PC - 1977-23 - Change of Zone from P to R-2 for property 3029 Evenly AvenuePC RESOLUTION 77-23 C A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM P (PARKING) TO R-2 (LIGHT MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL) FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE (VEST SIDE OF EVELYN AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY 275 FEET NORTH OF GARVEY AVENUE, KNOWN AS 3029 EVELYN AVENUE (ZONE CHANGE 77-90) THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The P2ann.ing Commis,6 ion 6.inds and detenm.ines that a pub 7-c-iea)Ling was duty conducted on June 6, 1977, in the Councit Chambers o6 the Rosemead City Hatt, 8838 Vattey Boutevaad, Rosemead, C&f i6onn.ia, and that notice o6 the time, date, place and puxpose ofthela6ohesa.id hean.ing was given accond.ing to law. Section 2. The Ptann.ing Commission 6unthen 6.inds that a Negative Dec ahatcon was pnepaned in eompt.ianee with the Cat.i6- onn.ia Env.ihonmentat Quat.ity Act (CEQA), the Gu.idet.inez bon the Imptementat.ion o6 CEQA, and Rosemead Resotut.ion 75-28. Section 3. The Ptann.ing Commission 6unthen 6.inds that this zone c an.in con6oamanee with the Land Use Etement o6 the Genetat Plan. Section 4. The Seenetany shatt cent.i6y to the adoption o6 the Re-so ution and thansm.it copies theheo6 to the City Ctenh o6 the City o6 Rosemead. ADOPTED this DAY OF CERTIFICA'TI'ON I heheby cett.i6y that the 6o)tego.ing .is a true copy o6 the Resotut.ion adopted by the Ptann.ing Comm.izzion o6 the City o6 Rosemead at its negutah meeting held on June 20, 1977 by the 6ottow.ing vote: AYES: Cleveland, DeTora, Lowrey, Ritchie, Tury NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: R BERT T. DICKEY, SECR TARP PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLANNING COMMISSION