TC - 09-07-95A ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting September 7. 1995 Call to Order: Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance: 7:00 p.m. Commissioners Larson, Knapp, Vice-Chairman Alarcon, Chairman Tirre Commissioner Larson Invocation: Commissioner Knapp 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular meetings of July 6 and August 3, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: Approve minutes as presented. H. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes; total time allocated is 15 minutes). III. OLD BUSINESS A. NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR GREEN CURB AT 2525 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD. This is a request from Mr. Issa Farah for green curb in front of his business to reduce extended parking from a neighboring auto repair business. B. REQUEST FOR "NO RIGHT TURN ON RED" SIGN AT ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD AND LOWER AZUSA ROAD. This is a request from Councilman Imperial to investigate the need for restricting northbound traffic onto Rosemead Boulevard. C. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROLS FOR CURVES IN THE 3600 BLOCK OF MUSCATEL AVENUE SOUTH OF MARSHALL STREET. This is a request from Mr. Mark Mohammad to add traffic controls through two curve areas. V. STAFF REPORTS A. CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS OF AUGUST 22, 1995 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File B. WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY TRAFFIC FORUM MEETING-MINUTES RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VH. ADJOURNMENT Thursday, October 5, 1995 at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770. STAFF REPORT = TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CARL P. HOLM, ADMINISTRTIVE AIDE DATE: SEPTEMBER 7, 1995 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES, JULY 6, 1995 The subject minutes had not been completed at the time of running the agenda. Therefore, they will be delivered to the Commission by Wednesday, September 6. TRAFFIC COMMISSION ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 3, 1995 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Tirre, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Larson, Knapp, Alarcon and Chairman Tirre Ex Officio: Administrative Aide, Carl Holm Deputy Traffic Engineer, Joanne Itagaki Sheriff Liaison, Miller CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Tirre The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Larson APPROVAL OF MINUTES - None II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes: total time allocated is 15 minutes). Henry Chavez, 2733 N. Bartlett Avenue, Rosemead and George Lopez, 2737 N. Bartlett, Rosemead, addressed the following concerns: a forklift is being driven on the sidewalk at 8712 Garvey Avenue at Bartlett Street and at the roofing company on Garvey at La Presa; the Far West Sewing company is using an unlicensed truck on the streets; there is a drum of oil at the southeast corner of Garvey and Bartlett parking lot. Photographs were provided by the speakers. Mr. Chavez added that these have been on-going problems for many years. Mr. Chavez stated that a forklift has crushed a phone company cable box cover in front of 8712 Garvey. Mr. Chavez continued that this is a formal complaint and these problems have been reported to City Hall previously. III. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR SPEED HUMPS IN ALLEY SOUTH OF GARVEY AVENUE BETWEEN LA PRESA AVENUE AND BARTLETT AVENUE. This is a request from Mr. Henry Chavez to reduce speeding in the alley. Mr. Holm presented the request from Mr. Henry Chavez to reduce speeding in the alley Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report with the recommendation not to install the speed humps in the alley south of Garvey Avenue between La Presa Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. The installation of "15 mph" speed limit signs is recommended on the existing sign posts at the entrances to the alley. It is also recommended that staff be directed to develop a written policy, to be considered at a future meeting, for the installation of speed humps on residential roadways. Henry Chavez, 2733 N. Bartlett, Rosemead and George Lopez, 2737 N. Bartlett, Rosemead were present. Mr. Chavez stated that their main concern is for pedestrian safety crossing the alley and suggested limit lines with "Stop" signs be installed across both alleys. Chairman Tirre asked if they had observed any accidents at that location Traffic Commission Minutes 8-3-95 Page #1 Mr. Chavez stated that he had