TC - 10-03-96a i AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting OCTOBER 3. 1996 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Commissioners Larson, Ruiz, Tirre, Vice - Chairperson Knapp, Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Larson Invocation: Vice- Chairperson Knapp I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 5, 1996 IL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes; total time allocated is 15 minutes). III. OLD BUSINESS IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR STOP SIGN CONTROLS AT FERN AVENUE AND WILLARD AVENUE - This is a request from Ms. Stella Gutierrez to review the intersection for the installation of stop signs on Fern Avenue. B. REQUEST FOR LEFT TURN ACCESS TO "PARK MONTEREY" MOBILE HOME PARK ON GARVEY AVENUE IN THE VICINITY OF DEQUINE AVENUE - This is a request from Helen Guarno, Manager of Park Monterey, to remove the landscaped median to provide better eastbound left turn access. C. REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON MISSION DRIVE AT VALLEY BOULEVARD - This is a request from the Traffic Commission to install red curb on Mission Drive near the intersection of Valley Boulevard. V. STAFF REPORTS A. HELLMAN - RAMONA /WALNUT GROVE - TRAFFIC SIGNAL OPERATION This is a request by the Traffic Commission to review the traffic signal operation at the intersection of Hellman Avenue /Ramon Boulevard and Walnut Grove Avenue. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT Thursday, November 7, 1996 at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5s 1996 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Vice - Chairperson Knapp, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Vice- Chairperson Knapp Commissioner Tirre, Ruiz Absent: Commissioner Larson Ex Officio: Administrative Aide: Brad Johnson Acting Deputy Traffic Engineer: Chris Turnbull CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Ruiz The Invocation was led by Vice - Chairperson Knapp I. REORGANIZATION This item was postponed to a later meeting. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Tirre, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for August 1, 1996. III. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None IV. OLD BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR "NO LEFT TURN" SIGN AT CIRCLE K STORE Deputy Traffic Engineer Turnbull presented the report. RECOMMENDATION: Based on a field review of the driveway, it was recommended that a "No Left Turn" sign be installed at the Circle -K driveway exit. Administrative Aide Johnson stated that he spoke to the owner of Circle -K, and is in favor of the recommendation. Vice - Chairperson Knapp stated that her and Councilman Bruesch looked at this location. Vice- Chairperson Knapp recommended that the sign indicate "No Left Turn ", from 7:00 a.m.- 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Tirre and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation with the addition of the time frames. V. NEW BUSINESS A. "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" CONTROLS ALONG GARVEY AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Turnbull presented the report. RECOMMENDATION: It was recommended that staff work with Los Angeles County staff on signal timing adjustments on Garvey Avenue and to install two "Do Not Block Intersection" signs for the intersections of Garvey Avenue and Brighton Street and Garvey Avenue and Willard Avenue in the appropriate locations. It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Tirre, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. B. HELLMAN AVENUE EAST OF SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD Deputy Traffic Engineer Turnbull presented the report. RECOMMENDATION: The recommendation of this review was to provide no changes to Hellman Avenue at this time and for the Traffic Commission to consider the alternative improvement of widening