TC - 10-07-99AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 East Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting October 7, 1999 CALL TO ORDER: Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance: Invocation: 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7:00 p.m. Chairperson Knapp, Vice-Chair Quintanilla Commissioners Ruiz, Baffo, & Herrera Commissioner Ruiz Commissioner Baffo 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda. (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes) 3. OLD BUSINESS 4. NEW BUSINESS A. VALLEY BOULEVARD AT LOMA AVENUE - REQUEST FOR WESTBOUND LEFT TURN ACCESS B. REQUEST FOR STOP CONTROLS ON OLNEY STREET 5. STAFF REPORTS 6. UPDATE ON CITY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN ON SEPTEMBER 28, 1999 7. COMMISSIONER REPORTS 8. ADJOURNMENT - Thursday, November 4, 1999, 7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 2, 1999 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Knapp Commissioners: Quintanilla, Ruiz, Baffo & Herrera Absent: None Ex Officio: Administrative Aide: Jessica Wilkinson Deputy Traffic Engineer: Joanne ltagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Herrera The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Ruiz L APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for August, 1999 were deferred to the October meeting. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - NONE Ill. OLD BUSINESS -NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR LARGE BOTT DOTS ON TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD AT OLNEY STREET Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that Traffic Commissioner Ruiz requested staff to review the intersection of Temple City Boulevard at Olney Street. Commissioner Ruiz indicated that vehicles traveling southbound on Temple City Boulevard travel through the right turn only lane at Olney Street. These vehicles appear to be unaware of the right turn only restriction or they may be attempting to "get ahead" of the traffic queue. Commissioner Ruiz inquired if large bott dots could be installed on the island area to discourage this movement. The reported accident history at the intersection of Temple City Boulevard and Olney Street was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1998. This review indicated no reported accidents occurring at the intersection during this three-year period. Temple City Boulevard is a 64-foot wide north/south secondary arterial roadway with two lanes in each direction. Opposing lanes of traffic are generally separated by a double yellow centerline. In the vicinity of Olney Street, Temple City Boulevard has a southbound right-turn only lane onto Olney Street with a through lane onto the I-10 Freeway. Olney Street is a 36-foot wide east/west local roadway with a double yellow centerline in the immediate vicinity of Temple City Boulevard. Olney Street "T's" into Temple City Boulevard and is STOP controlled at the intersection. The The eastbound (outbound) lane is restricted to a right turn only movement onto the I-10 Freeway. Field observation of the intersection of Temple City Boulevard and Olney Street did not identify any vehicles traveling through the southbound right turn only lane to the I-10 Freeway. However, staff did not observe the intersection over an extended period of time when such a movement may occur. The favorable reported accident history supports the opinion that a majority of vehicles traveling through the intersection are following the existing traffic controls. Commissioner Ruiz's request for the installation of large bott dots was carefully considered. The City's recent use of large bott dots has been effective in restricting left turn movements into various driveways. The installation of large bott dots on the island area would reduce southbound through movements on Temple City Boulevard at Olney Street. However, staff has concern regarding the use of the bott dots in this instance. Previously, large bott dots have been installed parallel to the flow of traffic with minimal chance of high-speed traffic traveling over the dots. The large bott dots have been placed on double yellow centerlines separating opposing lanes of traffic. Installing large bott dots on the island area, perpendicular to traffic flow, would discourage vehicles from traveling through the right turn only lane. However, motorists that choose to travel over or do not see the bott dots may loose control of their vehicles increasing the accident potential. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the increased potential for traffic accidents, the installation of large bott dots is not recommended. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that perhaps the flexible delineators would be more effective at this location (similar to the ones on Mission by In-N-Out Burgers). It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Baffo, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation to install flexible delineators at this location. B. REQUEST FOR RED CURB AND KEEP CLEAR AT THE INTERSECTION OF VALLEY BOULEVARD AND HIDDEN PINES STREET Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the Hidden Pines Homeowners Association (HOA) has requested the installation of red curb and "Keep Clear" markings on Valley Boulevard at Hidden Pines Street. The HOA indicates visibility when exiting Hidden Pines Street is difficult when vehicles area parked on Valley Boulevard west of Hidden Pines. They also indicate that eastbound vehicles stopped at the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Walnut Grove Avenue often block the access into and out of Hidden Pines Street. The reported accident history at the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Hidden Pines Street was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1998. This review indicated no reported accidents occurring at the intersection during this three-year period. Traffic counts taken in 1999 indicate approximately 22,900 vehicles travel daily on Valley Boulevard between the west City limit and Rosemead Boulevard. Based on engineering judgment, the daily traffic volume on Hidden Pines Street is less than 2,000 vehicles per day. Valley Boulevard is a 76-food wide east/west arterial roadway with two-lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a two-way left turn lane. In the vicinity of Hidden Pines Street, a "2-hour Parking 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., except Sundays and Holidays" restriction exists on Valley Boulevard. The posted speed limit on Valley Boulevard is 35 mph. Hidden Pines Street is a 25-foot wide private street that "T's" into Valley Boulevard from the south. It is located approximately 400 feet west of Walnut Grove Avenue directly adjacent to the Rubio Wash. There is no striping on Hidden Pines Street. Hidden Pines Street provides access to several residential homes south of Valley Boulevard. Field observation of the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Hidden Pines Street did identify some blockage of the Intersection during the PM peak period. Some delay is experienced for vehicles on Hidden Pines Street onto Valley Boulevard. Staff did not observe vehicles parked on Valley Boulevard at Hidden Pines Street during our field review. i The HOA has requested the installation of red curb and "Keep Clear" markings. The red curb would provide visibility of vehicles on Valley Boulevard from Hidden Pines Street. This may also assist motorists in determining adequate gaps to enter into the traffic flow. The "Keep Clear" markings would direct vehicles on Valley Boulevard to leave a space clear for vehicles accessing Hidden Pines Street. However, this would only be benefit during the periods when traffic is stopped on Valley Boulevard from the Walnut Grove Avenue traffic signal. RECOMMENDATION: The installation of 30' feet of red curb west of and 20 feet of red curb east of Hidden Pines Street on Valley Boulevard is recommended. It is further recommended that "Keep Clear" markings with limit lines be installed for eastbound Valley Boulevard traffic at Hidden Pines Street. Chairperson Knapp stated that she is in favor of the red curb, however is not sure about the "Keep Clear"markings. Sgt. Robles stated that the painting of the red curb, west of Hidden Pines does no good to vehicles exiting Hidden Pines because of the angle. It would be more appropriate to extend it further down. He suggest that a right turn only sign be installed. This item was deferred to the November meeting, for further study and to invite the residents of those homes to the meeting that would be affected. V. STAFF REPORTS Administrative Aide Wilkinson stated that at the City Council meeting of August 24`h, the Council approved the installation of red curb at 2730 Stingle Avenue. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Herrera stated that residents have told her that they are happy with the quick responses to the graffiti removal. Commissioner Quintanilla stated that Valley Boulevard is looking good. Chairperson Knapp asked if staff could look at the crosswalk situation at San Gabriel and Graves. Commissioner Ruiz stated that there is a lot of speeding trucks on Temple City Boulevard, they're going approximately 50 mph, and appear to be the same trucks all the time. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m. The next scheduled meeting is set for October 7, 1999. s TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY( DATE: SEPTEMBER 28, 1999 RE: VALLEY BOULEVARD AT LOMA AVENUE - REQUEST FOR WESTBOUND LEFT TURN ACCESS REQUEST A letter, attached, has been received from Mr. J. Frank Quintanilla of the Golden Rose Florist, 9228 Valley Boulevard. Mr. Quintanilla indicates that his customers are making illegal westbound left turns in to his parking lot. Mr. Quintanilla is requesting a left turn lane be installed to provide a legal lane for his customers to turn left in to his parking lot. CONDITIONS The driveway access to the Golden Rose Florist is almost directly across from Loma Avenue at Valley Boulevard. The existing traffic striping at the intersection provides a dedicated left turn lane on Valley Boulevard for eastbound traffic at Loma Avenue. In the westbound direction, a painted median nose exists which does not provide access to the Golden Rose Florist. Beyond the painted median nose, a two way left turn lane exists. Figure 1 depicts the traffic striping at the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Loma Avenue. DATA The reported traffic accident history for the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Loma Avenue was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1998. The reported accident history revealed one accident occurring at this intersection during the period reviewed. This accident involved an eastbound vehicle turning left and broadsiding a westbound vehicle proceeding straight. The primary collision factor was identified as a violation of the right-of-way of the westbound vehicle by the eastbound vehicle turning left. DISCUSSION Staff reviewed the entire stretch of Valley Boulevard including the intersection at Loma Avenue. Based on this review, two 'T intersections, including Loma Avenue, have a driveway opposite the street that intersects Valley Boulevard. Valley Boulevard at Loma Avenue - Request for Westbound Left Turn Access . Page 2 The 'T' intersections are at Gernert Avenue and Loma Avenue. Each of these intersections has a painted median nose that denies access to the driveway. Field observation of the intersections of Gernert AvenueNalley Boulevard and Loma Avenue/Valley Boulevard indicated vehicles were turning left through the painted median nose. This movement was generally within the painted median nose area and the vehicles did not block through traffic. RECOMMENDATION Based on the field observations and the limited number of occurrences in the City, the removal of the painted median nose and continuation of the two way left turn lane is recommended for the following locations: 1. Westbound Valley Boulevard at Loma Avenue, and 2. Eastbound Valley Boulevard at Gernert Avenue. This recommendation is depicted in Figure 1 Attachments JI\Rsd\Valley Loma Left Turn Access }r-- < G O L D E N R O S E F L R I S T August 3, 1999 Ken Rukavina Engineer, City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Ken, Good Morning. I sure could use your help with a problem on the street in front of our flower shop. We have received complaints from our customers that the "turning lane" directly in front of our shop ends too soon and if customers make a left turn (if they are traveling West on Valley Blvd.) that it ends up to he an illegal turn. I examined it and it sure seems that way to me too. We asked one of the local L.A. County Sheriff's Deputy's that patrols on the Traffic Motorcycles to take a look. He came by, got off his bike, and examined it carefully. He said that the striping is "improperly laid out." Last month, we contacted Steve Trott, the Public Works Observer about this problem. He said that he would discuss it with you and get back to us. As of today, we have not heard from him. I have a recommendation: would you please repaint the striping and paint a "left hand turn lane." This would be ideal and would make it easy for customers to pull a left into our parking lot. This way, they would not be "scared" of making an illegal left turn. The striping as it is now is "bad for business" and needs to be altered. I've seen