TC - 04-10-95ISAYOR: ROBERT W. BRUESCH MAYOR PRO TEM: GARY A. TAYLOR COUNCILMEMBERS' MARGARET CLARK JAY IMPERIAL JOE VASOUEZ Rosemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (818) 288-6671 TELECOPIER 8183079218 MEMORANDUM TO: Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager FROM: Carl P. Holm, Administrative Aideck- iJ DATE: April 10, 1995 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING SUMMARY April 6, 1995 The Traffic Commission took the following actions: A. PARKING RESTRICTIONS IN FRONT OF WILLIAMS SCHOOL (2444 N DEL MAR AVENUE). This is a request by Principal Busigin. The Commission voted 5-0 to recommend that the bus loading be moved north of the Del Mar/Highcliff crosswalk and to revise the front area to allow passenger loading, and provide a larger red curb area south of the crosswalk for visibility. B. tO GUARDRAIL ON TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD AT OLNEY STREET. This is a request by Mr. Victor Ruiz (9703 Olney Street). The Commission voted 4-1 to recommend installation of a guardrail along the east side of Temple City Boulevard at Olney Street. Mr. Ruiz was present at the meeting to present his case. C. INSTALL 4-WAY STOP AT THE INTERSECTION OF MARSHALL STREET AND ELLIS LANE. This is a request by Councilman Taylor. The Commission voted 5-0 to recommend installation of a 4-way stop at Marshall Street/Ellis Lane. D. INSTALL TRUCK PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON GARVEY AVENUE AND INSTALL RED CURB AT 8659 GARVEY AVENUE. This is a request by Mr. and Mrs Barnett (8659 Garvey Avenue) to restrict truck traffic at their residence. The Traffic Commission interpreted Section 3313 of the Rosemead Municipal Code to read that vehicles over 80" wide may only park for the purposes of loading and unloading to a business fronting on the street. The Commission voted 5-0 to recommend that all of Garvey Avenue be posted for this restriction. The Commission also voted 5-0 to recommend installing red curb around the driveway and fire hydrant at 8659 Garvey Avenue. I am planning to schedule all of these items for the April 25 City Council meeting. cc: Donald Wagner Jeff Stewart AGENDA ROSE14EAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION Regular Meeting Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard APRIL 6. 1995 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: 7:00 p.m. Chairman Tirre Vice-Chairman Alarcon Commissioners Beezley, Larson & Knapp Commissioner Knapp INVOCATION: Vice-Chairman Alarcon I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular meeting of March 2, 1995 II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes; total time allocated is 15 minutes). III. OLD BUSINESS A. PARKING RESTRICTIONS IN FRONT OF WILLIAMS SCHOOL (2444 NORTH DEL MAR AVENUE This is a follow-up to last month's item regarding the parking in front of Williams Elementary School. Staff and Commissioner Larson met with Principal Busigin as directed by the Traffic Commission. B. GUARDRAIL ON TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD AT OLNEY STREET This item was a request from Mr. Ruiz to install a guardrail on the east side of Temple City Boulevard at the cul-de-sac of Olney Street. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. INSTALL 4-WAY STOP AT THE INTERSECTION OF MARSHALL STREET AND ELLIS LANE BOULEVARD This is a request to add STOP signs on Ellis Lane at Marshall Street making the intersection a 4-way STOP. B. REVIEW TRUCK PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON GARVEY AVENUE This is a request to place additional parking restrictions on Garvey Avenue regarding extended truck parking. V. STAFF REPORTS A. City Council Actions B. Commissioner Workshop VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. Thursday, May 4, 1995 at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770. see is 36' feet of yellow. There was a discussion regarding 40' feet of yellow for the buses, immediately south of the red zone, they agreed with this. Commissioner Larson stated that he visited this site, and feels there is a real problem at this location. Commissioner Larson stated that there are several problems at this location. 