TC - 10-04-01'IF AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Regular Meeting OCTOBER 4, 2001 CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Chairman Ruiz, Vice-Chair (Vacant seat) Commissioners Baffo, Knapp, Quintanilla Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Quintanilla Invocation: Commissioner Baffo 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -August 2, 2001 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda. (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes) 3. OLD BUSINESS A. EDUCATIONAL FLYER FOR PEDESTRIANS - FINAL. 4. NEW BUSINESS -None 5. STAFF REPORTS A. TRAFFIC COMMISSION INTERVIEWS - SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 16, 2001 B. 2001 TRAFFIC COMMISSIONERS WORKSHOP 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS 7. ADJOURNMENT - Thursday, November 1, 2001, 7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 2, 2001 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Ruiz at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Ex Officio: CALL TO ORDER Ruiz, Baffo, Knapp & Quintanilla None Administrative Assistant: Jessica Wilkinson Traffic Engineering Deputy: Joanne Itagaki The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Knapp The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Quintanilla I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Baffo, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for July 12, 2001. if. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None III. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST TO EXTEND "NO PARKING" CURB AT 8657 GRAND AVENUE -CALIFORNIA-AAIERtCAN WATER COMPANY Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report. RECOMMENDATION: It was recommended that I I feet of additional red curb east of Driveway "B" be installed (total 40 feet). It is also recommended that 17 feet of additional red curb west of Driveway "B" be installed. The 17 feet of additional red curb will remove available parking between Driveways "A" and "B". The 28 feet of additional red curb is equal to approximately 1.5 vehicles. Commissioner Knapp asked what was going to be done on the east side. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that on the east side they are going to add 1 I feet to make it 40 feet total. Chairman Ruiz does not feel that by adding 11 feet is going to make a big difference. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that it will help, primarily because residents were complaining of large trucks parking there. Chairman Ruiz stated that there is a code regarding large trucks, and it should be enforced. Commissioner Knapp requested that Mr. Dave Stewart of the California-American Water Company be notified when this item comes before the City Council. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Baffo, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. V. STAFF REPORTS Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki informed the Commission regarding the street name sign that Commissioner Baffo requested for Village Lane and Rose Glen. It is up for administrative review because of the cost of the sign. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that she will update the Commission on the Garvey striping, and will be included in the City's Overlay Project which will be in construction in January or February. In the meantime, if there is a location that needs to be striped, please let her know and she will send the Maintenance Striping Crew. Commissioner Knapp stated that Garvey Avenue at Earle Street needs to be re-striped with yellow paint. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency approved the purchase and installation of the battery back-ups for the LED signals, allowing the signals to continue running for up to 4 hours during a power outage and 1 '/2 during rolling blackouts. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Knapp stated that there's a tree on Scott Street, east of Walnut Grove at the ls` stop sign at Bartlett, that is blocking the visibility of the street sign/stop sign. Commissioner Baffo stated that the sign on San Gabriel Boulevard & Walnut Grove has fallen. Chairman Ruiz would like staff to write a letter to the El Monte Trucking Company regarding the drivers using their Jake-Brakes between the hours of 10:00 p.m. - 6:00 a.m. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: September 11, 2001 RE: Educational Flyer for Pedestrians - Final DISCUSSION As the Traffic Commission is aware, the City is currently in the bid process for the installation of a new traffic signal at the intersection of Hellman Avenue and Jackson Avenue. With this project being associated with a school crossing location, staff determined an informational/educational flyer should be produced. This flyer was brought before the Commission in 1999. Due to the time frame on the installation of the traffic signal, we delayed any further action on the flyer until we were closer to construction. As such, we are bringing the flyer back to the Commission for final approval. Staff was initially going to produce the flyer in English and Spanish. However, because of demographics of the City and school district which include many different languages, it is felt that each specific school and/or school district are better equipped to translate the flyer to appropriate languages. Therefore, staff will provide electronic copies of the flyer to the school districts for their use in translation. Staff recently met with the Garvey School District regarding another matter. At this meeting, we brought the new flyer to their attention. They were quite pleased with the City's concern for pedestrian safety. The District agreed with the translation issue and in fact felt that a majority of students are probably of Chinese descent. They felt that providing them with the electronic files would be very helpful. The flyer has been printed in color for the Commission's review and comment. The text of the flyer has not changed since it was previously brought before the Commission in 1999. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Commission approve the flyer for distribution to the school districts. Attachment JI\Rsd\2001\Sept-Ped Flyer staf eor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: NANCY VALDERRAMA, CMC, CITY CLERK DATE: SEPTEMBER 19, 2001 RE: SELECTION OF DATE FOR TRAFFIC COMMISSION INTERVIEWS Attached are six (6) applications for the unscheduled Traffic Commission vacancy. Staff is suggesting the dates of Tuesday, October .16th or Tuesday, October 30", at 5:00 p.m. to conduct the interviews. e C v~~ to o~ 6 t1i L AGENDA S EP 2 5 2001 ITEM No. --f: • A- CITY OF ROSEA 1EAD APPLICATION FOR TRAFFIC Please print or type: RECD /ED CITY Of ROSEMEAD JUL l_ 2 2001 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE PLANNING COMMISSIONER NAME: 0 CN Y I " ADDRESS: ~yc~ f~1 c~K eft ~l si_ RESIDENCE TELEPHONE: Sr(:),--I-J-4~, BUSINESS TELEPHONE a, ARE YOU A REGIS'T'ERED VOTER IN TIM, CITY OF ROSEMEAD? C C C :L NO\V LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CALIFOINIIA? a ROSEMEAD? EMPLOYER'S NAME: 10- On C C~r--d c) t e e- ; TYPE OF BUSINESS: Q. L.;",t~~n Lttl e, ✓ OUTSIDE BUSINESS INTERESTS: EDUCATION NAME & ADDRESS OF SCHOOL NO. YRS. YEAR ATTENDED GRADUATED Grammar School Ll~~zr~,1 High School College or Univ. Night School or Corres: School - PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: I AM PRIMARILY INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION (Meets the first and third Monday at 7:00 p.m.) I AN4 PKIMAKILYINTERESTED IN SERVING ON TI-TE TIUAFFIC COI\41\%IISSION (Meets file first 'Thursday at 7:00 p.m.) J'ERSONAL OR 1USINESS ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD 13E IN CONFLICT "'ITT-1 YOUR SERVING AS A COMMISSIONER: Al /A ADDITIONAL INFORMATION YOU FEEL WOULD BE HELPFUL TO TILE COUNCIL IN MAKING ITS DECISION: .»e , -cizo-r= best C~5t. uyle DATED: Note: This queslionnaire will be kept appointments. Appli ai t Signature on file for considcra "on by the Council in TuWre Commission Janice Cantrell 3802 North IvarAvenue Rosemead, California 91770 626 572-7546 OBJECTIVE I am very interested in serving the city and the citizens of Rosemead. I have lived in this city since I was five years old. 1 feel that I have much to offer and would like to begin giving back to my city. WORK HISTORY Zak's Foreign Car Service, Inc. Rosemead, California 3199-Present Administrative Assistant and office Manager Security Pacific National Bank, Glendale, California 1971-1978 Administrative Assistant to Rick Golden, Assistant Vice President, Account Reconcilement Department Stop Payment Clerk Heaty phones, placing and researching stopped andior paid company checks Daily filing of reports and stop payment records Employee Loan Clerk researching employee loan payoffs and figuring amount of payoffs heavy typing and filing EDUCATION Rosemead High School AWARDS/COMMUNITY SERVICE PTA Honorary Service Award from Janson Elementary Muscatel Middle School and Rosemead High School PTA Continuing Service Award from Rosemead Council PTA PTA Golden Oak Award from Janson Elementary National PTA Lifetime Membership Award from Janson Elementary Golden Apple Award from Rosemead School District Administrators 1989 & 2001 VOLUNTEER POSITIONS HELD 1971 - Present PTA President Janson Elementary 1987-89 & 1991-99 Muscatel Middle School 1989-90 & 1997-99 Rosemead Council 1999-01 PTA Secretary Janson Elementary Muscatel Middle School Rosemead High School Rosemead Council PTA Vice President Janson, Muscatel, Rosemead High and Rosemead Council 5"' Vice President Educational Services-First District PTA 2001-2003 Measure RR Campaign Chair Rosemead School District Bond Committee Newsletter Chairman Janson PTA American Nippon Kenpo Federation for Garvey Ranch Park and Rosemead Dojos 1992 Present City of Rosemead 4th of July Parade Committee 1990 1995 President Rosemead Panther Boosters 1982 1978 Fund-raiser Chairman Rosemead High Cheer 1980 1982 Coordinator of Troops for Rosemead Girl Scouts 1978 1982 Brownie and Girl Scout Leader RECEIVED CITY OF ROSEMEAD JUL 10 2001 CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE APPLICATION FOR TRAFFIC X PLANNING COMMISSIONER Please print or type: NAME: NANCY H. ENG ADDRESS: 3148 JACKSON AVENUE, ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 RESIDENCE TELEPHONE: 626.288.7032 BUSINESS TELEPHONE: 626.685.9850 ARE YOU A REGISTERED VOTER IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD? 1-IOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CALIFORNIA? 22 YRS ROSEMEAD? I %i YRS EMPLOYER'S NAME: CALIFORNIA POWER EXCHANGE CORPORATION TYPE OF BUSINESS: ELECTRICTY OUTSIDE BUSINESS INTERESTS: CERTIFIED PARALEGAL, LICENSED REAL ESTATE AGENT, INDEPENDENT CELLUAR TELEPHONE SALES REPRESENTATIVE, CONTRACTS ANALYST, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. EDUCATION NAME & ADDRESS OF SCHOOL NO. YRS. YEAR ATTENDED GRADUATED Grammer School LOGAN ELEMENTARY 3 1981 1711 W. MONTANA ST., LA, CA 90026 High School BELMONT HIGH SCHOOL 2 1986 1575 W. 2ND ST., LA, CA 90026 College or Univ. MOUNT ST. MARY'S COLLEGE 4 1990 12001 CHALON RD., LA, CA 90049 Night School or Corres. School PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: ASIAN BUSINESS LEAGUE, LOS ANGELES PARALEGAL ASSOCIATION I AM PRIMARILY INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION (Meets the first and third Monday at 7:00 p.m.) I AM PRIMARILY INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION X (Meets the first Thursday at 7:00 p.m.) PERSONAL OR BUSINESS ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD BE IN CONFLICT WITH YOUR SERVING AS A COMMISSIONER: NONE TO MY KNOWLEDGE. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION YOU FEEL WOULD BE HELPFUL TO THE COUNCIL IN MAKING ITS DECISION: I AM GLAD WE MADE ROSEMEAD OUR HOME - IT IS A GREAT CITY. I WANT TO CONTRIBUTE MY SKILLS TO MAKE ROSEMEAD EVEN BETTER. DATED: JULY 10, 2001 Applica gnature Note: This questionnaire will be kept on file for consideration by the Council in future Commission appointments. RECEIVED CITY OF ROSEMEAD JUL 02 2001 CITY OF ROS.EMEAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE APPLICATION FOR TRAFFIC PLANNING COMMISSIONER Please print or type: NAME: ADDRESS: RESIDENCE TELEPHONE: ~Zb SS/3Q BUSINESS TELEPHONE ARE YOU A REGISTERED VOTER IN 'I'I-IE CITY OF ROSEMEAD7 ! S HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CALIFORNIA? S ROSEMEAD?--7'Ovr'5 EMI'LOYER'SNAME: 1&7-1 9f ;-D Li9 44TF2a-7 ),El TYPE OF BUSINESS: V2-74-1 OUTSIDE 13USI NESS INTERESTS:-' »zJrD EDUCATION NAME & ADDRESS OF SCHOOL NO. YRS. YEAR -i ATTENDED GRADUATED Grammar School uoCa.gN s-T• L-0 s q ~(r"s , q (o I High School 6"0ffr W 16H S 7W L- College or Univ. t05r (-OS : il'g (~GEriEj L/ 1 9 79 J Night. School or Comes. School PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS:_W/C Ln/ rS G/ fa z r~~t. I AM PRIIvLARILY INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION (Meets the first and third Monday at 7:00 p.m.) I AM PRIM/1R11,)' IN'I'ERES'1'ED IN SERVING ON ITIE TRAFFIC COMMISSION X (Meets the firsl'I'hursday at 7:00 p.m.) PERSONAL Olt BUSINESS ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD BE IN CONFLICT WITH YOUR SERVING AS A COMMISSIONER: M/F ADDITIONAL INFORMATION YOU FEEL, WOULD 13E HELPFUL TO TI-1.E COUNCIL IN MAKING ITS DECISION: jay 0j 14 7 zic C ~Ls ~~e DATED: S Note: This questionnaire will be kept on file for appointments. by the Council in future Commission RECEIVED CITY OF ROSEMEAD AUG 0 7 2001 CITY OF ROSENI LAD APPLICATION FOR TRAFFIC I'lease print or type: NAME: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE y PLANNING COMMISSIONER U ~ Vl. ADDRESS:3[s~6~?~7~ _(G ~ I-/ /o v zo RESIDENCE TELEI'1-IONS:?G- 443- Z~Pyt,BUSINESS'rELEPFIONE ARE YOU A REGISTERED VOTER IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD?~ ~s HOW LONG HAVE 17OU LIVED IN CALIFORNIA? V fj 4 ROSEMEAD?_,~j_ EMPLOYER'S NAME: P" I t-.2 TYPE OF BUSINESS: Cd L - ~ , ✓ o -c IJ,4,L " ~ OUTSIDE BUSINESS INTERESTS: Q EDUCATION NAME & ADDRESS OF SCHOOL NO. YRS. YEAR ATTENDED GRADUATED Grammar School Righ School tIt n ~ti~E_1~~rCt2p_e I~ 4fy College or Univ. Night School or Corres. School PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS ASSOCIA I AM PRIMARILY INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION (Meets the first and third Monday at 7:00 p.m) I AM PRIMARILY INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION (Meets the first Thursday at 7:00 p.m) PERSONAL OR BUSINESS ACTIVITIES TIIAT WOULD BE IN CONFLICT WITH YOUR SERVING AS A COMMISSIONER: for. w, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION YOU FEEL WOULD BE 11ELPFUL TO THE COUNCIL IN MAKING ITS DECISION: C4 L'-rt -t4jS , 23 s.y />g P-- Jt 9c V. DATED: G -a7 -aI c _ Applicant Signature Note: This questionnaire will be kept on file for consideration by the Council it) future Commission appoinUnents. CITY 0IT IZOSF.MEAD RECEIVED CITY OF ROSEMEAD JUL 10 2001 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE APPLICATION FOR TRAFFIC PLANNING COMMISSIONER Please print or type: NANIE: 2 4L L fJ . J~ 1. L i y ADnxess: 4443 rnlz~~ A~~ 2oSt_trcl ~a CA y/770 RESIDINCLTGI:I3PHONL: CZ~-ZBS-~9t3713USINGSSTELGPI--IONL r- 26 - qq3-2473 ARE YOU A REGISTERED VOTER IN T1117 CITY OF ROS610EAD? 1( c- C HOW LONG E(AV6 YOU LIVED IN CALIFORNIA? 