other commercial lots with a similar traffic situation here in Rosemead and they do have their own left hand turn lane. Please help! Sincerely, el lz: ow w J. Frank Quintanilla W41<,, cc: Frank Tripepi 9228 EAST VALLEY BOULEVARD, ROSEMEAD, -t ~a✓ -T^-L~ TEL (626) 572-8555 FAX (626) 5 167 c~Q ww .goldenrosefloristxom / - . Loma Ave. ~g111111`° Remove painted median 11 nose. Install two way Valley Blvd left turn lane. Got ~`o~ose Noy b s~r~ Valley Blvd. Remove painted median nose. Install two way left turn lane. NP Gernert Ave. Figure 1 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: SEPTEMBER 29, 1999 RE: REQUEST FOR STOP CONTROLS ON OLNEY STREET RE UEST Mr. Gilbert Pedregon, 9546 Olney Street, has contacted the City regarding the installation of STOP controls on Olney Street due to concerns regarding speeds along the street. This is the second request from Mr. Pedregon for STOP controls on Olney Street. Mr. Pedregon made this same request in 1996. During the July 11, 1996 Traffic Commission meeting, staff presented a report, attached, analyzing the need for STOP controls at the intersections of Olney Street/Vane Avenue and Olney Street/Marybeth Avenue. This report concluded the installation of STOP controls at these two intersections did not meet Caltrans guidelines. Therefore, STOP controls were not recommended. CONDITIONS The conditions described in the 1996 report have not changed: To summarize: • Olney Street is a 36-foot wide residential street with a prima facie speed limit of 25 mph. • Vane Avenue and Marybeth Avenue are 30-foot wide residential streets with a prima facie speed limit of 25 mph. • Vane Avenue and Marybeth Avenue form "T" intersections with Olney Street. • Vane Avenue is STOP controlled at its intersection with Olney Street. • A yellow crosswalk exists on the west leg of Olney Street at Vane Avenue. • "SLOW SCHOOL XING" markings exist in advance of this crossing on Olney Street in both directions. Figure 1 depicts existing conditions on Olney Street in the vicinity of Vane Avenue and Marybeth Avenue. DATA The reported accident history of the intersections of Olney Street/Vane Avenue and Olney Street/Marybeth Avenue were reviewed for the period from January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1998. There were no reported accidents at the Request for STOP Controls on Olney Street Page 2 intersection of Olney StreeWane Avenue. However, one accident was reported at the intersection of Olney Street/Marybeth Avenue and is summarized below. Location and Description 4' west of Marybeth Avenue on Olney Street. A northbound vehicle making a U-turn broadsided an eastbound vehicle proceeding straight (Improper turn). Day/Date Time Friday/11-29-96 8:40 a.m. Twenty-four hour traffic volume counts (attached) were taken for each of the approaches to the intersections. These counts are summarized below. 24-hour Total Volume • Southbound Vane Ave. north of Olney St. 500 • Southbound Marybeth Ave. north of Olney St. 224 • Westbound Olney St. east of Marybeth Ave. 853 • Eastbound Olney St. west of Vane Ave. 805 • Westbound Olney St. between Vane Ave. and Marybeth Ave. 921 • Eastbound Olney St. between Vane Ave. and Marybeth Ave. 694 DISCUSSION Multi-way STOP Sign Warrants worksheets, attached, were completed for the intersections of Olney Street/Vane Avenue and Olney Street/Marybeth Avenue. The worksheet has been developed from guidelines established from the Caltrans Traffic Manual. The worksheets for the intersections being analyzed indicated that both locations do not meet the minimum guidelines for the installation of multi-way STOP signs. As identified in the traffic volume data, the total traffic volume entering the intersections is as follows: Olney Street/Vane Avenue = (500+805+921) = 2226 vehicles per day: Olney Street/Marybeth Avenue = (224+853+694) = 1771 vehicles per day. This data indicates there has been an increase in traffic volume at the intersection of Olney Street/Vane Avenue since 1996. The traffic volume at the intersection of Olney Street/Marybeth Avenue is roughly the same as 1996. The Caltrans guidelines indicate a multi-way STOP control may be justified if all the approaches to the intersection average as least 500 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of the day. In addition, the traffic and pedestrian volume from the minor street must average at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours. The worksheets indicate that both intersections fall below the 500 vehicles