure 1. Paint 100' of white curb between the driveways of the schools main parking lot; install a "Loading Zone only 7:30 a.m. -2:30 p.m. Except Weekends and Holidays" on the southside of Wells Street; remove approximately 60' of red curb on the south side of Wells Street, east of the school's main parking lot; paint 20' of red curb on the approaches to the existing yellow crosswalk on east leg of Wells Street at Earle Avenue. On Figure 2 for Encinita School, there is approximately 300' of available curb parking directly in front of the school. A field review revealed that very few cars, if any, would be parked there for any significant amount of time. During the dismissal period, the area was used by parents picking up their children, no vehicles were double parked and very _ little congestion in the area. Therefore, additional parking restrictions are not recommended for Encinita School. commissioner Knapp asked if the recommendations were approved @� by the School Principals. Administrative Aide Troyer stated that he has been in close contact with the School District and they do not have any qualms with the recommendations as they stand. Vice Chairman Tirre questioned if school busing would come back. Administrative Aide Troyer stated that he did not believe it would within the next year due to State budget problems. Vice Chairman Tirre asked if there were any problems with the children involving accidents. Administrative Aide Troyer stated that with the additional crossing guard agreement _,Omk implemented with the School District, there have not been any problems. -3- r �1 f) ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 7. 1993 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Pinon, at 7:00 p.m., in the council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. I. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge to the Flag was delivered by Vice Chairman Tirre The Invocation was delivered by Vice Chairman Tirre II. ROLL CALL Chairman Pinon Commissioners: Larson, Beezley, Tirre, Knapp III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. It was moved by Commissioner Tirre, seconded by Commissioner Beezley to approve the minutes for December 3, 1992. Knapp - Yes Tirre - Yes Beezley - Yes Pinon - Yes Larson - Abstain Motion was carried. Commissioner Larson abstained as he was not present at the December 3rd meeting. IV. COMMISSION REORGANIZATION FOR 1993 Chairman Pinon nominated Vice Chairman Dan Tirre for Chairman. Nomination was voted unanimously. Vice Chairman Tirre then took over as the new Chairman for 1993. Chairman Tirre nominated Commission Frank Larson for Vice Chairman. Nomination was voted unanimously. Commissioner Larson then took over as the new Vice Chairman for 1993. V. ORAL COMMUNICATION FROM THE AUDIENCE - None VI. OLD BUSINESS A. LEFT TURN RESTRICTIONS ON GARVEY AVEM;E WEST OF SAN Administrative Aide Troyer stated that he has been in contact with Steve Zuckerman, Project Manager for Diamond Square about the concerns of the businesses in the square with regard to a "No Left Turn" restriction on Garvey Avenue into the square. They are asking that the "NO Left Turn" restriction be forfeited and a "Right Turn Only" sign be posted at the exiting driveway of the square. Vice Chairman Larson asked if Diamond Square would allow a "NO Left Turn" sign to be posted on their property, the same as Savon and Beeches. (f Commissioner Pinon stated that the Commission made a right decision the first time with regard to installing a "No Left Turn" restriction on exiting or entering traffic. There is a problem with taxicabs gathering near the restaurant and entering the driveway from the west on Garvey Avenue. Chairman Tirre stated that the same courtesy extended to Savon /Beeches should also be extended to Diamond Square. Commissioner Pinon stated that Savon /Beeches technically only have two driveways and Diamond Square has four functioning a driveways. Vice Chairman Larson stated that traffic restrictions should ." not be put on the businesses already existing. If the business changes hands in the future, than would be the time to inform the new owners of the City's concerns. Commissioner Knapp suggested that the Commission review this item again in six months. A "Right Turn Only" sign at the driveway may be another alternative. RECOMMENDATION It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Vice Chairman ' Larson and carried 4 -1 to accept the Traffic Engineer's ' recommendation based on the request by the Diamond Square shopping center, that the installation of the left turn restriction from Garvey Avenue into Diamond Square is not recommended. Larson - Yes Knapp - Yes ®a Tirre - Yes °!! Beezley - Yes Pinon - No Commissioner Pinon requested that for the record, his NO vote was due to the fact that there is a