1) Buses are double parking 2) The crossing guard is on the west side of,the street Page 1 C. INSTALL RED CURB AT 2547 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD, NORTH OF FERN AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that this request was received from Mr. Roy Furuto, President of Furuto Rubio & Associates. Mr. Furuto is the architect for the shopping center located at 2547 San Gabriel Boulevard. The shopping center is on the southwest corner of San Gabriel Boulevard and Fern Avenue. Mr. Furuto requested the installation of red curb along the corner of Fern Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard and immediately south of the shopping center driveway. Fern Avenue is STOP controlled at San Gabriel Boulevar. The posted speed limit on San Gabriel Boulevard is 40 mph. There is an existing fire hydrant north of the driveway and no other parking restrictions in the area. The red curb along the corner of Fern Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard is not necessary. California Vehicle Code Section 22500 states that vehicles cannot park within an intersection. RECOMMENDATION: The installation of 18 feet of red curb from the driveway of 2547 San Gabriel Boulevard southerly is recommended. Commissioner Knapp stated that she visited this location, and agrees with the recommendation. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Alarcon and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. V. STAFF REPORTS Administrative Assistant Holm stated that the City Council approved the following items: 1. To install approximately 69' feet of red curb at 2755 Del Mar Avenue. 2. To install 40' feet of red curb at 1050-1096 Walnut Grove Avenue. 3. To install a protected left phasing at Walnut Grove Avenue at Marshall Street. The first (2) items should be done next week. The third item will be budgeted for the 1995/96 Fiscal Year. Administrative Assistant Holm also stated that westbound left turns into the shopping center on the southeast corner of Garvey Avenue and River came before the Commission in December. This item was approved to install (2) "No Left Turn" signs. There will be a (3) month review period, during which time the Sheriff's Department will give warnings and then issue citations, and provide monthly updates on the number of violations, to determine if there's going to be a need for delineators. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Knapp stated that at Marshall at Ellis Lane, there are cars parked on the southeast corner on Marshall, it is very difficult for cars traveling west on Marshall to go straight or to make a right or left turn. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. 4 people in the audience. Page 4 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: MARCH 23, 1995 RE: PARKING CONDITIONS IN FRONT OF WILLIAMS SCHOOL DISCUSSION As directed by the Traffic Commission, staff has met with Mr. Frank Busigin, principal of Williams School. This meeting took place on March 22, 1995 with Commissioner Larson also in attendance. The busses serving Williams School are for special education students. In general, these are "hyper-active" students. Approximately 20 students are served by the three busses serving the school. We observed the release times of the school with Mr. Busigin. This observation included review of the parents parking to pick-up students and this interaction with the busses. After this observation, the suggestion was made to relocate the bus loading zone north of its present location. This proposed bus zone would be in front of the school's parking lot, between its two driveways (see Figure 1). The location of the proposed bus zone would separate the busses from the parents who pick-up students. Mr. Busigin was initially concerned with having the students wait for the bus at the proposed location. However, there would not be a change to the students current location to wait for the bus. Students will still wait for the bus in the large grassy area in front of the school. When their bus arrives, they can then proceed to the bus loading area. The teacher assigned to supervise the students remains in control of the students in the designated release area. After this explanation, Mr. Busigin was in favor of moving the bus zone in front of the school's parking lot. Based on the discussions with Mr. Busigin and the past agenda reports on this subject, the following recommendations are made and depicted in Figure 1. 1. Extend the existing yellow curb northerly to the proposed red curb and remove the "Bus Zone" designation of the existing yellow curb. Page 2. 2. Remove the "No Parking 7AM-5PM School Days" restriction in front of Williams School. 3. Remove the green curb in front of the parking lot of Williams School and install 60 feet of yellow curb designated "Bus Zone" in its place with 20 feet of red curb adjacent to the "exit" driveway of the parking lot. 4. Extend existing red curb north of "entrance" driveway southerly to the "entrance" driveway (10 feet). Attachment JI: RSDWILSC 2 INSTALL Nor TO SCALE Zo 2ED CuRel REM Z O GREEN GuRB E" C:U . URB L : HIGHCLIFF d -ltr)MG e > CURE Q a ST L RED (iNN"'LL p RED Cu R3 REMOVE R30(MOD) SIGN LE6E~IID ' R3o(MoD)- NO PARKING V, 7AM-5PM SCHOOL PAYS WII-PAVEMEI~lr W,~rH TRAW5111ON INSTALL RED CuR6 rte' (McvloueW aPPRo~EO) ~ 11.1 f 10 C l EUOtJ CURB Q T I ~ 3u- ~ Q C F 16 U P E I ELLOW ftlAj" I. ' W 76 Q REMovE W11 (PREVIoao14 APPECvEp) REMOVE PAROJ6 