per hour and the 200 units per hour average. Request for STOP Controls on Olney Street Page 3 The reported accident history of the two intersections has been favorable over the three year period reviewed. This would suggest that vehicles are traveling through the intersections with sufficient care for the conditions present. RECOMMENDATION Based on the conditions, data and STOP sign analysis of the intersections, the installation of STOP signs at the intersections of Olney Street/Vane Avenue and Olney Street/Marybeth Avenue is not recommended. It is recommended Olney Street be placed on the City's list for the use of the radar trailer as a reminder to motorists of the speed limit on Olney Street. In addition, selective sheriff enforcement in the area is recommended. Attachments JI\Fisd\Olney-Vane & Marybeth 3nN3AV H13SAUVW _o n~ 3nN3na 3NVA \ o~ r~ b w w U) LU z 0 OHOC w u LNG 4 ~o SCHOOL oz U- W ,o Q u; a ~;l w U w Lij LL V) tirU oQ n,% CITY OF ROSEMEAD MULTI-WAY STOP SIGN WARRANTS (FROM CALTRANS TRAFFIC MANUAL) LOCATION: Mi" cat,l \)aYle_ Litnue DATE: 91ZEbq The installation of multi-way STOP signs are based on the following: 1. Where traffic signals are warranted and urgently needed, the multi-way STOP may be an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements are being made for the signal installation. Satisfied: Yes No 2. An accident problem, as indicated by five or more reported accidents within a 12 month period of a type susceptible to correction by a multi-way STOP installation. Such accidents include right- and left-turn collisions"as well as right-angle collisions. Satisfied: Yes No 3. Minimum traffic volumes: (a) The total vehicular volume entering the intersection from all approaches must average at least 500 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day, and Satisfied: Yes No (b) The combined vehicular and pedestrian volume from the minor street or highway must average at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the maximum hour, but Satisfied: Yes No (c) When the 85-percentile approach speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 miles per hour, the minimum vehicular volume warrant is 70 percent of the above requirements. NIA Satisfied: Yes No VOLUME WORKSHEET T J T ` r 4L Guideline ;G ^ c A ^ Q0 L (a) Total Volume 500 (350) I hZ. 115:~)I ILct I I-t(__ I l-_-)9 I t 3 Z I IO9 1151 1 (b) !Combined Volume 200 (140) 1 15 1 II i7 I tL. I l5 1 j 1 14 1 l4 lVpF_e7 ro+ ir1C(gJe- 01M CITY OF ROSEMEAD MULTI-WAY STOP SIGN WARRANTS (FROM CALTRANS TRAFFIC MANUAL) LOCATION: The installation of multi-way STOP signs are based on the following: ,TE: 9- 1. Where traffic signals are warranted and urgently needed, the multi-way STOP may be an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements are being made for the signal installation. Satisfied: Yes No 2. An accident problem, as indicated by five or more reported accidents within a 12 month period of a type susceptible to correction by a multi-way STOP installation. Such accidents include right- and left-turn collisions as well as right-angle collisions. Satisfied: Yes No 3. Minimum traffic volumes: (a) The total vehicular volume entering the intersection from all approaches must average at least 500 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day, and Satisfied: Yes No (b) The combined vehicular and pedestrian volume from the minor street or highway must average at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the maximum hour, but Satisfied: Yes No (c) When the 85-percentile approach speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 miles per hour, the minimum vehicular volume warrant is 70 percent of the above requirements. Satisfied. Yes No VOLUME WORKSHEET r r X e~ 2, 2 ,T % ? Guideline qj7 0 V r, (a) Total Volume 500 (350) 1 tZ`f I` IL5 I IL3 1 io4- 1 10,v1 11!8 1115 116, I (P~xx( v:-, S Wskti• t hL•u.'