TC - 03-06-95MAYOR: ROBERTW.BRUESCH MAYOR PRO TEM: GARY A. TAYLOR COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARET CLARK JAY IMPERIAL JOE VASQUEZ oseaw.ad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (818) 288-6671 TELECOPIER 8183079218 MEMORANDUM TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY,MANAGER 1~ FROM:- CARL_P. HOLM, ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE C/P* DATE: MARCH 6, 1995 SUBJECT : MARCH 2 - TRAFFIC COMMISSION COPIES: DONALD J. WAGNER, ASSISTANT MANAGER JEFF STEWART, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT AL RODRIGUEZ, CITY ENGINEER The Traffic Commission took the following actions: A. INSTALL RED CURB ON SOUTH SIDE OF VALLEY BLVD. WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BLVD. This is a citizen request to improve circulation and visibility at this intersection. The Commission approved 5-0 to add red curb and install a "Right Turn only" sign. B. EMERGENCY ACCESS SIGNAL ON SAN GABRIEL BLVD. (FIRE STATION NO. 4). A request from Chief Hokanson to install an emergency access signal for safety and time efficiency during a response. The Commission approved this item 5-0, but funding will need to be determined. C. INSTALL CORNER) This is center approved south of I will plan to meeting. RED a Eor by the schl CURB AT 2547 SAN GA request from the owners visibility exiting the the Commission 5-0 to driveway. adule these items for the BRIEL BLVD. (SOUTHWEST of the commercial strip center. This item was add 18 feet of red curb March 28th City Council AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COHN Regular Meeting Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard MARCH 2, 1995 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: 7:00 p.m. Chairman Tirre Vice-Chairman Alarcon Commissioners Beezley, Larson & Knapp Commissioner Beezley INVOCATION: Commissioner Larson I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular meeting of February 2, 1995 II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes; total time allocated is 15 minutes). III_ OLD BUSINESS A. REVISED PARKING RESTRICTIONS AT WILLIAMS SCHOOL (2444 NORTH DEL MAR AVENUE) This is a follow-up to last month's item regarding the parking in front of Williams Elementary School. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. INSTALL RED CURB ON VALLEY BOULEVARD WEST OF TEMPLE CITY This is a request to install red curb on the south side of Valley Boulevard in conjunction with the eastbound right turn only lane. B. INSTALL EMERGENCY ACCESS TRAFFIC SIGNAL ON SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD FOR FIRE STATION NO. 4 The Fire Department is requesting the installation of a traffic signal for emergency access from Fire Station #4. C. INSTALL RED CURB AT 2547 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD, NORTH OF FERN AVENUE This is a request to install red curb on the westside of San Gabriel Boulevard for visibility from the driveway. V. STAFF REPORTS A. City Council Actions VI. VII. ADJOURNMENT Thursday, April 6, 1995 at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770. ` i TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 1995 RE: WILLIAMS SCHOOL FOLLOW-UP TO LAST MONTH'S ITEM DISCUSSION As requested by th School to determine school. Based on classes which start therefore, arrive a these times. Traffic Commission, I have contacted Williams the schedule of the busses that service the this conversation, the busses service two (2) at 8:00 a.m. and end at 2:45 p.m. The busses, little before these times and leave soon after Commissioners may wish to independently investigate this site prior to the meeting. This item should not be discussed between Commissioners since it is an item still before the Commission. Therefore, it is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Administrative Aide. I was unable to speak with Principal Busigin before this agenda item was completed. I will attempt to contact him before the Traffic Commission Meeting and report back to the Commission at that time. The complete report presented at last month's meeting is attached for your review. Attachment TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: JANUARY 24, 1995 RE: PARKING RESTRICTIONS IN FRONT OF WILLIAMS SCHOOL REQUEST Mr. Frank Busigin, Principal of Williams School, has requested the Traffic Commission to again investigate the-installation of a traffic signal on Del Mar Avenue at Highcliff Street. Mr. Busigin has also requested a review of the parking restrictions in front of the School. Staff has sent a letter to Mr. Busigin regarding the request for a traffic signal at Del Mar Avenue ant Highcliff Street. A copy of this letter is attached. This letter states that no dramatic changes in traffic patterns have occurred since we first reviewed this location. Therefore, the recommendation to not install the traffic signal is unchanged. CONDITIONS Del Mar Avenue is a 64 foot wide north/south roadway. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. The posted speed limit is 35 mph unless children are present in which case the speed limit is 25 mph. The parking restrictions immediately in front of Williams School consists of the following: "No Parking 7AM-5PM School Days", "No Parking Mondays 6AM-10AM Street Sweeping", "No Stopping Any Time" and 70 feet of yellow bus zone. Figure 1 depicts the parking restrictions in front of Williams School. DISCUSSION Field review of the parking restrictions in front of Williams School was made. Most of the recommendations that were made for Williams School have been completed. There are three items that need to be addressed and are depicted in Figure 1: 1. Due to the relocation of the crosswalk, 50' of red curb on the east side of Del Mar Avenue immediately south of the crosswalk should be installed. This will provide visibility for pedestrians of northbound vehicles from the curb. OF Page 3. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on this report, the following recommendations, depicted in Figure 1, are made: 1. Install 50' of red curb on the east side of Del Mar Avenue immediately south of the crosswalk at Highcliff Street. 2. Relocate the W66 and W66A (school crossing symbols) signs to immediately south of the crosswalk at Highcliff Street. 3. Remove the W11 (pavement width transition) sign in front of Williams School. 4. Extend the existing yellow curb northerly to the red curb for the crosswalk and remove the "Bus Zone" designation of the existing yellow curb. 5. Remove "No Parking 7AM-SPM School Days" restriction in front of Williams School. JI RSDWILSC uoT To SCALE locaJ-n W66 4 (J66A Z •2ewove ~e Parklnc1 -7AN 'S PM i°u ~boool Gby7 , N ReFg1r 'hb Park. Nonaby7 6AM-IOAM stree+ 5,,oeeP~~~ w ar n Q m Remove „hue `~~~!'~1 Z Zane" ,norkt.,9~ Nu Trrom eXie~~nq ~f 33 yellow eNr.b, a ms Remove W 11 Z> r^O W 2 Re4otn W63 b W65 Q_ - - • Rei-a',n '•No ~jtoPP'ng Any T~+he" • Remove „No ~'~k'"9 SAM-5PM `xhool Q~..~ o FIGURE I WILLIAMS SCHOOL PARKING RESTRICTIONS CITY OF ROSEMEAD MAYOR: ROBERTW BRUESCH MAYOR PRO TEM: GARY A TAYLOR MARGARET CLARK AY IMPERIAL JOE VASOUEZ Mr. Frank Busigin Principal Dan T. Williams School 2444 N. Del Mar Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 Subject: Traffic Conditions in Front of Dan T. Williams School Dear Mr. Busigin: January 3, 1995 As you are aware, the City of Rosemead's Traffic Commission reviewed the traffic conditions surrounding Williams School approximately 1 year ago. During this analysis, the Traffic Commission approved several measures to improve the situation at the school. Copies of the agenda items and meeting minutes are enclosed for your information. We feel the issue of a traffic signal at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street has been fully addressed. The traffic conditions of this area have not changed dramatically since our initial study. Therefore, another investigation for a traffic signal is not warranted. Our recommendation not to install a school area traffic signal at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street remains unchanged. Your request to review the parking conditions in front of the school, however, does require additional investigation. There appears to be some conflicting parking restrictions that need to be addressed. Any changes to parking restrictions must be brought before the Traffic Commission. Traffic Commission meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at City Hall. Tentatively, we hope to place this item on the February 2, 1995, Traffic Commission Agenda. You will be contacted to confirm this date. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (310) 908-6226. Very truly yours, CITY OF ROSEMEAD /*Icv~ Joanne Itagakl Deputy Traffic Engineer Enclosures copy: Carl Holm - Posemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD. CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (818) 288-6671 TELECOPIER 8183079218 Jl:iss 09603/1002\101 ^ GARVEY SCHOOL DISTRICT B9 Dan T. Williams School 2444 N. Del Mar Ave., Rosemead, CA 91770 Frank Busigin, Principal (818) 307-3306 September 27, 1994 Rosemead Traffic Commission 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Gentlemen: BOARD OF EDUCATION Loretta Gonzalez Earleen Green David Lau John Nunez Jim Smith SUPERINTENDENT Anita L. Suazo, Ph.D. My name is Frank Busigin. I am the principal of Dan T. Williams School, 2444 N. Del Mar Ave., Rosemead. On September 22, our crossing guard was almost hit by two cars that failed to stop while she was in the crosswalk getting ready to have some students cross Del Mar Ave. Prior to this, we did have other occasions in which our students while crossing in the crosswalk were "targets" for other cars that did not stop. In early September, the City did come and change the location of the previous crosswalk to a safer location to cross. It has helped somewhat but is not enough. We need a traffic light with a push button so that the Williams' students will be more secure when they cross Del Mar Ave. Also, the signs in front of our school need to be changed. They say "NO STOPPING ANYTIME" or "NO PARKING DURING THE HOURS FROM 7:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M." We need these to be changed to "TEMPORARY PARKING" or "LOADING ZONE" so that our parents can pick up their children in front of school without the possibility of getting a ticket for parking longer than ten or fifteen minutes. Each morning our students are taking a risk in crossing the street without a traffic light to come to school hoping that someone with a car will not go through the crosswalk while they are using it. Please take this matter into your immediate consideration. I'm sure we all have the well-being of our children in mind. Znce ' rely, NK BUSIGIV N~ Equal Opportunity Employer - Non-Discrimination on Basis of Race, Color, Ancestry, Religious Creed, Sex, Handicap, Age TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 1995 RE: REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON VALLEY BOULEVARD WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD REQUEST Staff has received a request to review the parking on the southside of Valley Boulevard west of Temple City Boulevard in conjunction with the eastbound right turn only lane. A similar request was discussed at the January 2, 1992 Traffic Commission meeting. The Commission approved the recommendation of the Deputy Traffic Engineer to extend the right turn only lane and not install any additional red curb. At that time, the existing red curb provided ample opportunity to access the right turn only lane. A copy of the 1992 report and minutes is attached. The intersection of Valley Boulevard and Temple City Boulevard is signalized with a northbound left-turn/eastbound right-turn overlap. This allows eastbound right-turns to execute their movement when northbound left-turns have a green arrow. This operation is unchanged from the 1992 report. The eastbound right-turn only lane on Valley Boulevard is 125 feet long with three directional arrows painted in the lane. Existing driveways, 2 hour parking restrictions and red curb control parking along the southside of Valley Boulevard. Figure 1 depicts the conditions of the eastbound right-turn only lane on Valley Boulevard west of Temple City Boulevard. DISCUSSION Field review of the location indicated additional traffic control is needed for the eastbound right-turn only lane. First, there was no sign indicating the right-turn only movement. A sign was present in 1992. A segment of red curb also appears to be missing between driveway B and driveway C. This area is the entrance to the right-turn only lane. Field review also identified an existing fire hydrant between driveways C and D is within existing red curb. The location of the fire hydrant is approximately 6 feet from the end of the red curb. This gives the impression that parking within 6 feet of the fire hydrant is legal. However, this is not the case and additional red curb should be installed to reaffirm this restriction. Page 2. Based on the field review of Valley Boulevard west of Temple City Boulevard, the following measures are recommended and depicted in Figure 1: 1. Install a "Right Lane Must Turn Right" (R18-2) sign for eastbound Valley Boulevard on the luminaire approximately 160 feet west of Temple City Boulevard. 