58 jWSL.MLAD'? ZP EMPLOI'17R'S NAME: C, w Co C -e c., '1'YPE01-13USINLSS: MF4 OF Lteitiraij E(Yrtu2r-s. OUTSIDE BUSINESS INTEREST'S: t4 orr EDUCA'I-ION NM/1.17 & ADDRESS OF SCHOOL NO. YRS. YEAR ATTENDED GRADUATED Ciranllmlr School JAMES t1 "i5o'f ; A 1957 F~ U c403n s High School AN cr 0 g 2 1 (t(- N,$ _ l 9r- I College or Univ. DES nw s ~e 5r41 rt c rre5 ppvf prc. Z Ct' L- Srra rc. ur! 1 LOP,; 13 P,oc4, C'. 3 I S G Cn Night School or Comes. School PROFESSIONAL, AND BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: I AM PRIMARILY INT-I RI STTD IN SERVING ON TI-117- PLANNING COMMISSION (Meets the first and third Monday al 7:00 p.m.) . I AM PRI:NIARILY INTE-RES"I BD IN SERVING ON'rm-7 TRAFFIC COMMISSION (fvlee(s the first Thursday al 7:00 p.m.) PERSONAL OR BUSINF~SS ACTTWFIES T HAT WOULD 1317 IN CONFLICTWIT I YOUR SERVING AS A COMMISSIONER: NOrfF- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION YOU FEEL WOULD BE kIGLPFUL TO TI-1E COUNCIL IN MAKING ITS DECISION: T AstA AN ,pCrwE 'M~Mb=2 01 TAE 7A4f=F,c Cv M ra i S S 1 ors.. ~cr V 11EN c E DATED: L0 - Uc, - Zcx~? Jnl~~-~ APpficalll Signature Note: This questionnaire will be kept on file for consideration by the Council in future Commission appointments. RECEIVED CITY OF ROSEMEAD JUN 2 8 2001 CITY OP' ROSEA1EA1) CITY CLERK'S OFFICE APPLICATION FOR TRAFFIC.><_ PLANNING COMMISSIONER Please print or type: NAME: ADDRESS: 7~f C/, RESIDENCE 'I'ELEI'IIONE:4 (2-- BUSINESS"fELEPI-IONE,%VZ)-e5 ARE YOU A REGISTERED VOTER IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD? HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CALIFORNIA? y ROSEMEAD? /-S L•MPLOYER'S NAME: C°a. TYPE OP BUSINESS: OUTSIDE BUSINESS INTERESTS: S226w,7 EDUCATION NAIVIE & ADDRESS OF SCHOOL NO. YRS. YEAR ATTENDED GRADUATED Grammar School High School College or Univ. Night School or Curies. School PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS ASSOCIA 1 AM I'ItIA4ARTL.Y IN'I'ERES'1'ED IN SERVING ON TITE PLANNING COMMISSION (Meets the first and third Monday at 7:00 p.m.) I AM PRIMARILY INTERESTED IN SERVING ON TI-IE TRAFFIC, COMMISSIONX_ (Meets the first'I'hursday at 7.00 p.m.) PERSONAL OR BUSINESS ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD BE IN CONFLTCT WITI-1 YOUR SERVING AS A COMMISSIONER: 6CfpvrfL ADDITIONAL. INFORMATION YOU FEEL WOULD BE HELPFUL TO TI-1E COUNCIL IN MAKING ITS DECISION: DATED: 2 p~ Applicant Signature Note: This questionnaire will be kept on file for consideration by the Council in future Commission appointments. staf epor ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JESSICA WILKINSON, ASSOCIATE PLANNE$4 DATE: OCTOBER 4, 2001 SUBJECT: 2001 TRAFFIC COMMISSIONERS WORKSHOP The annual Traffic Commissioners Workshop, hosted by the City Traffic Engineers Association, will be held on Saturday, November 10, 2001 at California Polytechnic State University, Kellogg West, in Pomona. If you are interested in attending this workshop, please contact me at (626) 569-2140 by Monday, October 22, 2001 and your registration will be processed accordingly. ITY RAFFIC NGINEERS September 14, 2001 Dear Sir or Madam: CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEERS (CTE) ASSOCIATION CHAIRMAN: Deepak Ubhayakar SEC RETARY/TREASURER: James L. Keena Subject: 2001 Traffic Commissioners Workshop The City Traffic Engineers (CTE) Association, in cooperation with the Automobile Club of Southern California (AAA), invites you to attend its 2001Traffic Commissioners Workshop for elected and appointed officials. The Workshop is intended for commissioners and committee members, as well as other city officials, traffic engineering technicians and planners. The purpose of the Workshop is to provide participants with information relevant to traffic issues in their communities. One or two professionals with traffic engineering, public service or enforcement experience will present each session. It will be interactive, fast-paced, and