TC - 09-02-99ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting September 2, 1999 CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Chairperson Knapp, Vice-Chair Quintanilla Commissioners Ruiz, Baffo, & Herrera Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Herrera Invocation: Commissioner Ruiz 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Deferred to next meeting. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes.) III. OLD BUSINESS IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR LARGE BOTTS DOTS ON TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD AT OLNEY STREET B. REQUEST FOR RED CURB AND KEEP CLEAR AT THE INTERSECTION OF VALLEY BOULEVARD AND HIDDEN PINES STREET V. STAFF REPORTS A. UPDATE ON CITY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN ON AUGUST 24, 1999 VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT-Thursday, October 7, 1999, 7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: AUGUST 17, 1999 RE: REQUEST FOR LARGE BOTTS DOTS ON TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD AT OLNEY STREET REQUEST Traffic Commissioner Ruiz requested staff to review the intersection of Temple City Boulevard at Olney Street. Commissioner Ruiz indicated that vehicles traveling southbound on Temple City Boulevard travel through the right turn only lane at Olney Street. These vehicles appear to be unaware of the right turn only restriction or they may be attempting to "get ahead" of the traffic queue. Commissioner Ruiz inquired if large bott's dots could be installed on the island area to discourage this movement. DATA The reported accident history at the intersection of Temple City Boulevard and Olney Street was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1998. This review indicated no reported accidents occurring at the intersection during this three-year period. Traffic counts taken in 1998 indicate approximately 17,200 vehicles travel on Temple City Boulevard south of Valley Boulevard daily. Based on engineering judgement, the daily traffic volume on Olney Street is approximately 2,000 vehicles per day. CONDITIONS Temple City Boulevard is a 64-foot wide north/south secondary arterial roadway with two lanes in each direction. Opposing lanes of traffic are generally separated by a double yellow centerline. In the vicinity of Olney Street, Temple City Boulevard has a southbound right-turn only lane on to Olney Street with a through lane onto the 1-10 Freeway. Olney Street is a 36-foot wide east/west local roadway with a double yellow centerline in the immediate vicinity of Temple City Boulevard. Olney Street "T's" into Temple City Boulevard and is STOP controlled at the intersection. The Request for Large Botts Dots on Temple City Boulevard at Olney Street Page 2 eastbound (outbound) lane is restricted to a right turn only movement on to the I- 10 Freeway. Figure 1 depicts the conditions at the intersection of Temple City Boulevard at Olney Street. DISCUSSION Field observation of the intersection of Temple City Boulevard and Olney Street did not identify any vehicles traveling through the southbound right turn only lane to the 1-10 Freeway. However, staff did not observe the intersection over an extended period of time when such a movement may occur. The favorable reported accident history supports the opinion that a majority of vehicles traveling through the intersection are following the existing traffic controls. Figure 1 depicts the existing traffic controls at the intersection of Temple City Boulevard and Olney Street. There are existing signs and markings that clearly identify the restricted right turn only movement required from Temple City Boulevard onto Olney Street. Commissioner Ruiz's request for the installation of large bolt's dots was carefully considered. The City's recent use of large bott's dots has been effective in restricting left turn movements in to various driveways. The installation of large bolt's dots on the island area would reduce southbound through movements on Temple City Boulevard at Olney Street. However, staff has concern regarding the use of the bolt's dots in this instance. Previously, large botts dots have been installed parallel to the flow of traffic with minimal chance of high-speed traffic traveling over the dots. The large bott's dots have been placed on double yellow centerlines separating opposing lanes of traffic. Installing large bott's dots on the island area, perpendicular to traffic flow, would discourage vehicles from traveling through the right turn only lane. However, motorists that choose to travel over or do not see the bott's dots may loose control of their vehicles increasing the accident potential. RECOMMENDATION Based on the increased potential for traffic accidents, the installation of large bolt's dots is not recommended. Attachments Rsd\Temple City at Olney Cj Q41 4) Q~ MDT TO 15P ALE T J G IS w ino' OWJ R6~CFev~C{ wl4 ® -T v KID R7-TYt'E K TEMPLE CIT`I B~V D• N a lZl$ LEGEEI.3D R l - STOP Rl - Keel ~~L,i- Csy,v,b0i~ RED -One ~Jo.Y ~~r°`~~ R'J4 - IJo U Tu~•. CgyMbo~> R41-.RtS~1 ~ucn ©r1y (ZG 1 CI`loD~ ° ~ 1 ~~v Val?4-Th~v,Tr~-~ic.µc~~t L~~+ Ty~~ K- ~Qo FIGUP.E I TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION n~ FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY V~ DATE: AUGUST 23. 