TC - 09-05-96AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting SEPTEMBER 5. 1996 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Commissioners Larson, Ruiz, Tirre, Vice-Chairperson Knapp, Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Ruiz Invocation: Commissioner Larson I REORGANIZATION II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - August 1, 1996 III. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes; total time allocated is 15 minutes). IV. OLD BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR "NO LEFT TURN" SIGN AT CIRCLE K STORE- This is a request for the installation of a "No Left Turn" sign at the driveway of Circle K on Walnut Grove Avenue. V. NEW BUSINESS A. "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" CONTROLS ALONG GARVEY AVENUE - This is a request to review the potential of vehicles queuing and blocking secondary intersections along Garvey Avenue east of San Gabriel Boulevard. B. HELLMAN AVENUE EAST OF SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD - This is a request from the Traffic Commission to review the congestion at the liquor store on Hellman Avenue. VI. STAFF REPORTS A. STATUS OF FLASHING BEACON FOR THE TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD OFF RAMP AT I-10 - This is a follow-up item based on an inquiry raised at the July and August meeting by Commissioner Ruiz. B. CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS AT AUGUST 27TH MEETING C. STATUS OF VACANT SEAT ON TRAFFIC COMMISSION VII. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VIII. ADJOURNMENT Thursday, October 3, 1996 at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 1. 1996 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Alarcon, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Alarcon Commissioners: Larson, Tirre, Knapp & Ruiz Absent: None Ex Officio: Administrative Aide: Brad Johnson Acting Deputy Traffic Engineer: Chris Turnbull CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Tirre The Invocation was led by Commissioner Ruiz I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commission Tirre, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for July 11, 1996. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - NONE III. OLD BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON HELLMAN AVENUE AT LAFAYETTESTREET This request was received from two concerned citizens who live in the area of Hellman Avenue and Lafayette Street intersection. Both letters are requesting a review of the intersection and state that it is difficult to turn from Lafayette Street onto Hellman Avenue. Red curb was requested to prohibit parking on Hellman Avenue at Lafayette Street. Deputy Traffic Engineer Turnbull presented the staff report. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the field review of this intersection and a sight distance review, it was recommended that 40 feet of the north curb and 60 feet of the south curb of Hellman Avenue east of Lafayette Street be painted red. Chairman Alarcon inquired if Durham Transportation had been notified regarding the school bus. Administrative Aide Johnson stated that he made contact with Durham Transportation, their policy is to let their drivers take the smaller buses home. Commissioner Knapp asked if the neighbors that live along Hellman and the neighboring streets like Lafayette and Eckhart were notified. Administrative Aide Johnson answered that yes the neighbors had been notified. Commissioner Knapp inquired about the amount of red curb on the north side of the street, would there be enough red curb just up to that first driveway, from the corner of Lafayette. Commissioner Tirre inquired as to why red curb was being installed on the north side of the street. Deputy Traffic Engineer Turnbull stated that the request was for the north and the south, and when reviewing the location, noticed that both were obstructing the visibility of approaching cars on Hellman. Commissioner Ruiz asked how a wall at the northeast corner over 4' was ever allowed to be built, because it blocks the view of traffic, he also stated that it would make sense to install red curb on the north side of the street. It was moved by Commissioner Tirre, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR "SCHOOL ZONE" SIGNS NEAR BITELY SCHOOL' This request came from Barbara Razo for the installation of "School Zone" signs near Bitely School. The request is to install additional school zone signs on Fern Avenue between New Avenue and Jackson Avenue. Deputy Traffic Engineer Turnbull presented the staff report. RECOMMENDATION: It was recommended that two additional "Advance School" (W63) and "School" plate (W65) signs be installed. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Tirre and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. B. REQUEST FOR "NO LEFT TURN" SIGN AT CIRCLE K STORE This request was received from Councilman Bruesch to review the installation of a "No Left Turn" sign at the driveway of Circle K on Walnut Grove Avenue. The concern is that vehicles turning left from the Walnut Grove Avenue driveway and proceeding south on Walnut Grove Avenue cause problems for southbound Walnut Grove Avenue left turning traffic. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the field review of the driveway, it was recommended that a "No Left Turn" sign be installed at the Circle K driveway exit. Commissioner Knapp stated that if a "No Left Turn" sign is installed, people will be exiting and making left turns going east out of the driveway, creating further problems. She suggested a "Right Turn Only" on Garvey also. 2 Commissioner Larson stated that the people are just not going to go there, forcing Circle K to lose alot of business. He doesn't feel the left turn sign is going to solve the problem. There was some discussion among the Commission that possibly they can make an outlet at the driveway behind Circle-K. After further discussion they felt this was not feasible. Commissioner Larson asked that Councilman Bruesch give the Commission some guidance as to what to do at this location. Deputy Traffic Engineer Turnbull stated that this location is more of an inconvenience, than a problem for motorist. Deputy Traffic Engineer Turnball stated that the installation of the median as part of the beautification project is one-way that it can be eliminated. Chairman Alarcon asked if when the median is installed, if a left turn pocket to make a U- turn approximately 50'-100' feet down would be feasible. Deputy Traffic Engineer Turnbull responded "yes" if they had space for it. Commissioner Ruiz recommended this item be continued until next month, and ask that a representative from Circle-K be present at the next meeting. Chairman Alarcon asked that staff look at the possibility of installing a left turn pocket to make a U-turn. Commissioner Larson asked that possibly the representative of Circle-K have a discussion with some engineers to give them some ideas when attending next month's meeting. V. STAFF REPORTS A. WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AND SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD Deputy Traffic Engineer Turnbull stated that at the July meeting, Commissioner Knapp indicated that the striping on Walnut Grove Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard were faded. In addition, Commission Ruiz asked if the City uses reflective material in the paint itself. Discussion with City staff regarding these two street segments indicated that both of these roads are programmed for improvement as part of the City's Beautification Projects. Walnut Grove is scheduled for construction in late 1997 and San Gabriel is scheduled for 1999. In the meantime, staff has contacted Traffic Operations to restripe these two streets as part of the City's on-going striping maintenance program. The paint used City Wide is per the Caltrans Standard Specifications and includes the application of glass beads which is the reflective material in the paint. Two coats are typically applied on new surfaces, one coat for repainting. Due to these new beautification projects (Walnut Grove, Del Mar and San Gabriel Boulevard) and the fact they include rubberized asphalt overlays, the application of three coats will be specified. This is being specified due to the absorption nature of these rubberized asphalt when first applied and the tracking of rubber material by vehicles which cause initial fading. Commissioner Knapp asked if using rubberized asphalt is a way of recycling tires. B. STATUS OF LEFT TURN LANE ON DEL MAR AVENUE AT HELLMAN AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Turnbull stated that at the July 1 Ith Traffic Commission meeting Commissioner Knapp inquired about the status of the Left Turn Lane on Del Mar Avenue at Hellman Avenue. Review of past Commission meetings indicated that the project was conceptually approved by Caltrans but funding was not available. Discussion with City staff regarding this proposed project revealed that the recommended improvement is scheduled to be completed with the Beautification Project for Del Mar Avenue. Construction is anticipated to begin sometime in 1998. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Administrative Aide Johnson congratulated Chairman Alarcon for being appointed the new Planning Commissioner, and wished him well. Commissioner Larson stated that at the northeast corner of Ramona and Burton there is a fire hydrant and behind the hydrant there's alot of debris that needs to be cleaned up. Commissioner Larson stated that he would like to get a survey of the radio of cars to our houses/residents in Rosemead. Streets are getting so crowded. Commissioner Ruiz also congratulated Chairman Alarcon for being appointed the new Planning Commissioner. Commissioner Ruiz stated that he received a complaint from one of his neighbors, Lucy Martinez, 9612 Olney Street, Rosemead. Her complaint is that on the northwest and northeast corner of Olney and Ellis Lane, the two (2) homes have bushes that come up to the curb. The height of the bushes prohibits visibility. Commissioner Tirre stated that the red stop light at Garvey and Rosemead Place (southwest corner) is out. Commissioner Knapp stated that on Garvey and Delta there is a green center light that is also out. Chairman Alarcon stated that he applied and was accepted for the position of Planning Commission. He stated this will be his last meeting, and thanked the Committee. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. The next meeting will take place on Thursday, September 5, 1996. 4 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS TURNBULL, ACTING DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEE DATE: JULY 24, 1996 RE: REQUEST FOR "NO LEFT TURN" SIGN FOR CIRCLE K DRIVEWAY LOCATED ON WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AND GARVEY AVENUE REQUEST A request has been received from Councilman Bruesch to review the installation of a "No Left Turn" sign at the driveway of Circle K on Walnut Grove Avenue. The concern is that vehicles turning left from the Walnut Grove Avenue driveway and proceeding south on Walnut Grove Avenue cause problems for southbound Walnut Grove Avenue left turning traffic. CONDITIONS Walnut Grove Avenue is a 64-foot wide north/south roadway. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction with no parking allowed on street in the vicinity of the driveway. The Circle K driveway is located, approximately 40 feet north of the Walnut Grove Avenue/Garvey Avenue intersection. A traffic si09gnal exists at the Garvey Avenue intersection with left turn phasing provided for all directions. The post speed limit on Walnut Grove Avenue is 40 miles per hour. Figure 1 depicts existing conditions. DATA The accident history in the vicinity of the driveway was reviewed from January 1, 1993 through March 30, 1996. The accident history is summarized as follows: Description Date Time 90' north of intersection 12/11/93 11:20am Northbound vehicle turning right broadside westbound left turn vehicle. 75' north of intersection 4/22/94 6:25pm Northbound vehicle proceeding straight sideswipe Northbound proceeding straight vehicle DISCUSSION A field review of the location revealed that motorists turn left at the driveway and either enter the southbound left turn lane or attempt to enter the southbound through lanes. Should a queue exist for the southbound through, the vehicle that turned left from the driveway waits for an opening in the left turn pocket. Since left turn phasing exists at the traffic signal, southbound left turn traffic that arrive after the Circle K vehicle has positioned itself in the pocket must wait an additional cycle. In addition, the westbound right turn traffic at Garvey Avenue is fairly high, which makes the left turn out of the driveway difficult. Southbound traffic attempting to turn left into the driveway, experience little difficulty . The accident history does not indicate a continual pattern. Two alternatives exists to resolve the identified problem. One is to install a "No Left Turn" sign at the driveway exit. The other is to install a raised median for the length of the southbound left turn pocket. This improvement could be incorporated into the Walnut Grove Beautification project (construction estimated to begin sometime in late 1997). However, the alternative would be extended to include the south approach for purposes of alignment and consistency. The median alternative would eliminate the left-in movement to the Circle K. Bot Dots were not considered since the left-in movement does not present operational problems. The "No Left Turn" sign installation can be implemented in a timely manner and can be removed should the median alternative be selected. Given this, it is recommended that the "No Left Turn" sign be installed at the Circle K driveway exit. Figure 1 depicts the proposed conditions. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on a field review of the driveway, it is recommended that a "No Left Turn" sign be installed at the Circle K driveway exit per Figure 1. Attachments p:066\ch ris\roserread\walleft W Q W ry CD Z Q GARVEY CITY OF ROSEMEAD WILLDAN ASSOCIATES ENONEEFS MID P NNENS 1 CIRCLE K i I :FF'l INSTALL SIGN & POST , R17 S~ Gym' q~ EXIST. X- AVE INSTALLATION OF NO LEFT TURN" SIGN FIGURE 1 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS TURNBULL, ACTING DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: AUGUST 27, 1996 RE: "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" CONTROLS ALONG GARVEY AVENUE REQUEST A request has been received from Stella Gutierrez of 3163 N. Muscatel regarding eastbound vehicles on Garvey Avenue blocking the intersection of Willard Avenue. In addition, staff was directed to review Garvey Avenue from City limit to City Limit to determine if other intersections also experience this gridlock condition. CONDITIONS Garvey Avenue is 74' wide with two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a raised center median. The posted speed limit on Garvey Avenue is 35 mph. From observations of peak hour traffic conditions along Garvey Avenue, a total of three locations experience some congestion with regard to vehicles blocking intersections. These locations are Willard Avenue, Brighton Street,. and Denton Avenue. These locations are unsignalized intersections with stop controls for the side streets. Garvey Avenue traffic signals are coordinated with the County of Los Angeles signal coordination program. Field observations during the AM and PM peak hours indicated that each of the noted intersections experience some congestion due to the queuing of vehicles at adjacent signalized intersections. The Garvey Avenue and Willard Avenue intersection is impacted by the Walnut Grove Avenue signalized intersection and the queuing occurs for approximately 20 percent of the PM peak hour for the eastbound direction. Walnut Grove Avenue is also part of the County's signal coordination program. The Garvey Avenue and Brighton Street intersection is impacted by the Del Mar Avenue signalized intersection and queuing occurs for approximately 40 percent of the AM peak hour for the westbound direction. The Garvey Avenue and Denton Avenue intersection is impacted by the Kelburn Avenue signalized intersection and the queuing occurs for approximately 20 percent of the PM peak hour for the eastbound direction. DISCUSSION The queuing of vehicles is a function of the amount of traffic using Garvey Avenue during the peak hours and signal timing. It may be possible to reduce the gridlock condition experienced through signal timing adjustments. The signal timing adjustments may consist of beginning the Garvey Avenue green phase earlier to accommodate better progression on Garvey Avenue. These signal timing adjustments should reduce the congestion experienced