Hellman Avenue on the south side during the San Gabriel Boulevard Beautification project. Vice - Chairperson asked why the City couldn't widen the North side on both sides. Deputy Traffic Engineer Turnbull stated that on the north side, the alignment of the through traffic on the opposite approach would be off set. This improvement would necessitate the signal modification, and by doing one corner, it might lessen the impact of the cost. It was moved by Commissioner Tirre, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. VI. STAFF REPORTS A. STATUS OF FLASHING BEACON FOR THE TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD OFF -RAMP AT 1 -10 Deputy Traffic Engineer Turnbull stated that at the August Meeting, Commissioner Ruiz inquired about the status of the flashing beacon for the Temple City Boulevard off -ramp on the I -10 freeway. He reviewed the previous Traffic Commission Meetings and it indicated that this item may have been part of the Guardrail request that was addressed in 1987 & 1994. As part of this request, Cal -trans indicated that the warning signs on the ramps are correctly installed. It doesn't appear that a separate item requesting a flashing beacon was part of the item. He indicated that staff can pursue this as a separate item. The Commission indicated that they would like to have staff pursue this issue. B. CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS AT AUGUST 27TH MEETING Administrative Aide Johnson stated that three (3) items went to the City Council for their approval. All three (3) items were approved. C. STATUS OF VACANT SEAT ON THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Administrative Aide Johnson stated that the City has received three (3) applications for the position of Traffic Commissioner. VII. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Ruiz stated that between the hours of 9:30 p.m. - 11:30 p. m., there are cars speeding off the freeway. In addition, there are buses turning right on Loftus, and he was wondering if there was a weight limit on Loftus. Commissioner Tirre stated that the stop sign on Ivar and Earleswood is bent halfway. Commissioner Knapp stated that she would like to have staff look into installing a red curb on Mission and Valley by the liquor store. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m. The next meeting will take place on Thursday, October 3, 1996. I I li i TO: FROM: DATE: RE: REQUEST HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION CHRIS TURNBULL, ACTING DEPUTY TRAFFIC SEPTEMBER 24,1996 REQUEST FOR STOP SIGN CONTROLS AT FERN AVENUE AND WILLARD AVENUE ENGINEER A request has been received from Ms Stella Gutierrez of 3163 N. Muscatel to review the intersection of Fern Avenue and Willard Avenue for the installation of stop signs on Fern Avenue. CONDITIONS Fern Avenue is a 36 foot wide east/west local street with parking allowed on both sides. Curb and gutter does not exist on the south side of Fern Avenue in the vicinity of Willard Avenue. Willard Avenue is a 36 foot wide north /south local street and is STOP controlled at its T- intersection with Fern Avenue. The prima facie speed limit on both streets is 25 mph. Sanchez Elementary School and Temple intermediate School exists south of Fern Avenue. A yellow crosswalk is located on the west leg of the Fern Avenue and Willard Avenue intersection. "SLOW SCHOOL XING" pavement markings, school zone signs and school crossing signs are placed in advance of the crosswalk. Figure 1 depicts existing conditions. DATA Turning movement traffic counts were conducted for the intersection for the school arrival and departure time periods as well as for the peak hours. The traffic counts are attached for further reference. Accident history at the intersection was reviewed for a recent three year period from April 1, 1993 through March 31, 1995. The review revealed a total of two reported accidents during that period. The