TC - 02-06-95MAYOR: ROEERTW.RRUESC-. MAYOR PRO TEM: GARYA, TAYLOR COUNCILMEMSERS: MARGARET CLAPK JAY IMPERIAL JOE VASOUEZ Roscfficad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (818) 288-6671 TELECOPIER 8183079218 MEMORANDUM TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER ornA- _FROMt__._- CARL P. HOLM, ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE IJTIT { DATE: FEBRUARY 6, 1995 `'SUBJECT: FEBRUARY 2, 1995 - TRAFFIC COMMISSION COPIES: DON WAGNER, ASST. CITY MANAGER JEFF STEWART, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT ACTIONS: (1) PARKING RESTRICTIONS IN FRONT OF WILLIAMS SCHOOL A request by Mr. Frank Busigin, Principal, to revise traffic markings on Del Mar Avenue in front of Williams School. The Commission voted to approve: (1) 501 of red curb immediately south of the crosswalk at Highcliff Street; (2) Relocate school crossing signs from north to south of the crosswalk; and (3) Remove the pavement width transition sign. In addition, items relative to extending yellow curb, removing "Bus Zone" designation, and removing nG* parking school days restrictons were continued to obtain bus schedules and field review bus movement impacts. (2) RED CURB AT 2751-55 DEL MAR AVENUE This item was initiated by the Engineering Dept! to install red curb where the pavement width narrows south of Garvey Avenue. It appears to only be replacing red curb where new curbing has been constructed in front of 2751 Del Mar Avenue. The Commission voted to approve this item. This item will be presented to the City Council on February 28, 1995. AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION Regular Meeting Rosemead Council Chambers 8838 East Valley Boulevard FEBRUARY 2, 1995 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: 7:00 p.m. Chairman Tirre Vice-Chairman Alarcon Commissioners Beezley, Larson & Knapp PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: Vice-Chairman Alarcon INVOCATION: Chairman Tirre I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular meeting of January 5, 1995 II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes; total time allocated is 15 minutes). III. NEW BUSINESS A. REVISED PARKING RESTRICTIONS AT WILLIAMS SCHOOL (2444 NORTH DEL MAR AVENUE) This is a request to install parking restrictions in front of Dan T. Williams Elementary School. B. INSTALL RED CURB AT 2751-2755 NORTH DEL MAR AVENUE This is a request to replace red curb in front of properties at 2751-2755 North Del Mar Avenue. C. REVIEW LEFT TURN PHASING AT WALNUT GROVE AVENUE/MARSHALL STREET This a request by the Traffic Commission to review protected left-turn phasing on Walnut Grove Avenue at Marshall Street. IV. STAFF REPORTS A. Status report on "Notice" of Red Curb at 1050-96 Walnut Grove Avenue. V. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VI. ADJOURNMENT Thursday, March 2, 1995 at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770. TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: JANUARY 24, 1995 RE: PARKING RESTRICTIONS IN FRONT OF WILLIAMS SCHOOL REQUEST Mr. Frank Busigin, Principal of Williams School, has requested the Traffic Commission to again investigate the installation of a traffic signal on Del Mar Avenue at Highcliff Street. Mr. Busigin has also requested a review of the parking restrictions in front of the School. Staff has sent a letter to Mr. Busigin regarding the request for a traffic signal at Del Mar Avenue ant Highcliff Street. A copy of this letter is attached. This letter states that no dramatic changes in traffic patterns have occurred since we first reviewed this location. Therefore, the recommendation to not install the traffic signal is unchanged. CONDITIONS Del Mar Avenue is a 64 foot wide north/south roadway. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. The posted speed limit is 35 mph unless children are present in which case the speed limit is 25 mph. The parking restrictions immediately in front of Williams School consists of the following: "No Parking 7AM-5PM School Days", "No Parking Mondays 6AM-10AM Street Sweeping", "No Stopping Any Time" and 70 feet of yellow bus zone. Figure 1 depicts the parking restrictions in front of Williams School. DISCUSSION Field review of the parking restrictions in front of Williams School was made. Most of the recommendations that were made for Williams School have been completed. There are three items that need to be addressed and are depicted in Figure 1: 1. Due to the relocation of the crosswalk, 50' of red curb on the east side of Del Mar Avenue immediately south of the crosswalk should be installed. This will provide visibility for pedestrians of northbound vehicles from the curb. Page 2. 