TC - 06-06-96AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting June 6. 1996 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Commissioners Iarson, Ruiz, Tirre, Chairman Alarcon Pledge of Allegiance: Vice-Chairperson Knapp Vice-Chairperson Knapp, Invocation: Chairman Alarcon 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular meeting of May 2, 1996. /V II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes; total time allocated is 15 minutes). III. OLD BUSINESS IV. NEW BUSINESS A P~~g PARKING COMPLAINT AT 3117 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE (NORTH OF GARVEY AVENUE) - This is a request for parking restrictions on Walnut Grove I / VIA Avenue due to trucks parking north of the dnveway of 3117 Walnut Grove Avenue. / MISSION DRIVE EAST OF ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD - DELINEATORS - This is a request from the Traffic Commission to review the delineators on Mission Drive for possible replacement with large botts dots (turtle dots). V. STAFF REPORTS A. CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS-MAY 14 & MAY 28 B. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 766 BY THE CITY COUNCIL - The City Council adopted an ordinance amending regulations relating to solicitation of employment, business or contributions in certain areas. This ordinance was adopted at the May 28, 1996 City Council Meeting. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT Thursday, July 11, 1996 at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 2. 1996 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Alarcon, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Alarcon Commissioners: Larson, Ruiz, Tirre & Knapp Ex Officio: Administrative Aide: Brad Johnson Deputy Traffic Engineer: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Larson The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Knapp I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Tirre, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for March 5, 1996, with the following correction: - Lt. Heller was the person who introduced Sgt. Edgington. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Larson, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for April 4, 1996. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None III. OLD BUSINESS A. SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD/GARVEY AVENUE DAY LABORERS Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the report. This item was brought before the Commission on March 7,1996. The Commission directed staff to contact other cities to determine what solutions they may offer. RECOMMENDATION: Was to install "No Parking Anytime" signs around the square as shown in Figure 1. VERBATIM DISCUSSION FRANK LARSON Mr. Chairman, by putting these signs up and putting the responsibility on the people in the Mall (Diamond Square), Is this really the answer, or are we just passing the problem along to somebody else. If I come in there and need 2 guys to come to my backyard to help me clean up, by the time the Sheriff's Department, I'm gone. Are we going to force the people who own these stores to put up signs? I think a "No Loitering" sign would be more appropriate, we got the Donut Shop across the street and there is 10-12 people hanging around there. Are we going to penalize that owner because he's open at 5:00 o'clock in the morning? I feel we are passing the problem along to somebody else. DAN TIRRE Mr. Chairman, if we put up the "No Parking Anytime" signs up, I don't think Diamond Square would want that too much, especially on the weekends. Page 1 VICTOR RUIZ Has anyone contacted the merchants at Diamond Square and asked their opinion? BRAD JOHNSON Not that I'm aware of. HOLLY KNAPP Mr. Chairman, I think this came to us from Mr. Imperial, and I'm wondering if he's had personal contact with the merchants in the Diamond Square, and if that's where the complaint is originating from. I question installing signs on the south side of Garvey Avenue, I don't think it is even feasible to stop there on the south side of Garvey Avenue from my street to Garvey Avenue because of the traffic flow. I've never seen any parking there at all. Now whether people stop there and pick up these guys. They stay on the corner of Pine Street but they don't get picked up between Pine and San Gabriel Boulevard. I think what we will have if we do this is, you will find that they will all move over to Pine Street. I agree with Mr. Larson, I don't think we are going to solve this problem by putting signs up. FRANK LARSON We have to come up with some kind of a loitering ordinance. We are penalizing all of the people that own businesses in the area for something they have no control over. This is going to explode into something bigger, because you can't see what's behind that Donut Shop. It's about 18 feet long, and on any given day after 10:00 a.m. in the morning there's a dozen people there, there's no telling what they are doing between the back of the thing and the fence line on the trailer park. I think we should put up loitering signs like the ones on liquor stores. VICTOR RUIZ I feel we are just passing down the buck. We're just going to move them over to Pine Street and surrounding areas, and I feel we are penalizing the merchants as well as the citizens of the Community. This is really a tough decision that Mr. Imperial put upon us, it really should go back to the Planning Commission or the Council. WILLIAM ALARCON Perhaps we should table this item until we have an opportunity to talk with Councilman Imperial and check with the merchants. JOANNE ITAGAKI I think I can answer that for you. The letter I received was from Councilman Imperial in response to a meeting he had with the enforcement personnel and the merchants of Diamond Square. They discussed with the Sheriff's Department what can be done. Basically, it is difficult because it is public right-a-way. HOLLY KNAPP Is the "No Loitering" sign that Mr. Larson is recommending, is that a Traffic Commission or is that a Planning Commission responsibility. FRANK LARSON I make a motion that we send this to the Planning Commission and have them review it and look for some kind of an ordinance, that can take care of this. DAN TIRRE I second that motion. Page 2 WILLIAM ALARCON It sounds like we're just passing the buck, so maybe we can just amend the motion to say that we recommend the "No Loitering" signs and see if it's within our jurisdiction or if it'll get bounced back at us. HOLLY KNAPP Maybe this is something we can look at jointly as both Planning and Traffic Commissioners, in order to take some of the brunt off of the Council, and to present maybe a working type of recommendation, from both Commissions. VICTOR RUIZ What about setting a time frame, have we looked into that? Instead of reading "No Stopping Anytime", how about setting from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., and explore those avenues. We don't want to penalize the whole Community in general because of certain individuals. JOANNE ITAGAKI That's a possibility as well. WILLIAM ALARCON We have a motion and a second. HOLLY KNAPP You made the amendment, Mr. Chairman to try to come up with some sort of a solution. Commissioner Larson withdrew his motion, and Commissioner Tirre withdrew his second to the motion. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Alarcon to give our findings and discussion tonight as a staff report to the Planning Commission, and see if they can take action, or to make some sort of a joint action together. VOTE RESULTED: AYES: Chairman Alarcon, Commissioner Tirre, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Ruiz NOES: Commissioner Larson ABSTAINED: None ABSENT: None B. NEW BUSINESS REQUEST FOR CROSSING GUARD IN FRONT OF EMERSON SCHOOL - 7544 EMERSON PLACE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the report. This request came from Ms. Pat Slusser,.Principal of the school. Ms. Slusser is requesting the crossing guard at Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue RECOMMENDATION: The placement of a crossing guard at Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue was recommended. It was further recommended that the existing red curb be marked "No Stopping Bus Zone" to allow the school bus to legally stop in this area. Commissioner Knapp stated that she is concerned with the back of the school at Whitmore Street, at the pedestrian crosswalk. Emerson School might be requesting a crosswalk at that location, sometime in the future. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that those gates are kept closed, because of security problems. Page 3 Commissioner Larson suggested that the bus zone be moved east. V VI VII Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that she will be writing a letter to the school further indicating what are recommendations were, and also include changing the bus zone. Commissioner Larson stated that this would be more convenient for the teachers and better visibility for the crossing guard. It was moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. In addition, to moving the Bus zone east entrance gate, and use that gate instead of the one they're using now. STAFF REPORT Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki introduced Chris Turnball, who will be taking over for her during her maternity leave. Her maternity leaves begins in July. Commissioner Knapp asked the Commission if they should change the date of the July Traffic Commission from July 4, 1996 to July 11, 1996. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Larson inquired as to when the yellow bumpers were going to be installed at River. He inquired if there could be an international sign stating "No Left Turn into Driveway" posted underneath. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that she could look into the timing of bumps, and if it's going to take a long period of time to do the sign. Commissioner Knapp stated that she would like to see turtle dots installed at Hellman and San Gabriel Boulevard at the Liquor 8. This is for cars travelling north on San Gabriel making a left turn on Hellman and a left turn into the Liquor Station. Commissioner Knapp also stated that at Hellman/Walnut Grove and Ramona exiting the freeway, she would like staff to look into phased lighting with the green arrows, from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., at this location. