PC - 1976-23 - Change of Zone from R-1 to C-3 for property beginning 190 feet from Valley Blvd.PC RESOLUTION 76-23 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO C-3 MEDIUM COMMERCIAL FOR PROPERTY BEGINNING APPROXIMATELY 190 FEET SOUTH OF VALLEY BLVD. AND EXTENDING SOUTH TO THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL: AND BEGINNING AT WALNUT GROVE AVENUE EXTENDING EAST APPROXIMATELY 200 FEET, CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 2.51 ACRES (ZONE CHANGE 76-80) THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:. Section 1. The Planning Commission 6ind6 and deteamines that a pub tic eaa.cng was duly conducted on Novembea 15, 1976, in the Council ChambeA6 o6 the Rosemead City Hall, 8838 Valley Blvd., Rosemead, Cali6oania, and that notice o6 the time, date, place, and puapo6e o6 the a6oaezaid heaving was given ace-ading to 'Law. Section 2. The Planning Commission binds that a Negative Declaaation wah paepaaed and that no zigniAicant advea6e enviAon- mental e66ects weae identi6ied oA associated with the paoposed change o6 zone. The Planning Commission 6uathea 6ind6 that the Negative Declaaati.on.was paepaaed in compliance with the Cali6oania Enviaonmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Guidelines Aon Implementation o6 CEQA, and Rosemead Resolution 75-28. Section 3. The Planning Commission 6uAtheA 6ind6 that this zone c ange ts in con6oamance with the Land Use Element o6 the Geneaal Plan. Section 5. The Secaetaay shall ceati6y to the adoption o6 the Res- uttion and taansmit cppiez theaeo6 to the City CleALk o6 the City o6 Rosemead. ADOPTED this 6th day o6 ' December 1976. 0 ( VON DETORA, CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION . . 1 heaeby ceAti6y that the 6baegoing i6 a tAue copy o6 the Resolution adopted by the Planning Commission oA the City oA Rosemead at its AegulaA meeting held on December 6, 1976 by the hollowing voter AYES: Lowrey, DeTora, Cianciola, Tury NOES: None ABSTAIN: Ritchie ABSENT: None A KBERT T. D C , SECRETKRY PLANNING COMMISSION