TC - 08-02-01AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Regular Meeting AUGUST 2, 2001 CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Chairman Ruiz, Vice-Chair (Vacant seat) Commissioners Baffo, Knapp, Quintanilla Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Knapp Invocation: Commissioner Quintanilla 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 12, 2001 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda: (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes) 3. OLD BUSINESS - None 4. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST TO EXTEND "NO PARKING" CURB AT 8657 GRAND AVENUE - CALIFORNIA -AMERICAN WATER COMPANY. 5. STAFF REPORTS 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS 7. ADJOURNMENT - Thursday, September 6, 2001, 7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING JULY 12, 2001 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Ruiz at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Ruiz, Baft'o, Knapp & Quintanilla Absent: None Ex Officio: Administrative Assistant: Jessica Wilkinson Traffic Engineering Deputy: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Baffo The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Knapp 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Baffo, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for June 7, 2001. H. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Speaking before the Commission was: Ed Millar 9053 Marshall Street Rosemead, California 9.1770 Mr. Millar stated that he has been a resident of Rosemead for 33 years, across from Montgomery Wards. He stated that there has been some serious accidents and close calls at this location, exiting onto Marshall Street. Mr. Millar is recommending the installation of a "Right Turn Only" sign at the exit. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that there has been a meeting with the property manager and City staff, to discuss the Rosemead Place situation, and do a traffic study at this location. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki is looking at putting up signalization at this intersection and others in that shopping center. She went on to say that, staff will notify him when the traffic study is going to be conducted and when it will be brought back to the Traffic Commission Meeting and notify him accordingly. Commissioner Knapp stated that she understands his concern regarding this location, because she uses this Center/Plaza often. III. OLD BUSINESS -NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FORA TRAFFIC STUDY OF THE MARSHALL STREET CURVE BETWEEN BARTLETT AVENUE AND MUSCATEL AVENUE Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report. RECOMMENDATION: The installation of guardrail on Marshall Street on the southeast corner of Dubonnet Avenue is not recommended at this time. This recommendation is based on the reported accident history, field observation and guidelines for the installation of guardrail not being satisfied. Speaking before the Commission was: Helen Gunther Ms. Gunther stated that she has lived on Marshall Street since 1953, and feels that speed on Marshall causes accidents. One (1) carjumped the curb and hit the bridge, another incident involved a drunk driver, another accident involved 2 cars going eastbound on Marshall and did not make the stop sign at Marshall, hit the curb and a tree in Mrs. Lemon's Yard, and feels this is a dangerous corner and more enforcement is needed at this location. Commissioner Knapp asked what were "bollards"? Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that they are concrete cones about 8" tall. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Baffo, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. V. STAFF REPORTS Administrative Assistant Wilkinson stated that Commissioner Herrera was appointed to the Planning Commission, therefore there will be a vacancy in the Traffic Commission. Applications are now being accepted with the City Clerk, and the position is available until filled. Commissioner Knapp asked if there will be a new Traffic Commissioner in the month of August. Administrative Assistant Wilkinson stated that she does not know. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Baffo asked what happened to the signage for San Gabriel Boulevard and Rose Glen. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated she will look into it Commissioner Baffo stated that he became a grandparent again, with a baby boy born on June 26"i. Chairman Ruiz stated that his granddaughter was born on 4'h of July. Commissioner Knapp stated that next year the 4°i of July Parade will be conducted on the actual 4'h of July. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki updated the Commission regarding the "Safe Routes to School". The package was sent to Cal-trans and it took them 1 year to approve the packet, which included: The fluorescent yellow signs up at all schools The installation of the signal at Hellman and Jackson The Garvey Senior Center signal was also included This whole packet must be bid by September I". In the next couple months the work should begin and they will start with the signs and signals, at which time fliers will go out to the schools. The fliers will not go out to the schools until the construction begins. They are also working on having the flier in various languages, because Rosemead has 13 languages. Commissioner Knapp asked why will there be a signal installed at the Garvey Senior Center east of River Avenue. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that they thought it could align it with the driveway, but that didn't work out. Therefore, it will be a t, intersection with left turns into the center from the westbound direction. . Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that there will be a delay if a car sits for 10 seconds. Commissioner Knapp inquired if there are signals at both sides of the bridge. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that there is, and that the bridge will be widened to 3 lanes in each direction with double yellow lines. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki also stated that on Hellman and Jackson they will install the LED lights with battery back-up system, which the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency has agreed to fund. If there is a black-out, the signals can run 4-6 hours and go into a red flash, with 8 hours of operation. The yellow and green lights can run for 4-6 hours. Commissioner Knapp inquired as to when Garvey Avenue is going to be re-striped. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that the City Engineer is checking into it, but it should definitely be this fiscal year. Chairman Ruiz requested that the City Engineer write a memorandum stating when it's going to be done. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. The next regularly schedule meeting is set for August 2, 2001. Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: July 23, 2001 RE: Request to Extend "No Parking" Curb at 8657 Grand Avenue - California-American Water Company REQUEST A request (attached) has been received from Mr. Dave Stewart of California- American Water Company, 8657 Grand Avenue. Mr. Stewart indicates that parking on Grand Avenue has "increased tremendously". The increased parking has reduced the visibility of vehicles exiting the California-American Water Company driveway. Mr. Stewart is requesting an extension to the existing "no parking curb" at their main driveway. CONDITIONS California-American Water Company. (Water Company) is located on Grand Avenue east of the PacBell Facility. There is red curb existing adjacent to the driveways used by the Water Company. The red curb is of varying lengths. Exhibit 1 depicts the curb conditions in front of the Water. Company. DATA The reported accident history on Grand Avenue in the vicinity of the Water Company was reviewed for the period beginning January 1, 1998 through December 31, 2000. During this period, there were no reported accidents occurring on Grand Avenue. DISCUSSION Field review of the location was conducted during the mid-day hours. At this time, parking in the vicinity of the Water Company was moderate to heavy. The available parking on Grand Avenue from Walnut Grove Avenue to Bartlett Avenue was approximately 60% in use. As the Traffic Commission is aware, parking on Grand Avenue has been an issue since the PacBell Facility has experienced an increase in personnel within the past 9 to 12 months. In November 2000, the Traffic Commission and City Council approved the installation of 2 hour parking restrictions on the south side Request to Extend "No Parking" Curb at 8657 Grand Avenue - California-American Water Company Page 2 of 2 of Grand Avenue from Halkett Avenue to Bartlett Avenue. This appears to have helped provide residents on the south side of Grand Avenue with parking. California-American Water Company is located on the north side of Grand Avenue immediately east of the PacBell Facility. They have received some of the "displaced" vehicles that were parking on the south side of the street. This has resulted in parked vehicles hindering,the visibility of vehicles exiting the Water Company driveway. The existing red curb provides some buffer. However, extending the red curb will provide a wider visibility area while minimally reducing available parking area. RECOMMENDATION As depicted on Exhibit 1, it is recommended that 11 feet of additional red curb east of Driveway B be installed (total 40 feet). It is also recommended that 17 feet of additional red curb west of Driveway B be installed. This 17 feet of additional red curb will remove available parking between Driveways A and B. The 28 feet of additional red curb is equal to approximately 1.5 vehicles. Attachments JI1\RSd\2001\Aug-8657 Grand CAL-AM Water California-American Water Company Los Angeles Division - Rosemead Operation Center 8657 Grand Avenue • Rosemead, California 91770-1220 • Phone (626) 286-9420 • Fax (626) 286-0188 July 13, 2001 Traffic Commission 8838 E. Valley Blvd. City of Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Commissioners: California-American Water Company is located in your City at 8657 Grand Avenue. Due to recent changes at a neighboring business, curb side parking has increased tremendously. The number of cars lining Grand Avenue is causing a serious traffic hazard. Visibility for the vehicles exiting our middle driveway is severely hindered by the excess of parked cars. A number of near miss accidents have occurred near our drive way since the new parking arrangement has surfaced. Our company requests that the City evaluate this dangerous situation and extend a "no parking" curb near our main business driveway. Feel free to contact me with any further questions at 626- 286-7414 ext. 17. Thank you for your time and consideration. . Sincerely, Dave Stewart Operations Supervisor cc: Accident Prevention Committee 6mp'puOJ6L998\*/i ZI4\:0 F m 2 I X W V ~ z Q • C. W O z • ; w z Lij a. zz > Q < Q cr- C)} Z Q W Q < n z NU I U to LL <o 03 W 0 3 • J _ Q Q m U } LO 3 u J 00 i O Q t Q m (L~// O LJ_ to m O w LL o m ~ J N V Q O Z U F Q O w d w Lli J W H V < ¢ 0 • O 6 W LL N« Ez. QV YJ J~ o_ o V O 3 n LL