accident data is summarized below: Description 194' West of the Willard Avenue on Fern Ave. South crossing ped versus proceeding west vehicle. (Ped Violation). Day:Date Time Mon 3/07/94 11:15am 25' East of Willard Avenue Sun 7/11/93 10:40pm Northbound vehicle(improper turn) rearended two parked cars. DISCUSSION An evaluation of the STOP sign request has been completed for the location and is summarized on the attached Multi -way Stop Sign Warrant worksheet. The worksheet has been developed from guidelines established by Caltrans for the installation of multi -way STOP signs. The evaluation revealed that the intersection does not meet the requirements for the installation of a multi -way STOP condition. Although the guidelines require the application of 8 hours of traffic volume data, it was determined that the 6 hours of traffic data collected represents the peak vehicle and pedestrian volume for the intersection. If the stop sign warrants were met for the six hours, an additional two hours of traffic count data would be collected. An average of 500 vehicles entering the intersection from all approaches for an eight hour period and an average of 200 combined vehicle and pedestrian volumes for the minor approach for the same eight hour period is required to warrant the installation of a multi -way stop. Reviewing the vehicle and pedestrian traffic collected, the 500 vehicle volume is not satisfied for the six hours of peak traffic volume data. Although an average of 200 is reached for the combined warrant it is estimated that with an additional two hours of traffic data this average will be below the warrant threshold. In any event, both the total vehicles entering the intersection and the combined vehicle and pedestrian averages must be satisfied. The intent of STOP controls are to assign positive right -of -way at intersections. The control is usually established on the street with the least volume of traffic. Additional control, beyond the basic right -of -way assignment, is usually reserved for those locations where the volume of traffic exceeds 500 vehicles per hour for any eight hours of an average day and where both streets having about the same amount of traffic. These guidelines lends credibility to the higher level of intersection control. Without credibility, voluntary compliance is poor and without voluntary compliance, traffic safety is severely compromised. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the stop sign control analysis of the Fern Avenue and Willard Avenue intersection, the installation of a multi -way STOP condition is not recommended at this time. Attachments ct: p:066 \ch ri s\rosemeadVernwil I o,M LOCATION: CITY OF ROSEMEAD MULTI -WAY STOP SIGN WARRANTS (FROM CALTRANS TRAFFIC MANUAL) Au DATE: 23 j(v The installation of multi -way STOP signs are based on the following: 1. Where traffic signals are warranted and urgently needed, the multi -way STOP may be an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements are being made for the signal installation. Satisfied: Yes 2. An accident problem, as indicated by five or more reported accidents within _ a 12 month period of a type susceptible to correction by a multi -way STOP installation. Such accidents include right- and left -turn collisions as well as right -angle collisions. Satisfied: Yes 3. Minimum traffic volumes: (a) The total vehicular volume entering the intersection from all approaches must average at least 500 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day, and ✓�s Satisfied: Yes is �e (b) The combined vehicular and pedestrian volume from the minor street or highway must average at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the maximum hour, but Satisfied.' Yes (c) When the 85- percentile approach speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 miles per hour, the minimum vehicular volume warrant is 70 percent of the above requirements. ,41_�4 MQ M� Satisfied: Yes No VOLUME WORKSHEET Rl' ti• Guideline A (a) Total Volume 500 (350) 1 4"? 