not Mr. Lopez responded that cars speed down the alley in both directions and drivers use the alley as a short-cut when Muscatel backs up peak traffic hours. Mr. Lopez added that there are many small children in the area that cross that alleyway. Commissioner Knapp asked Mr. Lopez and Mr. Chavez if posting a 15 mph sign would remedy this situation, and that she favors a "Stop" sign. Mr. Lopez responded that it would not be as effective as a speed hump in the middle of the alley. Commissioner Alarcon suggested posting the alley "One Way" going westbound from Bartlett to La Presa to avoid cars using this alley as a short cut. (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Larson to install "15 mph" speed limit signs on the existing sign posts and install "Stop" signs with limit lines at the entrances to the alley. Vote resulted: YES: LARSON, KNAPP, TIRRE, ALARCON NO: NONE ABSENT NONE ABSTAIN: NONE B. REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT MISSION DRIVE AND ENCINITA AVENUE. This is a request from Ms. Joan Mitten to install a traffic signal at Mission Drive and Encinita Avenue. Mr. Holm presented the request from Ms. Mitten to install a traffic signal at Mission Drive and Encinita Avenue. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report and recommended the installation of a traffic signal Mission Drive and Encinita to improve traffic safety and overall intersection congestion. Commissioner Knapp asked if the signal would be a full traffic signal, triggered electronically, and include a left turn signal from Mission onto Encinita. Ms. Itagaki confirmed that it would be a full overhead signal and left turn signalization would be a possibility due to the number of accidents at that intersection. (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Larson, second by Chairman Tirre to install a traffic signal at Mission Drive and Encinita Avenue to improve traffic safety and overall intersection congestion. Vote resulted: YES: LARSON, KNAPP, TIRRE, ALARZON NO: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE C. REQUEST FOR CROSSWALK AND CROSSING GUARD ON NEW AVENUE AT NEWMARK AVENUE Mr. Holm presented the request from Ms. Barbara Razo, Principal of Arlene Bitely School and Susan Aguilar. Traffic Commission Minutes 8-3-95 Page #2 Deputy Traffic Engineer, Joanne Itagaki, presented the staff report with the recommendation of installation of a traffic signal at New Avenue and Newmark Avenue to improve traffic safety and overall intersection traffic flow. However, due to time required to coordinate this installation with the City of Monterey Park, it is recommended that a crossing guard to assigned to this location during the regular school session. This crossing guard will be an interim measure to the traffic signal installation and will be reevaluated at the time of the installation. Mr. Holm stated that staff has received a written comment from Mr. Woo, 2614 New Avenue, recommending that installation of a traffic signal at this location, and a letter from the City of Monterey Park, the Director of Public Works, recommending that the City install the traffic signal with the City of Monterey Park paying for half the cost of the installation. Barbara Razo, 1904 S. Meridian Avenue, Alhambra, Principal of Bitely School, explained that there are 60 to 70 students from Monterey Park attending Bitely School and 120 more students that attend the intermediate schools also cross in this area creating a dangerous situation. Ms. Razo explained the student traffic path and stated that most students cross from the south side of New Avenue at Newmark and the others cross in the middle of the street. Commissioner Knapp confirmed that the traffic signal will have a pedestrian button. (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Alarcon to install a traffic signal at New Avenue and Newmark Avenue to improve traffic safety and overall intersection traffic flow. Due to time required to coordinate this installation with the City of Monterey Park, it is recommended that a crossing guard be assigned to this location during the regular school session. This crossing guard will be an interim measure to the traffic signal installation and will be reevaluated at the time of the installation. Vote resulted: AYE: LARSON, KNAPP, TIRRE, ALARCON NO: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE V. STAFF REPORTS A. Mr. Holm announced that the Traffic Commission Secretary, Sandy Bernice will be returning on August 14th. Mr. Holm continued that the temporary Secretary, Josephine Pickett is still hospitalized with a diagnosis of leukemia and will most likely not return to work for at least another couple of weeks. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS A. Commissioner Larson reported that the odor from the chicken factory on Garvey Avenue is overpowering and asked if there are any regulations concerning this. Mr. Holm responded that this is a legal, non-conforming business and that they were approved to operate and maintain their business within the limits of the law, they cannot expand it, nor will the City allow another business of this type in the City. B. Commissioner Holly Knapp confirmed the church parking lot event on Walnut Grove and Marshall. C. Chairman Dan Tirre was concerned about the go-carts that speed along Garvey Avenue to the wash, especially in the evenings. These carts do not have lights and travel at a tremendous amount of speed. Mr. Holm responded that he will notify the Sheriff's of that situation. Mr. Tirre asked about if the "Yield" sign had been installed at Earlswood and Rosemead Place. Mr. Holm responded that it had been installed this past week. Traffic Commission Minutes 8-3-95 Page #3 VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned in memory of former Traffic Commissioner Eldon Beezley, who passed away this morning. the next meeting will take place on September 7, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. Traffic Commission Minutes 8-3-95 Page #4 STAFF REPORT = TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: AUGUST 30, 1995 RE: REQUEST FOR GREEN CURB AT 2525 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD - CASA DE LIQUOR REQUEST A letter (attached) was received from Mr. Issa Farah requesting the installation of green curb in front of his business at 2525 San Gabriel Boulevard. Mr. Farah indicates the auto repair shop next door often parks cars for long periods of time in front of his business. Mr. Farah feels his business is greatly impacted by this practice. Casa De Liquor, 2525 San Gabriel Boulevard, is located on the north west corner of San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvalia Avenue. Parking is allowed on the west side of San Gabriel Boulevard from Garvalia Avenue to Fern Avenue. The only prohibition is red curb in the vicinity of Fern Avenue. Three businesses front San Gabriel Boulevard between Garvalia Avenue and Fern Avenue. These include Casa De Liquor, auto repair shop, and Linda's Beauty Salon. The driveways and existing red curb limit on-street parking availability to approximately 5 vehicles. Casa De Liquor does have some off-street parking. It appears this parking may be shared with an auto wholesale business set back on the property. The auto repair shop utilizes all of its available on-site space to park cars. Some cars extend out to the sidewalk area. The shop's frontage consists of their driveway; no on-street parking is available directly in front of their business. Linda's Beauty Salon is next door to the auto repair shop. The area in front of the Salon is shared with the auto repair shop. However, the shop does not appear to park cars in this area. There are two parking spaces directly in front of the Salon. Figure 1 depicts the conditions described above. TRAFFIC COMMISSION Page 2. DISCUSSION The use of on-street parking by auto repair shops is often the case throughout the City. Many shops appear to have a minimal amount of on-site parking available to accommodate all of the vehicles they service. This leads to neighboring businesses "competing" for on- street parking. The west side of San Gabriel Boulevard between Garvalia Avenue and Fern Avenue has very limited on-street parking spaces. Basically, there are only 5 parking spaces for three businesses. In addition, there are no on-street parking spaces directly in front of the auto repair shop. Field review of the location revealed the on-street parking was fully used along the entire block. This parking appeared to be mixed with long term and short term parking. It has been the policy of the City not to install green curb. This is primarily due to the enforcement needed to police this restriction. In the past, it has been more feasible to post 2 hour parking restrictions. ' The parking needs for all the businesses on the subject block could be accommodated with a "2 Hour Parking, 7 AM to 6 PM, Except Saturdays and Sundays" restriction. Discussions with Mr. Farah indicate he would be in favor of this restriction. The other two businesses that would be affected by this restriction have been notified of this meeting. It is recommended that "2 Hour Parking, 7 AM to 6 PM, Except Saturdays and Sundays" signs be posted on the west side of San Gabriel Boulevard from Garvalia Avenue to Fern Avenue. Figure 1 depicts this recommendation. JI RSDSGPRR Issa Farah Casa De Liquor June 25, 1995 2525 N. San Gabriel Blvd. Rosemead. CA 91770 818-280-1034 Carl Holm Administrative Aide 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, Calif. 