1999 RE: REQUEST FOR RED CURB AND KEEP CLEAR AT THE INTERSECTION OF VALLEY BOULEVARD AND HIDDEN PINES STREET REQUEST The Hidden Pines Homeowners Association (HOA) has requested (letter attached) the installation of red curb and "Keep Clear" markings on Valley Boulevard at Hidden Pines Street. The HOA indicates visibility when exiting Hidden Pines Street is difficult when vehicles are parked on Valley Boulevard west of Hidden Pines. They also indicate.that eastbound vehicles stopped at the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Walnut Grove Avenue often block the access into and out of Hidden Pines Street. DATA The reported accident history at the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Hidden Pines Street was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1998. This review indicated no reported accidents occurring at the intersection during this three-year period. Traffic counts taken in 1999 indicate approximately 22,900 vehicles travel daily on Valley Boulevard between the west City limit and Rosemead Boulevard. Based on engineering judgement, the daily traffic volume on Hidden Pines Street is less than 2,000 vehicles per day. Valley Boulevard is a 76-foot wide east/west arterial roadway with two-lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a two-way left turn lane. In the vicinity of Hidden Pines Street, a "2-hour Parking 9 AM - 6 PM, except Sundays and Holidays" restriction exists on Valley Boulevard. The posted speed limit on Valley Boulevard is 35 mph. Hidden Pines Street is a 25-foot wide private street that "T"s into Valley Boulevard from the south. It is located approximately 400 feet west of Walnut Request for Red Curb and KEEP CLEAR at the Intersection of Valley Boulevard and Hidden Pines Street Page 2 Grove Avenue directly adjacent to the Rubio Wash. There is no striping on Hidden Pines Street. Hidden Pines Street provides access to several residential homes south of Valley Boulevard. Figure 1 depicts conditions at the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Hidden Pines Street. DISCUSSION Field observation of the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Hidden Pines Street did identify some blockage of the intersection during the PM peak period. Some delay is experienced for vehicles on Hidden Pines Street. There were gaps in the traffic flow that allowed vehicles to exit Hidden Pines Street on to Valley Boulevard. Staff did not observe vehicles parked on Valley Boulevard at Hidden Pines Street during our field review. The HOA has requested the installation of red curb and "Keep Clear" markings. The red curb would provide visibility of vehicles on Valley Boulevard from Hidden Pines Street. This may also assist motorists in determining adequate gaps to enter into the traffic flow. The "Keep Clear" markings would direct vehicles on Valley Boulevard to leave a space clear for vehicles accessing Hidden Pines Street. However, this would only be of benefit during the periods when traffic is stopped on Valley Boulevard from the Walnut Grove Avenue traffic signal. RECOMMENDATIONS The installation of 30 feet of red curb west of and 20 feet of red curb east of Hidden Pines Street on Valley Boulevard is recommended. It is further recommended that "Keep Clear" markings with limit lines be installed for eastbound Valley Boulevard traffic at Hidden Pines Street. Figure 1 depicts these recommendations. Attachments JI\Rsd\Hidden Pines HIDDEN PINES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 6585, Rosemead, CA 91770 July 15, 1999 Traffic Commissioner City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Ros.-mead, CA 91770 Dear Sir. It is respectfully requested that a "NO PARKING" and "CLEAR" zones be set up at Valley Blvd and Hidden Pines Strut As shown in the attached map, our request is two-fold: 1) NO PARKING or red zone on Valley Blvd for at least 30 ft west of Hidden Pines St.. Very often this area is full of parked cars and combined with heavy traffic eastbound of Valley Blvd, it becomes very difficult and dangerous for drivers from Hidden Pines to turn right on Valley Blvd, and almost impossible to turn left on Valley Blvd from Hidden Pines St This NO PARKING zone request will provide a clear view of oncoming cars for drivers leaving Hidden Pines and promote traffic safety for everyone concerned such as drivers, bikers and pedestrians in this area. 2) CLEAR ZONE east bound side of Valley Blvd corner Hidden Pines SC It is a feat, frustrating, and very dangerous to enter Hidden Pines St when you have to cross eastbound traffic during rush hours or anytime there is a lot of traffic eastbound. There are so many cars rushing/speeding to catch the green traffic light at Walnut Clove which is unfortunately very close to Hidden Pines St Or the entire entrance to Hidden Pines St is covered by stopped cars waiting for the green light on Walnut Grove. This CLEAR ZONE request will provide safety and convenience for residents and visitors entering Hidden Pines St. This request was prompted by various complaints and stories of near misses accidents by residents and visitors alike. There's also a constant angry resident disgruntled by the traffic congestion right where we leave and enter our community. There is an accident waiting to happen - so please help and grant our requests. Thank you. Respectfully yours HIDDEN PINES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION: JESUS RUESGA President js/7-15-99 i n ~ ~I ~ 1 ~i ni i ✓ ; vl z ~Mb .]no-c~q inN-IeM w J Q V N r . h r0 z 1 111 N V Q. N UJ S W 4- N t J(~ J~ I i I ~ I . I I ~I I o I ~ I I o I I J m I II I I I LLI II I I ~ cc KIK I I I ~ IM a N Q ~ c V N s m ~ OL m qj j S QU g QXJ Q FIGURE 1