1 low 1 1 I 7- z3 (b) Combined Volume 200 (140) 1 s7ao1 33 1 1 1 7A I folZl 3¢ 1 10 1 219 S E P— 1 0— 9 6 WED 1 0: 3 0 T R Fit= F I C C O U N T S 7 1 4 6 4 6 7 2 3 1 P. 02 t„eu'uf. Yf1VF.NENTS by Traffic COUntS, IM pans. 1 FILE: X9609022 Site Code : ROSEMEAD N•5 Street: VILLARO AVENUE - E•V Street: FERN AVENUE Movlmen[ by: VEHICLE DATE: ___••__.,�- 9/17/96 _....... client • VILLOAM ................. y •----------------•----'"---•--a per"------------- •rom Wef --•• From Vcr -t ht l PEDS e • Frem y� W � ...- ._.. from East .... .... Prom ouch .. -- RT TNRU LT local Tote limo .. -- PEDS RT 7NRU Li PEDS RT TNRU LT PEDS 0.T 7NRU LT •PEDS•• ... .... ...... .......... Begin ---------------- 13 5 0---- 11 84 0 50 G 138 248 7:30 7:45 25 10 0 19 - c - 13 G2 0 135 U 0 0 0 108 0 74 7 207 311 N0. TOTAL 38 15 0 30 5 18 63 0 160 0 0 16 57 0 122 0 0 0 64 168 217 8:00 AM 19 10 0 19 7 0 64 0 0 0 5 0 3G G 96 8:15 13 12 0 8 0 8 30 12 0 0 0 t2 32 0 18 1 G7 47 8:30 3. 2 0 5" 0 1 20 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11 0 24 1 8:45 0 0 0 3. 0 2 0 0 0 156 0 122 12 335 396 MR TOTAL 35 24 0 35 7 1 198 0 115 27 0 . 3 0 1 8 0 D U 0 0 0 0 8 0 22 1 13 ID& 2 9:00 AM 1 2 0 �-- 1 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 9:15 1 1 0 0, .; I t SS II _ --------------- -------------------- -.. __._...,._--.,___._.- 0 2- 1 2 6 0 2 0 0 0 t 0 8 1 i 19 4 20 1 1:30 0 0 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 1:45 1 2 0 3 0 2, 0 0 0 t 0 t2 2 39 XR TOTAL 1 2 0 5 1 3 15 0 0 4 0 4 9 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 t 27 10 6 6 2:00 PM 1 2 0 it 2 LD 0 5 14 0 f-21 U U 0 3 0 12 2 64, 64 2:15 3 1' 2 `6 0 6 21 0 42" 0 0 '0 17 0 15 121 627 21 2:30 5 0 1G 0 15 37 0 365 0 0 0 255 0 G5 3 248 703 2 :45 7 12 0 9 0 <14 0 0 0 275 0 80 6 NR TOTAL 1G 22 0 29 0 30 81 9 1 6 27 0 107 0 0 U 60 0 26 3 79 171 48 31•✓ 17 3:00 PM 3 8 0 7 1G 0 8 0 0 4 0 22 5 3:15 1 0 0 0 4 • . ............ ..... ............ 0 889 0 U 0 60G 0 345 36 991 1606 DAY TOTAL 9G 74 0 111 19 96 329 SEP —I.GT 96 WED 10:31 TRAF= ZC COUNTS 7 1 4646723 1 P.0:5 TURNING MOVEMENTS DY Traffic CCUntS, Inc PAGE: 1 Site Code : ROSEMEAD FILE: X9609022 N -s Street: WILLARD AVENUE E-V Street: FERN AVENUE DATE' 9/17/96 MovemOnty by: vE..... ..... ......... Client VILLOAN '__ "--- ...--.-.- ......................... ..................... .......... PEAK PERIOD ANALTSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM [PEDS ]. WILLARD AVENUE ylI N W r II Z)Y1:22P' L{f 421 70 31 I 0 I 5II7 L164 -J FERN AVENUE 18 167 4116 VOLUMES •••- .. " " ....•. PERCENTS ......• DIRECTION START PEAK MR ..... - - -•• Left Totnl PEDS Right- Thru Left FROM PEAK HOUR FACTOR PEDS Right Thru ........... ....... ........... 164 4' 23 0 35 North 7:30 AM 0.76 70 37 0 57 204 6 21 7c 0 cost 7:30 AM 0.64 12 42 150 0 346 X100 0 0 0 South 7:30 AM 0.64 346 0 0 0 18 416 56 0 40 4 Vest 7:30 AM 0.7S 231 0 167 Entire Intcrxection 0.76 70 37 U 57 164 43 23 0 35 North 7:30 AM 12 1.2 150 0 2104 6 21 74 0 East 0.64, 0 0 346 X100 0 0 South 0.64 346 0 167 18 416 56 0 40 4 0.75 231 0 Vest [PEDS ]. WILLARD AVENUE ylI N W r II Z)Y1:22P' L{f 421 70 31 I 0 I 5II7 L164 -J FERN AVENUE 18 167 4116 J .& o 0 [PEDS 2231 r ,. Mll -12 [PEDS ] 1.e r 42 204 150 L0 r— 346 -7 n 0 0 0 N. .Y y. WILLARD AVENUE FERN AVENUE k 346 [PEDS ] SEP -1D -96 WED 10:31 TRAFFIC COUNTS 7146467231 P.04 TURMINC MOVEMENTS by Traffic F.oUnt4, Inc PACE: 1 Site Code : ROSEMEAD FILE: 149609022 M.S Street: WILLARD AVENUE E-N Street: FERN AVENUE DATE: 9/17/96 Movemento by: VEHICLE ............. Client : NILLDAN ___________________________ ....................................... PEAK PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 1:30 PM . 