2. Due to the relocation of the crosswalk, the W66 and W66A (school crossing symbols) signs should be relocated to immediately south of the crosswalk. This is the correct location for these signs. 3. The W11 (pavement width transition) sign should be removed. It is not necessary at this location. The "No Stopping Any Time" must be retained. This restriction is in place because of the transition of the lane lines. At the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Graves Avenue, a southbound left-turn lane is provided. To accommodate this lane, the two through lanes are transitioned towards the curb, removing parking. The location of the "No Stopping Any Time" is at the end of this transition where on-street parking can begin. There are "No Parking 7AM-5PM School Days" restrictions in front of the School which do not allow parents to park in front to pick- up/drop-off the students. This restriction conflicts with the yellow curb provided for school bus loading and unloading. Removal of the "No Parking 7AM-5PM School Days" will allow parents an area the pick-up/drop-off the students. This also allows other cars to park in front of the School throughout the day. This may have been a problem in the past which lead to the "School Days" parking restriction. With the installation of red curb for the crosswalk, approximately 20 feet exists between the red curb and the yellow bus zone. This is parking space for approximately 1 vehicle. If we extend the yellow curb to the 50' of red curb and remove the bus zone restriction, this will allow all vehicles to load and unload passengers in front of the school. However, this will remove the area reserved for the school bus to load and unload. Staff has contacted Mr. Busigin regarding the parking situation. Mr. Busigin agrees the red curb is needed for the crosswalk. We discussed the possibility of extending the yellow curb in front of the school. Mr. Busigin feels the extension of the yellow curb would help both parents and busses to park in front of the school. If any other alternatives arise, he will contact staff by telephone or letter. Page 3. Based on this report, the following recommendations, depicted in Figure 1, are made: 1. Install 50' of red curb on the east side of Del Mar Avenue immediately south of the crosswalk at Highcliff Street. 2. Relocate the W66 and W66A (school crossing symbols) signs to immediately south of the crosswalk at Highcliff Street. 3. Remove the W11 (pavement width transition) sign in front of Williams School. 4. Extend the existing yellow curb northerly to the red curb for the crosswalk and remove the "Bus Zone" designation of the existing yellow curb. 5. Remove "No Parking 7AM-5PM School Days" restriction in front of Williams School. JI RSDWILSC AJOT To erALE W V Q 7 W J rQ ~ C K- R c d'? Z `u 03 Nv (00 2 locc~e W66 a (.J"A 7A H - PH `ei.~:~n "iv<, Parlc~rn Flor,o~iy5 - 6AH-iogM S+ree+~Suoee~~~~•• Remove 15 o 1 \ ~l Zone" .ncrkh9~ \^111~1r iroM E%i7Fi+Iq yellow curb, Remove W11 O- Re-vo'h W636 W65 Avy T{me • ?emo e "No Park , 3 7AM-5FM i` ~xhopl Q~..I.y" 1 FicuRE i t# WILLWAS J1-11~~_ - PARvIJN6 P- E3T2If T-! 0 " J:S CITY OF ROSEMEAD IL MAYOR: ROBERT W. BRUESCH MAYOR PRO TEM: GARY A. TAYLOR COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARET CLARK JAY IMPERIAL JOE VASOUEZ Mr. Frank Busigin Principal Dan T. Williams School 2444 N. Del Mar Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 Subject: Traffic Conditions in Front of Dan T. Williams School Dear Mr. Busigin: January 3, 1995 As you are aware, the City of Rosemead's Traffic Commission reviewed the traffic conditions surrounding Williams School approximately 1 year ago. During this analysis, the Traffic Commission approved several measures to improve the situation at the school. Copies of the agenda items and meeting minutes are enclosed for your information. We feel the issue of a traffic signal at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street has been fully addressed. The traffic conditions of this area have not changed dramatically since our initial study. Therefore, another investigation for a traffic signal is not warranted. Our recommendation not to install a school area traffic signal at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street remains unchanged. Your request to review the parking conditions in front of the school, however, does require additional investigation. There appears to be some conflicting parking restrictions that need to be addressed. Any changes to parking restrictions must be brought before the Traffic Commission. Traffic Commission meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at 7 p.m, at City Hall. Tentatively, we hope to place this item on the February 2, 1995, Traffic Commission Agenda. You will be contacted to confirm this date. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (310) 908-6226. Very truly yours, CITY OF ROSEMEAD Joanne Itagakl Deputy Traffic Engineer Enclosures copy: Carl Holm Poscmead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (018) 288-6671 TELECOPIER 8183079218 JHSS 09603/1002\101 GARVEY SCHOOL DISTRICT n9~ Dan T. Williams School 2444 N. Del Mar Ave., Rosemead, CA 91770 Frank Busigin, Principal (818) 307-3306 September 27, 1994 Rosemead Traffic Commission 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Gentlemen: BOARD OF EDUCATION Loretta Gonzalez Earleen Green David Lau John Nunez Jim Smith SUPERINTENDENT Anita L. Suazo, Ph.D. My name is Frank Busigin. I am the principal of Dan T. Williams School, 2444 N. Del Mar Ave., Rosemead. On September 22, our crossing guard was almost hit by two cars that failed to stop while she was in the crosswalk getting ready to have some students cross Del Mar Ave. Prior to this, we did have other occasions in which our students while crossing in the crosswalk were "targets" for other cars that did not stop. In early September, the City did come and change the location of the previous crosswalk to a safer location to cross. It has helped somewhat but is not enough. We need a traffic light with a push button so that the Williams' students will be more secure when they cross Del Mar Ave. Also, the signs in front of our school need to be changed. They say "NO STOPPING ANYTIME" or "NO PARKING DURING THE HOURS FROM 7:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M." We need these to be changed to "TEMPORARY PARKING" or "LOADING ZONE" so that our parents can pick up their children in front of school without the possibility of getting a ticket for parking longer than ten or fifteen minutes. Each morning our students are taking a risk in crossing the street without a traffic light to come to school hoping that someone with a car will not go through the crosswalk while they are using it. Please take this matter into your immediate consideration. I'm sure we all have the well-being of our children in mind. Sincerely, FRANK BUSIGIN Equal Opportunity Employer - Non-Discrimination on Basis of Race, Color, Ancestry, Religious Creed, Sex, Handicap, Age TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: JANUARY 24, 1995 RE: REQUEST FOR RED CURB IN FRONT OF 2751 AND 2755 DEL MAR AVENUE REQUEST A request has been made by the Deputy City Engineer to investigate the need for red curb on the west side of Del Mar Avenue south of Garvey Avenue. The Deputy City Engineer indicated this request came from a resident in the area. Del Mar Avenue south of Garvey Avenue is 64 feet wide then transitions to a 54 foot wide roadway. Generally, there is one lane of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. The posted speed limit is 35 mph. Parking is restricted on the west side of Del Mar Avenue by red curb and access driveways. Currently, parking is allowed in front of 2751 and 2755 Del Mar Avenue. Figure 1 depicts these conditions. DATA The accident history for Del Mar Avenue south of Garvey Avenue was reviewed for the reported accidents from January 1, 1991 through June 30, 1994. A total of five accidents were reported and are summarized below: Location and Description 5' south - Southbound vehicle turning right broadsided a northbound stopped vehicle (Alc/Drg, Wrong side). 145' south - Southbound vehicle proceeding straight rearended southbound vehicle (Unsafe speed). 250' south - Northbound proceeding straight rearended a northbound vehicle turning right (Too close) Date Time 5/30/93 9:45pm 4/19/91 9:05am 6/2/91 8:15pm Page 2. Location and Description 250' south - Westbound vehicle turning left broadsided a southbound vehicle proceeding straight (Right-of-way Auto). 