PC - 1976-09 - Revisions with Amendments and guidelines of the P-D Planned Development OrdianncePC RESOLUTION 76-9 i A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD RECOMMENDING A REVISION WITH AMENDMENTS AND GUIDELINES OF THE P-D PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE. THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD. DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:, Section 1. that a public hearing Council Chambers of t Rosemead, California, place, and purpose of to law. The was -ie R and the Planning Commission finds and determines duly conducted on March 1, 1976, in the osemead City Hall, 8838 Valley Boulevard, that notice of the time, date, and aforesaid hearing was given according Section 2. The Planning Commission finds that a Negative Declaration was prepared and that no significant adverse environmental effects were identified or associated with the proposed revision withaam'endments and guidelines of the P-D,.Planned Development Ordinance. The Planning Commission further finds that the Negative Declaration was prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the guidelines for the implementation of CEQA, and°Rosemead Resolution 75-28. Section' 3. The Planning Commission further finds that the proposed amendments to the P-D Zone will not have a significant adverse.effect on the environment as: a. The Amendments will enhance efficiency of development in the P-D Zone. b. The Amendments and guidelines define more clearly the development standards of the P-D Zone. C. The Amendments are in conformance with the recommendations of the 1972 General Plan. Section 4. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and transmit copies thereof to the City Clerk of the City of Rosemead PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this r day ofo ( Q/ , 1976. C AIRM i LANNIN COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Resolution adopted by the Planning C ission o the City of Rosemead at it's regular meeting held on by the following vote: AYES: p.ezzeD_es, Ciancz'oTV; 1e"Ora, . T.,q.re.r' R_itcxle NOES- None' ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None SE,R T R , PLANNING CO_ ISSION PART XX - P-D ZONE 9120. P-D Planned Development. This zone is designated to accommodate various types of development such.-as-shopping centers, professional and administrative areas, multiple housing developments, single-family residential developments, commercial service centers and industrial parks and other uses or.a combination of uses which can be made appropriately . a part of planned development. A Planned Development Zone may be established to provide diversification in the location of structures and other site qualities while insuring compliance with the General Plan and c ompatibil ity' with existing and future developments_ in surrounding areas. 9120.1 Uses Permitted. Commercial, Residential & Industrial Uses may be permitted in the P-D Zone subject to regulations set forth .-in, this part and subject to the approva_1 of - the Planning Commission: and City Council. 9120.2 Planned Development Zone. Planned Development Zones shall be created in the same manner as property is - reclassified from one (1) zone to another within the City, as set forth in section 9186 et seq. hereof. An application for a use permitted in a P-D Zone shall include and be accompanied by a development plan which if approved by the Planning Commission and City Council, - shall become a part of the Zoning Map of the City of Rosemead. The Planning Commission may recommend to the City Council approval`or disapproval, of the development plan as submitted, or modification, alteration, adjustment,' amendment on conditional approval of the development plan. The decision of the Planning'Com4-nission shall be in the form' of a resolution of recommendation to the City Council and shall include a finding as to whether the proposed development is consistent with the General Plan. The applicant may be required to dedicate-land for street purposes and, by appropriate covenants, to restrict areas for open space, for beautification or for off-street parking. .The development as authorized shall be subject to all .condi tions so imposed; such conditions may be modified where circumstance warrant after'a hearing by the Planning commission. Changes in the use or area shown.in the Development Plan shall be considered the same as changes in the zoning map and shall be made in accordance with the procedures set forth in amending this Chapter, erceot such changes may be accomplished by a Resolution rather than by Ordinance. minor modification in elevations or area of a use may be -1- 9120.3 approved • the Planning Commission and City Council without a public hearing, or in cases where the nodification is so minor and insubstantial that application to the Planning Commission is not required in the public in+erest, by the Modification Committee pursuant to the provisions of. Chapter 5.5 of Article II of this Code. Precise Devevopment Plan. An application for a change of Zone to a P-D Zone shall be accompanied by a precise develop- ment plan, drawn to scale,. showing the folloring information; I. A map showing the topography of the proposed zone at 1' contour intervals on areas of a cross slope of less than 5% at 2' contour intervals on areas of 5-19% gross slope;. 5' contour intervals on areas exceeding 10%-gross slope. 2. Location of each existing and each proposed structure in the development area, the use or uses to` be contained therein, the number of stories, gross building and floor area, location of entrances and loading points thereof. 