RESTPlC- R3o(NG O, TIONS Ik FeouT OF M LLIAMS SCFQDL CITY OF ROSEMEAD N H 1 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: MARCH 28, 1995 RE: REQUEST FOR GUARDRAIL ON TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD AT OLNEY STREET REQUEST At the request of Commissioner Knapp, this request for guardrail on Temple City Boulevard at Olney Street is being reevaluated. This request was first brought September 1, 1994, agenda item review, follow-up items on the su and November, 1994 meetings. discussions was the denial of the 4 to 1 vote by the Commissioners. to the Traffic Commission on attached. After this initial eject were placed on the October The final outcome of these placement of the guardrail by a CONDITIONS The conditions set forth in the September, 1994, agenda item are unchanged. The conditions as described there are existing today. DATA Three additional accidents have been recorded in the City's accident history since the last analysis. These accidents are summarized as follows: Location and Description Date Time 92' north of Olney Street 5/18/94 4:15pm Northbound vehicle proceeding straight rearended a northbound slowing vehicle (Too close/Imped. Traffic). 104' north of Olney Street 3/31/94 9:00am Southbound vehicle changing lanes sideswiped a southbound vehicle proceeding straight (Improper Turn). 15' south of Olney Street 3/6/94 8:35am Southbound vehicle proceeding straight hit a fixed object (Unsafe speed). Page 2. The additional accident history identified in this report does not identify a consistent problem of "run-off-road" or "hit fixed object" accidents. These types of accidents might reveal the need for guardrail. The intersection of Temple City Boulevard and Olney Street does not meet the guidelines set forth by the Caltrans' Traffic Manual for the installation of guardrail. However, these are only guidelines and they may not be an appropriate evaluation for this location. Staff has reconsidered the installation of guardrail at this location based on the following points: 1. The off-ramp from the westbound I-10 Freeway is at a right- angle and guardrail exists on the curve with a 20 mph curve warning sign. Vehicle speeds from this ramp are estimated between 25 and 40 mph. 2. There are no similar ramp configurations in this City. Most ramps have full access (on/off and eastbound/westbound) to the Freeway. There are other streets that cul-de-sac within an off-ramp; however, these streets are generally located away from the curve of the ramp. 3. This off-ramp leads directly into a residential area. Other locations access onto a wider roadway or commercial area. 4. There have been documented instances of vehicles "running-off" Temple City Boulevard onto Olney Street and into the yards of the adjacent residents. Based on these points, the installation of guardrail on the westside of Temple City Boulevard at Olney Street is recommended. Figure 1 depicts this recommendation. Attachments JI: RSDTEMOL r- - No SCALE N ° r dZ by 'C. ~~Ma TEMPLE CITY BC. - G!- PN,P SuOrALL GUARD AIL FF R A O Re D TYPE N" MaRV.t?R 1\O N y I.Lj J sue' 9LOCK WALL s FIGURE 1 m 0 W s ----TEMPLE CIT'Y._BL. ,4ND OLNEY ST: -GUARDRAIL CITY OF ROSEMEAD m N TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: AUGUST 23, 1994 RE: REQUEST FOR GUARDRAIL ON TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD AT OLNEY STREET REQUEST A letter (attached) has been received from Mr. Victor Ruiz of 9703 Olney Street. Mr. Ruiz is requesting the installation of guardrail on the eastside of Temple City Boulevard at Olney Street. A recent accident caused part of his front wall to be destroyed. Mr. Ruiz made a similar request to the Traffic Commission in 1987. The reports and minutes of the appropriate meetings are attached. CONDITIONS Olney Street is a 36' wide residential roadway with a cul-de-sac west of Temple City Boulevard. Parking is allowed on both sides of this roadway and no striping exists. A red Type N marker exists indicating the terminus of the roadway at Temple City Boulevard. The prima facie speed limit on this street is 25 mph. Temple City Boulevard is a 64' wide north/south roadway. The roadway is striped with two lanes of traffic in each direction. In the vicinity of Olney Street, these lanes of traffic are separated by a raised center median. Parking is restricted on the westside of the roadway by painted red curb. The posted speed limit is 40 mph. Figure 1 depicts conditions at the subject location. DATA The reported accident history was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1991 to March 31, 1994. This revealed 5 reported accidents within 50' of the intersection. These accidents are summarized on the following page. Page 2. Location and Description Date Time 15' south of Olney Street 3/6/94 8:35am Southbound vehicle proceeding straight hit a fixed object (Unsafe speed). 