3:30 PM VOLUMES ...... PERCENTS ....... DIRECTION M START PEAK XR ......... f0.0M PEAK HOUR FACTOR PEDS Right Thru Left Totil PEGS Right Th ru .Le [ ' ...................................................... North 2:15 PM 0.70 16 28 0 34, 78 24 25 72 0 36 0 44 East 2:30 PM 0.66 5 34 99 0 138 1100 0 0 0 South 2:30 PM 0.36 522 0 0 0 522 Nest 2:30 PM 0.38 336 D 108 13 <57 7< 0 2< 3 Entire Intersection 16 26 0 32 '74 22 35 0 43 North 2:30 PH 0'66 5 34 99 0 138 < 25 72 0 East 0.66 0 -36 522 0 0 0 522 2100 0 0 0 South Vest 0.38 336 0 108 13 457 74 0 24 WILLARD AVENUE N W—i—E �r 47 5 [PEDS (PEDS ] 16 2I6 0 ]2 J 7 4 J �T 34 FERN AVENUE 13 109 457 0J (PEDS ] 336 133 99 0 .FERN AVENUE fm F 522 1 0 0 0 0 WILLARD AVENUE Site Code : 00000000 N -S Street: Willard E -W Street: Fern Weather Movements by: Primary Time .... From North .... .... From East .... .... From South .... peds From West .... Begin peds RT THRU LT. peds RT THRU LT peds RT THRU LT peds RT THRU LT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3:30 1 3 0 3 2 5 17 0 Be 0 0 1 1 0 13 1 3:45 2 2 0 4 2 5 11 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 9 3 HR TOTAL 3 5 0 7 4 10 28 0 3 1 0 1 2 1 22 4 4:00 PM 0 3 0 5 0 2 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 2 4115 1 11 a !42?I 0 7 24 1 0 2 0 0_1 0 0 17 3 4:30 0 4 0 2 0 5 11 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 15 1 4:45 0 6 0 1 0 3 !3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 7 0 HR TOTAL 1 14 0 10 0 17 55 1 0 2 0 1 2 1 49 6 5:00 PM 0 4 0 2 3 4 17 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 14 5 5:15 0 1 14 0 :o 57.5 0 6 15 0 0 0 0 0 Z 0 0 16 1 PAGE: 1 FILE: wilfer DATE: 9/23196 --------------- - Vehicle peds Total Total 49 6 42 b 91 12 58 1 40 0 32 2 159 3 50 3 440 0 DAY TOTAL 4 24 0 24 7 37 115• 1 3 3 1 2 4 2 101 16 344 IS PEAK PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM DIRECTION START PEAK HR ........... VOLUMES ........... ...... PERCENTS ....... 0 FROM PEAK HOUR FACTOR peds Right Thru Left Total peds Right Thru Left ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- North 3:30 PM 0.84 4 9 0 14 27 15 33 0 52 East 4:15 PM 0.69 3 19 65 1 Be 3 22 74 1 South 3:30 PM 0.58 3 3 0 1 7 43 43 0 14 West 4:15 PM 0181 2 1 53 9 65 3 2 82 14 Entire Intersection North 4:15 PM 0.82 1 15 0 7 23 4 65 0 30 East 0.69 3 19 65 1 88 3 22 74 1 South 0.50 0 2 1 1 4 0 50 25 25 West 0.81 2 1 53 9 65 3 2 82 14 TATE OF CALIF-: MA �y ,'DA CCICI kl' -I ICInAI OC DnOT. Drnnnrfv namann nn IV M m.lm MD .CDDIII it to hwM1 wy(—) IECIAL COry'N'.10i MTi plq� GTr JYpGILL GBiMCT NWBL� COY1lfY R[IORiIH00—RITgCT � L -f BYT ... R[IO 11�OOfRC[R :oLLwaH OCCOn\EO On _- oAV VEM nra liloEl• IKJC VSRC LO r xr[RBLrnoN RnTn , ' OAr of T S M T W TL S Tow Aw[r I]m �'no OIS MOMRVAr RnpAT[o ❑rn >. R: rtLT LEN or , - ydo TARTY OM R1 Hy {Cl�E.�.(� BUT[ CLA{{ \Y[Tr \OYI. CIYO\ RETCH /tl�CFnBE O�zv a ONV[RNNI[ � F�OCST. W'�.O� OL [ ".-7 • •fi:� 'f�> -; 5 F, J EIDIDATE `` MRIH ,• '� ti 6�)Ao�y •9!/ i >, FED. STRIII40DREY DTYI BTAT[Ia1 < ' ;DE %fit/ ./� / ✓.. - C,. %s-.c . - � - •r ' / Va VER sT slRtHDAn Eo� �u -e.._ / fOUCrMW \iR `f �` /� ✓ S U YCrCLL pR.]SAVCL {Y[EO WL TTnER VSKYA WIf[I WOU l CO19�^ ^ CI�INWSC v[nTrn PARTY �I e Fa /- /fnAFEO t 9T c n.�.:/1N ✓�YJS/ a•• Tj, • G _LL BT1T�y Cr FLTV CWr. BIYLD! TARTY 2 Ga fi}1CWC[HVY[LR� y ,<O i` / : .'- -• I DAMAGED MEA L..i ✓riri (T'�' 4G',(� /� /t: %�(/� ONVER MUYf(PRCT WOI [ HDNENWBER- OLC LAST ST El f✓ :''61!f�'A&^ k ; -- FED. 5 i r i /f'F9L1 sYueRTM,• l ,�Y .C' IR VEH C O=A. Sn! E✓ G�I IME R Y [f ��%q? / / .. 