CC - Item 7A - Minutes 2-23-10Minutes of the JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING February 23, 2010 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council and Community Development Commission was called to order by Mayor Clark at 6:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Vice-Chair/Mayor Pro Tern Polly Low INVOCATION: Commissioner/Council Member Sandra Armenta PRESENT: Mayor/Chairwoman Clark, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice-Chairman Taylor, Council Member/Commissioner Armenta, Council Member/Commissioner Low, and Council Member/Commissioner Ly. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Montes, Community Development Director Wong, Director of Finance Brisco, Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott, Economic Development Administrator Ramirez, Public Affairs Manager Flores, Deputy Public Works Director Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Janice Wiggins - Requested that the City Council consider a joint Memorial Day celebration with the City of El Monte at the Cemetery Site. 2. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR A. Claims and Demands Resolution No. 2010 - 08 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2010 - 08 for payment of Commission expenditures in the amount of $99,771.02 demand nos. 10074 through 10075 and demand nos. 11231 through 11236. Commissioner/Council Member Sandra Armenia made a motion, seconded by Comm issionerlCouncil Member Steven Ly, to approve the Consent Caiendar. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 ITEM NO -IN + Page 1 of 28 Abstain: None Absent: None 3. CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Monies announced the Commission and Council would recess to Closed Session to discuss the following matter: A. Conference with Labor Negotiator Government Code Section 54957.6; Negotiator for the City: Jeff Allred Employee Unit: Rosemead Employee City Attorney Montes announced there was no report,'from'tonight's Closed City C Meeting The regular meeting of the Rosemead City~Council;was called to'order by Mayor Clark at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at'8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Mayor Pro Tem Gary Taylor INVOCATION: Council Member Sandra Armenta PRESENT: Mayor Clark, May`r,Pro:Tem Taylor Council,Member Armenta, Council Member Low, and Council Member. Ly Il'' STAFF PRESENT City Manager-Allred; Assistant City.Manager Hawkesworth, City Attorney Montes, Community Development Director, Wong, Director of Finance Brisco, Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott,,Economic Development Atlministrator Ramirez, Deputy Public Works Director Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda\ Council Member Steven 1y suggested an "add-on"item to the agenda regarding information provided to him today on the Glendon Inn,Hotel;and how the purchase was made. Mayor Pro Tem Taylorexpressed his concern that the Council would not have enough,information to appropriately consider the item and suggested that the item be deferred to a future meeting. The item will be placed on the next Regular Meeting agenda for the Council's consideration. 4. PRESENTATIONS 2009 Crime Report - Chief of Police Tim Murakami Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 2 of 28 Chief of Police Tim Murakami provided an overview of the 2009 Crime Report. His report included the following elements: overall success in Part 1 crime reduction, the inclusion of domestic violence reports in the assault category, the school liaison officer program, an appeal to the public not to purchase "knock off" merchandise, as it may result in indirect support to terrorist organizations, registered sex offenders parole sweeps, ABC investigations, gun "roll back" program, neighborhood watch, youth restitution programs and their 90% success rate, continuing education programs on cyber bullying and "sexting," and the City's progress in their Emergency Operations Center and planning efforts. Mayor Clark asked how the City could notify residents of sex-e also asked if there are laws which state how far offenders must Chief Murakami noted that staff can place a link on the provide a location map for sex offenders who are living far the sex offenders have to stay from schools and the sites, which the Police Department will continue monitc Mayor Clark stated the City received many complimerits'at-thi: graffiti abatement.. Council MemberArmenta thanked the Police•Department for 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Pro Tern Taylor"I.w( comment that would be'in tfi minutes that were prepar4l it states the Citv-Council and THE AUDI e the min there wa! nd a half iving in the community. Mrs. Clark y'from schools and parks. )m, a website which can case law regarding how on parks and other their efforts in 3ry;6rhdeferred and I would like to make a of the meeting was there? So we have the If you look down at the bottom fifth sentence up 1 pool facility at 11:50 a.m. and arrived at Rosemead Park swimming,pool facility:at 12:00 p :--The'City Manager Jeff Allred handed out a pamphlet and I take exception to that-"The pamphlet happens'to,'be,a 32 page document that I have right here with pictures and''a.lot of detail information. "So lie handed out this so called pamphlet and it had to do with an estimated ten.million dollar project for the two pools. Completely renovate both of them. So continuing on here the City Manager Jeff Allred handed out a pamphlet to the City Council for review. The pamphlet is available in the City.Clerk's office for review. Justin Caron reviewed the pamphlet. He started to review it from my stand point. `Mayor Pro Tem Taylor left the meeting at 12:04 p.m. Justin continued reviewing the pamphlet. I stated to the`CityVanager`that I don't like a set up like this where we come in and this stuff is on the table at 12:00 o'clock. And fied,did call and apologize for it. But I am more concerned about how this happened. We were called approximately a month ago by the City Clerk that there would be a special