PC - Mintues 12-19-77i lam/I'CY OF ROSI::N1EAll £;838 VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSFMEAD, CALIIIORN-IA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEET] NG N7INIl'L'PS December.- 19, 1977 L CALL TO ORDER- The regular meeting_ of the Rosemead Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman DeTora at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemead City Hall, 8S38 Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Cleveland invocation was delivered by Commissioner Lowrey 2. POLL CALL - Present: Tury, Ritchie, DeTora, Cleveland, Lowrey Ex officio: Dickey, Sullivan, Burns, Dilkes 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting December 5, 1977 It was moved by Commissioner Cleveland, second by Commissioner Tury to approve the Minutes of December 5, 1977 as printed.. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Tury, Ritchie, De.Tor.a, Cleveland., Lowrey 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIEHCA".Mr_. Rodriguez, 5608 Dillard Avenue, San Gabriel. This was in reference to the Zone Change x,77-95 which was tabled at the meeting of the Planning Conimissionr on November 7, 1917. It was moved by Commissioner `.Fury, second by Commissioner Cleveland to set the date for a public hearing at the . next meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on January 3, 1978. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Tury, Ritchie, DeTora, Cleveland, Lowrey Carl Sanchez, Jr., 7925 E. Whitmore, Rosemeal. Mr.-. Sanchea spoke regardinq neighbors on his street who do not keep up their yards, and also about motorcycles being ridden there, endangering the small children i-m the area. 5. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 77-121 - Continuation of consideration of modified plot pan. Mr. Sullivan showed the modified plot plan and explained new proposal. Discussion by the Commission It was moved by Commissioner Tury, .;ucond by Commissioner: R_i.t-chi-e to reconsider the request for an L'nvirnNment,l. Impact: Report. ROLL CALL, VOTE: AYES: Tury, Ritchie, DeTo.r.a NOES: Cleveland, Lowrey Recess called at 8:30 p.m.- Reconvened at 8:50 p.m. Discussion ensued b the Commission regarding conditions Commissioner Lowrey made a motion to.rcopel the public hearing The foregoing motion was withdrawn by Commissioner Lowrey Discussion continued by.the Commission It was 'moved by Commi-ssione.r. Tury, second by Commissioner Vim.=y to approve the Negative Decl._ir.-ation. '..C. Meeting ~ • r nece tuber 19, 19,77 Page 3 Discussion by-the Cnn"issi& It was moved by Commissioner Cleveland, second by Commi.ssione:17 Lowrey to approve extension for a period of five years, subject to the Planning Coiu:issi.ons approval of new deve].opm^nF. RO)J_J. CALL VO'.PLI: AYES: 4'ury, Ritchie, DeTora, Cleveland, Lowrey 9. COINDITTONAL USE PERMI'll 102- Exton.,.-.ion of Conditional Use Permit #1102 76_ Rami:rez liexicMI Food R<°_staurant. Mr. Sullivan presented the Staff Report Mrs. Ramirez was informed that the weeds in the back yard sIloNd be removed, and no sidewalk siUns were permitted. It was moved by ComOss.ioner Tury, second by Cunemissi-o.ner Lowrey to renew Conditional. Use Permit. 0102 for a period cif two years. ROLL C 1LT._, VOTE: AYES: Tury, Ritchie, DeTo:ra, Cleveland, - - Lowrey 10. COINDITIO,NAL USE PEROIT 50- Extension of Conditional Use Permit. ;;SO for i._he l:rcclcl.er Pest Home at 3257 Jachsor. Avenue. Mr. Sullivan presented the Staff Report Addressing the Commission: Dlr. Wayne Wright, 442 E. Dewey Avenue, Rosemead. He informed the Commission that the property was no :longer or sale. Discussion by the Commission It was moved by Cununissione 16.1tch e, second by Commis ,;icner A y to approve ext'cnsion for Con6itional Use Permit. #50, for a period of two years subject to the following conditions: I. The structure at 3261 Jackson be renovated to meet al1_ buil(Ung and safety codes. 2. A personal and non-transferable, Conditional Use Permit be issued to H-.1en N i-t.e. 3. 'Pile applicant will submit a plot plan showing any ne:: additions to he approved by the Planning Commission. 4. All storage M cartons, containers and trash shall be shielded from view within a building or within an area enclosed by a wall not less than six feet: in height. the en t-i:rc, is to lac kept in a clean and otdr ly 9.:ii:-hion at all times. ROLL C1lLL VOTE: AYES: Tur}-, Pitch .e, De.Tora, Cleveland, Lowrey l.l.. D- 0-vER.LAY ZolNB- Consideration of an amendment to Sections 9119 and 9119.4 of the Rosemead Municipal Code. mr. Sullivan presented the revised Sections of the Design ordinance. Chet:i.rneut Dc:'Co:r-t opened the public heaving at 10:30 p.m., it was closed accordingly. Discussion by the commission: Discussion unsn . 