TC - 03-31-99f PAUL YOUNG Jenny's Bridal and Photo Studio 3351 Del Mar Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 307-0871 March 31, 1999 Traffic Commission City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: Red Curbing in front of 3351 Del Mar Avenue Dear Sirs and Madams: I am writing with regards to the actions taken by the traffic commission in painting the curbside in front of my commercial business red. My representative, Melissa W. Woo, contacted Jessica, your liaison at City Hall to inquire about the time-frame in which the proposal to paint the curbside in front of my commercial business red was discussed and put into effect. Ms. Woo indicated to me that prior to the time that a City undertakes to commence such acts, the business owners must be given notice about the City's proposal so that business owners would have an opportunity to attend meetings by the traffic commission wherein these issues would be discussed and therefore, have an opportunity to voice any objections. However, based on Ms. Woo's discussions with Jessica, Ms. Woo informed me that the proposal to paint the curbside in front of my commercial business red had been discussed for at least a year prior to March 18, 1999 (the approximate date in which the curbside was painted curb). As such, I was never notified or informed of such plans by the City of Rosemead as I did not enter into a lease for the premises of 3351 Del Mar Avenue ("Del Mar Property") until approximately October of November of 1998. At this point in time, I am even unaware of whether or not the prior tenants who were also the owners, were ever informed of such plans to paint the curbside in front of the Del Mar Property red. If these prior tenants were informed, they certainly did not inform me of the City of Rosemead's plans prior to or at the time I signed a commercial lease for the Del Mar Property. Ms. Woo is currently in the process of collecting the original proposal, any and all traffic study reports written by the engineer relating to the "red curbing" in front of the Del Mar Property, any and all notices which were provided relating to this proposal, and any and all minutes from meetings wherein this proposal was discussed. If the prior tenants and owners had been informed, maybe my remedy would be against them. However, 1 have chosed to attempt to resolve this issue with the City of Rosemead. f' As you may understand, I am not happy with the City of Rosemead's decision to "red curb" the front of the Del Mar Property. Certainly, if I would have known about such plans, I would have adamantly objected. Additionally, I would not have entered into a 3-year lease for such property if I would have know that my customers would not have anywhere to park their vehicles. I have already spent numerous funds remodeling the Del Mar Property which was previously known as "Mister Meat" for my Bridal Shop and Photography studio. I certainly would not have expended such funds had I known about the City of Rosemead's plans. As you may be aware, I have operated my business in the City of Rosemead for almost 15 years. Prior to leasing the Del Mar Property, I operated my business across the street at 3312 Del Mar Avenue. For these past 15 years, I have been contributing to the taxes received by Rosemead by virtue of the fact that I choose to operate my business in the City of Rosemead. For 15 years, I have never seen the curbside across the street painted red. I understand that the City of Rosemead took these actions or painting the curbside in front of the Del Mar Property red and the widening of the East Side of the street for the safety of oncoming traffic and I don't expect, the City of Rosemead to undo their plans. I, however, do expect that the City of Rosemead take my business into consideration and reach a compromise so that my business does not continue to suffer. The income from my bridal shop and photography studio is the sole means of support for myself and my family of six. Not only do I have one child who attends college, I have another child who will be attending college in the two years and two other minor children who will be attending high school in the next couple of years. The actions of the City of Rosemead have been "detrimental" and have seriously interfered with the successful operation of my business. Based upon my 15 years of experience in the bridal industry, it is a nature of the business to have frequent "pick-ups" and "drop-offs" of gowns, tuxedos, etc. My customers, however, are now inconvenience because they can no longer quickly and efficiently "pick-up" and "drop-off' rentals or purchases. I do not believe that I am being difficult or demanding in that I would like the City of Rosemead to consider changing the color of the curbside in front of my business from "red" to "green" which would be a 20 minute zone. I can't say that this solution would make me feel "whole" as I feel that I have already been damaged both emotionally and economically by the City of Rosemead's actions. However, I am making this proposal as a "compromise" to amicably resolve this matter so that I can concentrate on the successful operation of my business. If you have any further questions in this regard or wish to further discuss the foregoing, please don't hesitate to contact me at the phone number stated above or my representative Melissa Woo at (213) 430-1900. With Regards, Paul Young cc: Jessica, Staff Liaison to Traffic Commission at Rosemead City Hall Ana, Owner of Del Mar Property