TC - 06-01-95MAYOR: JOE VASQUEZ MAYOR PRO TEM: MARGARET CLARK COUNCILMEMBERS: ROBERT W. BRUESCH JAYT IMPERIAL GARY A. TAYLOR ific~ osesoc id 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (818) 288-6671 TELECOPIER 8183079218 MEMORANDUM TO: Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager FROM: Carl P. Holm, Administrative Aide DATE: June 5, 1995 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC-COMMISSION MEETING SUMMARY June 1, 1_995 COMMISSION ACTIONS: A. 399 BOULEVARD. This was a request from Mr. Mike Sunseri to remove the yellow loading zone adjacent to his business. The Commission voted 5-0 to recommend that the City Council approve the removal of 130-feet of yellow curb plus 10-feet of existing red curb. Removing.the red curb will provide two full parking spaces on the street. plan to present this item to the Council at their meeting on June 27. B. BENTEL AVENUE AND VALLEY BOULEVARD. The Commission voted 5-0 to continue this item for further review. The Commission had concerns of; enforcement, 20 minute vs 2 Hour like the rest of the city, look to extend to north of Bentel to avoid cars relocating up there, and setting a precedence. COMMISSIONER REPORTS: 1. COMMISSIONER BEEZLEY ANNOUNCED HIS RESIGNATION FROM THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION EFFECTIVE JUNE 2, 1995. He stated it was time for him to step down and give someone else a chance to serve. 2. Commissioner Larson noted a large pothole on Ramona west of Burton in the westbound lane. 3. Commissioner Knapp requested staff to keep Mr. Ruiz posted of the status on the guardrail on Temple City Blvd. Joanne was to. follow up. cc: Donald Wagner Jeff Stewart AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting June 1. 1995 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Commisioners Beezley, Larson, Knapp, Vice-Chairman Alarcon, Chairman Tirre Pledge of Allegiance: Vice-Chairman Alarcon Invocation: Chairman Tirre 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular meeting of May 4, 1995. H. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes; total time allocated is 15 minutes). III. OLD BUSINESS none IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REMOVE LOADING ZONE ON DELTA AVENUE SOUTH OF VALLEY BOULEVARD, DBA SUNSERI MARKET. This is a request from Mr. Mike Sunseri to remove the yellow loading zone adjacent to his business. B. INSTALL GREEN CURB ON EAST SIDE OF ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD FROM BENTEL AVENUE TO VALLEY BOULEVARD. This is a request from Ms. Trina Ahlfeldt to install green curb in front of the businesses on Rosemead Boulevard south of Bentel Avenue. V. STAFF REPORTS VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT Thursday July 6, 1995 at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770. LARSON KNAPP I I I 14, 1995 Commission was called to order by Chairman 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, California.91770. TIRRE , Knapp, Beezley, Alarcon and Chairman, Tirre arl Holm Joanne Itagaki BEEZLEY art Heller f S ckett ce was led by Commissioner Larson. ALARCON livered by Commissioner Knapp. on, seconded by Commissioner Larson to approve IRRE, BEEZLEY, ALARCON ° > OM THE AUDIENCE - None M O ~ O ro m ANES ON MARSHALL STREET AT TEMPLE quest from Ms. Dolly Leong to review the traffic location. - I Mr. Holm presented the request from Ms. Dolly Leong for staff to review the eastbound traffic regarding the right turn on Marshall Street at Temple City and to re-align some configuration of the lane restrictions. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report recommending that no changes be made on the traffic lanes on Marshall and Temple City Boulevard. Ms. Itagaki stated that Figure 1 of the report showed existing conditions of the intersection. The accident history from January 1, 1991 through September 30, 1994 showed only two (2) accidents involving two (2) eastbound vehicles. One accident involved an eastbound vehicle turning left and the other is involving an eastbound bicycle colliding with a southbound vehicle. Ms. Itagaki also stated that she took a one hour count of the eastbound traffic from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. on March 22, 1995, which confirmed the higher volume of