1 re ardi o.g a -clcet to i_uEoym applicants havi"g property in the I1 Ov rl.ay 'Lone. I i i P.C. meeting ~ • Deaembfr 19, 197 Page 4 it was moved by Cowmiss %ner Rit o"F second by Commissioner Tur,r to waive further rpadi-rrg a adopt. Resolution 77 7, anO approve the Nec a-t:i:v- llectar+:; t:i.vn. ROLL CF.7~'G VOTE: AYES: Tura,*, Ritchie, Cleveland, DeTora, Lows i_y 1.2 . CONDS'i'IO-NAT, US: PERMIT,,' s46 Ii,:?aea?&?-on of Conditional Usr~ ]'c,).-mi-t f'!6 for the Chri:-' I•Ir: Sullivan presented the staff Report Discussion by the Commission it was moved by Commissioner P it chic, second by C ,LLI: P_L" l ary in approve extension for Conditional. Use Perm L. 146, for a period of five years. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Tury, Ritchie, DeTOYa, Clove.l.and, .LrObv.':'r?~, 13. RESOLUTION 1 35- A RESOLUTION OF '.PUE PLANNING COMMISSION OF mE c S CF I b~LM DENYING T ZONE VARIANCE # 71-s4. City Attorney D..lkes r.ead the Resolution by Title only.. It was. moved. by Comm ss on.er. T rry, second by Commissioner .Lowrey. "LO waive further reading nd adopt. ROLL CALL VOTE. AYES: 'Fury, DeTora, Cleveland, Lowrey NODS: Ritc riu r, C. fli :1ti1 OuC.,r. Rl t. E'lij a :;i aLr ❑ for the record that his 'NC- vote i ,mai.ned consistent with his opinion at he time of the public hearing. City Attorney Dilke s informed the Commission that: the foregoing motion would have to be bi urce ted. It. was moved by Coimpd jonel. Tury, second" by Commissioner Lowre,, to waive further reaOing. ROIL CALL VOTE: ~ A ES: Tory. t Tor D, Clcvv Anil., I oor y NOEIS : Riw•r:.:i r~ by aT e S nnnj by I o rey to adopt Planning ~'t°''TC( , by - r r1: Resolution 77-35. ' • - ,f OfIDr s 1-i POLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Tuyy, De'. ora, Cleveland, LU'wyR NOES: MOM -OF T)[ PLANNING COI r S S IO OF 1='; RESOLUTION 77-36- RESOLUTION -r ~ h CONDITIONAL U..~ 1't i ii t~' i / r "-12' EI' C I J `i Ci 1.l.D (,y.,.~, ri.., it was moved by Comm)_SI a oncr_ Lowrey, Second Q C n 7 S_ r Cleveland to waives further reading and adopt Plarr,,.:nq Co....t:r _ si- . Resolution #77--36. ROLL: CALL VOTE: AYES: Tury, Ri.tchhe, DeTora, Cleveland., nwrny 15. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM TIZ AUDIENCE Mr. & Mrs. Irving Goodrill, 7099 Whitmore Avenue, Rosemead - t.Kr T;.:'. C -wds') .l a. s^'ho ownaa a T ,~:arc .Lon%rl vehicle, discussed Mee Ling _ ( . December. 19, 1.977 Page 5 MAT`l'L129 FROM. Oi7'ICIALS AND S'.I'111'P 1. SL-andards for Proposed Amendment of Section 91.81.1 of the Rosemead Municipal Code. City AtL-orney Di.lkes went over the conditions listed in the Staff Report. Discussion by the Commission City Attorney Dilkes read the recommended Resolution by `.f:i.t-le only. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF 'PHE CITY OF ROSEMF1,AD RECOMMENDING TO TIIL; CITY COUNCIL. OP' I'Hh' CITY OF ROS.BMEAD AN AMENDPirNT TO SECTION 9181.1 OF TILE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE. It was moved by Conuai.ssioner. '.fury, second by Commissioner Cieve.land to waive further reading and adopt Planning Commission Resolution 77-34 and approve the Negative Declaration. ROLL CALL VOTE: .APES: '.fury, Ritchie, DeTora, Cleveland, Lowrey 2. A letter received from "Stop N Go Market", l.ocat:ed at 8609 Garvey Avenue, Rosemead, dated DeCeMber 15, 1977, (CUP #103). Mr. Sullivan explained the proposed expansion to sell lead- free gasoline. It was decided by the Commission to ]gold the matter over for , the next Planning Commission meeL.i.nd to be Iield on January 3, 1978. 17. ADJOURNMENT- There bel,.g no further business to come before the C'oimu.ssion, it was adjourned. Chairiuan DeTora adjourned the meeting at 11:10 p.m. Notified of Action Taken By Commission Mr. Lewis Finkle & Mr. T. Bentley- CUP 77-121 Mr. Rodriguez- Zone Change 77-95 Date 12/21/77 Mr. Wayne Wright & Helen White- Krecler Resthome CUP #50 Mr. Chris Pelonis, Chris & Pitts Rest. CUP 46 Mrs. Ramirez- Ramirez Mexican Food Rest. CUP 102 Mr. Bud Newell, Ingleside Mental Health Center CUP 49 Robert LIght, Atty, Paragon Dev. Co. Zone Change 77-96 for T. Tract Map Anthony Cappuccio, Parcel Map 10059 & Jeff Moore, M.W. Finley Co. Thomas J. Aleto, Variance 77-84