PC - 1977-02 - A change of Zone from P-D with design Overlay to R-1 for property 3953 Muscatel Street0 PC RESOLUTION 77-2 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF-THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM P-d PARKING WITH DESIGN OVERLAY TO R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE (VEST SIDE OF MUSCATEL STREET BETWEEN VALLEY BOULEVARD AND RALPH STREET, KNOWN AS 3953 MUSCATEL STREET, IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD (ZONE CHANGE 76-82) THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Ptann.ing Commission 6.inds and detenm.Lnes that a pub T_c eanang was duty conducted on Deeemben 20, 1976, in the Coune.it Chamben6 o4 the Rosemead City Hatt, 8838 Vattey Boutevand, Rosemead, Cati6onn.ia, and that notice o4 the time, date, ptaee, and punpo6e o6 the a6me6a.id hean.ing was given. aceon.dtng to Law. . Section 2. The Ptann.ing Comm.is6.ion 6uuthen 6.inds a condition o t C6 c ange o6 zone to be that the appt.icant shah cause to be constnueted atong the north pnopenty tine; within one (1) yeah o6 appnovat o6 the change o6 zone,, a six (6) boot high btock watt. Section 3. The Ptann.ing Commission Aunthen 6.inds that a Negative Decec a was pnepaned and that no 5ign,i6,icant adverse env.inonmentat e46eetz were Cdent.L6.ied on associated with the proposed change o6 zone bon. the 4ottow.ing n-ea6ons: a) The pnopenty has been, and is st.itt being, used bon. s.ingte 6am.ity ,esident%at puapo6es. b) The proposed pnojeet does not constitute any change in the use o6 the pancet. The Ptann.ing Commission 4unthen 4.inds that.tthe Negative Deetanat.ion was pnepan d in compliance with the Cati4ahn.ia Env.ihonmentat 2uat.ity Act (CE2A), the Gu.idet.ines son Imptementat.ion-oA CE2A, and Rosemead Re,sotution 75-28. Section 4. The Ptann.ing Commi66.ion Aunthen 4.inds that th.i6 zone change con6o)tmance with the Land Ube Etement o6 the Genehat Ptan. Section 5. The Secnetany zhatt ceht.i6y to the adoption o6 the Resowand tnansm.it eop.ie6 theneo6 to the City CtenLk o6 the city 06 Rosemead. ADOPTED THIS 7th DAY OF February 1977. VUN'VblUXA~CHAlXMAN- PLANNING ING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I hereby een-ti-6y that the 6on-ego.ing .i6 a true copy o6 the Resotut.ion adopted by the Ptann.ing Comm.i66.ion o6 the City o4 Rosemead at its negutan. meeting hetd on February 7, 1977 , by the Aottow.ing vote: AYES: Lowrey, Cianciola, DeTora, Tury NOES: Ritchie ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None RV6ERT DICKEY SECRETARY,-PLANNING COMMISSION