500' south - Northbound vehicle turning rearended a northbound vehicle (Improper turn, Alc/Drg) Date Time 11/14/91 12:55pm 9/11/91 2:30pm Field review of the location was made. Immediately south of Garvey Avenue, southbound Del Mar Avenue traffic merges from two lanes to one lane. This transition occurs from Garvey Avenue to approximately 300 feet southerly. In this transition, there is not enough width to provide for parking and through traffic. The curb in front of 2751 and 2755 Del Mar Avenue appears to have been installed within the past few years. We were not able to determine the exact installation date. However, based on the existing red curb and the transition from two lanes to one lane, a segment of red curb appears to be missing in front of 2751 and 2755 Del Mar Avenue. Installation of red curb in front of these locations will remove on-street parking for approximately 4 vehicles. RECOMMENDATION The installation of red curb in front of 2751 and 2755 Del Mar Avenue is recommended to provide a sufficient lane width for southbound merging traffic. JI RSDDELMR GARVEY AVENUE PIC-N-SAV', DRIVEWAY n~ Z LLJ SPEED 'i' ~ Q 35 DRIVEWAY If 2755------ U) I J W DRIVEWAY # 2751 Q DRIVEWAY # 2745' LEGEND z Ya EXISTING RED 27' 27' I CURB PROPOSED RED CURB DRIVEWAY # 2737+2739: j ? RTD BUS STOP DEL MAR AVENUE AT SOUTH FIGURE WILLDAN ASSOCIATES U ENGINEERS RlIJNER5 OF GARVEY AVENUE / 0 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: JANUARY 24, 1995 RE: REQUEST FOR PROTECTED LEFT-TURN PHASING ON WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AT MARSHALL STREET REQUEST Commissioner Alarcon requested the Deputy Traffic Engineer to investigate the need for protected left-turn phasing on Walnut Grove Avenue at Marshall Street. He indicated the morning peak hour experiences some left-turn delay on Walnut Grove Avenue. CONDITIONS Walnut Grove Avenue is a 64 foot wide roadway north of Marshall Street and a 72 foot wide roadway south of Marshall Street. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. Left-turn lanes exist for the northbound and southbound directions. The posted speed limit is 40 mph. Marshall Street is a 40 foot wide roadway with one lane in each direction. Opposing traffic is separated by a double yellow centerline in the immediate vicinity of Walnut Grove Avenue and a skip yellow centerline farther from the intersection. The posted speed limit is 35 mph west of Walnut Grove Avenue. East of Walnut Grove Avenue, a 25 mph "school zone" speed limit is posted. Figure 1 depicts conditions at this intersection. The traffic signal operation of this intersection is termed "split- phased" or, as indicated at the intersection, a 113-way signal". This means traffic in one direction of Marshall Street is given a green signal while the other direction is stopped then vise versa. After traffic on Marshall Street is served, traffic on Walnut Grove Avenue is given a green signal. This operation was implemented as a result of the school pedestrians crossing Walnut Grove Avenue and the conflicting traffic. DATA The accident history for the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Marshall Street was reviewed. This review included reported accidents from January 1, 1991 through June 30, 1994. A total of 13 intersection accidents were reported. Figure 2 depicts these accidents. Seven (7) of these accidents involved northbound vehicles turning left and broadsiding southbound through vehicles. Page 2. Field observations were conducted during the AM and mid-day peak periods to determine the number of vehicles experiencing delay in the northbound direction. The northbound direction was chosen because of the number of accidents reported in this direction and this movement has a higher volume of left-turns in the morning. The mid-day peak period was chosen to coincide with the dismissal period of Marshall School, located east of the intersection. DISCUSSION The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Traffic Manual provides guidelines to determine if protected left-turn phasing is warranted at signalized intersection. Iq order to warrant protected left-turn phasing on Walnut Grove Avenue at Marshall Street, one or more of the following conditions must exist (Caltrans Traffic Manual Section 9-01.3): 1. Accidents. Five of more left-turn accidents for a particular left-turn movement during a recent 12 month period. 