loaded with practical knowledge. The Workshop will be held on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2001, at California Polytechnic State University, Kellogg West, in Pomona. We have included a map indicating directions to Kellogg West facility for your use. The registration fee is $75.00, which includes continental breakfast, buffet lunch, refreshments, and a reference binder packed with useful materials. You must submit the registration form and check by Friday, November 2, 2001 because space is limited. Additional reference binders can also be purchased separately for $25.00 each. We hope you will take advantage of this Workshop. We believe this is one of the best opportunities for those in public service to learn about traffic related issues. If you have any questions regarding the Workshop, please contact James Keena at the City of Whittier (562) 464-3523 or Mr. Deepak Ubhayakar at the City of Pomona (909) 620-2276. Sincerely, Deepak"Dee" Ubhayakar CTE Chairman James L. Keena CTE Secretary/Treasurer James Keena, Secretary/Treasure City of Whittier 13230 Penn Street, Whittier, CA 90602 (562) 464-3523, Fax (562) 464-3588 or email: maiIto: ikeena(a~whittierch.orq Registration Form ITY RAFFIC 2001 Traffic Commissioners Workshop Cal Poly State University, Kellogg West NGINEERS Pomona, CA 91768 November 10, 2001 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. $75.00 per person Registrant's Name: Title and Agency: Agency Address: Agency Phone: Mailing Address: Personal Phone: Send registrations and checks or money orders payable to CTE before NOVEMBER 2, 2001 To: City Traffic Engineers Association James L. Keena, Secretary/Treasurer c/o City of Whittier 13230 Penn Street, Whittier, CA 90602 (562) 464-3523 Fax (562) 464-3588 Questions? Contact James Keena at (562) 464-3523, mailto:ikeena a(,,Whittierch.org or Deepak Ubhayakarat(909)620-2276,mailto:deepak ubhayakar@ci.pomona.ca.us Sorry: No Purchase Orders. No refunds after November 2, 2001 Payments will be accepted at the door. 2001 ITY Traffic Commissioners Workshop RAFFIC Cal Poly Pomona University, Kellogg West November 10, 2001 NGINEERS Topics Session 1: "It's the Law" - Legal Requirements This session will discuss the rules and regulations required by federal guidelines, the California Vehicle Code, the State of California standards and local agency traffic ordinances. It will highlight the need for uniformity and the effects of following standards and warrants. Session 2: First "E" - Engineering This session will explain the first of three "E"s in traffic safety-Engineering. It will present the standard guidelines and application of signs, signals and markings. The presenter will give good and bad examples to highlight the importance of justification, engineering and proper placement. Session 3: Second "E" - Enforcement This session will be presented by law enforcement officials who will explain the basis and effectiveness of Enforcement in traffic safety. Session 4: "Watch for Children" School Area Safety This session will cover school area signing, school routes, crossings, flashing beacons and other school related traffic issues. Typical installations will be discussed. Session 5: Third "E" - Education This session will offer different methods to educate citizens and local officials in their role in providing safe, efficient movement of traffic. Session 6: Local Traffic Issues The presenter will emphasize such topics as speed limits, truck routes, parking regulations, facilities for the physically challenged, crosswalks, and other traffic concerns. Session 7: Neighborhood Traffic Calming The presenter will introduce alternative measures to mitigate traffic problems in residential areas, including speed humps, citizen speed enforcement, parking restrictions, turn restrictions, traffic diverters, and street modifications.