3' south Olney Street 12/27/92 2:15pm Northbound vehicle proceeding straight collided head-on with another vehicle proceeding straight (Unsafe speed). At the intersection 11/3/91 3:00pm Southbound stopped vehicle caused a rearend accident with a southbound vehicle proceeding straight (Hazardous parking & On/Off Ramp). 5' north of Olney Street 8/15/91 8:30am Southbound vehicle merging sideswiped a southbound vehicle proceeding straight (Improper turn). 13' south of Olney Street 3/13/91 6:15pm Northbound vehicle proceeding straight rearended a northbound stopped vehicle (Unsafe speed). DISCUSSION Staff was unable to review the most recent accident identified by Mr. Ruiz. Contact with the Temple Sheriff's Station indicated that they had no record of the accident and that the California Highway Patrol (CHP) may have taken the report. The CHP indicated that without the names of the individual(s) involved it would be difficult to retrieve the collision report. However, it appears the vehicle did cross from Temple City Boulevard, over the curb and struck the fence at 9703 Olney Street. Staff has taken photos of the location that will be available for the Commissioners' review. The accident history at the intersection of Temple City Boulevard and Olney Street does not identify a continuing problem of fixed object type accidents. Or does it indicate the need for guardrail at this location. As indicated in the previous staff reports, the installation of guardrail is clearly and specifically defined in the Caltrans' Traffic Manual. These points are quoted directly from the Manual: 1. Guardrail is installed to reduce the severity of "run- off-road" accidents. This is accomplished by deflecting a vehicle away from embankment slopes or fixed objects and dissipating the energy of .the errant vehicle. However, guardrail will reduce accident severity only for those conditions where striking the guardrail is less severe than going down an embankment, or striking a fixed object. Guardrail should be installed only where it is clear that safety will be improved. Page 3 2. Guardrail should not be used as a barricade or to prevent indiscriminate use of otherwise clear portions of the roadside. 3. In general, guardrail is not installed to shield fixed objects located behind curbs in urban areas. Also, individual trees and utility poles are usually not shielded because the guararail used to provide such protection increases.overall fixed object exposure with a net reduction in safety. It is important to realize guardrail is intended to deflect vehicles from a severe accident to a less severe accident. In the case at Temple City Boulevard and Olney Street, hitting the fence, though expensive and disruptive, is less severe than deflecting the vehicle back into the travel lanes where a possible two vehicle collision could occur. A concern was brought up previously from the Traffic Commissioners regarding the signing from the Freeway. The off-ramp of the westbound I-10 Freeway to Temple City Boulevard has an oversized warning sign. warning signs are used to alert motorists to "make a maneuver in the interest of the operator's safety and/or that of other vehicle operators and pedestrians." The sign from the off- ramp advises the motorists of a 20 mph, sharp right hand turn for this exit. RECOMMENDATION Based on the guidelines from the Caltrans' Traffic Manual not being satisfied and the findings of this report, the installation of guardrail on the westside of Temple City Boulevard at Olney Street is not recommended. JI: Attachments RSDOLNEY El N C \o ti No 50-ALE FIGU2E 1 --TEMPLE C17-Y BL. AQD OLNEY ST - GUAPDRAIL. CITY OF ROSEMEAD TEMPLE CIT-y BL. 64 AUG. -17' 94 (WED) 09:57 CITY OF ROSPEAD ~u5ust 8, 1'=.~ Fps mead Hall 88= Valls-: cule'ra_d F.caemedd, 5,1''70 Attention Jeff Stewart: TEL:818 507 9218 P. 002 M6194 18:10,12 Pag• 1 d 1 or, =ugus= 3, 1??4 a. applo:;imately 4:45 p.m., a rel.icls 3:a_i: a rh- T=emple Goulsrar•d c•ff-ramp col_ided lntc• m? front wa_1. One =bird .7f re .:711 i- dt_trc1cd. The last zimilrr ir.cidcnt ac c:, ..Hors !:I,:. siptAmli:Er ' _.f 1987. Sin_ .3r i.lcide _r,t: r1.~ n- a-Z -jamo_~ , _ir:•; !':9'fe ?:•7urr9•j in. tr:5 Past, _:%3:n~•1~ are -i,7n ~ij .l r•~.1. I rcrlUoSt°•j a oual:d v!til Rrl.i tl':g 1r_• •..711::•:1_ ..~.j r~•;~ !:;ffi,_ __I?L^.11 _°51^_17 il':i=1'=~ 3fi in es-i'3ation. 'Che rr ~ti:•= ~rrj lr:•4 •:C '.uciidrdll dJ. 11115 Cr_1 -r34-Q_d 01-1 the last iryu_et, I was very r!isal.~ :inred ;:7th th': ti_i_' : en•gi::=.r. i9nc remrar~:s atat°_d in hl. H. aatoC =hat tr,= me ZiJrldt had to considered before anyone Or 3n7t1hing ,._ni_,y 'Dn fllei . His :=-Ply tc• m req_iast ha-- X115:. ~.:iwEd nle iCr -as- ccven- . rs ci,~F ari F-.~ ne residents :.r ar, f_In11 ?