2. Install approximately 13 feet of red curb between driveways B and C. 3. Install approximately 9 feet of red curb from the westerly end of the existing red curb between driveways C and D. Attachment JI: RSDVALTC TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: DECEMBER 26, 1991 RE: EASTBOUND VALLEY BOULEVARD AT TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD REQUEST At a recent City Council meeting a request was made to install red curb on the southside of Valley Boulevard west of Temple City Boulevard. This request was made to provide better access to the eastbound right-turn only lane on Valley Boulevard at Temple City ~I4 Boulevard. CONDITIONS The intersection of Valley Boulevard and Temple City Boulevard is signalized. There are left-turn signals in each direction. In the eastbound direction of Valley Boulevard at Temple City Boulevard, a dedicated right-turn only lane exists. This lane is approximately 70 feet long. Red curb and driveways extend to approximately 150 feet from the intersection. Figure 1 depicts these conditions. DATA Traffic volume counts taken in 1988 indicate the afternoon peak hour right-turn count was approximately 200 vehicles. Approximately half could make the right-turn on a green arrow as the northbound left-turns were also given a green arrow. This is called an overlap phase. " T 4 Page 2. DISCUSSION The existing eastbound right-turn only lane provides minimal storage for the 200 vehicles making the turn in the afternoon peak hour. However, the existing driveways and red curb provide ample opportunity to access the right-turn only lane. Any additional red curb is not recommended. Due to the volume of right-turn traffic, however, the extension of the right-turn only lane is recommended. This will provide a longer lane to better accommodate the right-turn volume. Figure 1 depicts this recommendation. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that no additional red curb be installed on the southside of Valley Boulevard west of Temple City Boulevard. It is further recommended that the existing eastbound right-turn only lane be extended to a total length of 100 feet. JI:nv Attachment v A:TRAFFIC:30 Mo 5CALE (Ti vALLE\( BLVD. m 50' wt)TALL ~ / n = P~zOp~ED gyp' EXi`STIiVG NA1 LAUE i v DK~VE WAY R~VEWpY DRNEWAY ~J / ExrSTirvG `eELOCATE E'xfsnA-y- QED CU26 RGNrLANEMUSTTLA RkGHT" S16N v FIGURE I w N fASTSDUND VALLEY BL. AT TfMPLE CIr`I 5L H CITY OF ROSEMEAD U ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 2, 1992 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Larson, at 7:00 p.m., in the Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. NEW BUSINESS A. EASTBOUND VALLEY BOULEVARD AT TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that at a recent city council meeting a request was made to install red curb on the southside of Valley Boulevard west of Temple City Boulevard. This request was made to provide better access to the eastbound right-turn only lane on Valley Boulevard at Temple City Boulevard. There is existing eastbound right turn only at a length of.approximately 70 feet, there is also existing red curb that extends approximately 150 feet. The 1988 counts indicate that there is approximately 200 vehicles making this turn, which indicates that this 70 foot pocket lane is a little short. It was therefore, recommended that no additional red curb be installed on the southside of Valley Boulevard west of Temple City Boulevard. It is further recommended that the existing eastbound right-turn only lane be extended to a total length of 100 feet. Commissioner Knapp inquired if we would put an additional white arrow in the street. It was moved by commissioner Tirre, seconded by commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously approved the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. VIII. MATTERS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF Commissioner Knapp inquired if staff could look at the situation at Broadway and San Gabriel Boulevard and do the same thing at Hellman'and Walnut Grove Avenue. Executive Assistant Stewart stated that staff will look at location, and bring back to a future meeting. Chairman Pinon stated that it was agreed to paint right hand arrows at San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue. Executive Assistant Stewart introduced Jim Troyer as the new Administrative Assistant who will be taking over the Traffic commission. .GNVA3~no8 AiIO 3ldw31 a < 'ZZ Q N ^I . r Q 0 < 3 ° 7 > Cs7 o a LL) J < as z Z M E ( V) a Q > X w _ V W m ,.a J N r z 0 0 o E 3 a m ; o w z I T E" . O E~ U x r < ~ c~ M LLJ w a p A z o o¢o a a N , T N° 7 O a ; a ~ gN W O a N LLI w < / W W ~ Q z J i p Z D r" > < Z o m r ~-a -7 LLJ o Z ? U 3 . Q p z w 2 p p ~ W 7 ~ . Sg coo g N la. p Of p p . . Z Z W p