PC - 1977-21 - Change of zone property from P to C-3 on 8711 valley Blvd0 PC RESOLUTION 77-21 Fj A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM P (PARKING).~:TO C-3 (MEDIUM COMMERCIAL) FOR PROPERTY LOCAT[EON THE (VEST SIDE OF BARTLETT AVENUE, EXTENDING FROM 140 FEET TO 370 FEET NORTH OF VALLEY BOULEVARD, KNOWN AS THE REAR PORTION OF 8711 VALLEY BOULEVARD; AND PLACING A DESIGN OVERLAY OVER THE ENTIRE PARCEL LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF VALLEY BOULEVARD AND BARTLETT AVENUE, KNOWN AS 8711 VALLEY BOULEVARD (ZONE CHANGE 77-88) THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Ptann.ing Commission 6.inds and detenm.Cnes that a Dub tiea)Ling was duty conducted on May 16, 1977, in the Counc.it Chamberts o6 the Rosemead C.ity•Hatt, 8838 Vattey Boutevartd, Rosemead, Cat,i6onn.ia, and that notice o6 the time, date, ptace and purtpose o6 the a6otesa.id hea2.ing was,gyven accohding to Law. Section 2. The Ptann.ing Commission 6un.then. binds that a Negative eon was phepaaed in compt.iance with the Cat.i6onn,ia Env.inonmentat Quat.ity Act (CEQA), the Gu.idet.ines tort Imptementat.ion o6 CEQA, and Rosemead Resotutt.on 75-28. Section 3. The Ptann.ing Commission 6unthen 6.inds that this zone c anngeeiz in con6onmance with the Land Use Etement o6 the Genertat Ptan. Section 4. The Secnetany shaft cent.i6y to the adoption o6 the ResoTu--TZnanand trtansm.it copies theneo6 to the City Ctetk o6 the City o6 Rosemedd. ADOPTED this 6th day o6 June 1977. DO TORA; CARMAN PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I herteby certt.i6y that the 6ortego,ingQis a true copy o6 the Rezotution adopted by the Ptann.ing Commission 06 the City o6 Rosemead at its ,tegutan. meeting hetd on June 6, 1977 1977, by the 6ottow.ing vote: AYES: Lowrey, Cleveland, DeTora, Ritchie, Tury NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ROBERT 1 DICKEY, SECR T RY PLANNING COMMISSION