7! . ICICLE GR VEL G { H RMOMAV ✓ SID LAST. JTHER oyYR /f WJ(sl Y00ll C'LDI1 /. / /r•t/ffi /��ip /till -d LICENSE IIAWBfR STATE 7.'JIGGLpG.A VEIL Wpm I PARTY 2 WR. RIO ❑ Q AW BEE NAYC ` ADORED[ PI INWBER PAWY W. / ❑ ,{•. AO[ E[E HAY[ u,� AOOR[BB rMONIHWBiR rARII NO. PROP. ADDRESS 0AMA 10,WF[MV OWNER IMPORTANT — READ CAREFULLY x Keep this report. This is your record of this accident. To comply with California Vehicle`COde (VC) Section 20002 (duty where property damaged), you must either: a. Give the owner or person in charge of such property the name and address of the driver and owner of the vehicle-, or in the absence of the owner, b. Leave a written notice in a conspicuous place on the other vehicle or damaged property, giving the name and address of the driver and owner of the vehicle involved and a statement of the circumstances. This information is necess�. y for the completion of your state SR -1 Form, Report of Traffic Accident, and your rinsurance report. ` A VEHICLE CODE SECTION 16000 The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in damage to the property of any ONE party in excess of the amount stated in VC Section 16000 or in,the injury or death of any person MUST submit a SR -1 Form to the California Department of Motor Vehicles within 10days X < Note: Failure to comply may result in suspension of your driver's license. Form SR -1 may be obtaid from the Department of Motor Vehicles, the California Highway Patrol, any police station, motor vehicle club, or Insurance agent. If city or state property is damaged, you will be contacted regarding possible liability. 'HPSS 0](REVT188)OPI0[2 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS TURNBULL, ACTING DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINE DATE: SEPTEMBER 26, 1996 RE: REQUEST FOR LEFT TURN ACCESS TO PARK MONTEREY MOBILE HOME PARK ON GARVEY AVENUE IN THE VICINITY OF DEQUINE AVENUE REQUEST A request was received by the City Council from Ms. Helen Guarno, Manager of Park Monterey, to remove the landscaped median on Garvey Avenue and provide better eastbound left turn access into the mobile home park for recreational vehicles and mobile homes. The request is attached for reference. CONDITIONS Garvey Avenue is 74' wide with two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a 10' wide raised landscaped median. A City of Rosemead monument is located in this median. The posted speed limit on Garvey Avenue is 35 mph. At Dequine Avenue and Garvey Avenue a 20 -foot wide driveway exists directly across from Dequine Avenue. The driveway is for the Park Monterey mobile home park. A 10 -foot median, approximately 80 feet in length, is located west of this intersection. A left turn pocket is not provided for the mobile home park. A double left turn pocket exists east of Dequine Avenue. The intersection is unsignalized with a stop condition for Dequine Avenue traffic. DATA A review of the City's accident history from January 1, 1993 to present was made and found a total of four reported accidents. A collision diagram is attached for review. DISCUSSION The request indicated that it is difficult to turn left into the Park Monterey driveway because the opening is too small to allow an eastbound left turning vehicle protection from eastbound through traffic. It was stated that the opening is too small for the length and width required for recreational vehicles and mobile homes. Should an eastbound left turn vehicle attempt to enter the driveway, it would occur in the # 1 lane (inside through lanes closest to the median). This movement is legal unless posted. In addition, it was mentioned that eight accidents have occurred within the past two years from implementation of the beautification median project. One suggestion provided by the residents for convenience and safety is the removal of the raised median and the installation of a left turn pocket. From a field review of the intersection, a review of median improvement plans prepared in 1990 and discussions with City staff, three alternatives were considered to provide remedial measures to improve safety and convenience. It should be noted that in most cases safety and convenience are conflicting objectives. Most of the time safety is the over riding factor in determining remedial measures. Figures 1 and 2 presents the alternatives and is discussed as follows: Alternative 1 Alternative 1 is the placement of signage that would prohibit eastbound U -turns and left