Z W p Z cv F- N F- N d N d N d Z X X 0- X w x 0. W w w a w Cl. w G L.Li z J zz Q` 3 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 1995 RE: REQUEST FOR RED CURB AT 2547 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD REQUEST A letter, attached, has been received from Mr. Roy Furuto, President of Furuto Rubio & Associates. Mr. Furuto is the architect for the shopping center located at 2547 San Gabriel Boulevard. This shopping center is on the southwest corner of San Gabriel Boulevard and Fern Avenue. Mr. Furuto indicates that cars are parking in the immediate area of the driveway to 2547 San Gabriel Boulevard. He states that many of the cars are from local auto repair shops. Mr. Furuto is requesting red curb along the corner of Fern Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard and immediately south of the shopping center driveway. Fern Avenue is STOP controlled at San Gabriel Boulevard. The posted speed limit on San Gabriel Boulevard is 40 mph. The driveway to the shopping center is located approximately 35 feet south of Fern Avenue. There is an existing fire hydrant north of the driveway and no other parking restrictions in the area. Figure 1 depicts existing conditions. During field review of the location, several cars were parked immediately south of the driveway to the shopping center. These cars appeared to be associated with the adjacent businesses. These cars did park right up to the driveway and restricted the movement exiting the driveway. The red curb along the corner of Fern Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard is not necessary. California Vehicle Code Section 22500 states that vehicles cannot park within an intersection. By definition, the corner is within the intersection. The existing fire hydrant restricts parking within 15 feet of its location. This also removes parking north of the driveway of the shopping center. Page 2. South of the shopping center driveway, however, approximately 40 feet of parking is available between driveways. Mr. Furuto is requesting 18 feet of red curb immediately south of the shopping center driveway. This would be along the frontage of the shopping center and would not directly affect adjacent businesses. This red curb would also improve access and visibility from the driveway. The installation of 18 feet of red curb from the driveway of 2547 San Gabriel Boulevard southerly is recommended and depicted in Figure 1. Attachment JI: RSD2547 FEBRUARY 6, 1995 (2 1 3) M-8737 MR. CARL HOLM ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE CITY OF ROSEMT'AD 8838 EAST VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 SUBJECT: RED CURB STRIPPING AT 2547 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD DEAR MR. HOLM, PER OUR DISCUSSION TODAY, ENCLOSED IS A COPY OF THE PLAN SHOWING THE AREAS WHERE WE WOULD LIKE THE CITY TO RED CURB STRIP FOR US FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY. PRESENTLY THERE ARE SEVERAL LOCAL BUSINESS WHICH HAVE USED THE PUBLIC STREET AS A PARKING LOT FOR THEIR NON FUNCTIONING AUTO REPAIRS AND TOWING PARKING GRAVE YARD. BECAUSE OF THESE CARS AND TRUCKS BEING LEFT IN THE AREAS WHERE IT BECOMES IMPOSSIBLE TO EXIT OUT OF PARKING LOT AT 2547 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD IT HAS CREATED A DANGEROUS SITUATION TO THE PERSON EXITING AND THE PERSON DRIVING SOUTHERLY DOWN SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD. IT WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED IF YOU CAN HELP US ELIMINATE A POTENTIAL DANGEROUS SITUATION. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP, AND IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. SINCERELY RUBIO & ?t-~SOCIATES, INC. CC: DUNG KIM PHU, OWNER FE2/~ AVE E%I5T~N6 STOP SIGrJ MDT TO SCALE ExIST~ NG ~ FIRC NVD=:Ar.:T O~ V~ G~ [l f ~ i f W _ /~~OYC4G (`I QED GuR~ ~ ~ 2 Z `N nl Ti OF C ` ki A'' = C J AN 6~IE~ Bi_ GA ~ip. . U CITY OF ROSEMEAD N N TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 1995 RE: REQUEST FOR EMERGENCY ACCESS TRAFFIC SIGNAL ON SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD FOR FIRE STATION NO. 4 REQUEST A request has been received from the Captain of Fire Station No. 4 on San Gabriel Boulevard. He is requesting the City consider the installation of an emergency access traffic signal to provide a controlled access to their station. Fire Station No. 4 is located on the eastside of San Gabriel Boulevard north of Newmark Avenue. San Gabriel Boulevard provides two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a