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that this is called "Split Phasing", and is aware that the City Manager has been discussing some changes in that.area, because the Cal-Trans yard is vacant. Commissioner Knapp directed staff to look into installing a 4-way stop sign at Hart and Steele Street. Cars seem to be travelling at fast speed. Commissioner Tirre stated that on Sullivan and Garrett Streets, there is a sign regarding the lighting being installed that has been placed directly in front of the fire hydrant, that should be moved up a little Chairman Alarcon extended his gratitude to the out-going Mayor Joe Vasquez, for his support for the past year and welcome the new Mayor Margaret Clark. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting as adjourned at 7:45 p.m. The next meeting will take place on June 6, 1996. Page 4 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER T". DATE: MAY 28, 1996 RE: PARKING COMPLAINT AT 3117 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE (NORTH OF GARVEY AVENUE) REQUEST A request has been received from Mr. Rubin Baxley on behalf of the residents of 3117 Walnut Grove Avenue. The concern is trucks parking north of the driveway at 3117 Walnut Grove Avenue blocking visibility of vehicles exiting the driveway. The residents are requesting red curb or some other parking restriction to remove these trucks. CONDITIONS Walnut Grove Avenue is a 64 foot wide secondary arterial with two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. The posted speed limit on Walnut Grove Avenue is 40 mph. In the vicinity of 3117 Walnut Grove Avenue, parking is permitted on both sides of the roadway. Residential uses front Walnut Grove Avenue. Immediately north of the subject location, the playground area of Willard Elementary exists. Figure 1 depicts existing conditions. DATA The reported accident data for the period from January 1, 1994 through September 30, 1995 was reviewed. This indicated no accidents involving vehicles exiting a driveway on to Walnut Grove Avenue between Dorothy Avenue and Garvey Avenue. DISCUSSION Staff field reviewed the location on several occasions throughout the day. It appeared that the same truck parked north of 3117 Walnut Grove Avenue. Observations indicate the driver crossed the street to enter a residence on the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue. The City does have the "No Parking Vehicles over 80-inches" restriction. This restriction, however, does not apply to the type of vehicles observed parked in the vicinity of 3117 Walnut Grove Avenue. Visibility constraints at other residential locations on Walnut Grove Avenue may exist since parking is allowed on the street. To remove any parking to improve visibility, however, may generate more complaints than resolve the any possible visibility problems. The reported accident data of vehicles exiting driveways is considered favorable in that no accidents of this type have been reported in the last two years (approximately). This indicates that vehicles are using appropriate caution when exiting their driveways. The visibility of vehicles on Walnut Grove Avenue from 3117 Walnut Grove Avenue is inhibited by the trucks parked north of the property. The installation of red curb or "No Stopping Any Time" restrictions will improve the visibility. This visibility constraint is unique to other residential locations on Walnut Grove Avenue in that a school, not fronting Walnut Grove Avenue, is the "neighbor" north of the subject property. The removal of parking on the "backside" of the school does not cause a negative impact to school's parking needs. RECOMMENDATION The installation of "No Stopping Any Time" restrictions on the west side of Walnut Grove Avenue north of 3117 Walnut Grove Avenue is recommended. Figure 1 depicts this recommendation. Attachment A RSD\3117WG CFw;..~ ltnlc 4" ce 64~ Tn OtMtl Rz8Cy~ wlv-k le.4 I NOV w SdALU ArrOinl. T KPH' V 7 Q izze T„y4ul l ( I 9 t,~tih rt l,+ Q aorow. t~L . C~ g~ J I 3 F/GUPC I 3117 WAL NUZ' 6P,0\1 E A.V. CITY OF ROSEMEAD N N 14 11 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: MAY 28, 1996 RE: MISSION DRIVE EAST OF ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD - DELINEATORS REQUEST At the request of the Traffic Commission, staff has reviewed the delineators installed on Mission Drive east of Rosemead Boulevard. The Commission has requested staff to review these delineators for possible replacement with large botts dots (turtle dots). CONDITIONS Mission Drive is a 64-foot wide secondary arterial throughout the City. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. Dedicated left turn pockets exist in the eastbound and westbound directions at Rosemead Boulevard. The posted speed limit on Mission Drive is 40 mph. Class 1, Type I channelizers (delineators) exist between the double-double yellow lines of the westbound left turn pocket on Mission Drive at Rosemead Boulevard. The delineators are approximately 3 feet in height and spaced approximately 5 feet apart. The double-double yellow lines identify a median that cannot be legally crossed. Figure 1 depicts these conditions. DISCUSSION The existing delineators on Mission Drive were originally installed to prevent left turns entering and exiting the driveway on the south side of Mission Drive (In-n-Out Burger). The delineators have been effective to a degree. With only one delineator knocked down, a 10 foot space is created between the remaining delineators. As soon as this occurs, vehicles attempt to execute the left turns. Another point that has been discussed in the past is the flexibility of the delineators. Some motorists have realized that the delineators will, in most cases, "bounce back" after they've been hit and cause little, if any, damage to vehicles. This has caused some motorist to flagrantly disregard the delineators. Page 2 June 6, 1996 Rosemead Traffic Commission Discussions with the City's maintenance contractor indicate the delineators on Mission Drive are a constant maintenance item. The primary maintenance requests are replacement of missing delineators or returning "fallen" delineators to an upright position. However, during staffs field review of the location, all the delineators were in place in an upright position. Staff reviewed the large botts dots installed on Garvey Avenue at Diamond Square. These dots have been in place for approximately 2 months. They appear to have few tire marks traversing over the dots which would indicate vehicles crossing the dots. In fact, most tire marks were along the sides of the dots in the direction of travel. The large dots appear to be affective in eliminating left turns entering and exiting the driveway at this time. The delineators have been affective when they have been properly installed and maintained. However, once knocked down or crossed, motorist appear to be less inhibited to violate the prohibition. Currently, the large botts dots are affective in eliminating the left turns entering and exiting the Diamond Square driveway. Their long term effectiveness, however, is unknown. RECOMMENDATION Due to the current effectiveness of the large botts dots, it is recommended they be installed between the double-double yellow lines on Mission Drive at the left turn lane for westbound traffic. It is further recommended the delineators be removed. Figure 1 depicts these recommendations. Attachment A RSD\MISDLIN QP.OP~SE~ CON1D~7'IONS Ren+OV 6 ay lp'+:.vj 125 del; nea4org, 11-0 Tn•yf,all lA.~e 0000-y-+ 0000 ~-k 0000 ~tM do{~ C*u~+le dc'Fe~ e.r41~G l25' ~ocka4- leytgth. 0 J m m ~a EXIgT'~~G COtilDiTiOtilS tom- 125 F T c~•'r-. peltneain~~ TV P. Mt5510" DZ. NOT Tp W4LZ 64' FIGURE 1 MI55ioM D2. E45T 6F- R06EME6D BL. CITY OF ROSEMEAD u STAFF REPORT = TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: BRAD JOHNSON, ADMINISTRTIVE AIDE DATE: JUNE 6, 1996 SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS - MAY, 1996 On May 13, the City Council took action on the following Traffic Commission recommendation: 1. INSTALL "TURTLE DOTS" WESTBOUND GARVEY AVENUE EAST OF RIVER AVENUE/ROSEMEAD PLACE. COUNCIL ACTION: Approve as recommended by the Commission On May 28, the City Council took action on the following Traffic Commission recommendation: 1. REQUEST FOR CROSSING GUARD AT EMERSON SCHOOL-EMERSON PLACE AND PROSPECT AVENUE. COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File. Approve as recommended by the Commission. TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT = TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: BRAD JOHNSON, ADMINISTRTIVE AIDE DATE: JUNE 6, 1996 SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 766-AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING REGULATIONS RELATING TO SOLICITATION OF EMPLOYMENT, BUSINESS OR CONTRIBUTIONS IN CERTAIN AREAS On May 28, 1996 the Rosemead City Council adopted Ordinance 766 which addresses the solicitation of day laborers along San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue (see attached ordinance). However, the City would also like to see "No Parking" signs installed along the south side of Garvey Avenue from San Gabriel Boulevard to Pine Street and on the west side of San Gabriel Boulevard from Garvey Avenue to approximately 720 feet southerly. The addition of the "No Stopping" signage is being encouraged to help the City further discourage solicitors from stopping in this area. The new ordinance requires that the Sheriff's personnel be present to site violators. With the addition of the "No Stopping" signage the City will also be able to use Parking Control Officers to write citations, this will give the City another tool to address the problem. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission discuss this item again at a future meeting. TRAFFIC COMMISSION LARSON KNAPP ALARCON TIRRE RUIZ 3 c m ~ a to a N D it a rt fD z a a 0 z 0 LARSON KNAPP ALARCON T I RRE. RUIZ Z ~ c ~ o~ u n in fD I ro 7 C o w z 0 z m- rt fD LARSON KNAPP ALARCON TIRRE RUIZ 3 O ~ Z Z Z t a ° m CP r~ 77 G N l I'D fi b (D Z - z o w O rt1 o '