PC - 1977-19 - Amended - Granting a conditional Use permit in case no. C.U.P 89F 1 1 a 6 vi PC RESO'L'UTI'ON,77-:1i '(AMENDED) A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN CASE NO. C.U.P. - 89 THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Planning Commission does hexeby bind and determine that was duty 6ited by Forxezt K. Weavers, with respect to teat property described as: 9736 Vattey Boutevaxd, Rosemead; Cat.i6onn.ia; requezt.ing the onzi.te sate of atcohot.ic beverages within 200' 06 a res.iden.tiat zone at the above address, which :is .in the M-1 Zone; that a pubt.ic hearing was duty conducted on June 20, 4977, at 7:30 p.m., in the Councit Chambers of the Rosemead City Hatt, 8838 Vattey Boutevand, Rosemead, Cat.i6oxn.ia; and that notice of time, date, place and purpose of the a6mesa.id hearing was giving according to Law. Sec.tioii 2. The Ptanning Commission 6undher binds and determines at acts do ex.is.t.as Aqu.ixed by Section 9J80 et seq. 06 the Oxd.inancez of the City of Rosemead juzXi6y.ing a granting of the Condit.i0nat Use Pexm.it. Section 3. The Ptann.ing Commission juttheA finds: 1. Comptiance with the Conditions of Approvat w.itt .insure that the project w.itt not be de.tx.imen.tal to the zurnound.ing properties. 2. The project is dezixabte to the pubt.ic convenience. 3. The proposed use is in con6ormance with the General Ptan. 4. As the .in.tennat opexa.tion w,itt not exea.te objectionabte noise on Was, the proposed pxoject zhoutd be compatible with zurnound.ing devetopment. 5. The appt.ica.t.ion has been determined to be categoticatty exempt within the definition, 06 Sec.t.ionZ15101 06 the Gu.idet.ines 6or the Imptemen.ta.t.ion of CEQA. Section 4. Based on the a6orementioned findings, the Commission heteby a Cond.itionat Use Penm.i.t with respect to the property described in Section 1 06 this Resotution subject to the 6ottow.ing conditions: Section 9158 (3) 06 the Rosemead Zoning Ordinance prohibits bt.ink.ing and 6tazh.ing signs. Remove or modify existing sign so that it eon6orms to Paxt XXIII of the Rosemead Mun.icipat Code'. 2. Comply with Sections 5401 - 5415 06 the Rosemead Municipal Code which deal with the storage, aecumutat.ion, cottection, and disposal 06 garbage; xubb.ish, .txash and' debmin 3. Doors to nema.in etozed at att times dux.ing hours 06 openat.ion. 4. Appty bon appropriate City o6 Rosemead Business License and comply with any conditions set 6orth by the Health, Fire, and' Bu.i2d.ing E Satiety Dept. 6. pertinent to approval o6 said 2.ieenne. 5. This Conditional Use Permit is approved bon a period o6 one (1) yeah at which time the Commission can review and may conn.ider an extension without bene6.it o6 a pubt.ie hearing. 6. An A46.idav.i.t ob Agreement to be 6.ited with the Pl,ann.ing Department w.ith.in :1.0 days a6ten approvat by the Ptann.ing Commission. 7. This permit shad be issued to the pennon o6 Forrest K. Weaver, shall be his personat property, and shall not be assigned, sold on otherwise trans6ern.ed to any other pennon. 8. Repa.ih missing section o6 s.idewatk on Brooktine approximatety 30' south o6 Valley Boulevard. All work to be done to the sat.is6aet.ion o6 the Ptann.ing Department and in no event to exceed 8' t.inear beet o6 s.idewatk. Section 5. This action shall become 6.inal and e66eet.ive ten (10) ays a ten this decision by the Planning Commission unte.6.6 within such time a written appeal is 6.iled with the City Cterk, bon cons iderat.ion by the Rosemead City Council as provided in the Zoning Ordinance. Section 6. The Secretary shawl cent.iby to the adoption o6 th.is'Resoand'aha Z tkansm.it copies o6 the same to the Applicant and the Rosemead City Clerk. ADOPTED this 20th day o6 June, 1.977. R N PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I hereby eert.i6y that the 6orego.ing is a true copy o6 a Renotut.ion adopted by the Planning Commission o6 the City o6 Rosemead at its regular meeting held on June 20, 1977, by the 6o Zow.ing vote: AYES: Cleveland, DeTora, Lowrey, Ritchie, Tuty NOES: None R VC R LANNING COMMISSION