2. Delay. Left-turn delay of one of more vehicles which were waiting at the beginning of the green interval and are still remaining in the left-turn lane after at least 80 percent of the total number of cycles for 1 hour. 3. Volume. At new intersections where only estimated volumes are available, the following criteria may be used. For a pre- times signal or a background-cycle-controlled actuated signal, a left-turn volume of more than two vehicles per approach per cycle for a peak hour; or for a traffic-actuated signal, 50 or more left-turning vehicles per hour in one direction with the product of the turning and conflicting through traffic during the peak hour of 100,000 or more. 4. Miscellaneous. Other factors that might be considered, include but are not limited to: impaired sight distance due to horizontal or vertical curvature, or where there is a large percentage of busses and trucks. The reported accident history reviewed identified five northbound left-turn accidents during the 1993 calendar year. In addition, one southbound left-turn accident was reported. The requirement to satisfy the accident guideline is five or more accidents for a particular left-turn movement. This guideline is 100 percent met. The delay guideline indicates that 80 percent of the total number of cycles for any 1 hour must experience a delay to be met. The delay data obtained identified the morning peak as having the highest number of delayed cycles with 7 out of 36 cycles being delayed during this hour. No cycles were delayed in the afternoon peak hour. This guideline is 24 percent met (19a of 806). Page 3. The volume guideline is met if the product of the left-turning vehicles versus the opposing through and right-turns in the peak hour exceeds 100,000. Recent traffic volume counts were not conducted at this intersection. However, traffic volume counts were conducted in 1988 for the Citywide Traffic Study. These traffic volume counts indicated the critical product was the northbound left-turns versus the southbound throughs and right- turns. This product was 126,144 during the AM peak hour. This satisfies the volume guideline. There are no unusual geometrics or conditions that would satisfy the miscellaneous guideline. Field observations of the intersection extensive delay experienced by northbound delay did occur, vehicles were waiting travel. RECOMMENDATION n did not i-ridicate an vehicles. However, when in the through lanes of This report has identified the northbound left-turn movement as the most critical for the installation of protected left-turn phasing on Walnut Grove Avenue at Marshall Street. Protected left-turn phasing is typically installed for both directions of a roadway. Therefore, the analysis identified a critical movement but consideration of protected left-turn phasing is for both directions of Walnut Grove Avenue. The finding of this report are summarized below: 1. The accident guideline is 100 percent satisfied. 2. The delay guideline is 24% (19°1 of 800). 3. The volume guideline is 100°06 satisfied. 4. The miscellaneous guideline is not applicable. The installation of northbound and southbound protected left-turn phasing on Walnut Grove Avenue at Marshall Street is recommended. This is based on the satisfaction of 2 of the Caltrans guidelines for such installations. JI: 09603/1002/066 Attachments RSDWGMAR w J of a ~ o Ll 0 0 3 ~ OZ [ZI ZIl OZ W LL) r _I w S U) I` r - z g~f a~ a Q H ru Q LLJ z > ,fII,LI ,0 j,ll .61 Q w O Ra b' ~ 3 ®p OM ` - J - - f .09 J o ~ 09 I I Ot ' ~ ~ wuv~xumwaa W tz jl ;0 IL ,61 s ' I a3 ' i . ~ vY dg~s V/ cc U. n 0 0 U I a j 3 IN' f Q m l a / I V / o W w a ao Hv O" w m ~iq° ~ Q aw IIIJJJWWWJJJI~I~/~ ~ O 3 COLLISON DIAGRAM LOCATION: RornameoJ - WnlYlu+ Glrove Av~M4 H J J Q III SI9L Q I :5o Ym RS z ~ 5 11~ :op Rs ~ I/Z /P, 94 11:n'J PH /ILCTiii r WALNUT GROVE AV. ~ 3:Op PM aF 1/4/92, Fu$ 2:4oP- ROW 7:001'" 7/1/93 ~ FAI 5 4:4o PM sh /3 Row(SPD) 21/93 :p Row 5:37 PM x10193 FA15 .3,o SA(o/4Z Rs(IU) 0 MO SCALE lo:zs PH * 5/.o91 Row 9:SOAM 72091 Row 9/Z7 /9 I 3',:5oPM Rs SWITRS• of/01/91 Tl GRLI 0Nc/30/94 FIGURE 2 L EGEND VEH. MOVING AHEAD +v~ HEAD-ON ~L--~ VEH. 13ACXING UP SIDE SWIPE HEAD-ON PEDESTRIAN SIDE SWIPE REAR ENO PARKED VEHICLE REAR ENO FIXED OBJECT _p') RIGHT ANGLE O PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY LEFT TURN ® INJURY ACCIDENT pia OUT OF CONTROL J V VEHICLE TURNED OVER i FATAL ACCIDENT * - PAKI`/ AT FALILI DPD- DRIVER PHYSICAL DEFECT OV-OEFECTIVE VEHICLE FTC-FOLLOWING TOO CLOSE HBO-HAD BEEN DRINKING H-R-HIT AND RUN ILCAMPROPER LANE CHANGE IP-IMPROPER PASSING IT-IMPROPER TURN RS-RAN STOP SIGN OR SIGNAL ROW-RIGHT OF WAY SPD-SPEEDING WS-WRONG SIDE OF STREET F49- FACTOR NOT STATED L -LIGHT D -DARK IN - IuATTEA11I01.1 ROSEMEAn TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 5. 