eastbound right turns on Marshall. The 1995 count calculated a ratio that translates to less than one vehicle per minute. With less than one eastbound through vehicle per minute arriving at the intersection, a significant delay to the right turning vehicle is not experienced. Traffic Commission Minutes 5-4-95 Page 2 of 3 Comments from the Commissioners: Commissioner Knapp wanted to know if Ms. Leong resides in that particular location. Ms. Itagaki replied that Ms. Leong lives within the area. Commissioner Knapp wanted more clarification on Ms. Leong's request since she understands that Ms. Leong was saying that the cars that are turning left were blocking cars that were turning right? Ms. Itagaki responded that Ms. Leong was saying that the through vehicles were holding up the right turning vehicles as the through vehicles had to stop at the red light, blocking those that want to turn right. The normal time for signals are based on traffic volume as some signals are coordinated with other signals, but generally signal cycles range from 60 seconds to 120 seconds, therefore, 90 seconds is not that long. Commissioner Knapp wanted to know if there were any sensor loops underneath for the traffic. Ms. Itagaki responded that in this particular intersection, the green will always be on Temple City Boulevard, unless someone crosses the street or a car sits on Marshall where a loop is located. (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Alarcon, seconded by Commissioner Larson to accept the Deputy Traffic Engineer's recommendation that no changes be made to the eastbound traffic lanes on Marshall Street at Temple City Boulevard. Vote resulted: YES: LARSON, KNAPP, TIRRE, BEEZLEY, ALARCON NO: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE V. STAFF REPORTS A. City Council Action on Traffic Commission Items (4/25/95) Mr. Holm reported on the City Council's approval on four (4) Traffic Commission recommendations last April 25th namely: 1. Garvey Avenue - Truck Parking Restriction and the Red Curb 2. 4-Way Stop at Marshall & Ellis 3. Changes of the signs and bus loading and unloading at William School 4. Guardrail on Temple City at Olney Street Commissioner Knapp mentioned that she was present at this particular meeting and she thanked the Council for accepting the Commissioners' recommendation and also for their trust and confidence with the Traffic Commissioners in helping solve the traffic problem and most importantly in helping the residents. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS A. Commissioner Knapp reported on two (2) items: (1) May 13th would be the Post Office's National Food Drive. People for People, our local food bank, would benefit from this as the Kiwanis would be working and cooperating with them. Traffic Commission Minutes 5-4-95 Page 3 of 3 (2) She also reported on the CCCA Commissioner's workshop last April 29th. She stated that Mr. Carl Holm did an excellent job in his presentation and that the City is very fortunate to have him. B. Chairman Tirre inquired regarding the sign entering the shopping center on River and Garvey. He wanted to know the reason why it was placed behind the post as there is some difficulty on visibility. Ms. Itagaki responded that she will go and take a look and will address the problem. She also reported that the "No U-turn" signs posted on the medians of Garvey Avenue had been raised. C. Commissioner Larson inquired about the "No Left-turn" sign at Stingle. He wanted to know if the City Council approved this item last month. D. Carl Holm announced to the Commission on Sandy Bernica's new addition to the family, a 7.5 lbs. baby girl named Kayla Marie born last April 27th. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. The next meeting will take place on June 1, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. LARSON IC COMMISSION KNAPP ~ DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER )ING ZONE ON DELTA AVENUE TIRRE BOULEVARD - SUNSERI MARKET bf Sunseri Market requested the removal of 3jacent to his business. The loading zone side of Delta Avenue south of Valley BEEMEY , t, ie west side of the Sunseri Market. Lis loading zone is not used by trucks Is. In general, the trucks unload in the :y Boulevard. He also indicated that he ^tly where to park for unloading purposes ALARCON dent" . d on the southeast corner of Valley e. On site parking, approximately 10 he south side of the building. Doors ist on Valley Boulevard and from the located on the east side of Delta Avenue > ditions. ° U) M M z t7 z ° q z seri indicate trucks do not use the ro ne. Most of the trucks, if not all, lot or from Valley Boulevard. Mr. Market would like the additional on that parking often overflows from the metimes affecting his business. -y, on at various times during the day did not identify any trucks delivering to the Market or using the yellow loading zone. However, based on the location of the yellow loading zone, it is anticipated that little use is made by trucks. This is due to the fact that most trucks would access the Market from Valley Boulevard and would have to make a U-turn to use the yellow zone. It would be easier for the trucks to turn in to the parking lot or park on Valley Boulevard. TRAFFIC COMMISSION 05/24/95 09:10 FAX 8952120 {VILLDAN .ASSOC ROSEMEAD 0007 Page 2. During the field review, the on site parking lot was not significantly used. At the most, 2 cars were viewed using the lot. Employees park in the covered "drive-thru" area (drive-thru no longer in use) and do not affect the customer parking area. Trucks unloading in the parking lot may inhibit traffic flow through the parking lot. However, this does not occur for a significant period of time and Mr. Sunseri directs drivers to move their trucks to an appropriate area away from customers vehicles. Mr. Sunseri was asked if he felt the yellow loading zone should be relocated on to Valley Boulevard. He said he would rather have the parking available and that the trucks are generally able to park on Valley Boulevard without problems. RECOMUNAATJ O Based on this report, the removal of the Yellow loading zone on the east side of Delta Avenue south of Valley Boulevard is recommended. Figure 1 depicts this recommendation. Attachment JI: RSDSUNRI 05/24/95 09:11 FAX 6952120 WILLDAN ASSOC ROSEMEAD [a 004 NOT TO SCALE VALLEY BLVD W J LU Q T N 4d N 30 ooo~ s ~a x)01 P MARS' ~ p~~ coo IF t'e~ c~4A UD3CD FIGURE 1 DELTA AVE. SOUTH OF VALLEY BLVD CITY OF ROSEMEAD LARSON IQVAPp OM M I S S I O N i FUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER TIRRE I I I I~ MIcTED PARKING ON ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD of PIP Printing, is requesting the n the east side of Rosemead Boulevard BEEZLEy She has indicated that 4 of the 5 equested green curb are in favor of the is not documented in writing at this the Poly-Tech Dental Studio has several AIARCON ited on-site parking, these employees usinesses all day. Me. Ahlfeldt feels e these vehicles and provide curb side ast side of Rosemead Boulevard and on mate number of parking spaces available Valley Boulevard to Newby Avenue is 18. of the street, there are approximately be used by the businesses on Rosemead tend into the residential neighborhood. behind the businesses with access from M N ~ ulevard. There are 15 spaces on-site. each tenant is allocated 2 spaces. The o d as two tenant areas and is allotted 4 ro ° n . able parking in the vicinity. Ition was conducted on several days at aTrreror,- mow.... This revealed several vehicles parked for extended periods on Bentel Avenue and occasionally on Rosemead Boulevard. Parking on=site was not specifically checked. However, the parking appeared to be full during the field inspections. Due to the complexity of the this situation, staff is requesting additional time to study the parking. In addition, staff will contact the businesses regarding the requested green curb and report on their responses at the next meeting. TRAFFIC COMMISSION 05/24/95 10:22 FAX 6952120 WILLDAN ASSOC --a ROSEMEAD IA007 Page 2. To allow staff additional time to study the parking on Rosemead Boulevard and Bentel Avenue, it is recommended this item be studied further and brought back at the July, 1995 Traffic Commission Meeting. Attachment JI: RSDPIP 05/24/95 10:22 FAX 6952120 WILLDAN ASSOC ROSEMEAD 2004 !JEW $-y ASV. Uor To SCALE _1 co C) LU F LU }JUMBER Op AVAILABLE PARV W6 SPAC E5 f - E%197iU6 RED CUQ6 -E%inriNG D¢IvEwAy 0 FIGU2E EAST SIDE ROSEMEAD _AT- .BENTE.L.. 0 VALLEY 6L. l~J lJ (2 zn 13EPJTE-L_ AV.