TC - 10-01-98i AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting October 1, 1998 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance: 7:00 p.m. Chairman Tirre, Vice-Chairperson Knapp, Commissioners Ruiz, Quintanilla, & Baffo Commissioner Quintanilla Invocation: Commissioner Knapp 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 3, 1998 H. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes.) III. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF RED CURB AT 1216 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE V. STAFF REPORTS A. ~ FOLLOW-UP ON STAFF REVIEW ITEMS VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT -Thursday, November 5, 1998,7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 3, 1998 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Tirre, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Tirre Commissioners: Knapp, Ruiz, Quintanilla Absent: Commissioner Baffo Ex Officio: Administrative Aide: Jessica Wilkinson Deputy Traffic Engineer: Monica Sutter CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Tirre The Invocation was led by Commissioner Quintanilla 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for August 6, 1998. H. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - NONE III. OLD BUSINESS - NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON VALLEY BOULEVARD WEST OF GERNERT AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Sutter stated that this request was received from a resident regarding the visibility on Gernert Avenue at Valley Boulevard. The resident indicated that vehicles park on the south side of Valley Boulevard west of Gernert Avenue blocking visibility for vehicles exiting Gernert Avenue onto Valley Boulevard. The curb area in question fronts the "Manor Plaza" shopping center. Gernert Avenue is a 36-food wide north/south residential roadway with parking allowed on both sides of the street. Gernert Avenue is STOP controlled at its intersection with Valley Boulevard. There is no traffic striping on the roadway. The prima facie speed limit on Gernert Avenue is 25 mph. Valley Boulevard is a 76-foot wide east/west primary arterial roadway with parking allowed on both sides of the street. Valley Boulevard is striped with four lanes of traffic, two in each direction, separated by a two-way left turn lane. There is a westbound left turn lane on Valley Boulevard at Gernert Avenue. The posted speed limit on Valley Boulevard is 35 mph. The reported accident history for the intersection of Valley Boulevard/Gernert Avenue was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1995 through December 31, 1997. There were no intersection accidents reported at this intersection during the period reviewed. The "Manor Plaza" shopping center on the southwest corner of Valley Boulevard and Gernert Avenue has on-site parking for its businesses. During field review of this location, the on-site parking was fully utilized with very few open spaces. The on-site parking on Valley Boulevard was also fully utilized. There were no vehicles parked on Gernert Avenue adjacent to Manor Plaza. V. VI. With the on-street parking fully utilized, visibility for vehicles on Gernert Avenue exiting on to Valley Boulevard was limited. The installation of red curb on Valley Boulevard west of Gernert Avenue will improve this visibility. The proposed red curb installation will displace approximately 3 vehicles. There is on-street parking available on Gernert Avenue to accommodate these vehicles. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommended the installation of 50 feet of red curb on the south side of Valley Boulevard west of Gernert Avenue. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. Vote results: Yes: Chairman Tirre, Commissioner Knapp & Commissioner Quintanilla Noes: None Absent: Commissioner Baffo Abstained: Commissioner Ruiz Commissioner Ruiz stated that he would like his abstained vote to reflect that he is against a red curb and is leaning towards signage instead. STAFF REPORTS A. REQUEST FOR RED CURB AT 2542 N. SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD - GARVEY WHOLESALE BEVERAGE, INC. Administrative Assistant Wilkinson stated that this item went before the City Council in August. The City Council approved the 30 feet of red curb, but there was questions regarding the 50 feet of red curb. This item was referred back to Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki for further evaluation on the 50 feet of red curb. COMMISSIONER REPORTS A. DISCUSSION REGARDING INCREASE OF SHERIFF'S PRESENCE AT SCHOOL LOCATIONS DURING THE BEGINNING OF NEW SCHOOL YEAR Sgt. Wallace stated that on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the month of September, the motorcycle patrol and an overtime Traffic Truancy Enforcement Car has been in put in place to go to the Rosemead Schools. Letters in four (4) languages will be sent out to the students regarding parking restrictions, violations, etc., in front of the school. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, October 1, 1998. TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: SEPTEMBER 22, 1998 RE: REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF RED CURB AT 1216 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE REQUEST A request has been received from Mr. Howard Tong for the removal of red curb in front of his residence at 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue. Mr. Tong's home is on the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue in the vicinity of Drayer Lane. Mr. Tong is requesting the removal of red curb to provide additional parking for his residents and guests. Mr. Tong has also requested consideration of allowing evening and weekend parking on Walnut Grove Avenue. CONDITIONS Walnut Grove Avenue is a 64-foot wide north/south roadway with a posted speed limit of 45 mph. There are two lanes of travel in each direction separated by a two-way left turn lane. The northbound curb lane is 14 feet in width. This width does not provide for a travel lane and parking. Therefore, the east side