3. Location of proposed parks, playgrounds, school sites, public buildings and.other such uses within the zone. 4. All streets, curb cuts, driving lanes, parking area- ratio of off-street parking to building floor area in _ cc^Tercial dev-lopments, loading area, public transportation points, and illumination facilities for the same. 5. All pedestrian walks, malls and open areas for the use of occupants and members of the public." 6. Location, height, and material of all walls and. fences. Location and height of all screen planting in front, side and rear yards. 7. Types of surfacing, such as paving, turfing or' gravel to be used at the various locations. 8. Landscaping and Tree Planting Plan shall be required for all developments and shall include type and location of plant materials to be use including an irrigation plan. 9. Plans and elevations of structures to indicate architectural type and construction-standards. 10. The gross land area of the development and a map indicating the zoning classification and land use of the area surrounding the proposed development, including the locaticn of structures and other improvements. 11. Such other information as may be requi ed by the Planning Department to assist in the consideration of the proposed development and to determine that the proposed plan is in harmony e-:ith the surrounding . neighborhood. 9120.4 9120.5 Area. The pronosed development plan shall include a parcel of land containing not less than one (1) acre .(43,560 sq.ft.)a development plan may be considered on a parcel of land less than one (1) acre in area when such property has a..common, _ boundary.with_property. which has=.previously been developed under. an approved plan pursuant to this subsection. In this case, the plan shall indicatethat the proposed development will. constitute an orderly extension in arrangement of buildings, facilities and open space. -throughout the combined parcels of land in addition .to all the other requirements for approval. Open Area :Percent of lot required to be devoted to open space for residential developments: UNITS REQUIRED OPEN SPACE 1-20 25s_ 21-40 40% - 41 + 50% Land occupied by streets, driveways or parking spaces shall not be countedin satisfying this open space requirement. At least one-half of the required open space shall have an overall finished grade not to exceed ten percent. The remaining open space also may be improved or left in its natural state. Open space left in its natural state.shall remain litter and hazard free. Subject to the approval of the Commission open. space may include one or more of the following: a. Common open space developed for recreational purposes including land occupied by recreational buildings. b. .Areas of scenic or natural 'beauty forming a portion of the proposed development. C. Present or future recreational areas of a non- commercial nature including parks, playgrounds. ~F _ 3 - d. Present or future hiking, riding or bicycle trails. e. Landscaped portions adjacent to streets or highways which are in excess of ninwmwn required rights-of-way. 9120.6 Phasing- If development is to be accomplished in stages, ' the development plan shall coordinate improvements of the open space, the construction of buildings, structures and improve-Laents in such open space, and the construction of dwelling units in order that each development, stage achieves a proportionate share of the total open space and environ- mental quality of the total planned development.. 9120.7 Commercial Planned Developments. Additional conditions containing reasonable regulations regarding traffic flow, access driveways, off-street parking, signs and billboards, and-walls, fences, paved areas, planting areas and other open areas may be required by the Planning Commission to assure a reasonable and. compatible development in harmony with, and not detrimental to, the surrounding area-- 9120.8 Signs Permitted In The P-D lone. A. Building Directory' Signs: One (1) exterior sign at each building entrance, such sign not to exceed ten (10) square feet in area, such sign to be a limited. directory type indicating only the n ane.of the business and the use conducted by tenant:" B. Exterior Wall Signs: Exterior :Tall signs may occupy . not more than to;enty percent (200) of any front, side, or rear wall of f-a main building or-structure, such signs to pertain only tc a use conducted, service provided, goods produced or sold on the premises, or he name of the owner. or tenants of the building. C. Pree Standing Signs One free standing sign for- ea EC-3 ercial business, provided that total area - of, any one (1) sign shall not exceed one hundred (100) square..feet_ i.. Total height of any free standing sign not to exceed 35', ii_ Such signs shall pertain only to a use conducted, service provided,. goods: produced . or sold on the premises or the name of the owner or tenants of the building- iii Permitted free 'standing signs shall not project. into any public right-of-way- -4- 9120 .9 Parking. Parking requirements. shall be as provided in Section 9122.9 of this Code. t 9120,10 Ruildina Permits. No building permit shall be issuer? until plans are approved by the.Plannina Commission__and the'City Council. Permits shall be issued for plans substantially in accordance with approved plans. 9120.11 Development Schedule. An application for a use in a P-D Zone sha11 be accompanied by a development schedule indicating. the approximate date on*which construction of the project can be expected to begin, the anticipated rate of.. development and completion date. Such development schedule, if approved by the Planning `Com~vission,and City. Council shall become a part of the Development Plan and shall be adhered to by the owner of the property in the P-D Zone, and his successors in interest. 