at the Denton Avenue intersection because Kelburn Avenue traffic demands are less than Garvey Avenue. The signal timing adjustments, however, may not fully reduce all of the congestion at the Brighton. Street and Willard Avenue intersections because the intersections of Del Mar Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue on Garvey Avenue have equal demands of traffic. Given the possibility that timing adjustments will not fully resolve the tendency of vehicles from queuing at the Brighton Street and Willard Avenue intersections, the posting of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs is recommended as a remedial measure. The signs, when posted, are enforceable under the California Vehicle Code, section 22526 (Gridlock Law). In addition, minor striping improvements are recommended to better define the limits of the offset intersections. Figure 1 depicts proposed conditions. It should be noted, however, that these signs are sometimes ineffective due to the placement and driver recognition of the sign at the smaller intersection. The signs are typically placed at signalized intersections and are typically mounted overhead on a signal arm, creating good visibility. To enhance the "Do Not Block Intersection" sign, "Keep Clear" pavement legends may be an additive remedial measure that could be undertaken should the gridlock problem continue. The pavement legends are not being recommended at this time due to the low occurrence of the gridlock problem and the cost to install and maintain the pavement legends over time. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that staff work with Los Angeles County staff on signal timing adjustments on Garvey Avenue and to install two "Do Not Block Intersection" signs for the intersections of Garvey Avenue and Brighton Street and Garvey Avenue and Willard Avenue in the approximate locations shown in Figure 1. P:\066\ch risVosemead\garwill s W { ~Z J Z w W h- X e ,ZL ll ~ l,ll zz ,ZL ZZ F N r In z = g ~o J Ad m < cn C~ n s ]$8 a rZ I sue, ~ 3 c e Z ~ J Z lal H x x W GS U f ZZ „tt, y,u LZ o U F ° - z I . O . o ~ ~ Q M W Z r (LD Of i z O F W W W C4 z_a X rrrN4 W e m v E z °z° S0 E - z U] O O U IL Ix a ca W w ow d~ ~ d W U TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS TURNBULL, ACTING DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: AUGUST 28, 1996 RE: HELLMAN AVENUE EAST OF SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD REQUEST This is a request from the Traffic Commission to review the traffic congestion at the Double 8 Liquor Market on Hellman Avenue located east of San Gabriel Boulevard. The concern is that vehicles turning in and out of the driveway creates congestion on Hellman Avenue. CONDITIONS Hellman Avenue is a 36 foot wide east/west roadway. The driveway entrance to the Double 8 Liquor Market is located approximately 15 feet east of the crosswalk of the signalized intersection of San Gabriel Boulevard. The Market is attached to a chiropractic office which also gains access from the one driveway on Hellman Avenue. A left turn pocket and a combination through-right lane exists on Hellman Avenue for the east and westbound approaches to San Gabriel Boulevard. Heavy peak hour traffic exists on the Hellman Avenue approaches. Traffic traveling eastbound on Hellman Avenue was observed turning left into the driveway. On a number of occasions, these vehicles were observed attempting the turn into the driveway with vehicles queued at the intersection causing vehicles to queue into the intersection. Figure 1 depicts existing conditions. DATA The accident history in the vicinity of the driveway was reviewed from January 1, 1993 through March 30, 1996. The accident history is summarized as follows: Description Date Time 15' east of intersection 5/24/93 10:15 pm Eastbound vehicle proceeding straight rearend eastbound stopped vehicle DISCUSSION Based on an initial review of possible recommendations to resolve the congestion on Hellman Avenue east of San Gabriel Boulevard during the peak hours, one solution might include prohibiting the left turn in and out of the driveway with a "Bot Dot" treatment. However, discussions with Ms. Mysung Sang Park, owner of the market, reveled her desire to do something to Hellman Avenue so traffic does not block the driveway. Ms Park believes the market would be negatively impacted if turn restrictions where imposed. Given the market owners objection to turn restrictions and the fact that there is no accident history to speak of at this location, a "Bot Dot" type treatment and/or other turn restriction remedies are not recommended at this time. One possible alternative that may help reduce the congestion on Hellman Avenue in the future would be to widen the south curb by 5 feet. This would provide a 18 foot eastbound lane on Heilman Avenue at the driveway and would allow enough room for other vehicles to maneuver around a vehicle trying to turn into the driveway. This alternative improvement can be incorporated into the San Gabriel Boulevard Beautification project currently scheduled for construction sometime in 1999. RECOMMENDATIONS The recommendation of this review is to provide no changes to Hellman Avenue at this time and for the Traffic Commission to consider the alternative improvement of widening Hellman Avenue on the south side during the San Gabriel Boulevard Beautification project. p:066\c h ris\ro semead\h e I Idwy i! ' t Vr. ti ' W 1 X m 7 a~ Zl ~L Al 2L 4 Q V ix z 00 fr vi o i WoLU ~~Y ~a mQa z ohm i ( co< I w = rz3 I mz I > I ( . Z $a E I s , ~ F7:1 I; W x ? a z I I F a a ~l L l a 1f_ ~ o GUVASznoa Zal edD runs ~ U