91770 Dear Mr. Holm: I am writing in regards to my business, Casa De Liquor, located at 2525 N. San Gabriel Blvd., in Rosemead. Currently, the curb in front of my store is unpainted, allowing for unlimited parking. I would like to request consideration for having this changed to a green curb, with a 15 minute parking limit. Because of the current parking status, the mechanic next door has taken to parking the cars he is not immediately working on in front of my store, sometimes for an entire day at a time. I am sure you are aware of the fact that convenience store business relies heavily on the ease and availability of quick parking; this practice has greatly affected my business, resulting in a marked loss of sales. He also regularly parks the cars in my allotted spaces on the property, as well as the handicapped space, in spite of repeated requests not to. I understand there is nothing you can do about this, however you can see how a green curb out in front would certainly be an asset to my business. I greatly appreciate your attention to this matter. I trust that you will come to a fair and prompt decision, and I look foreword to a long and successful future in the community of Rosemead. Sincerely, Issa Farah 2525 N. San Gabriel Blvd. Rosemead, Calif. 91770 June 25, 1995 FERt,j AV. Install. '.Z Noun Parke, . 7A M +o 6 PM, Excep± Safe*s and Sundays" wi+h left Arrow. (R.324MOD). EL REb CURB T 30' =n9tc~l~ "21~au~ Pgr1C~n9~ ~ 14M to 6 PM, Excep+ 5:i+ure and Sundays"wI. h.daAb6 arrow (PnZ-Mad). Z 40 . Ynstall ~~Z}.~,,~. Parl-i~re~, W.M 1-0 PH, ExcePk--. ~ + s" Sa+u rda.~s c4 v9 w11-h r54 arrow (R32-Hein). STAFF REPORT = TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: AUGUST 30, 1995 RE: REQUEST FOR "NO RIGHT TURN ON RED" SIGN AT ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD AND LOWER AZUSA ROAD REQUEST A request has been received from Councilman Imperial to investigate the need for a "No Right Turn On Red" restriction for northbound traffic on Rosemead Boulevard Imperial indicates there have location involving southbound turns. DATA at Lower Azusa Road. Councilman been a number of accidents at this left turns and northbound right The reported accident history from January 1, 1992 to December 31, 1994 was reviewed. Three accidents were reported involving northbound right turning traffic or southbound left turning traffic. These accidents are summarized below: Location anti nes riD ion Date Time At - Northbound vehicle turning 02/03/94 6:50 pm right sideswiped a westbound stopped vehicle (Wrong side/Unsafe speed). 40" South - Westbound vehicle turning 05/12/94 3:05 pm left broadsided a southbound vehicle turning left (Improper turn/Unsafe speed). At - Southbound vehicle turning 06/08/92 10:10 am left hit a fixed object (Improper turn). 90HPITIONS Rosemead Boulevard is an 80 foot wide north/south roadway with four lanes of traffic, two in each direction. Opposing lanes of traffic are separated by a raised center median in the vicinity of Lower Azusa Road. A northbound right turn only lane, with a traffic signal overlap, exists at the intersection. Northbound and southbound left turn phasing exists on Rosemead Boulevard. The posted speed limit on Rosemead Boulevard is 40 mph. TRAFFIC COMMISSION Page 2. Lower Azusa Road is a 50 foot wide east/west roadway with four lanes of traffic, two in each direction. The opposing lanes of traffic are separated by a double yellow centerline. The western end of Lower Azusa Road terminates at a "T" intersection at Rosemead Boulevard. The posted speed limit is 40 mph on Lower Azusa Road. Figure 1 depicts existing conditions at the intersection of Rosemead Boulevard and Lower Azusa Road. The intersection of Rosemead Boulevard and Lower Azusa Road is signalized. The southbound left turns are controlled by a separate left turn phase (arrow). During this phase, the northbound movements are stopped by a red ball. Therefore, right turning vehicles are required to yield the right-of-way to the left turning vehicles. Observations of this intersection were conducted during peak periods. The majority of northbound right turning vehicles yielded the right-of-way to southbound left turns. During the beginning of the southbound left turn phase, one or two northbound right turning vehicles would execute their turn. However, this did not appear to conflict with