PC - 1976-24 - Change of Zone from R-3 Medium Multiple residential to C-3 Medium CommercialPC RESOLUTION 76-24') A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF R'OSEMEAD A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-3 MEDIUM MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL TO C-3 MEDIUM COMMERCIAL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF RUSH AND.DELTA STREETS (ZONE CHANGE 76-81) THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The,Plann.ing Commission binds and deteamCnes that a pub .cc~Fiean~.ng was duly conducted on!Decemfie>c6, 1976, in the Council Chambens ob the kozemead City Hall, 8838 Valley BoulevaAd, Rosemead, Cal.iboAn.ia; and that notice o6 time, date, place, and punpoze ob the abotesa.id heaA.ing was given accond.ing to Law. Section 2. The Planning Commisss.ion buAtheA binds that the subjec pA is legally desc)Libed as hollows: Lots 5 and 15 ob Tnae.t No. 701 as pen map Aeeonded in Book 16, page 110 ob Maps, in the Obb,iee ob the County Reeonderi ob said Los Angeles County. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that pott.ion ob Lots 5 and 15 lying Eas.teAly ob a line that is parallel with and 275 beet Easterly measuAed at night angles bhom the Easterly l.ine.o4 Delta S.tneet, 60 beet wide, as shown on the map ob said TAact 701. . Section 3. The Planning Commission binds that a Negative Declana.t.ion was pAepated and that no s.ign.ib.ieant adveAse envinon- menxal ebbee.ts were ,iden.t.ib,ied oA associated with the pAoposed change ob zone. The Planning Commission buA.theA binds that the Negative Declana.t.ion was pAepaAed in compliance with the Cal.iboAn.ia Env.iAonmen,tal Quality Act (CEQA), the Guidelines hot Implementation ob CEQA, and Rosemead Resolution 75-28. Section 4. The Planning Commission buttheA b.inda that this zone c an d .in conboAmanee with the Land Use Element ob the General Plan. Section 5. The Secne.taAy shall eeAaiC y to the adoption ob the Reso u.t~d .tAansm.i.t copies .theAeob to the City ClelLk ob the City ob Rosemead. ADOPTED THIS 20th DAY OF December 1976. DUN VETORA, CHAIRMAN, PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I hereby cen.t,iby that the boaego.ing is a .true copy ob the Rezolu.t.ion adopted by the Planning Comm.i%s.ion ob the City ob Rosemead'a.t .its AegulaA meeting held on "''December 201''1976 by the bollow.ing vote: AYES: Ritchie, Lowrey, DeTora, Cianciola, Tury NOES: None ABSTAIN: None' ABSENT: None SECRETARY,VPLANNING COMMISSION