safety hazard in that area due to taxi traffic. VII. NEW BUSINESS _ A. REQUEST FOR A PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL OR STOP SIGNS ON GRAVES FOR A PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL OR STOP SIGNS oN G�VES AVENUE AT JACKSON STREET Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that a request was received from a resident for the installation of a pedestrian signal or stop sign on Graves Avenue at Jackson Street. The resident did not leave their name and specific details of this request could not be discussed. Graves Avenue is a 54' wide east /west roadway which was recently constructed by L.A. County. This reconstruction included the installation of a traffic signal at Graves and San Gabriel. Graves is striped for two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a two -way left turn lane. The _ _ posted speed limit is 35 mph. -- Jackson Street is a 40' wide north /south roadway. It forms a . "T" intersection with Graves Avenue. Jackson Street is striped with a single yellow skip strip and is posted 30 mph. The accident history from January 1, 1989 to March 31, 1992 - was reviewed. 5 accidents were identified in the vicinity of - the intersection. It should be noted that these accidents - were in the vicinity of the intersection and not necessarily _ right at the intersection. There was only 1 accident that occurred at the intersection of Graves Avenue and Jackson Avenue which was a southbound vehicle turning left which broadsided a westbound vehicle proceeding straight. That was a violation of right -of -way automobile. A 24 -hour traffic count was taken on the approaches to the intersection of Graves and Jackson. On Graves this revealed _ a count of 3900 vehicles during the day. On Jackson Street in the southbound direction only, the count was approximately 950 vehicles. NO SCALE' _ ly 200' to 00, RIGr+r Q TURN � PI GU PIE I EXISTING CONRLTIONS N DIAMD/JD SQUA QE CITY OF ROSEMEAD L E6CND XX YY ZZ �- 5;30-6'.00Pm 12;30 -1; 00 pm NO SCALE 10�3U-I(',OOam GpiZVE`I AVE. 2 F8 I 3 31 53 � N ce��E `� m FIGUR-E 2 TURNIlu6 M0VEMEIUT COUNT5 DIAMoxID 5QUAR-E o CITY OF ROSEMEAD N N MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER PQ DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 1995 RE: NOVEMBER 2, 1995 TRAFFIC COMMISSION INQUIRIES Several items were brought to my attention at our last meeting. The following is a summary of the actions taken as a result of our discussion. 1. Gate on Marshall Street associated with the El Monte Rosemead Adult School ESL classes - I spoke with Ms. Antonia Navarro of the school District. She informs me the teachers of the ESL classes have already started closing the Marshall Street gate during the morning hours. She will remind the teachers to continue this practice. Ms. Navarro indicated that there have not been any reports of vandalism in the parking lot. 2. Flashing beacons on Del Mar Avenue at Williams School - The inoperable flashing beacons were reported to our maintenance company on November 7, 1995. 3. Walnut Grove Avenue /Mission Drive - The problem with the signal timing was reported to our maintenance company on November 7, 1995. Should you have any questions regarding these issues, please feel free to contact me at (310) 908 -6226. Jl:sv 09803 %1002\MO6 1640 11/10/95 14:20 FAX 818 584 9114 1. INTRODUCTION JHK & ASSOC. -LAX Z 002 /004 WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY TRAFFIC SIGNAL FORUM OCTOBER 26, 1995 MEETING MINUTES A JHK & Associates M SNC CwWy A West San Gabriel Valley Traffic Signal Forum was held on October 26, 1995 at 2:00 P.m, at the El Monte City hall West. Attendance was as follows: Attendees: John Hill - LA County Ahmad Abghari - LA County Jane White - LA County Fred Erbe - Caltrans Charles Bergson - City of Monterey Park Jim VanWinkle - City of South Pasadena Debbie Bell - City of San Marino Joanne Itagald - City of'Rosemead Richard Gamer, - City of El Monte Patrick Lang - City of Temple City Benldn Jong - MTA Peter Liu - MTA Glen Pedersen - Kimley-Hom Associates Doug Smith - DKS Associates Matt Zachariah - DKS Associates Jackie Golob - JGA Michael Wendtland - JHK & Associates Teresa Squires - JHK & Associates A. The following items were distributed at the meeting: • Meeting Agenda Packet Technical Memorandum - Institutional Issues • West San Valley Signal Inventory • West San Gariel Forum - Camera Car Delay Study Results (Preliminary) • Letter of October 19, 1995 from the City of San Marino regarding Los Robles Avenue • Letter of October 6,'1995 from Kimley -Horn Associates regarding Fair Oaks Avenue in South Pasadena West San Gabriel Valley Traffic Signal Forum Minutes (10 -26-95) 1 11/10/95 14:21 FAX 818 584 9114 JHK & ASSOC. -LAX Z003/004 JIMAn & Associates M UC CMMY 2. CONSULTANT STUDY PROGRESS JHK presented a