~ ci- Ct11!V ~~Yr r l7. (b) Combined Volume 200 (140) 1 7b 1 4 4 1 ZG I Zi. I '~l I Z`f I Zl I Zb I FROM Accutek 909 595 6022 PHONE NO. : 19095956022 Sep. 23 1999 11:09AN P2 ' weather - ACCUTEK Counted by: Board N 21114 TRIGGER LANE Site Code : 000000269513 Other DIAMOND BAR, CA 97765 Start Date: 09/21/1999 PHONE (909)595-6199, FAX (909)595-6022 File I.D. 2645158 Street name :SOUTH BOUND VANE AVE. N 0 OLNEY ST. Direction 1 Begin < ------Oua rter Hour ------a Hour Pa e 1 Time 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total Each Equals 25 Vehicles 12:00 09121 3 2 2 4 11 01:00 2 0 0 1 3 02:D0 2 1 3 0 6 03:00 0 0 0 0 D 04:00 0 0 2 1 3 05:00 2 2 4 1 9 06:00 4 0 8 5 17 .07:00 9 10 22 15 56' 08:00 12 11 17 4 44 - 09:00 6 6 9 4 25 10:00 10 2 6 4 22 11:00 4 2 12 0 18 12:00 7 7 5 7 26' 01:00 2 12 5 7 26, 02:00 10 6 8 13 37- 03:00 4 4 5 3 16 04:00 10 6 9 4 29' 05:00 6 8 5 8 27- 06:00 5 8 9 6 28/ 07:00 8 3 6 8 25 + 08:00 4 3 6 1 14 09:00 6 6 5 5 22 10:00 4 3 2 4 13 11:00 6 5 4 8 23 Total 500 AM Peak The AM peak hour began 07:30. The peak volume was 60. The largest interval began 07:30, and contained 22 vehicles. The peak hour factor was .68 PM Peak The PM peak hour began 02:00. The peak volume was 37, The largest interval began 02:45, and contained 13 vehicles. The peak hour factor was .71 FROM Accutek 909 595 6022 PHONE NO. : 19095956022 Sep. 23 1999 11:09AN P3 ' Weather ACCUTEK Counted by: 21114 TRIGGER LANE Site Code : 000000264523 Board V Other DIAMOND BAR, CA 91765 Start Date: 09/21/1999 PHONE (909)595.6199, FAX (909)595-6022 Fite I.D. 26452SB -Street name :SOUTH @Q UND M ARYBETN AVE.N /O OINEY tT Direction 1 Begin e------Qua rter Hour Hour page I Time 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total Each ' Equals 25 Vehicles 12:00 09/21 2 2 0 1 5 01:00 1 0 0 1 2 02:00 0 3 2 0 5 03:00 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 0 0 0 1 1 05:00 0 0 0 1 1 06:00 0 2 0 5 7 07:00 3 3 4 5 15' 08:00 8 5 5 4 22' ' 09:00 6 4 4 3 17' + 10:00 2 0 3 0 5 11:00 2 1 1 4 8 12:00 4 5 1 '2 12' 01:00 3 3 4 2 12 02:00 3 2 1 3 9 03:00 8 2 0 0 10 04:00 1 4 1 3 9 05:00 2 1 3 1 7 06:00 4 8 2 1 15- 07:00 7 1 7 3 18v i 08:00 3 2 0 3 8 09:00 4 8 2 0 14, + 10:00 4 2 1 1 8 11:00 3 3 6 2 14' Total 224 AN Peak The AM peak hour began 07:45. The peak volume was 23. The largest interval began 08:00, and contained 8 vehictes- The peak hour factor was .72 PN Peak The PM peak hour began 06:15. The peak volume was 18. The largest interval began 06:15, and contained 8 vehicles. The peak hour factor was .56 FROM Rccutek 909 595 6022 PHONE NO. : 19095956022 Sep. 23 1999 11:09RM P4 Weather ACCUTEK Counted by: 21114 TRIGGER LANE Site Code : 000000264534 Board # DIAMOND BAR, CA 91765 start Date: 09/21/1999 Other PHONE (909)595-6199, FAX (909)595-6022 File I.D. 26453WB _ STreet name :WEST B OSH-p OLNET ST.E /0 HARTBETH AVE. Di ct' 1 page 1 Begin 4------q uarter Hour Hour Time 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total Each Equals 25 vehicles 12:00 09/21 13 23 10 15 61 01:00 it 3 2 4 20 + 02:00 4 13 7 0 24 03:00 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 1 0 0 1 2 05:00 i, 2 1 3 7 06:00 6 8 7 13 34' + 07:00 14 16 24 23 77- 08:00 44 18 14 14 90' 09:00 9 8 7 9 33 10:00 6 6 5 10 27 11:00 11 7 8 6 32 12:00 6 6 9 8 29 + 01:00 6 9 9 12 36 02:00 10 7 10 13 40" 03:00 11 8 8 8 35 04:00 6 15 12 a 41 05:00 10 14 11 11 46J 06:00 11 11 10 10 42/ 07:00 8 7 12 5 32 08:00 7 6 3 4 20 09:00 5 5 5 2 17 10:00 2 2 3 3 10 11:00 27 26 25 20 98/ .++a Total 853 AM Peak The AM peak hour began 07:30. The peak volume was 109. The largest interval began 08:00, and contained 44 vehicles. The peak hour factor was .62 PM Peak The PM peak hour began 01:00. The peak volume was 98. The largest interval began 01:00, and contained 27 vehicles. The peak hour factor was .91 FROM Accutek 909 595 6022 PHONE NO. : 19095956022 Sep. 23 1999 11:10AN PS Weather ACCUTEK Counted by: 21114 TRIGGER LANE Site Code : 000000264542 Board # DIAMOND BAR, CA 91765 Start Date: 09/21/1999 Other PRONE (909)595-6199, FAX (909)595-6022 Fite I.D. 26454EB Street name ;EAST BOUND OLNET STREET W/O VANE AVER Direction 1 page 1 Begin ------Oua rter Hour Hour Tim 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total Each ' Equals 25 V hides 12:00 09/21 7 2 2 2 13 01:00 1 2 1 0 4 02;00 1 1 2 0 4 03:00 1 1 0 0 2 04:00 0 1 0 1 2 05:00 2 3 1 4 10 06:00 5 4 6 11 26 07:00 8 12 8 9 37 08:00 12 12 5 3 32 09:00 13 10 10 7 40/ 10:00 8 3 7 14 32 11:00 6 6 3 17 32 ' 12:00 10 13 6 9 38 01:00 10 9 7 7 33 02;00 11 10 10 13 CG 03:00 17 11 8 11 47• 04:00 15 17 7 11 50 05:00 20 13 21 26 80' 06:00 21 27 14 17 7-9/ 07:00 16 21 13 16 66 ' 08:00 15 14 11 7 47' 09:00 19 6 8 6 39` 10:00 9 9 8 5 31 11:00 4 6 4 3 17 Total 805 AM Peak The AM peak hour began 11:45. The peak volume was 46. The largest interval began 11:45, and contained 17 vehicles. The peak hour factor was .68 PM Peak The PM peak hour began 05:30. The peak volume was 95. The largest interval began 06:15, and contained 27 vehicles. The peak hour factor was .88 FROM Rccutek 909 595 6022 PHONE NO. : 19095956022 Sep. 23 1999 11: 10RM P6 'Weather ' ACCUTEK Counted by. Board of 