two-way left- turn lane. Parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway. The posted speed limit is 40 mph. The closest signalized intersection to the Fire Station is at Garvey Avenue which is approximately 800 feet to the north. The intersection is a full 8 phase operation in which all directions of the intersection have protected left-turn phasing. The average daily traffic on San Gabriel Boulevard south of Garvey Avenue is approximately 22,400 vehicles per day. During the peak hours, the traffic volume is approximately 1,700 vehicles per hour. DISCUSSION As with the installation of "regular" traffic signals, the installation of an emergency access traffic signal does not have any specific guidelines which are followed. In general, these installations are based on engineering judgement. The location of the Fire Station is unique in that it is a mid- block location. The distance of the traffic signals from the Fire Station does not provide consistent platoons, or groupings, of vehicles with gaps in between. In general, by the time vehicles are in the vicinity of the Station, they have spread out and wide gaps are not available to exit. The operation of the emergency access traffic signal would be to have the signal flashing yellow until the Station vehicles are exiting. At that time, the signal would turn to steady red to allow the vehicles to exit. Page 2. As you are know, motorist are aware of new flashing beacons for a limited time. After traveling on the roadway for a particular period of time, these devices often "disappear" from view. When the flashing yellow goes to steady red, the motorist may or may not be aware of the change. However, the strobe lights of the fire engines should catch the motorists attention. In an emergency, every second is important. If the fire station vehicles are delayed in exiting the Station, time must be made up in other areas. The installation of an emergency access traffic signal should reduce this delay. The installation of an emergency access traffic signal be installed on San Gabriel Boulevard for Fire Station No. 4. JI: RSDFIRE ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 2. 1995 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Tirre, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, California 91770. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge to the Flag was delivered by Vice-Chairman Alarcon The Invocation was delivered by Chairman Tirre ROLL CALL Present: Tirre, Beezley, Absent: None Staff Present: Administrative Sheriff Liason I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Larson, Knapp, Alarcon Asst. Holm, City Engineer Itagaki Maming It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Alarcon and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Commission minutes for January 5, 1995. Commissioner Knapp had a correction on page 2, second paragraph under "recommendation". It should read: Commissioner Knapp stated that she recently experienced a near accident at this location. She would like to see the raised dots installed to show that the right lane is a right turn only. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None III. NEW BUSINESS A. REVISED PARKING RESTRICTIONS AT WILLIAMS SCHOOL (2444 NORTH DEL MAR AVENUE) Administrative Aide Holm stated the this request came from Mr. Frank Busigin, Principal of Williams School. He requested the Traffic Commission to again investigate the installation of a traffic signal on Del Mar Avenue at Highcliff Street. Mr. Busigin has also requested a review of the parking restrictions in front of the School. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the field review of the parking restrictions in front of Williams School was made. There are three items that need to be addressed. 1. Due to the relocation of the crosswalk, 50' of red curb on the east side of Del Mar Avenue immediately south of the crosswalk should be installed. This will provide visibility for pedestrians of northbound vehicles from the curb. 2. Due to the-relocation of the crosswalk, the W66 and W66A (school crossing symbols) signs should be relocated to immediately south of the crosswalk. This is the correct location for these signs. 3. The Wll (pavement width transition) sign should be removed. It is not necessary at this location. Page 1 RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on this report, the following recommendations were made: 1. Install 50' of red curb on the east side of Del Mar Avenue immediately south of the crosswalk at Highcliff Street. 