9120.12 Expiration.`' Upon the abandonment of a particular project authorized under this Section or upon the failure to expedite the Plan within the time specified or, if no time is so specified, if the same is not exercised within one (1) year the - - plan.shall be null and void.. Upon good.cause shown by the applicant, the Planning Commission may extend the time limitations imposed by this Section, once, for a period_not_to_exceed one (1) year without a public hearing. Once a Planned Development project has-become void by failure to expedite, it is the general policy of the Planning Commission to initiate amendment proceedings under this Chapter to rezone the project area to whatever zone it had prior to the P-D Zone approval. 9120.13 Modification. Any condition imposed upon the approval of a precise plan, may be modified or eliminated or a new condition may be added, provided that the granting body finds that such modification is necessary to protect the public peace, health and safety, or, in case of deletion of such a condition that such action is necessary to permit reasonable development under the precise plan as approved. -5- Guidelines for the PD Zone In order to more clearly define the intent of this PD Zone the following contemporary site design standards or principles are designed to provide assistance 'to the applicant:. The'overall plan-shall be comprehensive.'enbracing land, buildings, landscaping and their interrelationships and shall conform in all respects to all adopted plans of all governmental agencies for the area in which the. development is located. (b) The plan shall provide for._adequate open space, circula- tion, parking,' recreational vehicle storage, and pertinent amenities. Buildings,,structures and `acilities in the parcel shall be well integrated, oriented and related to the landscape features of the-site. (c) The proposed development shall be compatible with the general plan of land use and with circulation patterns on adjoining properties. It shall not constitute 'a disruptive element to the neighborhood and co=unity. (d) The.internal street system should be designed for the - efficient and safe flow of vehicles without creating a disruptive influence on the activity-and function of any common areas and facilities. Axj es.timate.-of.=the.::__-.. " impact,.of.the- chanaes_in_,the'traffic Pattern -on nea residential streets as a result of-the project.. (e) Common areas and recreational facilities shall be located so as to be readily accessible to the occupants - of the dwelling units. (f) Architectural harmony within the development and within the neighborhood and community shall becbtained so far as is practicable. Noncommercial outdoor recreational facilities incidental to the residential as swimming pools, putting greens. developments such. . and tennis courts; walkways; uncovered patio areas; - fences and necessary fire-fighting equipment and. - - installations; and further, the open space required . by this-section "shall be arranged and provided in such a manner that it is accessible and useable for the purpose intended herein. Said open space shall not be devoted'. to commercial agricultural pursuits . or any other activity in conflict with the stated purpose of this section and district. (h) (i) (j) (k) All usable open space not occupied by recreational facilities shall be landscaped and provided with a permanent underground irrigation system, except-for areas left in their natural estate; y All streets, alleys, walkways and parking areas wi-Chin the development which are not dedicated to public use shall be improved in -accordance with improvement - standards established by the City Engineer. Provisions. acceptable to the city shall be made for the preservation and maintenance of all such streets, alleys, walkways and parking areas. All streets within a planned development shall provide adequate vehicular circulation for the development and for the area in which it is located. The vehicular circulation'and the pedestrian circulation within a planned residential development shall be separated. A partial waiver of this requirement may be granted by the Planning Commission if it is determined that such partial.waiver will not be inconsistent with adequate standards for pedestrian and vehicular circulation for the development and for the area in which it,is located. The Planning Commission shall have the right Io limit the number of stories in any or all of the buildings in a planned development when it finds that existing or proposed developments on adjacent properties, or properties across a street or alley, would be adversely affected unless such.a limitation were imposed. The off=street parking requirements for residential development dlallte as follows: 1. Two (2) garages or carports for each dwelling unit within the development. 2. There shall also be required for visitors and guests one (1) off-street parking space for every dwelling unit within the development. Such parking spaces may be uncovered and shall be so located as to be accessible to such visitors and guests. 3.. The required parking spaces, garages or carports; - or any portions thereof, may be grouped when it is determined by the Planning Commission that such grouping and the location thereof will be accessible and useful in connection with the proposed dwelling units in the development. That.the site in question for planned development must' be large enough to effectively carry out.the intent and purposes of planned development as stated in this section..