turns, and the left turn out of the driveway. This alternative eliminates three potential accident conflicts (rearend collision, and two directions of right angle or broadside collisions). In reviewing the median design plans, it appears the opening created at the intersection was intended for Dequine Avenue traffic and not necessarily the driveways located on the north side of Garvey Avenue. Otherwise, a pocket would have been provided at that time. This alternative is the best solution for safety, but it will be considered inconvenient by the residents of Monterey Park. deemed. However, the inconvenience is offset by the added benefit of increased safety. In any event, the local road network, which is setup as a grid system, provides ample opportunities to accommodate the turn lane prohibitions. For this alternative, vehicle paths may lengthen by as much as 1/4 to 1 /2 mile. The construction cost to implement these remedial measures is approximately $200. Alternative 2 Alternative 2 would extend the existing median to join the existing median east of Dequine Avenue. This alternative is similar to Alternative 1, except Dequine Avenue traffic would be prohibited. Dequine Avenue commercial traffic may then be inclined to intrude into the residential neighborhood south of Garvey Avenue. This intrusion traffic may also impact school pedestrian traffic from Bitely Elementary. This alternative does not accommodate the movement of vehicles into or out of the park. The construction cost to implement these remedial measures is approximately $ 10,000. This alternative, however, is not recommended. It would serve only to prohibit left -turn traffic movements from Dequine Avenue and the Park Monterey facility. Alternative 3 Alternative 3 would extend the two -way left turn lane striping across the Dequine Avenue intersection opening. This alternative would provide an area within the intersection for vehicles to wait for opposing traffic to clear. This alternative, however, still presents difficulties for eastbound left turning traffic due to the location of the driveway and the raised median. The construction cost to implement this remedial measures is approximately $400. Alternative 4 Alternative 4 would remove the existing 80' median completely and install a striped left turn pocket. This alternative eliminates the rearend type accident by providing protection for left turning vehicles from eastbound through traffic. The potential for right angle type accidents still exists. Because of the geometrics of providing a left turn pocket for mobile homes and recreational vehicles, no substantial area remains for a median. The construction cost to remove the median with landscaping (including relocating the City monument sign) and installation of traffic striping is approximately $20,000. Due to safety issues raised and the costs of modifying or removing the median, it is recommended that Alternative 1 be implemented. RECOMMENDATION Based on a review of the Garvey Avenue and Dequine Avenue intersection and safety considerations raised by residents of Park Monterey mobile Home Park, Alternative 1 (installation of turn restriction signs) is recommended as shown in Figure 1 attached. P:\066\chris\rosemeadVnobi1e I I -zz- I LLI F- z w LLI it M, 2 + "tL W z (if N-4 QW ,V2 V, I LLJ > IZZ Of �m LLJ m H Vu J2 22 .II i 22 Al �22 > Z LLI i� co zo 6 COLLISION DIAGRAM INTERSECTION ' ARVEv aJE AND ii Eavla6 AvE PERIOD '•S YEAR s FROM 11.93 TO 12.31 95 CITY �05r M e AD PREPARED BY L — �29.g3 8y "w 4.soPw, sr�T�,0y o-2 ff.7 a9r�ir N x _ 7Nvt SAt,[: ix�y • �� , s• a).9S = w g p"" ��FT ru,e✓ • r32av�Ps;�1 c X �� 9S py ZD #m 1J1VS, A0 Tv2�/ i ffj� d87�GT X I Ga9zbFy AvCN� ' 1120 L1T 1.1 {•9S °' 1t': 093 FR19•b.q(, vi NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY INJURY OR FATAL TOTAL ACCIDENTS _! E,s,oj JE AvE1J0E SYMBOLS 4— MOVWC;VEHICLE BACKING VEHICLE --_PEDESTRIAN JSZ PARKEDVEHICLE Q FOXED OBJECT 0 FATALACQDENf A INJURY ACCIDENT 1700 w¢0 5. 