•r" rl",_. rt_nt anc! time, I .u._ !lee t=_au_ ti,is 1•~r•dtlbn. i wvul<i :ii:° Cr. }.dLjLEU, UL yJ111C'_Jit bia _11,y vL _d"Q 11,4 111 Ruiz -J_ ulns drie^_t clcl J ; 5: Fc.,nE r•. r~..n_°Gr rl',3r r"I',~ :S:';' 2mrjnasirc trial- "p''::1.71 is n1V 1118•: C-e liL !av TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: MARCH 28, 1995 RE: REQUEST FOR 4-WAY STOP INSTALLATION AT THE INTERSECTION OF MARSHALL STREET AND ELLIS LANE REQUEST A request has been received from Councilman Taylor to evaluate the intersection of Marshall Street and Ellis Lane. Councilman Taylor is requesting the installation of a 4-way STOP at this location. A request for the installation of a 4-way STOP at the intersection of Marshall Street and Ellis Lane has been brought before the Traffic Commission in the past. It was the recommendation of the Deputy Traffic Engineer and the moved by the Traffic Commission to deny the request for the installation of a 4-way STOP. Attached are the two previous agenda items regarding this intersection. CONDITIONS Marshall Street is a 40 foot wide east/west local residential street. It is STOP controlled at its intersection with Ellis Lane. A solid double yellow stripe separates traffic on the west leg of Marshall Street in the immediate vicinity of Ellis Lane. There are no traffic stripes on the east leg of Marshall Street. The prima facie speed limit is 25 mph. Ellis Lane is a 40 foot wide north/south local residential roadway. There is one lane of traffic in each direction separated by single yellow skip striping. A yellow crosswalk exists on the north leg of Ellis Lane at Marshall Street. "SLOW SCHOOL XING" pavement markings are placed in advance of this crosswalk. The posted speed limit on Ellis Lane is 30 mph. Figure 1 depicts existing conditions at the subject intersection. DATA A 24-hour traffic volume count, attached, was conducted on the approaches to the intersection of Marshall Street and Ellis Lane. This traffic count indicated the following: 24-Hour Volume Peak Hour Volume Northbound 551 ( 20°s) 6PM / 68 Southbound 999 ( 366) 3PM / 89 Eastbound 200 ( 70) 8AM / 44 Westbound 1,018 ( 37°s) 8AM / 152 Total 2,758 (100°s) Page 2. Pedestrians were not specifically counted at this intersection. However, it is. noted that this is a school crossing location. The 1990 agenda item o n this intersection identified up to 37 pedestrians crossing Ellis Lane during the peak period. The accident history at this intersection was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1989 through September 30, 1994. This review revealed one reported accident during that period. This accident is summarized below: Descrip tion Dav:Date Time westbound vehicle proceeding straight broadsided a north- bound vehicle proceeding straight (Ran STOP sign). Sat:08/11/90 11:15 AM The 1993 Engineering and Traffic Survey recommended a 30 mph speed limit on Ellis Lane. The Survey identified the following: 10 mph pace 27 - 36 mph 50-percentile speed 31 mph 85-percentile speed 36 mph DISCUSSION The visibility on the approaches to this intersection was reviewed. An existing wooden fence on the northeast corner of the intersection limits visibility for southbound and westbound motorists. Other approaches to the intersection provide adequate visibility. Field review of the intersection of Marshall Street and Ellis Lane revealed "No Parking Street Sweeping" posted for both roadways. In addition, a street light exists at the intersection. The Caltrans guidelines for the installation of multi-way STOP signs at a location are as follows: 1. Where traffic signals are warranted and urgently needed, the multi-way STOP may be an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements are being made for the signal installations. 2. An accident problem, as indicated by five or more reported accidents within a 12-month period of a type susceptible to correction by a multi-way STOP installation. Such accidents include right- and left-turn collisions as well as right-angle collisions. 3. Minimum traffic volumes (a) The total vehicular volume entering the intersection from all approaches must average at least 500 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day, and Page 3. (b) The combined vehicular and pedestrian volume from the minor street or highway must average at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the maximum hour,'but (c) When the 85-percentile approach speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 miles per hour, the minimum vehicular volume warrant is 70 percent of the above requirements. The intersection of Marshall Street and Ellis Lane does not meet the requirements for the installation of a traffic signal. The recent accident history of this intersection identifies one right-angle accident occurring in 1990. There were no other reported accidents since 1989. This does not meet the Caltrans guidelines regarding accidents. The