2. Relocate the W66 and W66A (school crossing symbols) signs to immediately south of the crosswalk at Highcliff Street. 3. Remove the W11 (pavement width transition) sign in front of Williams School. 4. Extend the existing yellow curb northerly to the red curb for the crosswalk and remove the "Bus Zone" designated of the existing yellow curb. 5. Remove the "No Parking 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. School Days" restriction in front of Williams School. Commissioner Knapp stated that she visited Williams School and spoke to Mr. Busigin. Mr. Busigin agrees with all the recommendations, except that he would like to see the yellow curb not only extended northerly, but also southerly, he would like to see the yellow curb extended to the telephone pole. Commissioner Knapp recommended perhaps an additional 20' from where the yellow curb starts now for the bus. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the existing yellow curb at the end of that there is a sign. At this point cars are in transition, and we do not want cars parking in the transition. Therefore, where the yellow curb ends now, is where is should end. Commissioner Knapp recommended to Mr. Busigin that the crossing guard be relocated to the west in the morning and the east in the afternoon. Commissioner Knapp also requested the W66 sign located at the crosswalk be relocated to the middle of the red curb, due a tree, and that the crosswalk sign on the west side of the street is very close to where the crosswalk is currently located, and would like to see it moved further north. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that should have to investigate this location. Commissioner Larson raised a concern of buses being able to manuever with the changes. He recommended continuing items 4 and 5, but could support items 1-3. It was moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner Alarcon and carried unanimously to approve the first (3) recommendations, and bring the last (2) recommendations back in March, 1995. The Commission directed staff to provide them with a bus schedule so they could investigate the site. B. INSTALLATION OF RED CURB AT 2751-2755 NORTH DEL MAR AVENUE Administrative Aide Holm stated that this request was made by the Deputy City Engineer to investigate the need for red curb on the west side of Del Mar Avenue south of Garvey Avenue. The Deputy City Engineer indicated this request came from a resident in the area. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the accident history for Del Mar Avenue south of Garvey Avenue was reviewed for the reported accidents from January 1, 1991 through June 30, 1994. A total of five accidents were reported. Immediately south of Garvey Avenue, southbound Del Mar Avenue traffic merges from two lanes to one lane. This transition occurs from Garvey Avenue to approximately 300 feet southerly. Page 2 Based on the existing red curb and the transition from two lanes to one lane, a segment of red curb appears to be missing in front of 2751 and 2755 Del Mar Avenue. Installation of red curb in front of these locations will remove on-street parking for approximately 4 vehicles. RECOMMENDATION: The installation of red curb in front of 2751 and 2755 Del Mar Avenue is recommended to provide a sufficient lane width for southbound merging traffic. Administrative Aide Holm stated that all the people in the area have been notified, and he has not received any negative comments. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by commissioner Larson and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. C. REVIEW LEFT TURN PHASING AT WALNUT GROVE AVENUE/MARSHALL STREET Administrative Aide Holm stated that this request came from Vice-Chairman Alarcon who requested the Deputy Traffic Engineer to investigate the need for protected left-turn phasing on Walnut Grove Avenue at Marshall Street. He indicated the morning peak hour experiences some left-turn delay on Walnut Grove Avenue. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the traffic signal operation of this intersection is termed "split-phased" or, as indicated at the intersection, a 113-way signal". This means traffic in one direction of Marshall Street is given a green signal while the other direction is stopped then vise versa. The traffic on Walnut Grove Avenue is given a green signal. The accident history from January 1, 1991 through June 30, 1994. A total of 13 intersection accidents were reported. Seven (7) of these accidents involved northbound vehicles turning left and broadsiding southbound through vehicles. Field observations were conducted during the AM and mid-day peak periods to determine the number of vehicles experiencing delay in the northbound direction. There are (4) basic guidelines used to determine if protected left-turn phasing is warranted at signalized intersections. 