TC - 07-10-95MAYOR PRO TEM: MARGARET CLARK COUNCILMEMBERS: -ROBERT W. BRUESCH JA1' T IMPERIAL GARY A. TAYLOR DSCmcad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (818) 288-6671 TELECOPIER 8183079218 MEMORANDUM TO: Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager FROM: Carl P. Holm, Administrative AidelJkq !'DATE: -July 10, 1995 SUBJECT: -TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING SUMMARY July 6, 1995 The Traffic Commission took the following actions: A. REQUEST TO INSTALL GREEN CURB ON EAST SIDE OF ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD NORTH OF VALLEY BOULEVARD. This was a request from Ms. Trina Ahlfeldt. The Commission voted 4-0 to clean up the 2-hour time limit and recommend for some selective enforcement in this area. Green curb does not appear warranted and the Commission did not want to create a precedence. B. REQUEST FOR STOP SIGNS ON WALNUT GRAVE AVENUE AT DOROTHY STREET. This was a request from Ms. Yvonne Argandona. Staff looked at the possibility of a traffic signal, since a stop sign would not work in this situation. The intersection does not meet the warrants for a signal. The Commission voted 4-0 to deny this request. COMMISSIONER REPORTS FLAGS ON GARVEY AVENUE. Commissioner Larson requested that the City look into providing new flags on Garvey Avenue because the current flags are run down. cc: Donald Wagner Jeff Stewart AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting July 6,1995 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Commisioners Larson, Knapp, Vice-Chairman Alarcon, Chairman Tirre Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Knapp Invocation: Commissioner Alarcon 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular meeting of June 1, 1995. H. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes; total time allocated is 15 minutes). HI. OLD BUSINESS A. INSTALL GREEN CURB ON EAST SIDE OF ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD NORTH OF VALLEY BOULEVARD. A request from Ms. Trina Ahlfeldt to install green curb in front of businesses on Rosemead Boulevard north of Valley Boulevard. (Continued from 6/1). IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR STOP SIGNS ON WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AT DOROTHY AVENUE. A request from Ms. Yvonne Argandona to install "STOP" signs at this location. V. STAFF REPORTS A. City Council Actions VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT Thursday August 3, 1995 at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770. .L ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 1, 1995 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Tirre, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, California 91770. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Larson, Knapp, Beezley, Alarcon and Chairman Tirre Ex Officio: Administrative Aide, Carl Holm Deputy Traffic Engineer, Joanne Itagaki Sheriff Liaison, Miller Secretary, Josephine Pickett CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice-Chairman Alarcon. The Invocation was delivered by Chairman Tirre. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Beezley, seconded by Commissioner Larson to approve the minutes of May 4, 1995. Vote Resulted: YES: LARSON, KNAPP, TIRRE, BEEZLEY, ALARCON NO: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None HI. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REMOVE LOADING ZONE ON DELTA AVENUE SOUTH OF VALLEY BOULEVARD, DBA SUNSERI MARKET. This is a request from Mike Sunseri to remove the yellow loading zone adjacent to his business. Mr.Holm presented the request from Mr. Mike Sunseri to remove the yellow loading zone on Delta Avenue South of Valley Boulevard doing business as Sunseri Market. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report with the recommendation to remove the 30-feet of yellow curb. Mr. Sunseri indicated that the trucks unload from the parking lot or from Valley Boulevard. Trucks unloading in the parking lot may inhibit traffic flow, however, Mr. Sunseri can direct the traffic and request the truck drivers to move their vehicles. Mr. Sunseri felt that he would prefer parking rather than a yellow zone. Based on these findings, staff recommends removal of the yellow loading zone on east side of Delta Avenue and south of Valley Boulevard. Commissioner Larson suggested to remove some of the red zone to allow for another parking space. Ms. Itagaki responded that the red curb also assists in vehicles turning right as Delta is only striped with a double yellow down the center. If there are cars wanting to make a left they generally would take the center stripe. If we maintain at least twenty feet of red curb, it would provide for it. Mr. Holm clarified that it will be like an unmarked right hand turn lane. Traffic Commission Minutes 6-1-95 Page 3 of 3 The Commissioners discussed the report on the weekly greensheet. They have agreed that a breakdown on a 2-hour time limit zone should be itemized in the greensheet. Commissioner Knapp reminded Ms. Itagaki about a study on this particular issue some two years ago. Commission Knapp recalled that in that report, there were a lot of statistics from Caltrans to the type of signs that may be posted on major or secondary highway. Commissioner Knapp suggested a type of communication letter to the different tenants coming from the City rather than from a neighbor. (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commssioner Larson to continue the item for further review with the direction given by the Commission. Vote resulted: YES: LARSON, KNAPP, TIRRE, BEEZLEY, ALARCON NO: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE V. STAFF REPORTS - none VI. CONIAIISSIONER REPORTS A.. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki reported on the following items: (1) A follow up on last month's meeting with regards to Temple City Boulevard and I-10 Freeway, on a letter to Caltrans about the ramps. Caltrans replied that they would consider these items and study it. (2) Left turn facing on Mission and on Marshall at Rosemead Boulevard. Rosemead and Mission, Caltrans had denied the request for this installation, while Rosemead and Marshall, Caltrans had approved it and would be on the next City Council meeting. B. Commissioner Knapp inquired if the guardrails had already been installed. Ms. Itagaki replied that there had been some delay on its installation, however, Mr. Ruiz will be contacted to inform him of its status. C. Commissioner Larson was concerned about a large pothole on Ramona going west of Burton in the westbound lane. D. Commissioner Beezley announced his resignation as a Traffic Commissioner effective June 2, 1995. Chairman Tirre thanked Commissioner Beezley for the the many years he worked for the Commission and that it had been a great pleasure working with him. E. Commissioner Knapp invited everyone to participate on the 4th of July celebration. She also mentioned the place and time where the parade would start and end. F. Chairman Tirre reminded the Rosemead High students to wait until the meeting is over for their attendance slips. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. The next meeting will take place on July 6, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. STAFF - REPORT - TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: JUNE 22, 1995 RE: TIME LIMITED PARKING ON ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD SOUTH OF BENTEL AVENUE - FOLLOW-UP DISCUSSION This item was brought before the Traffic Commission at its June 1, 1995 meeting. A copy of that staff report is attached. The request, from Ms. Trina Ahlfeldt, is for the installation of green curb on the east side of Rosemead Boulevard south of Bentel Avenue. There has been an indication that employees of the Poly- Tech Dental Studio park in front of the businesses for extended periods of time. Additional field review of the location was conducted. This review indicated that there is a "2 Hour Parking, 9 AM to 6 PM, Except Sundays and Holidays" posted parking prohibition in front of the businesses south of Bentel Avenue. Staff reported in error, last month, that there were no posted parking prohibitions. Table 1 depicts the parking review conducted along Rosemead Boulevard and Bentel Avenue. This table identifies that several of the cars parking in this vicinity are parked for long periods of time. Several cars were also recognized from previous days of field review. The installation of green curb in front of businesses in the City of Rosemead is generally denied. There must be extenuating circumstances before such an installation occurs. There have not been any green curb installations, that I am aware of, in the past 3 years. However, in recent travels in the City, I did find green curb installed on the west side of Ivar Avenue north of Valley Boulevard. There appears to be a need for additional enforcement of the 2 hour parking prohibition to be affective. Based on our field review and discussions with Ms. Ahlfeldt, most employee vehicles park all day on Rosemead Boulevard. In addition, the installation of additional signs would clarify the parking prohibition. TRAFFIC COMMISSION Based on the existing use of the curb side parking on the east side of Rosemead Boulevard between Valley Boulevard and Newby Avenue, the installation of additional "2 Hour Parking, 9 AM to 6 PM, Except Sundays and Holidays" signs is recommended. Selective enforcement of this parking prohibition is also recommended. Attachment JI: RSDPIP STAFF REPORT = TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: MAY 24, 1995 RE: REQUEST FOR TIME LIMITED PARKING ON ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD SOUTH OF BENTEL AVENUE REQUEST Me. Trina Ahlfeldt, owner of PIP Printing, is requesting the installation of green curb on the east side of Rosemead Boulevard south of Bentel Avenue. She has indicated that 4 of the 5 businesses affected by the requested green curb are in favor of the installation. However, this.is not documented in writing at this time. Ms. Ahlfeldt indicates that the Poly-Tech Dental Studio has several employees. Due to the limited on-site parking, these employees often park in front of the businesses all day. Me. Ahlfeldt feels the green curb would relocate these vehicles and provide curb side parking for customers. Parking is allowed on the east side of Rosemead Boulevard and on Bentel