total traffic volume entering the intersection of Marshall Street and Ellis Lane in a 24-hour period is approximately 2,800 vehicles per day. The peak hour traffic volumes are significantly less than the 500 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours. The minimum traffic volume guideline is not satisfied. The purpose of STOP controls is to assign right-of-way. The basic STOP control is typically assigned to the street with the least volume of traffic. At one time, that was probably the case at Marshall Street and Ellis Lane. However, traffic conditions have changed and the traffic volumes on both streets are almost equal - 560 on Ellis Lane and 440 on Marshall Street. With the traffic volumes being nearly equal, a 4-way STOP control is necessary at the intersection of Marshall Street and Ellis Lane for the rotation of right-of-way. This is further supported by field observations which indicate there is some hesitation in northbound and southbound traffic approaching the intersection. Motorists may be assuming there is a STOP associated with the existing yellow crosswalk on the north leg of Ellis Lane and thus slow down or stop causing confusion at the intersection. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the nearly equal traffic volumes on Marshall Street and Ellis Lane and the limited visibility for southbound and westbound motorists, the following recommendations are made and depicted in Figure 1. 1. Install STOP signs on Ellis Lane at Marshall Street with appropriated limits lines and pavement markings. 2. Remove the two "SLOW SCHOOL XING" pavement markings and attendant signs on Ellis Lane north and south of Marshall Street. Attachments JI: RSDMAREL L EG EAJO p -E>Usntj(, sIGN - RI- STOP J Rbo(MOO)'NO PARKIn/6 VD 5rREEr 6WEEPIM6 V-0-FIQE HYORANr J W y{-UTILIrY f>OLE 5TPeET L160T • I - TREE I lJ =N110TALL RI 516 J f7I Uo1 .f PObY AND "5ro P" a PAYEHE"r MARKING MARSHALL ST, "a- Rao(rr00) i SI nlor ra sc~aLF .YELLOW CRo-,OWALK y RI a 0 RDO(MOO~ ROP ~SN9TALL RI SIGIJ a fbsT RI LIMIT UNE AIJD "5TOP" PAvEHENT MAQKIA/G, F SURE i MARS NALL- STREET AND EL L I S LAME _ H 7 L CITY OF ROSEMEAD MAR - 2 3- 9 5 T H U 9: 1 2 T R A F=F= I C C01-11-117S 7 1 4 6 4 6 7 2 3 1 P. O2 WE CODE : ROSEMEAD 24 HOUR MACHINE COUNTS-BY TRAFFIC COUNTS PAGE: 1 N-S Street: ELLIS LANE FILE: E950310< E•N Street: MARSHALL STREET Client : YILLDAN ASSOC. - DATE: 3/22/95 TIME TOTAL BEGIN COUNTEO NB 5B ES uH 12:00 AM 8 3 2 0 3 12:15 8 2 2 0 4 12:30 10 0 6 2 2 12:45 2 0 0 1 1 NR TOTAL 28 5 10 3 10 1:00 AM 2 1 1 0 0 1:15 3 0 2 D t 1:30 0 0 0 0 0 1:45 0 0 0 D 0 NR TOTAL 5 1 3 0 1 2:00 AM 2 0 1 0 1 2:15 0 0 0 0 0 2:30 2 0 0 0 2 2:45 1 0 0 0 1 MR TOTAL 5 0 1 0 L 3:00 AM 2 1 0 0 1 3:15 1 0 0 0 1 3:30 3 0 2 0 1 3:45 1 0 0 1 0 HR TOTAL 7 1 2 1 3 4:00 AM 3 1 1 0 1 4:15 1 1 0 0 0 4:30 3 2 0 1 0 4:45 1 0 0 1 0 HR TOTAL 8 4 1 2 1 5:00 AM 2 1 1 0 0 5:15 3 2 1 D D 5:30 11 3 1 3 4 5:45 11 3 5 1 2 NR TOTAL 27 9 8 6 6:00 AM 6 1 2 2 1 6:15 14 1 5 1 7 6:30 % 2 6 2 4 6:45 19 7 7 5 0 ' MR TOTAL 53 11 20 1U 12 7:00 AM 34 6 11 6 11 7:15 42 5 10 6 21 7:30 40 9 7 14 10 7:45 70 15 15 5 35 HR TOTAL 196 35 43 31 77 MAR - 2 3- 9 5 T H U 9. 1 3 7 R A F=F= I'C C O U N T S 7 1 4 6 4 6 7 2 3 1 P. 03 WE CODE ROSEMEAD 24 HOUR MACHINE COUNTS-BY TRAFFIC COUNTS PAGE: 2 FILE: E9503104 N•5 Street: ELLIS LAME E-Y Street: MARSHALL STREET DATE: 3/22/95 Client : YILLDAN ASSOC. TIME TOTAL BEGIN COUNTED NB SB EB 08 8:00 AM 92 13 23 8 48 8:15 102 9 16 22 55 8:30 79 9 28 11 31 8:45 1.6 9 16 3 18 MR TOTAL 319 40 83 44 152 9:00 AM 27 6 4 0 17 9:15 27 5 12 r. 6 9:30 25 4 12 4 5 9:45 28 7 9 2 10 MR TOTAL 107 22 37 10 38 10:00 AM 19 3 8 0 8 10:15 26 7 6 3 10 10:30 37 12 8 3 14 10:45 31 9 14 1 7 NR TOTAL 113 31 36 7 39 11:00 AM 25 12 5 0 8 11:15 27 6 7 3 11 11:30 20 4 6 1 9 11:45 27 9 9 1 8 HR TOTAL 99 31 27 5 36 12:00 PM 39 14 7 0 18 12:15 27 6 9 0 12 12:30 43 10 11 2 20 12:45 33 8 12 2, 11 NR TOTAL 142 38 39 4 61 1:00 PM 29 5 17 0 / 1:15 38 7 14 2 15 1:30 38 10 13 0 15 1:45 23 3 13 0 7 MR TOTAL 128 25 57 2 44 2:00 PM 27 6 10 1 10 2:15 64 9 22 10 23 2:30 48 15 21 2 10 2:45 47 7 12 9 19 MR TOTAL 186 37 65 22 62 3:00 PM 49 10 20 3 16 3:15 60 11 23 4 22 3:30 45 6 19 0 20 3:45 43 8 27 2 16 MR TOTAL 197 35 89 9 74 MAR-2z-95 THU 9: 1 e TRf,FF I C COUNTS 71464672.51 $11E CODE : ROSEMEAD 24 HOUR MACHINE COUNTS-SY TRAFFIC COUNTS N-S Street: ELLIS LANE E•Y Street: MARSHALL STREET Client : NILLDAN ASSOC. P. 04 PAGE: 3 FILE: E9503104 DATE: 3/22/95 TIME TOTAL BEGIN COUNTED . NB 58 EB Y8 _ 6:00 PM . 58 10 24 1 23 6:15 47 6 19 1' 21 4:30 45 9 17 0 19 4:45 39 7 23 1 8 MR TOTAL 189' 32 83 3 71 5:00 PM 36 7 19 1 9 5:15 46 8 21 1 16 5:30 65 10 16 1 18 5:65 57 13 22 1. 10 MR TOTAL 184 38 78 7 61 ' 6:00 PM 53 14 18 ? 