PC - 1977- 17 - Granting a conditional use Permit in Case No. 77-115. PC RESOLUTION 77-17 is A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN CASE NO. 77-115 THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Planning Commission does hereby Sind and determine t Fat an application was duly 6iled by,Tnte>caction Design and Construction Con.p., Shung Fun Chow, and Ma Wing Kan Chow with respect to neat propertyc1ociated at the northwest corner o6 San Gabriel Boulevard and Po.tneno Grande Drive, Rosemead, Cali6ohnia; requesting the construction o6 a 60-unit Seniors Citizen Retirement Hotel at the above-described location, which is in the C-3 Zone; that a public hearing was duly conducted on May 2; 1977, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers o6 the Rosemead City Hall, 8838 Valley Blvd., Rosemead, Cali6ornia; and that notice o6 time, date, place and purpose o6 the a6onesaid heaving was given.aceording to Law. Seeti'on 2. The Planning Commission 6urther binds and deten.mines acts o exist as required by Section 9180 et seq. os the Ordinances o6 the City o6 Rosemead justi6ying a granting o6 the Conditional Use Permit. Section 3. The Planning Commission 6urther binds: 1. Compliance with the Conditions os Approval will insure that the,projeet will not be detrimental to the surrounding properties. 2. The project is desirable to the public convenience. 3. The proposed use is in con6ormance with the General Plan 4. As the internal operation will not create objectionable noise on odors, the proposed project should be compatible with the surrounding development. 5. A Negative Declaration was prepared in compliance with the Cali6onnia Environmental Quality Act, the Guidelines box Implementation o6 CEQA, and Rosemead Resolution 75-28. Section 4. Based on the a6orementioned bindings, the Commission enT y grants a Conditional Use Permit with respect to the property described in :Section 1 06 this Resolution subject to the hollowing conditions: 1. Development o6 the subject pnopenty shall be in con6onmance with the plans as reviewed by the Planning Commission. 2: This development shall comply with all requirements 06 the County Fine Department, Building Department, Health Department, as well as the Tra66ic Engineer in regards to access to or 6nom Potrero Grande or San Gabriel Boulevard. 3. All signs shall be approved by the Planning Commission. 4. Installation o6 sidewafks on Potrero Grande and San Gabriel Boulevard shall be subject to the approval o6 the County Engineer. c• " 0 . • 5. Compty with Section 5401-5415 which deats with the storage, cottection, accumulation' and disposat o6 garbage; rubbish, trash and debris. 6. The entire property is to be kept in a clean and ordenty 6ashion at att times'. 7. Att on-site utility tines shaft be placed underground. 8. Upon completion o6 this project, Appticant shah submit to the City copies o6 them Licekwes issued by the County and State 6or this adutt board and cane 6acitity. 9. Any majors structurat on use modi6ications to the conditional use permit a6 approved must be submitted to the Planning Commission bon theirs appnovat. 10. The Appticant shaft submit a tandscape ptan with permanent irrigation.system prepared by a ticensed tandscape architect to the Planning Department bon review and appnovat. 11. Finat ptans shaft be submitted to the Planning Commission bon appnovat as to ptot ptan Layout, architec-turat treatment, watt treatment, Landscaping and signs. 12. Appticant shaft instatt a decorative 6-6oot btock watt separating the project site 6rom the adjacent aesidentiat subdivision to the west. 13. Appticant shah appty bon and secure a var-i.ance'to the provisions o6 Section 9127.4 regarding parking requirements. Section 5. This action shaft become 6inat and e66ective ten (10) days a ter this decision by the Planning Commission untess within such time a written appeat is 6ited with the City Clerk, bon consideration by the Rosemead City Councit as provided in the Zoning Ordinance. Section 6. The Secretary shaft certi6y to the adoption o6 the Resoo ut~d shaft transmit.copies o6 the same to the Appticant and the Rosemead City Cterk. ADOPTED this 16th day o6 1977. ION CERTIFICATION I hereby certi6y that the 6oregoing is a true copy o6 a Resotution adopted by the Planning Commission o6 the City o6 Rosemead at its negutar meeting hetd on May 16, 1977 by the 6ottow!Lng vote: AYES: Lowrey, DeTora, Ritchie, Tury NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Cianciola R I. D CKE , SECRE R PLANNING COMMISSION