Avenue. The approximate number of parking spaces available on Rosemead Boulevard from Valley Boulevard to Newby Avenue is 18. On Bentel Avenue, both sides of the street, there are approximately 10 spaces that appear to be used by the businesses on Rosemead Boulevard. These spaces extend into the residential neighborhood. Parking on-site is located behind the businesses with access from Bentel Avenue and Valley Boulevard. There are 15 spaces on-site. According to Ms. Ahlfeldt, each tenant is allocated 2 spaces. The Dental Studio is considered as two tenant areas and is allotted 4 parking spaces. Figure 1 depicts the available parking in the vicinity. DISCGSSION Field review of the location was conducted on several days at different times of the day. This revealed several vehicles parked for extended periods on Bentel Avenue and occasionally on Rosemead Boulevard. Parking on-site was not specifically checked. However, the parking appeared to be full during the field inspections. Due to the complexity of the this situation, staff is requesting additional time to study the parking. In addition, staff will contact the businesses regarding the requested green curb and report on their responses at the next meeting. TRAFFIC COMMISSION 05/ 24/95 10:22 FAX 6952120 WILLDAN .ASSOC ROSE31E.AD . t0003 Page 2. To allow staff additional time to study the parking on Rosemead Boulevard and Bentel Avenue, it is recommended this item be studied further and brought back at the July, 1995 Traffic Commission Meeting. Attachment JI= RSDPIP NOT TO SCALE J O w F w p r aL 0 NUMBER OF O AVAILA6lE PARK106 5PAC E5 EX15Tlu6 RED CURE -EXinlrIniG DRiVEWA`I * REVi060 i/v6j95 vAL' E-Y BL. v v BENrEL .4V. SENT BY:WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 6-28-95 8:21 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES- 818 307 9218;# 2 W t- 1 Nom. ~ ~ v ~ * v ~ T v i ~ N tD 'D v 'i c y d d ~ ~ Kl m - . -4 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ a In'~ 1~ U1 ~ 1>7 N N ~ N N m N ~ N ~ ln ll1 ~ 1n ~ N cg N N d r. 5C d a~ y Q'' v QQ QL ~ ~ 'd' d ~ ~ ~ lS1 Cp N U1 ~ N l11 ~ N ~ ~ ~ N N c} - Z ~ . H O[ Z h H of f a[ ~ F H a[ 2 (Y ~ of ~ ol Z in 0 ~ Q N N d' Q O O 'Ile SENT BY:WILLOAN ASSOCIATES 6-28-95 821 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES- 818 307 9218;9.3 u N tJ c.l 4- Z ~v w a Q_ to r~ a a ~ r l° ° N a a ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STAFF'REPORT = TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGARI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: JUNE 22, 1995 RE: REQUEST FOR STOP SIGNS ON WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AT DOROTHY STREET REQUEST A request has been received from Ms. Yvonne Argandona for the installation of "STOP" signs on Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street. She indicates accidents have occurred at this intersection. Due to the existing traffic controls on Walnut Grove Avenue, the installation of "STOP" signs was not considered. The installation of a traffic signal, however, was analyzed. In addition, this intersection was discussed during the November 5, 1992, Traffic Commission meeting. The request at that time was for the installation of a crosswalk. The Traffic Commission approved staff's recommendation not to install the crosswalk. A copy of the staff report and meeting minutes are attached. Traffic conditions have not changed from the 1992 report. The conditions are summarized below: Walnut Grove Avenue - 64 feet wide 2 lanes in each direction 40 mph speed limit Dorothy Street - 40 feet wide No centerline striping STOP controlled at Walnut Grove Avenue 25 mph speed limit Figure 1 depicts existing conditions at the intersection. DA A T The reported accident history at and within 100 feet of the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Dorothy Street was reviewed. This review identified 5 accidents reported from January 1, 1992 through December 31, 1994. These accidents are summarized on the following page. TRAFFIC COMMISSION Page 2. 41" south - Southbound vehicle proceeding 9/2/93 11:00pm straight rearended a southbound parked vehicle (Improper Turn). 31" south - Northbound vehicle making an 5/10/93 10:25pm unsafe turn rearended a northbound parked vehicle (Driver Alcohol/Drug:Improper Turn). 83" south - Southbound vehicle turning 10/10/93 9:57pm left broadsided a northbound vehicle proceeding straight (Lane Change). At - Westbound vehicle turning left 12/21/92 8:20pm collided head-on with an eastbound parked vehicle (Wrong Side:Unsafe speed). 