19 6:15 55 20 21 3 11 6:30 68 16 28 3 21 6;45 64 18 21 3 22 MR TOTAL 240 68 88 11 73 - 7:00 PM 56 8 .29 0 19 7:15 48 8 20 2 18 7:30 36 8 10 3 15 7:65 36 6 16 1 11 MR TOTAL 174 30 75 6 63 8:00 PM 27 8 8 1 10 8:15 33 7 12 1 13 8:30 25 5 7 2 11 8:45 31, 1 19 3 11 MR TOTAL 119 21 46 7 45 9:00 PM 16 2 7 1 6 9:15 28 0 11 0 9 9:30 3S 8 16 0 11 9:45 27 1 11 3 12 MR TOTAL 106 19 45 4 38 10:00 PM 23 2 10 1 10 10:15 21 4 11 0 6 10:30 17 3 7 0 7 10:45 17 3 9 2 3 MR TOTAL 78 12 37 3 Z6 11:00 PM 13 1 7 1 4 11:15 12 1 8 0 3 11:30 25 3 10 1 11 11:45 8 1 1 3 3 MR TOTAL 58 6 26 5 21 DAY TOTAL 2758 551 999 200 1018 y,. r TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: KEN JOHNSON, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: DECEMBER 28, 1990 RE: FOUR-WAY STOP AT MARSHALL STREET AND ELLIS LANE REQUEST Traffic Commission Chairperson Knapp requested an evaluation of the intersection of Marshall Street and Ellis Lane for a four-way stop. CONDITIONS Marshall Street is a 40' wide, east/west residential street that extends from the eastern City limits to west of Vane Avenue. Ellis Lane is a 40' wide north/south residential street, that is one block west of Temple City Boulevard. Willow Elementary School is located at the west end of Marshall Street. The intersection of Marshall Street and Ellis Lane is controlled by a two-way stop, with Marshall Street as the stopped street. As shown in the attached diagram, a school crosswalk is located across Ellis Lane on the north side of the street. A 30 mph speed Imit is posted for Ellis Lane, and no posted speed limit exists on Marshall Street. Appropriate signs and markings exist on Ellis Lane for the school crosswalk. Traffic and pedestrian activities were counted at the intersection on December 18, 1990. A morning count was taken from 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m., and an afternoon count was conducted from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.. The following data was collected: Vehicles/Hour Pedestrians /Hour Street Approach AM PM AM PM Ellis Lane North 110 74 24 32 South 88 68 9 5 Marshall Street East 180 210 0 1 West 70 61 3 5 DECEMBER 28, 1990 PAGE 2 A majority of the pedestrians at the intersection used the school crosswalk, and the primary flow of pedestrians was in the east-west direction. DISCUSSION After considerable study, the California Department of Transportation has determined that four-way stops should be installed based on the following criteria: 1. Where traffic signals are warranted but cannot be immediately installed. 2. Where an accident problem exists characterized by five or more correctable accidents in one year. 3. Where the traffic demand at the intersection: a. exceeds 500 vehicles per hour, total of all approaches, for each of eight hours; b. minor street volume exceeds 200 vehicles per hour for the same eight hours; and c. where speeds exceed 40 mph, the volume can be 70 percent of the above. The observation of the intersection showed that none of the above criteria was satisfied. The maximum traffic at the intersection was 448 vehicles per hour, and the maximum side street volume was 270 vehicles per hour. No accidents were recorded at the intersection. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that a four-way stop not be installed at the intersection based on the warrants analysis. Attachment KJ:vb 02999/1002/066 rsmd\m\ld4\m70 Feb. 7 (R Iq I /I\ C~.~;~~ m~nu"4c`~ dIIaCI'teciJ TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: KEN JOHNSON, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: JANUARY 31, 1991 RE: FOUR WAY STOP AT MARSHALL STREET AND ELLIS LANE REQUEST At the regularly scheduled December meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission, Commission members discussed installing a four-way stop at the intersection of Marshall Street and Ellis Lane. The Commission postponed a decision on the item to allow staff to gather additional information on travel speeds on Ellis Lane. This information has been collected and is presented in this memorandum. DISCUSSION Four data sets were recorded of travel speeds on Ellis Lane. The speeds were collected over a two-day period during morning and afternoon time periods. The results are as follows: Location Direction Speed (M.P.H.) Average Low High North of Marshall NB 25.7 17 39 North of Marshall SB 26.1 15 39 South of Marshall NB 30.7 19 39 South of Marshall SB 29.6 19 49 The speed limit on Ellis Lane is 30 m.p.h. Page 2 CONCLUSION The recorded traffic speeds on Ellis Lane are consistant with a speed limit of 30 mph. No excessive speeds (10 mph above the speed limit) were recorded through the intersection. It was further noted that most of the traffic on Ellis Lane turned at Marshall Street. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the request for a four-way stop control at the intersection of Marshall Street and Ellis Lane be denied. KJ:js 21-A-3-J(9) Q z lU in i7i w 3v Ev o~ Ja J 3 w , ~x N1 Mll L O (7) J Q z w 0 - w xA19 LID IldW~l JM STOP J a z w 0 w OL, Z O J x v N 1 F-- w w J ' J Q l..L Q 57 STOP c F= z w 0 LU W Di~ 3 s 1 J z 0 F E d 1 f r 0 Z TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 7. 1991 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic commission was called to order by Chairman Larson, at 7:00 p.m., in the Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. I. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge to the Flag was delivered by Commissioner Pinon The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Knapp II. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Larson Commissioners: Beezley, Tirre, Knapp, Pinon III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Tirre, seconded by commissioner Pinon, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for January 3, 1991. IV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None V. OLD BUSINESS A. FOUR-WAY STOP AT MARSHALL STREET AND ELLIS LANE Deputy Traffic Engineer Johnson stated that at the regularly scheduled December meeting of the Traffic Commission, commission members discussed installing a four-way stop at the intersection of Marshall Street and Ellis Lane. The Commission postponed a decision on the item to allow staff to gather additional information on travel speeds on Ellis Lane. This information has been collected and is presented in this memorandum. The speeds averaged between 30 mph to 25 mph. The highest recorded were 49 mph, southbound on Marshall. The recorded traffic speeds on Ellis Lane are consistent with a speed limit of 30 mph. No excessive speeds (10 mph above the speed limit) were recorded through the intersection. It was further noted that most of the traffic on Ellis Lane turned at Marshall Street. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the request for a four-way stop control at the intersection of Marshall Street and Ellis Lane be denied. Commissioner Knapp inquired if the principal of Savannah School had been notified of this meeting. Commissioner Knapp made a recommendation to hold this item until next month, in order to notify the principal. This item died for a lack of a second. It was moved by Commissioner Pinon, seconded by Commissioner Tirre to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. Vote Results: AYES: Chairman Larson, Commissioner Beezley, Commissioner Tirre, Commissioner Pinon NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Knapp ABSENT: None Commissioner Knapp abstained for the reasons given above. TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: MARCH 23, 1995 RE: REVIEW TRUCK PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON GARVEY AVENUE REQUEST A request has been received from Ms. Barnett of 8659 Garvey Avenue. Ms. Barnett indicates trucks are parking overnight on Garvey Avenue. These trucks often start their engines early in the morning disturbing the neighborhood. DISCUSSION Truck parking on Garvey Avenue seems to be a continuing complaint. It is often associated with the many automobile dealerships fronting the street. However, Ms. Barnett's specific complaint is with regards to truck parking overnight and starting their engines in the early morning hours. Currently, there are two basic parking restrictions on Garvey Avenue. In general, these restrictions are no parking during street sweeping and two hour parking during business hours. There is no posted restriction on parking overnight on Garvey Avenue. Parking control officers are continually used on Garvey Avenue. These officers occasionally target trucks due to the number of complaints received. Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) section 3313 does provide the City the means of prohibiting parking of wide vehicles on designated streets. This code is written as follows: "3313. PARKING OF WIDE VEHICLES - PROHIBITED ON DESIGNATED STREETS. A. Whenever the City Council, upon recommendation of the Traffic Commission, determines that traffic safety requires the prohibition of the parking of wide vehicles, no person shall park or leave standing any vehicle having a maximum width in excess of eighty (80) inches upon any street, except when necessary for the purpose of making pickups and deliveries of goods, wares and merchandise from or to any building or structure fronting upon any street, or for the delivery of building materials to a building site fronting on any street, only while actual loading or unloading operations are in progress." Page 2. Due to the nature of the request of Ms. Barnett, staff has no recommendation at this time. The options available to the Traffic Commission are: 1. Receive and file this agenda item; or, 2. Provide specific direction to staff regarding additional study of truck parking on Garvey Avenue; or, 3. Make a recommendation regarding this request. JI: RSDTRKPK