the left turns. After the southbound left turn queue began to flow, no northbound right turns would turn on the red phase. The reported accident history does not indicate a problem with northbound right turns and southbound left turns conflicting. The accidents identified above do not involve both right turns and left turns in one collision. This would indicate that vehicles are exercising the proper rotation of right-of-way with respect to the northbound right turns and southbound left turns. Based on the findings of this report, it is recommended that the intersection of Rosemead Boulevard and Lower Azusa Road retain the existing level of traffic control. The installation of a "No Right Turn on Red" sign is not recommended. JI RSDLOWAZ ~ I I C~ tj I F1GURF I STAFF REPORT = TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: AUGUST 30, 1995 RE: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROLS ON MUSCATEL AVENUE SOUTH OF MARSHALL STREET REQUEST A request has been received from Mr. Malak Mohammad, 3622 Muscatel Avenue, for additional traffic controls in the vicinity of the curves on Muscatel Avenue south of Marshall Street. Mr. Mohammad indicates that STOP signs or speed humps are needed because of the "dangerous curves". He also indicates this route is used for cut- through traffic. CONDITIONS Muscatel Avenue is a 40 foot wide north/south roadway. It is striped for one lane of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. The prima facie speed limit on Muscatel Avenue is 25 mph. South of Marshall Street, two horizontal curves exist on Muscatel Avenue. At this point, Muscatel Avenue turns in to Glendon Way. Several warning signs exist throughout the curve. The existing conditions throughout the curve are depicted in Figure 1. DATA The reported accident history on Muscatel Avenue in the vicinity of the curves was reviewed from January 1, 1992 through December 31, 1994. Reported accidents on Glendon Way were also reviewed. There were no reported accidents at this location. DISCUSSION Mr. Mohammad's concern for cut-through traffic may be a valid concern. During field review of the location, some vehicles were identified as traveling on Muscatel Avenue/Glendon Way between Rosemead Boulevard and Marshall Street. However, there does not appear to be an excessive amount of cut-through traffic. The favorable reported accident history indicates vehicles are traveling through the curves with due care. Field review also supported this with no visible signs of recent accidents (i.e. broken glass, skid marks, etc.). TRAFFIC COMMISSION Page 2. Mr. Mohammad indicated he felt the warning signs could be placed in "better" locations. Review of the curves indicated the signs should be placed in more appropriate locations. Two signs were located too far from the curves and one sign should be installed for Curve 2. The following is a summary of the recommended revisions for the curves on Muscatel Avenue south of Marshall Street. These are depicted in Figure 1. 1. Relocate W3(Rt) and W6(20) 95 feet westerly (closer to the Curve 1). 2. Install W3(Rt) and W6(20) 60 feet from Driveway A (easterly direction). 3. Remove W57 and Type N from the "head-on" position of Curve 1. 4. Install W81 in the "head-on" position of Curve 1. 1. Relocate W3(Lt-Mod) from Curve 1 to 15 feet from Driveway A (easterly direction). 2. Install W81 in the "head-on" position of Curve 1. Attachment JI: RSDMUSCA 933 ~\6~fbtij \ Op~ o ~ dydo X33 ? V ffl~ g ~1 1 m _ / 3 q~ y~ 3 ti 7 J C7H 3r7 3 W 2 \I o3 Quo N 33 ~L Z Q J J N CL CO LLJ (l7 C7 Cl) H 1 02 W N JOO r N 7 7 V / -O~ P / LP / 31 / I`~3 a _Q j O of t a T 'v~ w 3 `v ~o 3 ,bl 9I T W m ' V_ M STAFF REPORT = TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CARL P. HOLM, ADMINISTRTIVE AIDE DATE: SEPTEMBER 7, 1995 SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS - AUGUST 22, 1995 On August 22, the City Council took action on the following Traffic Commission recommendations: 1. TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS IN ALLEY SOUTH OF GARVEY BETWEEN BARTLETT AND LA PRESA. COUNCIL ACTION: Approve as recommended by the Commission. 2. TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT MISSION AND ENCINITA. COUNCIL ACTION: Approve as recommended by the Commission to be funded in Fiscal Year 1996-97. 3. CROSSING GUARD AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT NEW AND NEWMARK. COUNCIL ACTION: Approve as recommended by the Commission. Staff will be following up to negotiate with Monterey Park. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File. TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT = TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CARL P. HOLM, ADMINIISTRTIVE AIDE DATE: SEPTEMBER 7, 1995 SUBJECT: WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY TRAFFIC FORUM Minutes of July 18, 1995 The subject minutes are attached for your review. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission receive and file the subject minutes. TRAFFIC COMMISSION 08/11/95 18:02 FAX 818 584 9114 .JHK & ASSOC.-LAX U002/000 t An JHK & Associates A MC came y WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY TRAFFIC FORUM MEETING MINUTES JULY 18,1995 LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1. ATTENDANCE An attendance roster is attached to these minutes. 2. REVIEW & APPROVAL MEETING MINUTES The minutes of the March 9, 1995 and June 7, 1995 meetings were approved without comment. 3. DISCUSSION OF AGENCY COMMENTS The following agency comments were received by JHK after the June 7th Forum Meeting Application Summary. These comments were presented for discussion at the forum meeting: A. Fair Oaks Ave. Signal Synchronization, Upgrade and tie to Pasadena TMC. Estimated Cost: $320,000, South Pasadena Local Match: $100,000. Sponsors: Pasadena, South Pasadena. B. Fremont Ave. Expansion of scope to include signal synchronization from Alhambra Rd- to Columbia Street and connection to Pasadena TMC. Estimated Cost: $320,000, South Pasadena Local Match: $100,000. Sponsors: Pasadena, South Pasadena. C. Los Robles Ave. Inclusion of Los Robles Upgrade & Synchronization. Sponsor: Pasadena, South Pasadena & San Marino. San Marino: Local Match: $95,000. D. Proposal to include Fair Oaks, Fremont, and Los Robles in FY 1995 and 1996. Sponsors: Pasadena, South Pasadena & San Marino. E. Fremont Avenue Master Plan. Sponsors: Pasadena, South Pasadena (written continents received, not discussed at fom m meeting). F. Atlantic Blvd. Hard-wire interconnect and on-street arterial master. Sponsor: Monterey Park. G. Garfield Ave. Hard-wire interconnect and on-street arterial master. Sponsor: Monterey Park. H. Monterey Park Traffic Signal System West San Gabriel Valley Traffic Forum (7/18/95) l I 08/11/95 18:05 FAX 818 584 9114 JHK k ASSOC.-LAX Z003/006 JHK & Associates AA SAIL OMPWY 1. Monterey Park Geometric Improvements (written comments received, not discussed at forum meeting). Michael suggested that a meeting needs to be arranged to discuss projects A, B & C and called for a date to be found. Jane White explained that she and Michael Wendtland had only last week received copies of the cities' applications. Michael and Jane have not yet had time to review them in detail. Projects A, B and C have an estimated price tag of $500,000 which is a considerable chunk out of the $13 million and they may need to be pared back or deferred. The question was raised as to whether Alhambra should also be involved. Doing a timing plan at the same time would increase the regional impact. (Peter Liu). A representative from Alhambra commented that they have a project for widening Fremont coming up soon and that re-timing would be part of that project. The plan to coordinate Atlantic will come out in detail in the course of the study. There are quite a number of dollars in the communication portion of the project that apply to multi- jurisdictional communication. The table of potential projects will be the subject of study and for discussion later in the project. Topics E through I were comments received to date from members of the forum. The question was raised as to how to insure inter-jurisdictional cooperation is developed by the forum. (Patrick Lang). El Monte for example is missing from the meeting. One recommendation was to try and schedule meetings in El Monte. Michael also commented that it might be necessary to have route specific meetings to generate discussion between the parties. A discussion ensued on the need to include other projects in the MOU for year 1. Ben made the point that with the amount of money available a lot will be done in the first four years. Issues with regard to the best use of those dollars will have to be addressed. E.g., WWV does a lot for coordination and synchronization. More expensive hardwire interconnect with computer gives is the monitoring and control capability. This brings with it the need to staff sub-regional centers. The call for projects scope will try to stretch the money to cover as much basic infrastructure as possible. Michael commented that the study does intend to look beyond hardwire interconnect as the only means to establish two way communication. E.g., wireless options, leased line and other things. Peter Liu raised the issue of AB3418 which will be introduced in 1996 and will require manufacturers to have compatible communications protocol. Caltrans is currently coordinating the effort. Patrick Lang requested documentation on AB3418. Michael offered to send him the 3rd draft specification which is the current document available. He commented that the study will take account of the AB 3418 protocol and it should be viewed as another tool available for enhancing communication and monitoring activities. 