CC - Agenda 11-25-03 - Box 070AGENDA REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 25, 2003, AT 8:00 P.M. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: 8:00 P.M. PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: COUNCILMAN TAYLOR INVOCATION: y~ REVEREND JUAN VARGAS OF JESUSCRISTO ES EL ` SENOR WESLEYAN CHURCH ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: COUNCILMEMBERS ALARCON, IMPERIAL, TAYLOR, MAYOR PRO TEM CLARK, MAYOR VASQUEZ / APPROVAL OF MINUTES: OCTOBER 14, 2003 - REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 28, 2003 - REGULAR MEETING OF INTEREST TO CITIZENS WISHING TO PARTICIPATE 1) Those wishing to speak on any Agenda Item, including public hearing, should have their Speaker Request Form submitted to the City. Clerk no later than the time immediately following Oral Communications. 2) Immediately after approval of the minutes and again at the end of the meeting, there is a period of time set aside for those persons wishing to address the Council on matters not listed on the Agenda entitled: ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE (please complete the Speaker Request Form stating your preference to speak either at the beginning or at the end of the meeting). 3) Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting should direct such request to the City Clerk's office at 626/569-2171 at least 48 hours before the meeting, if possible. PRESENTATIONS: 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS - EXPLANATION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES BY THE CITY ATTORNEY A f-)q ✓ ~A. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ORDINANCE NO. 830 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD EXTENDING ORDINANCE NO. 829 WHICH IMPOSED A MORATORIUM / ~;D ON THE ISSUANCE OF ANY PERMITS OR ENTITLEMENTS FOR 4f BUSINESSES OFFERING MASSAGE SERVICES AND DECLARING URGENCY THEREOF - ADOPT Ordinance No. 830 has been drafted to extend Urgency Ordinance No. 829, which was adopted by the Rosemead City Council on October 28, 2003. This urgency ordinance was adopted to allow staff sufficient time to study appropriate zoning regulations governing the establishment and siting of such uses. Ordinance No. 830 will extend Ordinance No. 829 for a period of ten months and fifteen days. li Recommendation: Adopt Urgency Ordinance No. 830. III. LEGISLATIVE / A. RESOLUTION NO. 2003-40 - CLAIMS AND DEMANDS Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2003-40, for payment of City expenditures. CA LENDAR-RECOA~MENDATION: APPROVAL IV. 11 -7NSENT -A REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON EMERSON PLACE OVER ALHAMBRA WASH BRIDGE Residents have been complaining about visibility problems with bridge traffic while backing out of their driveways. The Traffic Commission approved the Traffic Engineer's recommendation for the installation of red curb. Recommendation: Approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation for the installation of red curb on Emerson Place over the Alhambra Wash Bridge, per the revised Exhibit A. CC-B REQUEST FOR RED CURB AT 7525 EMERSON PLACE he residents at 7525 Emerson Place are requesting the installation of 14 feet of / I red curb between their property and 7531 Emerson Place. The installation will provide each homeowner with easier access while entering or exiting their respective driveways. Recommendation: Approve the recommendation of the Traffic Commission to / install 14 feet of red curb between 7525 Emerson Place and 7531 Emerson Place. I CC-C REQUEST FOR STOP SIGNS AND RED CURB AT THE INTERSECTION OF v RUSH STREET AND ANGELUS AVENUE The Traffic Commission received a letter from a resident requesting the placement of Stop signs at the intersection of Rush Street and Angelus Avenue. The resident was also concerned about speeding vehicles on Rush Street, and requested that the existing red curb on the west side of the condominium driveway be extended. The Traffic Engineer determined that the warrants did not satisfy the guidelines for a Stop sign. The Traffic Engineer recommended extending the existing 16 feet of red curb on the west side; and staff recommends the installation of an additional 30 feet east of the driveway. Recommendation: Authorize the installation of 30 feet of red curb on the south side of Rush Street west of the condominium driveway, and 30 feet of red curb east of the driveway per Exhibit A of the Traffic Commission Staff Report. CC-D AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE: GUARDING THE PUBLIC CHECKBOOK, APRIL 22-24,2004, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS This year's sessions will include: Infrastructure Planning and Financing; Financial Accounting, Reporting, and Annual Audit, and Local Government Capital Financing Strategies. Recommendation: Authorize the attendance of any Councilmember and staff as assigned by the City Manager. CC-E AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND CALIFORNIA CONTRACT CITIES ASSOCIATION SACRAMENTO LEGISLATIVE ORIENTATION TOUR, JANUARY 12-14.2004. SACRAMENTO This annual event provides members of Contract Cities with the opportunity to inform the legislature of our goals and objectives. Recommendation: Authorize the attendance of any Councilmember, City Attorney, City Manager and staff as assigned by the City Manager. CC-F APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR STORMWATER CONSULTING SERVICES Current storm water regulations require the development of pollution limits by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. To meet these new water quality control standards, there will be substantial costs to cities due to the need to install and maintain pollution control measures. The Los Angeles County cities authorize the attached TMDL Consultant Cost-sharing to assure that these upcoming regulations are developed using accurate information. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to execute the Los Angeles County Consultant Retention Agreement and authorize payment of $7,500 currently budgeted in the 2003-2004 NPDES budget. CC-G REQUEST FROM MEXICAN AMERICAN STUDENT ORGANIZATION TO USE THE GARVEY COMMUNITY CENTER The San Gabriel High School Mexican American Student Organization (M.A.S.O.) has requested the use of the Garvey Community Center until midnight on February 19, 2004, for a Coronation Ball. Recommendation: Authorize the San Gabriel High School Mexican American Student Organization to use the facility until midnight. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION A. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE REVOCATION OF THE BUSINESS LICENSE, ROSE ROOM - 8772 VALLEY BOULEVARD AND POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION OF FINAL LAST C14ANCE AGREEMENT WITH DA DU CORPORATION This item was continued from the October 14'h meeting to allow the Rose Room's attorney and the Assistant City Attorney an opportunity to negotiate a final last chance agreement. Recommendation: If a final resolution is agreed to, it is recommended that the Council approve the final last chance agreement. If the agreement has not been signed, the Council can proceed with the revocation hearing or continue the / matter to another meeting date. ` B. REQUEST FROM COMMISSIONER KELTY FOR RE-APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner Kelty has requested re-appointment to the Planning Commission. 1 / C. REQUEST FROM COMMISSIONER BREEN FOR RE-APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner Breen has requested re-appointment to the Planning Commission. REQUEST FROM COMMISSIONER KNAPP FOR RE-APPOINTMENT TO THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Commissioner Knapp has requested re-appointment to the Traffic Commission. E. REQUEST FROM COMMISSIONER MATSDORF FOR RE-APPOINTMENT vJ TO THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Commissioner Matsdorf has requested re-appointment to the Traffic Commission. VI. STATUS REPORTS ~ X VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS Vlll. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE ADJOURNMENT 01A- " THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 9, 2003, AT 8:00 P.M. g- Posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; and other locations pursuant to RMC Sec. 1.08.020.