PC - 1977-15 - Granting a Conditional Use Permit in Case No. 77-114• PC RESOLUTION 77-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN CASE NO.-77-114 THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Ptann.ing Commission does hereby 6.ind and determine Tat pt.ica-t.ion was duty 6.ited by V.iote-t Baws and Robert Bows, with respect to neat property described as 9743-9747 Ab.itene Street, Rosemead, Cat.i6orn.ia; requesting the<;ope`kat.ion o6 a dog grooming and breeding business at the above address, which is in the M-1 Zone; that a pubt.ic hearing was duty conducted on May 2, 1977, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers o6 the Rosemead City Hatt, 8838 Vattey Boutevard, Rosemead, Cat.i6orn.ia; and that notice o6 time,..date, peace and purpose o6 the a6oresa.id hearing was given accotcd.ing to Law. Section 2. The Ptann.ing Commission 6uttthvL- 6.inds and determ.ineh t as do exist as nequ.itced by Section 9180 et seq. o6 the OtLdinances o6 the City o6 Rosemead just.i6y.ing a granting o6 the Cond.it.ionat Use Penm.it. Section 3. The Ptann.ing Commission 6urther 6.inds : Compt.iance•w.ith the Cond.it.ions•, o6 Approvat w.itt .insutLe that the project w,itt not be dettL.imentat to the surrounding ptLgpe&t.ies. 2. The project is de,.irabte to the pubtic convenience. 3. The proposed La.eis,>in con6ormance with the Generat Ptan. 4. As the .internat operation will not create objectionable noise or odors, the proposed project shoutd be compat.ibte with surrounding development. 5. The appt.icat.ion has been determined to be categor.icatty exempt within the dejinition 06 Section 15101 o6 the Guidetines 6or the Imptementat.ion o6 CEQA. Section 4. Based on the a6orement.ioned.6.ind.ings, the Commission erants a Cond.it.ionat Use Permit with respect to the property des cr.ibed in Section 1 o6 this Res otut.ion subject to the 6ottow,ing cond.it.ions 1. Prior to opening o6 the business, the Appt.icants are to obtain an approved Occupancy)?PvLmit 6rom the City o6 Rosemead Bu.itd.ing `nd.=S~ty3Department. 2. AppEicant shaft comply with alt requirements o6 the Los Angeles County An.imat Controt Department retevant to obtaining the appropriate t.icenses. 3. Property is to comply with Section 5401-5415 06 the Rosemead Mun.ic.ipat Code which deats with the storage, cottect.ion, accumutat.ion and d.isposat o6 garbage, rubbish, trash and debris. 4. Cond.it.ionat Use Permit 8114 is approved 6or a period o6 3 years at which time the Ptanning Commission may review and grant an extension without bene6.it o6 a pubtt.c hearing. 5. It is 4utthet deetaned and made a condition ob thi6 grant that ib any condition heneob is viotated, of 44 any taw, 6tatute, of otdinanee'i6 violated, the permit shalt be suspended ) and the ptiviteges granted heteundet shalt tapse; provided"that the Apptieants have been given.wtitten notice to cease suchviotation and have Baited to do so bon a period ob ten days. 6. In the event that-the operation of any pant ob this bacitity shoutd tesutt in substantiat comptaints to the Department oU Planning, the above described conditions may be modi.bied, ib, a6ter a duty advertised heating by the Planning Commission, such modi6ication is deemed appnoptiate in order to eliminate or reduce said comptaints. This Conditionat Use Permit shalt be a peu onat permit issued to Viotet and Robett Baws and shalt not be assignabte votuntarity on invotuntatity and shall terminate upon assignment on upon the cessation o4 business by-the Baws at the toeation deschibed herein. Section 5. This action shah become binat and e66ective ten (10) days ajtet this decision by the Planning Commission untess within.sueh.time a written appeat i6 sited with the City CteiLk, sot eonsidetation by the Rosemead City Council as provided in the Zoning Ordinance. Section 6. The Sectetaty shalt eertiby to the adoption ob this Reso und shalt ttansmit'eopies.o¢ the same to the Apptieant and the Rosemead City Clerfz. ADOPTED this 16th day of May, 1977 QC P,4 DUW-TE-T O , CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I hereby eertiby that the 4oregoing adopted by the Planning Commi66ion tegutat meeting hetd on May 16 bottowing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: is a true copy o4 the City o4 1977 ob a_Resotution Rosemead at its , 615977, by the Lowrey; DeTora, Ritchie, Tury None' None' Cianciola l1