211.14 TRIGGER LANE Site Code : 000000264552 Other : DIAMOND BAR, CA 91765 Start Date : 09/21/1999 PHONE (909)595-6199, FAX (909) 595-6022 File I.D. 26455EW Street name " :OLNEY 5T . BTWN VANE ST 8 MARYSETH AVE. Direction 1_ Pa 1 . Begin ES WB ---COmbinod Tuesday Time A.M. P.M. A M. P.M. A .M. P.M. 12:00 09/21 3 5 14 5 17 10 12:15 1 8 23 11 24 19 12:30 2 7 7 8 9 15 12:45 2 8 9 29 13 57- 8 32 15 65 17 61 01:00 2 7 11 9 13 16 01:15 2 8 3 10 5 18 01:30 1 6 2 13 I 3 19 01:45 0 5 8 29 5 21 12 44- 1 5 26 20 73 02:00 2 9 5 8 7 17 02:15 3 11 12 8 15 19 02:30 1 10 5 12 6 22 02:45 0 6 14 44'1 0 22 8 36 0 28 22 So- 03:00 1 17 1 15 2 32 03:15 0 13 0 9 0 22 03:30 0 5 0 9 0 14 03:45 0 1 12 47-1 0 1 9 42 0 2 21 89 - 04:00 0 11 1 10 1 21 04:15 1 9 0 18 1 27 04:30 1 9 0 9 1 18 04:45 1 3 9 38-1 0 1 8 45-1 1 < 17 83 - 05:00 4 19 2 11 6 30 05:15 4 7 2 - 13 6 20 05:30 4 13 1 12 5 25 05:45 4 16 20 59.1 3 8 12 48--1 7 24 32 107 _ 06:00 5 16 7 13 12 29 06:15 3 20 8 17 11 37 06:30 - 6 12 7 10 13 22 06:45 10 24 15 63/1 11 33 8 48-1 21 57 23 111 - 07:00 11 14 14 10 25 24 , 07:15 9 12 20 7 29 19 07:30 5 12 26 12 31 24 07:45 8 33 11 49-1 27 87" 8 37 35 120- 19 86 08:00 11 14 50 9 61 23 ' 08:15 17 14 19 6 I 36 20 08:30 6 11 19 3 25 14 08:45 3 37- 3 42-1 17 105- 6 24 20 142- 9 66 09:00 6 16 10 8 16 24 09:15 10 5 12 7 22 12 09:30 8 4 7 5 15 9 09:45 4 28 5 30 10 39 2 22 14 67 7 52 10:00 7 7 7 4 14 11 10:15 4 8 6 2 10 10 10:30 7 8 6 3 13 11 10:45 15 33 3 26 8 27 3 12 23 60 6 38 11:00 4 4 I 11 29 15 33 11:15 7 6 6 25 13 31 11:30 3 3 9 23 12 26 Totals 221 473 433 488 654 961 Day Totals 694 921 1615 Split % 33.7'/. 49.2% 66.2% 50 71A Peak Hour 07:45 05:30 07:15 11:00 07:30 05:30 Volume 42 69 123 98 163 123 P.H.F. .61 .86 .61 .84 .66 .83 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS TURNBULL, ACTING DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: JULY 3, 1996 RE: REQUEST FOR STOP SIGN INSTALLATION AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF OLNEY STREET AT MARYBETH AVENUE AND VANE AVENUE REQUEST A request has been received, letter attached, from Mr. Gilbert Pedregon of 9546 Olney Street to install stops signs at Olney Street and Marybeth Avenue and at Olney Street and Vane Avenue in an effort to help stop the speeding of cars on Olney Street. CONDITIONS Olney Street is a 36 foot wide east/west local residential street with parking allowed on both sides. It is located just north of and parallel to the San Bernardino Freeway (1-10). Olney Street terminates at Temple City Boulevard where traffic traveling eastbound must turn right and enter on to the 1-10 Freeway. In the westerly direction, Onley Street terminates at Rio Hondo Avenue. Olney Street is STOP controlled at this T-intersection. The prima facie speed limit is 25mph. Vane Avenue and Marybeth Avenue are 30 foot wide north/south local residential streets. Both streets form a 'T' at their intersection with Olney Street. STOP signs do not exist for southbound Vane Avenue and Marybeth Avenue. A yellow crosswalk exists on the west leg of Olney Street at Vane Avenue. "SLOW SCHOOL XING" pavement markings are placed in advance of this crosswalk. Vane Avenue and Marybeth Avenue are approximately 310 feet apart. The prima facie speed limit is 25 mph. Figure 1 depicts existing conditions for both intersection. DATA Twenty-four hour traffic volume counts (attached) were conducted for the approached to each intersection. Pedestrians were not specifically counted at each of these locations. Accident history for each intersection was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1993 through December 30, .1995. The review revealed a total of two reported accidents during that period. Two reported at the Vane Avenue intersection and none at the Marybeth Avenue intersection. The accident data is summarized below: Description Day:Date Time Within intersection of Olney Street 4125/94 2:30pm at Vane Avenue. Eastbound vehicle proceeding straight rear end a parked vehicle (Improper Turn). 