1. Accidents, 2. Delays, 3. Volume and 4. Miscellaneous. The reported accident history reviewed identified five northbound left-turn accidents during the 1993 calendar year. In addition, one southbound left-turn accident was reported. The delay guideline indicates that 80 percent of the total number of cycles for any 1 hour must experience a delay to be met. The volume guideline is met if the product of the left-turning vehicles versus the opposing through and right-turns in the peak hour exceeds 100,000. There are no unusual geometrics or conditions that would satisfy the miscellaneous guideline. RECOMMENDATION: This report has identified the northbound left-turn movement as the most critical for the installation of protected left-turn phasing on Walnut Grove Avenue at Marshall. Protected left-turn phasing is typically installed for both directions of a roadway. Therefore, the analysis identifed a critical movement but consideration of protected left-turn phasing is for both directions of Walnut Grove. The finding of this report are: 1. The accident guideline is 100 percent satisfied. 2. The delay guideline is 24% (19%-of 80%). 3. The volume guideline is 100% satisfied. 4. The miscellaneous guideline is not applicable. Page 3 The installation of northbound phasing on Walnut Grove Avenue recommended. This is based on Caltrans guidelines for such i Commissioner Knapp inquired if split-phasing. Deputy Traffic would not. and southbound protected left-turn at Marshall Street is the satisfaction of 2 of the istallations. this would change the Engineer Itagaki stated that it Commissioner Larson asked if the dip in the road which slows traffic would count as meeting the miscellaneous guideline. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that it would. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Larson, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. IV. STAFF REPORTS A. STATUS REPORT ON "NOTICE" OF RED CURB AT 1050-96 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Administrative Aide Holm stated that at the last meeting the Commission took an action regarding red curb being placed at 1050-96 Walnut Grove Avenue. Staff was directed to notify the residents in that area of the action that was taken. Staff notified the residents, and most of the comments came back from the Condominium Association. The general consensus was that they were all in favor of the red curb because of visibility problems. They also brought up two other issues. 1. The timing of the signal at Landisview and Walnut Grove. 2. They requested to have some other type of on-street parking to replace the parking that is being removed by red-curb. B. GARVEY AVENUE - INSTALLATION OF "NO U-TURN" SIGNS The City Council approved the installation of the Phase 1 "No U-Turn" signs on Garvey Avenue. C. REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON GARVEY AVENUE WEST OF DEL MAR AVENUE - SOUTHSIDE The City Council approved the installation of 20 feet of red curb on the southside of Garvey Avenue from Del Mar Avenue westerly. D. REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON GRAVES AVENUE WEST OF JACKSON AVENUE - MARYVALE The City Council approved the Traffic Commission's recommendation that 250' of red curb be installed on the southside of Graves Avenue from the Maryvale School entrance westerly. E. APPROVAL OF LEFT-TURN PHASING TRAFFIC STUDY UPDATE ON MARSHALL STREET AT ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD AND ON MISSION DRIVE AT ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD The City Council approved the approval of left-turn phasing traffic study update on Marshall Street at Rosemead Boulevard and on Mission Drive at Rosemead Boulevard. Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that she will get a copy to the Commision when complete. V. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Larson stated that trucks (gravel haulers) are still parking on Garvey Avenue. Chairman Tirre stated that would like staff,to write a thank you letter to Captain Jon Engebretsen for the traffic statistics. VI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. 0 people in the audience. Page 4