of the roadway is posted with "No Stopping Any Time" signs and red curb. The southbound curb lane is 18 feet in width. This width allows for a travel lane and parking. Therefore, the west side does allow parking in certain areas. Those areas where parking is prohibited are posted with "No Stopping Any Time" signs and red curb. In front of 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue, there is a portion of unpainted curb which allows parking. This is the only portion of curb in this vicinity not restricted by parking signs or red curb markings. The curb lane width remains 14-feet at this location. Figure 1 depicts the lane configuration and curb markings in front of 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue. Page 2 Request for Removal of Red Curb at 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue DISCUSSION Staff has contacted Mr. Tong by phone and indicated to him the curb lane is too narrow to allow parking in front of his property. The lack of red curb in front of 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue may have occurred during sidewalk repairs. Often times sidewalks are repaired due to cracks or lifting of the sidewalk that can cause tripping hazards. When the repairs are made, replacement of the curb paint is sometimes overlooked. Mr. Tong has also requested the consideration of allowing weekend and evening parking on Walnut Grove Avenue. This type of parking is sometimes found on roadways experiencing heavy commuter-type traffic. Parking is allowed during non-peak commuter hours and weekends. This would increase on-street parking availability benefiting residents along Walnut Grove Avenue. Staff, however, believes there would also be an increase in accident potential. Staff anticipates an increase in the following type of accidents: Rear-end accidents: Northbound vehicles traveling in the curb lane would need to transition to the number 1 lane when vehicles are parked along the curb. If the northbound vehicles are unable to transition, a rear-end type accident could occur with the parked vehicle. 2. Sideswipe accidents: If the northbound vehicles are unable to transition, they may try to avoid the parked vehicle and thus sideswipe an adjacent northbound vehicle. Broadside accidents: With vehicles being allowed to park on the east side, the visibility of vehicles from driveways entering traffic is affected. Entering vehicles will "creep" into traffic lanes and may cause or be involved in accidents. Overall, the benefit of parking for residents along Walnut Grove Avenue does not outweigh the increased accident potential. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended the no parking on the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue be retained due to the 14 foot curb lane width. In addition, it is recommended the red curb be replaced in front of 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue. Figure 1 depicts this recommendation. The installation of weekend and evening parking on Walnut Grove Avenue is not recommended. Attachment 066\ji1\rsd\1216 Walnut Grove C (6 J O T (6 L O N C C Q N O 0 7 C co b, I m o E a w N ~ U C7 o D ti 0 0) o > _ U Q > (D o > E o a) 0 O C O N > a~ C X ~ W U c ~ m ~ d U (6 ~ ~ Q 3 o > C° o c Q N N b v ~ C X ~ W U m m M N U TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 1998 RE: STAFF REPORT The Traffic Commission has made several inquiries regarding various issues in the City. The following is a status of these various issues: Del Mar Avenue/Hellman Avenue - The Commission requested staff to review the need for protected left turn phasing (arrow) on Del Mar Avenue at Hellman Avenue. The accident history and traffic volumes for the intersection were analyzed to determine the need for left turn phasing. Based on this data, Del Mar Avenue does not satisfy the guidelines for left turn phasing at this time. Staff will review the traffic poles to determine if, in the future, the poles will accommodate left turn phasing should it become necessary. Note: The bid opening for the Del Mar Avenue traffic signal coordination project is scheduled for mid-October. Rosemead High School - At the request of Commissioner Ruiz, staff is investigating the traffic conditions on Mission Drive in relation to the drop off patterns of the High School. Staff will present this report during the November Traffic Commission meeting. 3. San Gabriel Boulevard/Graves Avenue - At the request of Commissioner Knapp, staff is reviewing the appropriateness of repainting the crosswalk yellow. In addition, the pedestrian signal timing is being reviewed. 4. Del Mar Avenue/Garvey Avenue - At the request of Commissioner Knapp, staff is reviewing the signal timing at this location. Staff is requesting clarification of the specific problem with the signal timing. 5. Graves Avenue - At the request of Commissioner Knapp, staff is reviewing the speed limit signing on Graves Avenue between San Gabriel Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue. Should there be any additional issues, please contact me at any time at (562) 908-6226. 066\ji1\rsd\Staff Report Oct 98 MAYOR: ROBERT W. BRUESCH MAYOR PRO TEM: JOE VASQUEZ COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARETCLARK JAY T. IMPERIAL GARY A. TAYLOR MEMORANDUM PQSemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 288-6671 FAX (626) 307-9218 TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEMBERS FROM: JESSICA WILKINSON, ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE DATE: OCTOBER 5, 1998 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON VALLEY BOULEVARD WEST OF GERNERT AVENUE Due to the effects of the Valley Boulevard Street Improvements Project on the subject site in the early part of next year, this request will not be presented before the Rosemead City Council at this time. This request will be scheduled for a City Council meeting after January 1999. This will allow the request, should it be approved, to be initiated at the same time as work is being done on the subject site through the Valley Boulevard Street Improvements Project.