95" south - Northbound vehicle proceeding 11/14/92 1:20pm straight rearended a northbound vehicle proceeding straight and a northbound stopped vehicle (Too Close). A 24-hour traffic volume count was also conducted on the approaches to the intersection. This count revealed the following: Walnut Grove Avenue Northbound Approach - 10,679 Southbound Approach - 10,477 Dorothy Street Eastbound Approach - 738 24-hour Total Traffic Volume - 21,894 Pedestrian volume counts were not conducted at this location due to the close of the school session. However, contact was made with the Garvey School District regarding the number of students living east of Walnut Grove Avenue attending Willard Elementary. Dr. Chang of the District indicated approximately 154 students live east of Walnut Grove Avenue. Of the students living east of Walnut Grove Avenue, the majority of these students live on Burton Avenue, Bartlett Avenue, etc. These students would cross Walnut Grove Avenue at Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard or Garvey Avenue. Both of these loactions are signalized. Page 3. The remaining students live on Walnut Grove Avenue. It is estimated that fewer than 50 students live on Walnut Grove Avenue. This is further supported by the 40 students that were identified as living on Walnut Grove Avenue in the October 28, 1992 staff report. DISCUSSION Traffic signals, in general, enhance traffic safety and promote traffic flow when installed at locations where studies have shown such control to be Justified. These studies examine traffic volumes, speed, accident history, alignment, user behavior, engineering judgement, and the location's compatibility with other signalized locations in the vicinity. The data collected at this intersection was compared to the guidelines (warrants) which have been prepared based on nation-wide examinations of a broad cross- section of locations. The traffic volumes collected at this intersection were compared to the traffic signal warrants (attached) found in the Caltrans Traffic Manual. The traffic volumes on Walnut Grove Avenue meet the warrants for the installation of a traffic signal. However, the traffic volumes on Dorothy Street fall below the minimum requirements necessary to meet the traffic volume warrants. Only the Peak Hour Volume warrant (Warrant 11) was satisfied. The accident guideline is met when 5 or more accidents, correctable by the installation of a traffic signal, are reported in a 12 month period. The accident history was reviewed for a 3 pear period. Of these reported accidents, none were identified as being correctable by the installation of a traffic signal. Three of the 5 reported accidents involved parked vehicles. This accident guideline, therefore, is not satisfied. The student pedestrian volumes crossing Walnut Grove Avenue do not meet the traffic signal installation guidelines. These pedestrians are encouraged to use the signalized locations at Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard and Garvey Avenue. The locations are identified with yellow crosswalks to inform motorists that they are used by school aged pedestrians. When traffic signals are installed at locations where they are not Justified, safety is often compromised and congestion is increased. When this occurs, the community as a whole is poorly served by the device. RECOMMENDATION Based on the results of this study, the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Dorothy Street is not recommended. ~c. 6 ~ Q i ~ I I J ~ O uo SCALE r ~ J 3 `IELIOW DO eorN Y 5T. 40' 0 To WILLAi'D SCOCOL Q T 40 64' O I- I ~ 0 co ~ I FIGURE I WAL /I uT 6lZpvE Av. AND %DRDr4`I ST. CITY OF ROSEMEAD 9-6' TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Manual 1-1992 Figure 9-1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS CALC Zic i DATE z-r 5- DIST CO RTE PM CHK DATE Major St lh 4 Grove f} }~nuP Critical Approach Speed 4-7 mph Minor St: Duerr t h ~ 1 ~P~ Critical Approach Speed mph Critical speed of major street traffic ? 40 mph - - - - - - - - - - - - - or 1 RURAL (R) In built up area of isolated community of < 10,000 pop. - - - - - - - - - ❑ J ❑ URBAN (U) WARRANT 1 - Minimum Vehicular Volume 100% SATISFIED YES ❑ NO 80%SATISFIED YES ❑ NO l~ MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (90% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) U R 11 U R APPROACH 1 2 or more 7-5A( LANES Both Apprcits. 500 350 600 420 1366 Major Street (400) (280) (480) (336 Highosl Apprrh. 150 105 200 140 41 Minor Street (120) (84) (160) (112) WARRANT 2 - Interruption of Continuous Traffic APPROACH r Both Apprchs. Malor Street Highosl Apprch Minor Street MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) U R U R 1 2 or more 750 525 900 630 100 WARRANT 3 - Minimum Pedestrian Volume Hour 100% SATISFIED YES ❑ NO E' REQUIREMENT FULFILLED Pedestrian volume crossing the major street is 100 or more for each of any four hours or is 190 or more during any one Yes ❑ No Q hour: AND There are less than 60 gaps per hour in the major street iraf- Yes ❑ No Q tic stream of adequate length for pedestrians to cross: AUQ The nearest traffic signal along the major street is greater Yes E'1 No ❑ than 300 feet: AND The new traffic signal will not seriously disrupt progressive Yes ❑ No [~J' traffic flow on the major street. IOZ9 IIO4Z-11311 1123411 Z15 101 1 3I 1 33 1-3'9 1 35 1 73 56 100% SATISFIED 80% SATISFIED Hour YES ❑ NO Q YES ❑ NO 2' 366 1652 IpZ9 1042 1311 lZh4 6Zt`3 14 z0 41 lot 31 33 39 35 ~3 S~ The satisfaction of a warrant Is not necessarily justification for a signal. Delay, congestion, confusion or other evidence of the need for right-of-way assignment must be shown. Traffic Manual TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING 9-7 14992 WARRANT 4 - School Crossings Not Applicable _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ❑ Figure 9-2 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS 0161nwfGrove ki/Doro+4. St WARRANT 5 - Progressive Movement See School Crossings Warrant Sheet [-:r SATISFIED YES ❑ NO a MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS DISTANCE TO NEAREST SIGNAL FULFILLED > 1000 FT. N _280 ff. S _La(~ It, E ft. W ft. YES[:] NO ON ONE WAY ISOLATED STREETS OR STREETS WITH ONE WAY TRAFFIC SIGNIFICANCE AND ADJACENT SIGNALS ARE SO FAR APART THAT NECESSARY PLATOONING 8 SPEED CONTROL WOULD BE LOST - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ON 2 WAY STREETS WHERE ADJACENT SIGNALS DO NOT PROVIDE NECESSARY PLATOONING AND VE SIGNA SYSTEM ❑ C L SPEED CONTROL PROPOSED SIGNALS COULD CONSTITUTE A PROGRESSI WARRANT 6 - Accident Experience SATISFIED YES ❑ NO Ei- REQUIREMENTS WARRANT FULFILLED ONE WARRANT WARRANT I MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME SATISFIED _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 80% OR WARRANT 2 INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC YES ❑ NO SIGNAL WILL NOT SERIOUSLY DISRUUPT PROGRESSIVE TRAFFIC FLOW ❑ ADEQUATE TRIAL OF LESS RESTRICTIVE REMEDIES HAS FAILED TO REDUCE ACCIDENT FREQUENCY ❑ ACC WITHIN A 12 MONTH PERIOD SUSCEPTIBLE OF CORR. 8 INVOLVING INJURY OR ? $500 DAMAGE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS 50R MORE (I/I e{Z - 1261 /94> ❑ Cw WARRANT 7 - Systems Warrant SATISFIED YES ❑ NO L MINIMUM VOLUME FULFILLED REQUIREMENT ENTERING VOLUMES ALL APPROACHES ~SY DURING TYPICAL WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR 11221 VEH!HR 1000 VEH,HR - OR DURING EACH OF ANY 5 HRS. OF A SAT. ANO/OR SUN VEH'HR YES NO ❑ CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR ROUTES MAJOR ST MINOR ST. HWY SYSTEM SERVING AS PRINCIPLE NETWORK FOR THROUGH TRAFFIC ✓ RURAL OR SUBURBAN HWY OUTSIDE OF. ENTERING. OR TRAVERSING A CITY ✓ APPEARS AS MAJOR ROUTE ON AN OFFICIAL PLAN ✓ ANY MAJOR ROUTE CHARACTERISTICS MET. BOTH STREETS ❑ Q The satisfaction of a warrant Is not necessarily justification for a signal. Delay, congestion, confusion or other evidence of the need for right-of-way assigmmnent must be shown. 9-8- TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Manual 1.1991 Figure 9-3 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS 60a nvi Grove AJ /Lb+b+hy St WARRANT 8 - Combination of Warrants SATISFIED YES ❑ NO a REOUIREMENT WARRANT J j FULFILLED TWO WARRANTS 1. MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME SATISFIED TRAFFIC 2. INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS YES ❑ NO 80 WARRANT 9 - Four Hour Volume SATISFIED YES ❑ NO 2 or qp~a a R~ y0 Ona mnra ~pt/ ~ y Hour Both Approaches - Major Street hJ6~ 4657- lZlS t4-W Highest Approaches - Minor Street ✓ 1 14, tot R3 56 ` Refer to Figure 9-6 (URBAN AREAS) or Figure 9.7 (RURAL AREAS) to determine if this warrant is satisfied. WARRANT 10 -Peak Hour Delay SATISFIED YES ❑ NO (ALL PARTS MUST BE SATISFIED) 1, The total delay experienced for traffic on one minor street approach controlled by a STOP sign equals or exceeds four vehicle-hours for a one-lane approach and live vehicle-hours for a two lane approach. AND YES ❑ NO ❑ 2. The volume on the same minor street approach equals or exceeds 100 vph for rY one moving lane of traffic or 150 vph for two moving lanes; AND YES ❑ NO Lu q The total entering volume serviced during the hour equals or exceeds 800 vph for intersections with four or more approaches or 650 vph for intersections with three approaches. YES 9 NO ❑ SATISFIED YES [Z' NO ❑ Hour * Refer to Figure 9 8 (URBAN AREAS) or Figure 9-9 (RURAL AREAS) to determine if this warrant is satisfied The satisfaction of a warrant is not necessarily justification for a signal. Delay, congestion. confusion or other evidence of the need for right-of-way assignment must be shown. WARRANT 11 - Peak Hour Volume 9.1p . TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Manual 1.1992 Figure 9-5 SCHOOL PROTECTION WARRANTS CALC DATE 6 Z~ S DIST CO RTE PM CHK DATE Major St: G- kfe Ad evlup Critical Approach Speed 4 mph Minor SC DU 'H^ r X71 tt~F Critical Approach Speed mph Critical speed of major street traffic ? 40 mph - - - - - - - - - - - - - RURAL (R) In built up area of isolated community of < 10,000 pop. - _ _ _ - - - - - - URBAN (U) YELLOW SCHOOL SIGNALS ARTS MUST BE SATISFIED) hT K um Requirements n w oT w I --U it R SATISFIED M 1 Vehicle Volume Eacnot 2 hours 200 40 SATISFIED School Age Pedestrians Each of 40 40 Crossing Street 2 hours AND PART B Critical Approach Speed eeds 35 mph SATISF AND PART C Is rest controlled crossing more than 600 feet away? SATISFIED YES ❑,-Mb ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ SCHOOL AREA TRAFFIC SIGNALS SATISFIED YES ❑ NO (ALL PARTS MUST BE SATISFIED) Minimum Requirements PART A U R f3 ti' Vehicle Volume Each of 500 350 1401 1268 2 hours Each of t00 70 A.C55 40 School Age Pedestrians 2 hours Crossing Street or 500 350 per day AND SATISFIED YES ❑ NO d or 021 Z9,Ig4Z repc,4 PART B Is nearest controlled crossing more than 600 feet away? SATISFIED YES (a NO ❑ 9.12 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Manual 1.1991 Figure 9-7 FOUR HOUR VOLUME WARRANT (Rural Areas) (,~a~nui- GYbJC ~~1~(bi-~ty Sf- 400 x CL = 300 ~U wQ w 2 0 ~ cc (n a CL a 200 Ow z~ O x 100 x 