4. CANDIDATE PROJECT EVALUATION CRITERIA These are factors such as LOS, bus level of usage or numbers of buses per peak hour, ADT, number of agencies involved in the project etc. A sample of the proposed format is attached to these minutes. It was explained that the intent to use the criteria to help prioritize the projects arising from the study.. The idea is to weight the criteria in an appropriate manner. The forum is expected to play an important role in selecting the criteria and discussing the West San Gabriel Valley Traffic Forum (7/18/95) 2 08/11/95 18:09 FAX 818 584 9114 JHH & ASSOC.-LAX 0004/008 ji" JHK & Associates An Me company weights. Pomona Valley has already developed a listing of criteria for their forum. Fred Erbe, commented that he thought that they had dropped accidents, because the data is so inconsistent across jurisdictions. The team will review this. Of importance at the moment is to identify any criteria elements that have not so far been identified so that they can be included in the data collection which is currently underway. Transit usage should be included because of their importance to the der two options. (Peter Liu). 5. REVISION OF THE APPLICATION FOR THE FUNDING MOU Capital Planning Division of the MTA is currently working on the generic language. A training session for the new MOUs will take place within the next month. LA County is the Grantee and we probably have until December 31st to execute the agreement with the scope. It is thought that the funding is spread pretty evenly over the four years. The County is planning to design and construct the project Other agencies may wish to assume responsibility but it is to be decided later, The forum will have to define the scope and phase the projects for the MOU. Short term decisions have to he made with regard to the first year. A process for future arrangements can be left open at this point until projects and their sponsors become more clearly defined. 6. POSSIBLE FIRST YEAR PROJECTS Potential first year projects identified by JHK can include: Fair Oaks, Fremont, Los Robles, Garfield and Atlantic in no particular order. The reason for identifying these is that they have been proposed and some cases are well defined. They are also supported by active members of the forum. What is not known is the extent to which they can all be funded. It was noted the El Monte also has PVEA monies to contribute (Peter Liu) and may have recommendations for early work. 7. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the West San Gabriel Valley forum has been tentatively scheduled for Thursday, September 7, 1995 at 2:00 PM. The meeting will be held at El Monte City Hall West, 2nd Floor, Engineering Conference Room A. The facility is located at 11333 Valley Blvd. An agenda will be circulated before the meeting. Submitted by: a. Michael O. Wendtland Principal Engineer cc: AC/File 60016 Attachment West San Gabriel Valley Traffic Forum (7/18/957 3 08/11/95 18:04 FAX 818 584 9114 - JHH & .ASSOC.-LAX 0005/006 WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION STUDY PROJECT FORUM MEETING July 18, 1995 ATTENDEES Ed Wright City of Alhambra (818) 570-5062 Ali Cayir Transtech/Alhambra (909) 595-8599 Ron Merry City of Monterey Park (818) 307-1323 Adel Fred City of Rosemead (818) 288-6671 Steve Wright City of Pasadena (818) 405-4262 Debbie Bell City of San Marino (818) 300-0708 Ken Farfsing City of South Pasadena (818) 799-9101 Jim Van Winkle City of South Pasadena (818) 441-7836 Patrick Lang City of Temple City (818) 795-9353 Fred Erbe Caltrans (213) 897 4656 Benldn Jong MTA (213) 244-6842 Scott Page MTA Operations Planning (213) 972-6946 Peter Liu MTA (213) 244 6418 Matthew Jue CCS (213) 258-1315 Jane White LA County DPW (818) 458-5940 Robert Close DKS Associates (714) 543-9601 Jackie Golob Jackie Golob & Associates (714) 856-3837 Michael Wendtland JIIK & Associates (818) 585-0365 z~ d O F 0 F 08/11/95 18:04 FAX 818 584 9114 , JHK & ASSOC.-LAX Y ~ m u O y` h m N m n m V' h P ~O ~O h ~ N h p YI ~ n O r} O E N W tl z a T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o n o 0 G~ . . . 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