progress report concerning the West San Gabriel 'Walley Study. Benkin Jong indicated that the Signal Inventory list will be available to participating agencies on disk in Microsoft Access. Fred Erbe of Caltrans requested that the signals for Caltrans be sorted separately. Currently the Caltrans signals are interspersed through the other agencies. CCS has been requested to do extra travel time runs. Estimated completion is first week of November, in lieu of LOS counts. CCS will do level of service calculations for 18 specified intersections, per scope of work. Jackie Golob expressed appreciation to all the agencies for their assistance with the institutional issues draft memorandum. Any comments or concerns about the memorandum, please respond to JHK, by December 11th. Some key. findings of the institutional issues analyses are: Concerning current maintenance arrangements, the agencies are not looking to make any changes. • For the transit priority, 2 out of 3 operators recommend TSM improvements, like left turn phases, restriping, etc. Yet, 2 out of 3 operators do not want new -hardware in- their buses. 3. PROPOSAL TO EXPAND FORUM BOUNDARIES Jane White proposed that the forum boundaries be expanded to include additional signals in unincorporated area on Whittier Boulevard and Atlantic Boulevard. Fred Erbe made a motion in favor. Motion was seconded by Richard Garner. Motion passed with full consensus of forum group. 4. FIRST YEAR WORK PROGRAM South Pasadena and San Marino submitted detailed cost estimates for Fair Oaks and Los Robles. Los Angeles County presented estimates for Garfield and Atlantic. LA County estimates were based on field data collected in 1991. If Atlantic and Garfield estimates do not increase, sufficient funding ($550,000) is also available to include the Fremont project in the first year scope of work. West San Gabriel valley Traffic Signal Fortin Minutes 11/10/95 14:21 FAX 818 584 9114 JHK & ASSOC. -LAX Z004/004 JHK & Associates M SW Cwpmy Cost estimates of candidate projects for year one were discussed. The following table shows cost breakdown. Project Cost Fair Oaks (South Pasadena) $ 857,000 Garfield & Atlantic 1,400,000 Los Robles (San Marino) 232,000 El Monte 580.000 TOTAL $3,069,000 - Local Match $ 86,000 210,000 90,000 300,000 $ 686,000 - $2,383,000 Forum consensus was reached on the first year candidate projects. Peter Liu asked since the full amount of the $3,400,000 was not committed for the first year, could some of the transit improvements be included? JHK will present recommendations for a multi -year plan at the next forum meeting. 5. OTHER BUSINESS Extensive discussion focused on the issue of CMP credits. For an agency to get CMP credits for a signal synchronization project, it must contribute local funds. Some agencies perceived this as being unfair. Similar concerns have surfaced in some of the other forums. Others commented that the legislation that established commented the CMP lays out the stricture for obtaining credits through capital expenditures for projects or purchases of credits on the secondary market. JHK will send information that was distributed at this meeting to the agencies that were not represented. G�S�`TdT1_ * lii►re7 The next meeting was initially scheduled or Thursday, November 16, 1995 at 2:00 pm„ in El Monte City Hall West, Conference Room A. The meeting has been rescheduled for November 29, 1995 at 2:00 p.m. The location remains the same. Submitted by= Michael Wendtland, P.E. Principal Engineer MOW /st MOW /AC/File 60016 West San Gabriel Distribution West Sao Gabriel Valley Traffic Signal Forum Minutes (10- 26-95) 3 11/07/95 .17:59 FAX 6952120 WILLDAN ASSOC 12002 CITY OF ROSEMEAD REPORT OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROBLEM / COMPLAINT CONTACT: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER (310) 908 -6226 1. DATE REPORTED TO PEEK -SMI: _ II�ZI95 LOCATION: k l u-4" Gy -nye% 5nlovl DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM/ COMPLAINT: COMPLAINT FROM: `Te;k( -, ilornrnl5�lovl 2. DATE REPORTED TO PEEK -SMI: [" LZ95 LOCATION: D &-1 Haf -��5� no can- ixiwr�n Gov &,t 4 Grase� DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM / COMPLAINT: �accng nre nc5't- u.'k'.r`Ki✓�a `111 wng �csl`� cat r r° e_'I` 2�vlg COMPLAINT FROM: �i^a2`HdC 11�WIYMl�i7i011 11/07/95 18:00 FAX 8952120 WILLDAN ASSOC U003 CITY OF ROSEMEAD REPORT OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROBLEM I COMPLAINT CONTACT: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER (310) 908 -6226 1. DATE REPORTED TO PEEK -SMI: 11 LOCATION: DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM / COMPLAINT: rio nm W,IL a+ gvkm P COMPLAINT FROM:ec�. - iialv�FEJ. 2. DATE REPORTED TO PEEK -SMI: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM / COMPLAINT: COMPLAINT FROM: