PC - 1977-04 - Approval of an Amendment to the Rosemead Municipal Code to add subsection 8222 to Section 9181.1PC RESOLUTION 77-4 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RUSEMEAD RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RUSEMEAD APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE RUSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADV4SUBSECTICNb289T;O SECTION 9181.1 THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RUSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Seeti'on 1. The Pkanning Commission binds and detenm.ines that a pub tic eakrng was duty conducted on Febnuany 7, 1977, in the Couneit Chambens o6 the-Rosemead City Hatt, 8838 Vattey Btvd., Rosemead, CaZi6oxn.ia, and that notice o6 time, date, ptace and puhpose o6 a6onesaid hearing was given aceond.ing to taw. Section 2. The Ptann.ing Comm.issio. n recommends that the Rosemead Munk ipa Code be amended.to add theā€¢6ottowing.;'to Section 9181.1: 28. Lodge Hatts in the P-O Zone Section 3. The Ptann.ing Commission 6unthen 6.inds the amendment toemead Munie.ipat Code w.itt not have a s.ign,i4icant adven.se e66eet on the -environment as cQlt is o6 a minor nature, it Witt .increase the 6tex.ib.itity o6 the ordinance, and it is in compt.ianee with the guidet.Lnes o6 the Generat Ptan. Section 4. The Ptann.ing Commission 6urtheA 6.inds that a Negative Dec ahatxon was phepahed in compt.ianee with the Cat.i6orn.ia Env.ironmentat Quat.ity Act (CEQA), the Gu.Ldet.ines bon the Imptementat.ion o6 CEQA, and Rosemead Resotut.ion 75-28. Section 5. The Secretary shatt cent.i6y to the adoption o6 this Reso und shatt tnansm.it copies o6 same to the City CWLk o6 the City o6 Rosemead. ADOPTED THIS 22nd day. o6 February' 1977. & A. CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION 1 hereby cert.i6y that the 6orego.ing is a true copy o6 a nesotut.ion adopted by the Ptann.ing Commission o6 the City o6 Rosemead at its negutan meeting hetd on the 22nd day o6 February 1977, by the 6ottow.ing vote: AYES: Cianciola,.DeTora, Lowrey, Ritchie, Tury. NOES: None ABSENT: None' ABSTAIN: None' 013 E R I 7. THOS Tai PLANNING COMMISSION