49' East of Vane Avenue 4/7/93 7:55am Southbound vehicle enter traffic broadside by westbound vehicle proceeding straight (Improper turn and Unsafe speed). DISCUSSION The visibility on the approaches to these intersections was reviewed and were found to provided adequate visibility. An evaluation of the STOP sign request has been completed for each location and is shown summarized on the attached Multi-way Stop Sign Warrant worksheets. The worksheet has been developed from guidelines established by Caltrans for the installation of multi-way STOP signs. The evaluation revealed that both intersections do not meet the requirements for the installation of multi-way STOP condition. The total traffic volume entering the intersection of Vine Avenue and Olney Street in a 24-hour period is approximately 1900 vehicles per day. The total traffic volume entering the intersection of Marybeth Avenue and Olney Street in a 24-hour period is approximately 1600 vehicles a day. The peak hour volumes are significantly less than the 500 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours. STOP controls is intended to assign positive right-of-way at intersections. The control is usually established on the street with the least volume of traffic. Additional control, beyond the basic right-of-way assignment, is usually reserved for those locations where the volume of traffic exceeds 500 vehicles per hour for any eight hours of an average day and where both streets having about the same amount of traffic. These guidelines lends credibility to the higher level of intersection control. Without credibility, voluntary compliance is poor and without voluntary compliance, traffic safety is severely compromised. Furthermore, numerous studies have concluded that "STOP" signs are ineffective as a speed deterrent. These studies found that slowing only occurred with 150 to 200 feet of the actual stop location. Those motorist who slow for the controls at unjustified locations often reach higher speeds between controls to make up the time lost at the "STOP" sign. As previously indicated, many drivers fail to stop and others do not bother to slow due to the perception on nonexistent potential cross traffic conflicts. Although, the installation of multi-way STOP sign controls is not recommended at both of these locations, some remedial measures are provided that may help "calm the traffic" in this area of Olney Street. Due to the yellow crosswalk located on the west leg of Olney Street at Vane Avenue, a STOP sign, limit line and STOP legend is recommended to be installed for the southbound direction of Vane Avenue. Another remedial measure would be to stripe a yellow centerline stripe at the intersection (50 feet) alerting drivers of an approaching intersection. One last measure would be to increase the selective police enforcement in this area. Figure 2 depicts proposed conditions. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the analysis of the two intersections of Olney Street at Vane Avenue and Olney Street at Marybeth Avenue, the installation of multi-way STOP conditions is not recommended. However, the following remedial measures are provided in an effort to calm traffic in this area: • Install a STOP sign, limit line and STOP legend for the southbound approache of Vane Avenue. • Paint a yellow centerline stripe on Olney Street for each approach. • Increase selective police enforcement in the area. Attachments ct: p:066\chris\rosemead\maryvane Ju'~w C~ "Zi U) ~ mI~ W " LL 0 3nN3AV H1313ANVW A~ 3nN3AV 3NVA \ G W Y W i MIC)s ONIX w w U) W Z J 0 4 XING ~ d SCHOOL SLOW 11. U ~-W oQ 3nN3AV H1313,kNVw _Q um OIOC HM 3nN3A`9' 3NVA I w w 2 pL \ Ja 0 rZ of. cn -77 L 1 J j LU J J~ z 4 ~ ~ns5 O ~o u )GNG SCHOOL SLOW IU LL 0! W Y .3 Lu y CL L oy ~ 3w ? ~x i 1ui I U) k k~ o o VZ kLl- vi oQ DATE: APRIL 25,1996 TO : TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT OFFICER FROM: OFFICER GILBERT PEDREGON (LAPD) RE : STOP SIGNS REQUEST To whom it may concern, This letter is in regards to my request of posting "stop signs" at the intersections of Olney st./Marybeth st. and at Olney st./Vane st: I am a concerned oarent who lives on Olney st and I am asking for your help in stopping the speeding cars on my street. Everyday there are cars racino_ up and down this street with no regard for our safety. We have several young children who live and play on this block and it would be a tragedy for an accident to happen because of the nealicent drivers on our street. I am a police officer for the an_. I know what a:racina car can do to a that an accident can be prevented by the toeether with the city and the police. my neighbors about this problem and they my concerns. city of Los Anoeles child. I al-o know citizens worhina r have spoken with fully agree with . lie as citizens of this community are askina_ for these two stop signs and for more traffic enforcement by the police. If you have any questions plea=-e feel free to contact me. THANK YOL)_ L OFCR GILBERT PEDREGON (LP.PD) 9546 Olnev st. (818) 279-6442