31.9 TYPES OF COLLISIONS �I+ REAR END �:— MEAD ON — +SIDESWIPE OUTOFCONTROL LFFTTURN i- RIGHT ANGLE SNOW FOR 1. TIME. DAY. DATE 2. WEATHER AND ROAD SURFACE —IF UNUSUAL CONDITION EnSTED a NITE— IFBETWEEN DUSK AND DAWN TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS TURNBULL, ACTING DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: SEPTEMBER 25, 1996 RE: REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON MISSION' DRIVE AT VALLEY BOULEVARD REQUEST A request by the Traffic Commission was made to install red curb on Mission Drive near the intersection of Valley Boulevard. The request is made for the area just north of Valley Boulevard in front of the Mission Valley Liquor where cars are parking in front of the Liquor store blocking the right turn pocket at the intersection. CONDITIONS Mission Drive is a 64 foot wide street near its intersection with Valley Boulevard. The T - intersection of Mission Drive and Valley Boulevard is signalized. The southbound approach to the intersection provides two left turn lanes and a separate right turn lane. Mission Valley Liquor store is located in the northwesterly quadrant and provides parking onsite. The right turn lane stripe extends approximately 25 feet in front of the store. Figure 1 depicts existing conditions. DATA A review of the City's accident history from January 1, 1993 to March 31, 1996 was made and found no reported accidents in the vicinity of end of the turn pocket. DISCUSSION A portion of the right turn pocket is in front of the liquor store (approximately 26), technically leaving 30 feet of allowed curbside parking. Vehicles park in this area and obstruct entry into the right turn lane and perhaps the right turn lane itself. Parking within a turn lane is illegal and is enforceable per California Vehicle Code, Section 22651 b. However, the "No Parking" requirement may not be readily apparent. Given this, available onsite parking, proximity to a signalized intersection and a suggestion to keep the entrance of the turn pocket clear for traffic flow ease, it is recommended to paint the 55 foot curb section red. Figure 1 depicts the proposed conditions. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the current no parking restrictions, by way of the vehicle code, and the fact that this no parking condition is not readily apparent, 55 feet of red curb is proposed for Mission Drive north of the Valley Boulevard intersection per Figure 1. Attachments p:066 \ch ris \rosemead\misval zrs Xa PX" rill, co dB 3 LU .1c TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS TURNBULL, ACTING DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: SEPTEMBER 24, 1996 RE: HELLMAN- RAMONANVALNUT GROVE - TRAFFIC SIGNAL OPERATION A request by the Traffic Commission was made to review the traffic signal operation at the intersection of Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard and Walnut Grove Avenue for possible implementation of split phasing in the east/west direction. The 1 -10 eastbound on and off ramp intersects Hellman Avenue just west of the Walnut Grove Avenue intersection. A project has been initiated by the City to study this intersection and alternatives are being proposed to increase capacity and to enhance operations. The attached depicts one of the alternatives being proposed. This proposal shows the widening of Hellman Avenue which would require a traffic signal modification. From a review of the proposed lane usage, split phasing would be required. Additional right -of -way will be required from the north west quadrant. This area is State property and is surplus property and the City is in the process of acquiring this property. In discussions with City staff, the acquisition of surplus State property is a fairly lengthy process. p:066 \ch ris \rosemead \wghellts O z O D v V L m r r D z �m WALNUT GR ` ON A OFF-RAMP rc = Inki