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) OR 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) +00) *+h t C56) 4- 0 L- 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 MAJOR STREET - TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES - VPH -1- All J "r howr v na 0Y s'4 JO~umN > IOCC> V.0n ' NOTE: 80 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACH WITH TWO OR MORE LANES AND 60 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACHING WITH ONE LANE. 1000 9-14 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Manual 1.1"I Figure 9-9 PEAK HOUR VOLUME WARRANT (Rural Areas) IJa6,-- G+nve A\;/j:>o"" v Sf 500 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) x CL > 400 x U F ¢ w 300 ¢a a N a s w Z 200 J 0 > a 100 2 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) OR 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) 0 L- 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 MAJOR STREET - TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES - VPH Ma~ot ee+ = IbS? H1nor `afrce~ _ IC, 1200 100 * NOTE: 100 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACH WITH TWO OR MORE LANES AND 75 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACHING WITH ONE LANE. TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: OCTOBER 28, 1992 RE: REQUEST FOR CROSSWALK AT THE INTERSECTION OF WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AND DOROTHY STREET REQUEST Ms. Lorraine Burchett, a resident, has requested the installation of a crosswalk on Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street. She indicates that students of Willard Elementary School that live east of Walnut Grove Avenue must cross at either Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard or Garvey Avenue. She feels this is too far to travel and that crossing at Dorothy Street would be easier for the students. CONDITIONS f.4' Walnut Grove Avenue is a kY' wide north/south roadway. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. There are fronting residential uses on Walnut Grove Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard. Parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway in the vicinity of Dorothy Street. The posted speed limit on Walnut Grove Avenue is 40 mph. Dorothy Street is a 40' wide east/west roadway. There is no striping on this roadway. The east end of this street terminates at Walnut Grove Avenue to form a "T" intersection. Dorothy Street is STOP controlled at this intersection. A yellow crosswalk exists on Dorothy Street at Walnut Grove Avenue. Parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway. The prima facie speed limit is 25 mph on this street. Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard is approximately 780' north of Dorothy Street. Garvey Avenue is approximately 1,860' south of Dorothy Street. Figure 1 depicts these conditions. page 2. DATA The accident history within 100' of the intersection was reviewed:for the time period of January 1, 1989 to June 21, 1992. This accident history indicated 5 accidents were reported. These accidents are summarized below: Location and Description Date Walnut Grove Avenue 84' south of Dorothy 11/02/91 Eastbound vehicle turning left broadsided a northbound vehicle proceeding straight (Right-of-way automobile). Dorothy at Walnut Grove Avenue 09/18/91 Northbound vehicle proceeding straight sideswiped a northbound vehicle proceeding straight (Improper turn). Walnut Grove Avenue 90' south of Dorothy 03/21/89 Southbound vehicle proceeding straight collided with an eastbound pedestrian (Pedestrian violation). Time 11:50 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 2:25 p.m. Walnut Grove Avenue 6' north of Dorothy 11/21/89 7:15 p.m. Eastbound bicycle entering traffic collided with a southbound vehicle proceeding straight (Driver alcohol/ drug - Other equipment). Dorothy at Walnut Grove Avenue Westbound vehicle turning left broadsided a southbound vehicle proceeding straight (Right-of-way automobile). DISCUSSION 09/08/89 6:45 a.m. Field review of the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Dorothy Street was made. The visibility of traffic from Dorothy Street is adequate. The intersections of Walnut Grove Avenue at Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard and Garvey Avenue are signalized. A crossing guard is also present during school crossing hours at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard. Page. 3 Staff contacted the Garvey School District to determine the approximate number of students living east of Walnut Grove Avenue and attending Willard Elementary School. Based on this contact, approximately 40 students live on the east side-of Walnut Grove Avenue and another 40 students live on Burton Avenue. Those students living on Burton Avenue attending Willard School.would have to cross Walnut Grove Avenue at Hellman Avenue/Ramona--Boulevard or Garvey Avenue. There are not other opportunities to access Walnut Grove Avenue from Burton Avenue. Therefore, the requested crosswalk at Dorothy Street would be useful for the 40 students living on the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue. Those 40 students, however, should be directed to use the signalized crosswalks at Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard and Garvey Avenue to cross Walnut Grove Avenue. These crosswalks are yellow to inform motorists that they are used by school aged pedestrians. This may be a longer route but the guidance provided by the signalized intersection and yellow crosswalks improves the safety of the pedestrians. Studies conducted in the Cities of San Diego and Long Beach analyzed the relative safety at uncontrolled intersections. Uncontrolled intersections are those locations without traffic signals or four-way stop signs. The studies indicated that more pedestrian related accidents at intersections occurred at marked crosswalks than at those without. one conclusion of these contradictory results of common sense is the false sense of security pedestrians feel at the marked crosswalks. Unfortunately, two painted lines do not provide protection against oncoming vehicles. The pedestrian must carry the burden of safety and be alert and cautious while crossing any street. The California Vehicle Code states that a crosswalk exists at all intersections unless pedestrian crossing is prohibited by signs. Therefore, crosswalks should be marked only where necessary for guidance and control of pedestrians, to direct them to the safest of several potential routes. RECOMMENDATION Based on the analysis of the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Dorothy Street, the installation of a crosswalk at this uncontrolled intersection is not recommended. It is recommended that students be directed to use the signalized intersections of Walnut Grove Avenue at the Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard and Garvey Avenue. JI:nv Attachment AGENDA:TRAFFIC:11 uo SCALE DO SOT! ' Y Si. 4a' ~T,., W ILL GZ NCO L 0 l a J ~l ~p f- O co r 4LJ v r ~o v 77 Q lye 7 0 v I- Z S FIGI WALMUT 6Ro\JE-AV. AND ~OROr~y ST. CITY OF ROSEMEAD T i ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 5. 1992 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Pinon, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8x38 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. I. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge to the Flag was delivered by commissioner Larson The Invocation was delivered by commissioner Larson II. ROLL CALL Chairman Pinon Commissioners: Beezley, Larson, Tirre, Knapp 48 III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. It was moved by commissioner Tirre, seconded by Commissioner Beezley, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for September 3, 1992. B. It was moved by Commissioner Tirre, seconded by Commissioner Beezley, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for October 1, 1992. IV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None VI. NEW BUSINESS A. TURNING MOVEMENTS ON GARVEY AVENUE EAST AND WEST OF SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD - SAVON/BEECHES AND DIAMOND SQUARE SHOPPING CENTERS Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that staff reviewed the driveways on Garvey Avenue east and west of San Gabriel Boulevard. The Traffic Commission has indicated that left turns into and out of these driveways has caused some confusion and problems to the traffic flow in the area. East of San Gabriel Boulevard, the driveways provide access to the Savon/Beeches shopping center on the north curb line of Garvey Avenue. West of San Gabriel Boulevard, the driveway provides access to the Diamond Square shopping center on the south curb line of Garvey Avenue. r-i, Garvey Avenue is an east/west primary arterial that traverses the length of the City. The roadway is 76' wide with two lanes in each direction separated by a raised center median or a two-way left turn lane. At the intersection of San Gabriel Boulevard, right turn only lanes are provided in the east and west bound directions. The accident history from January 1, 1989 to September 17, 1992 was reviewed. This accident history revealed several in the vicinit:• of the drive•.daps. used further east. After further discussion and or concerns regarding the driveways "A" and "B" from several of the commissioners, it was moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner Tirre, and carried unanimously to table this item until next month and have staff look at what was there before the construction. The Commission asked that all business owners affected be notified and invited to attend the meeting. C It was moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner i~P and carried unanimously to table Driveway "C" until Tirre tit) , staff notifies the merchants at Diamond Square. G ~K Commissioner Knapp wanted to reiterate to staff to notify an item that concerns h r en residents and or business owners w o \ them comes before the Commission. r d~ CTION OF WALNUT GROVE B. REQUEST FOR CROSSWALK AT THE INTERSE YJi AVENUE AND DOROTHY STREET Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that this request came from Ms. Burchett, a resident, who has requested the installation of a crosswalk on Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street. She indicated that students of Willard Elementary School that live east of Walnut Grove Avenue must cross at either Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard or Garvey Avenue. She feels this is too far to travel and that crossing at Dorothy Street would be easier for the students. Walnut Grove Avenue is a 61' wide north/south roadway. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. There are fronting residential uses on Walnut Grove Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard. Parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway in the vicinity of Dorothy Street. The posted speed limit on Walnut Grove Avenue is 40 mph. Dorothy Street is a 40' wide east/west roadway. There is no striping on this roadway. The east end of this street terminates at Walnut Grove Avenue to form a "T" intersection. Dorothy Street is STOP controlled at this intersection. A yellow crosswalk exists on Dorothy Street at Walnut Grove Avenue. Parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway. The prima facie speed limit is 25 mph on this street. Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard is approximately 780' north of Dorothy Street. Garvey Avenue is approximately 1,860' south of Dorothy Street. • The accident history within 100' of the intersection was reviewed for the time period of January 1, 1989 to June 21, 1992. This accident history indicated 5 accidents were reported. Page 3 • Field review of the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Dorothy Street was made. The visibility of traffic from Dorothy Street is adequate. The intersections of Walnut Grove Avenue at Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard and Garvey Avenue are signalized. A crossing guard is also present during school crossing hours at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard. Staff contacted the Garvey School District to determine the approximate number of students living east of Walnut Grove Avenue and attending Willard Elementary School. Based on this contact, approximately 40 students live on the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue and another 40 students live on Burton Avenue. Those students living on Burton Avenue attending Willard School would have to cross Walnut Grove Avenue at Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard or Garvey Avenue. There are not other opportunities to access Walnut Grove Avenue from Burton Avenue. Therefore, the requested crosswalk at Dorothy Street would be useful for the 40 students living on the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue. Those 40 students, however, should be directed to use the signalized crosswalks at Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard and Garvey Avenue to cross Walnut Grove Avenue. These crosswalks are yellow to inform motorists that they are used by school aged pedestrians. This may be a longer route but the guidance . provided by the signalized intersection and yellow crosswalks improves the safety of the pedestrians. Studies conducted in the Cities of San Diego and Long Beach analyzed the relative safety at uncontrolled intersections. Uncontrolled intersections are those locations without traffic signals or four-way stop signs. The studies indicated that more pedestrian related accidents at intersections occurred at marked crosswalks than at those without. One conclusion of these contradictory results of common sense is the false sense of security pedestrians feel at the marked crosswalks. Unfortunately, two painted lines do not provide protection against oncoming vehicles. The pedestrian must carry the burden of safety and be alert and cautious while crossing any street. The California Vehicle Code states that a crosswalk exists at all intersections unless pedestrian crossing is prohibited by signs. Therefore, crosswalks should be marked only where necessary for guidance and control of pedestrians, to direct them to the safest of several potential routes. RECOMMENDATION ® Based on the analysis of the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Dorothy Street, the installation of a crosswalk at this uncontrolled intersection was not recommended. It was recommended that students be directed to use the signalized intersections of Walnut Grove Avenue at the Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard and Garvey Avenue. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Larson, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. VT_ MATTERS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF TO: CARL P. HOLM, ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: JUNE 27, 1995 RE: DRAFT TRAFFIC COMMISSION AGENDA FOR JULY 6, 1995 MEETING The following is the DRAFT agenda for the next meeting: A. TIME LIMITED PARKING ON ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD SOUTH OF BENTEL AVENUE - FOLLOW-UP. This report is a follow-up to last month's item for time limited parking from Ms. Trina Ahlfeldt of PIP Copying. A. REQUEST FOR STOP SIGNS ON WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AT DOROTHY AVENUE. This is a request from Ms. Yvonne Argandona to install STOP signs on Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street. The installation of traffic signals was analyzed. If you have any questions, please call me at (310) 908-6226. JI: RSDDRAFT