1995 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Knapp, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, California 91770. I. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge to the Flag was delivered by Commissioner Larson The Invocation was delivered by Chairman Knapp II. ROLL CALL Chairman Knapp Commissioners: Beezley, Larson, Tirre, Alarcon III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Tirre, seconded by Commissioner Beezley and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Commission minutes for December 1, 1994. IV. COMMISSION REORGANIZATION FOR 1995 Chairman Knapp turned the meeting over to the Administrative Aide Carl-Holm for nominations and election of the new chairman. The Administrative Aide called for nominations. Commissioner Larson nominated Commissioner Tirre. There being no further nominations, commissioner Tirre was named the new Chairman for 1995. Commissioner Tirre then took over as the new Chairman and thanked the Commission. Chairman Tirre opened nominations for Vice-Chairman. Commissioner Knapp nominated Commissioner Alarcon. There being no further nominations, Commissioner Alarcon was named the new Vice-Chairman for 1995. V. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None VI. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL ON MARSHALL STREET EAST OF ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD - ROSEMEAD SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that a letter was received from Ms. Diane Garcia, 9037 Marshall Street, for the installation of a traffic signal at Marshall Street and the driveway of the Rosemead Square Shopping Center. Marshall Street is an 82' wide east/west collector roadway. Two lanes of traffic exist in each direction separated by a raised center median. The posted speed limit is 35 mph. In the vicinity of the Rosemead Square Shopping Center driveway (driveway "A"), Marshall Street narrows to a width of 701. This width retains the two lanes of traffic until Hart Avenue. At this point, Marshall Street reduces to a 4;0' width with one lane of traffic in each direction separated by a yellow skip stripe. The accident history in the vicinity of driveway "A" and Marshall Street was reviewed. This review included reported accidents from January 1, 1991 through June 20, 1994. A total of ten (10) accidents were reported in the vicinity of driveway "A" during the time period reviewed. Traffic volume counts were taken in 1993 on Marshall Street. These counts indicated an average daily traffic volume of 5500 vehicles per day. Page 1 Field review of this location during the non-Christmas shopping period indicate minimal traffic volumes from driveway "A" during the peak hours. It is estimated that less than 50 vehicles use this driveway during the peak hours and the average daily traffic volume of the driveway is 500 vehicles per day. The reported accident data indicates the majority of accidents at this location involved northbound vehicles colliding with eastbound vehicles. Based on the conditions at this location, it is difficult to determine the exact reasons for these accidents. The visibility of eastbound vehicles from the driveway is more than adequate. The traffic volumes at this location would not warrant the installation of a traffic signal. Most likely it would cause undue delay to traffic on Marshall Street. In addition, the driveway is less than 500' away from Rosemead Boulevard and would not be an appropriate location for a traffic signal. A draft study has recently been completed for the installation of protected left turn signals for Marshall Street at Rosemead Boulevard. This draft study has not yet been approved by the City Council. The draft study does recommend the installation of protected left turn signals on Marshall Street. With this recommended installation, vehicles exiting driveway "A" would be provided more gaps in traffic to execute their movements. Traffic signals can enhance traffic safety and promote traffic flow when installed at locations where studies have shown such control to be justified. When signals are installed at justified locations, traffic safety and overall intersection congestion is improved. When signals are installed at locations where they are not justified, safety is often compromised and congestion is increased. RECOMMENDATION: The installation of a traffic signal at Marshall Street and the driveway of the Rosemead Square Shopping Center east of Rosemead Boulevard was not recommended. It was recommended that this location be further reviewed should the installation of protected left turn signals on Marshall Street at Rosemead Boulevard not be approved. Commissioner Knapp stated that she recently experienced a near accident at this location. She would like to see the raised dots installed to prevent left turns. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the way the stripping is going to be installed, it will be larger, i.e., elephant tracks, and should be visually apparent. Commissioner Knapp stated that a letter or phone call should be made to Ms. Garcia as to the Commission's recommendation. Speaking before the Commission was:, Glen Clanton 3244 Leyburn Drive Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Clanton stated that as a resident of Rosemead, he has also experienced problems at this location. It was moved by Vice-Chairman Alarcon, seconded by Commission Beezley, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. B. INVESTIGATION OF VISIBILITY AT DRIVEWAY OF PARK VIEW CONDOMINIUMS - 1050 THROUGH 1096 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that this request came from Mayor Bruesch to investigate the visibility from the driveway of the Park View Condominiums (Condos) at 1050 through 1096 Walnut Grove Avenue. Page 2 t Walnut Grove Avenue is 70' wide with two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a two-way left-turn lane. Walnut Grove Avenue has a vertical downhill slope to the north. The fronting uses in this vicinity of Walnut Grove Avenue is residential. In the vicinity of the Park View Condos, parking is restricted by painted red curb and posted parking restrictions. The posted speed limit is 45 mph. Field review of the location was conducted and revealed the majority of on-street parking is restricted by red curb or posted parking restrictions. There is on-street parking available south of the Park View Condos with the only restriction being "No Parking Thursdays 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Street Sweeping". The visibility of southbound traffic, from the driveway of the Park View Condos, is adequate. There is a vertical slope but the restricted on-street parking provides adequate visibility of this traffic. The visibility of northbound traffic, however, is restricted by vehicles parked on the street. The extension of the existing red curb would improve this situation. Currently, there is parking available for a distance of approximately 1201. In this distance, however, there is a fire hydrant which reduces this length to approximately 90' or approximately 9 vehicles. Based on the location of this fire hydrant and the need to improve the visibility of northbound vehicles, 45' of additional red curb is recommended. This would remove one parking space in front of the Park View Condos. RECOMMENDATION: It was recommended that 45' red curb be added in front of the Park View Condos at 1050 through 1096 Walnut Grove Avenue. Administrative Aide Holm stated that another issue that was raised was the fact that trash dumpsters are brought down by the trash company and placed on the street. This is being treated as a separate issue, and staff is working with Consolidated Disposal to come up with an alternative solution, rather than the trash company stopping on that street. Vice-Chairman Alarcon inquired if staff will notify the residents before or after the fact. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that there is only (1) space being taken away. Vice-Chairman Alarcon stated that sometimes residents don't notice that a curb is painted red, and subsequently get cited. Administrative Aide Holm stated that if it's the direction of the Commission to accept this recommendation, staff will send a letter to the residents as to the Commission's actions. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Vice-Chairman Alarcon, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. The Commission directed staff to follow through with the residents that are directly affected. VII. MATTERS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF Commissioner Knapp asked the Deputy Traffic Engineer to study the location of Broadway and Rosemead Boulevard by "The Hat" restaurant for the raised dots. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:23 p.m. 3 people in the audience. Page 3