meeting at the pools. So this particular company shows up and staff claims we did not get that pamphlet or that report until that morning (February 6, 2010). That is not our policy when we have a meeting setup and like I said this is a ten million dollar estimated project. And my new colleagues on the Council here they have only been here a year and they need to understand that you should not let this happen. You need to have this type of information the Thursday before, at a minimum, for an agenda item. So I left the meeting and Rosemead Community Development Commission and. City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 3 of 28 basically I said I'm not going to participate in this because there was no way to review a ten million dollar project on the spot. So you agreed not to, or you stated you would not do this again. And I hope that my colleagues understand this. You are going to be trapped later on in your years that you may be up here. I never saw anything like this in 35 years. So I would like that in the minutes to verify that this won't happen again." City Manager Allred "the only thing I say is that everything he has said is accurate and true. The only thing that I would say is that there is no recommended action to be taken by the City Council. That was purely a study session to discuss things and concepts. There was no action to betaken. Everything he says is true." Mayor Pro Tern Taylor noted that he always requests that the meetings be audio-taped because he reviews the tapes and can always ensure that all matters ate discussed and-his'comments relayed accurately. He also noted his comments with the City Clerk regarding the.spelling of names from the November 17, 2009 minutes and that corrections were made. ; -i ;`;m . 6. CITY COUNCIL CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes 4"'t` November 17, 2009 - Regular January 26, 2010 - Regular;M February 6, 2010- Regular M. B. Claims,' nd Demands, Reso l ut i o n. N 0.,20101': `17 J- zz :Recommendation; Adopt Rec amount of.$785,112 71~nu~mbe inclusively. , C. -4Authorization to Conference - M: The Nati6nal•Leai included fo`r Coun 2010-17, for payment of City expenditures in the through 100746 and 68824 and 68985, lational Leagued Cities 2010 Annual Congressional City 7, 2010 - Washington, DC if Cities 2010 Annual Congressional City Conference information is consideration. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the attendance at City expense, for any Council Member, the City Manager or staff designee. Rosemead Community Development Commission and. City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 4 of 28 F. Resolution No. 2010-06 Consenting to the Recordation of the Irrevocable Offer of Dedication for those Portions of L.A. County Assessors Parcel No. 8595.011-009 Proposed for Use for Public Sidewalks and Amenities In accordance with the City Municipal Code Section No. 15.04.040. the owner(s) of the property located at 9011 East Garvey Avenue, have submitted an executed irrevocable offer of dedication. The irrevocable offer of dedication has been determined by the City Engineer to be necessary and appropriate to permit the installation of a street tree in accordance with City standards. Recommendation: That the City Council City Engineer to execute and record the ii Parcel No. 8595-011-009. Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, approve Consent Calendar Items with the e and E. Vote resulted in: tion No. 2010-06, authorizing the Df dedication for County Assessor iy Council Member,Sandra Armenta, to the minutes from February 6, 2010 and Item D Yes: Armenta, Clark, L'ow,,L'y, Taylor No: None Abstain: None - Absent: None D. Request for Proposal'tott Provide Street Sweeping Services The City of Rosemead'provides street,sweeping through a contractual agreement with Clean Street, Inc Per the.agreement all City streets are swept at least once weekly, Monday through Friday On November 17 2009, the City Council extended the City's current street \ sweeping services agreement with Clean;Street through June 30, 2010. At that time the City 'Council asked staff to develop specifications for street sweeping services and go through a Request for Proposal (RFP).ptocess for anew street sweeping services agreement. the City Council approve the specifications and authorize the This item was pulled for by, Council Member Steven Ly. Council Member Ly questioned the feasibility of alternative "sides" on street sweeping days. Deputy Public Works Director Chris Marcarello acknowledged other cities which allow for alternative days and that code enforcement allows residents to park cars on the lawn the night before and day of street sweeping. He noted the costs for re-doing the signs and the impacts on how the street sweeping. Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 5 of 28 Mayor Pro Tem Taylor inquired about citations issued on street sweeping days. Staff agreed to provide information when it is collected. Council MemberArmenta noted that Code Enforcement has accommodated parking requirements near "Sanchez" when there are school events happening. Council Member Low noted that residents are having difficulty parking on street sweeping day and have to park on alternate streets to avoid citations. Council Member Steven Ly requested that staff institute an outreach program to allow residents to park on their lawns on street sweeping days. { Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, sE 6D and direct staff to work on an outreach pn lawns on street sweeping days. Vote resulted Gary Taylor, to approve item 'nark their cars on their Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, No: None Abstain: None ` . Absent: None , E. Citywide Curb. Ramps Construction I At its January12, 2010peeting, the Ci authorized staff to advertise and solicit Project". This project consists of install intersections throughout the City.. The I curb-ramps,100:000 square feet of sidew; appurtenances. Th'e City.'s allocated fund: American Recovery and, einvestment Ac A 'Recommendation:, That the City Council: 6uncil'appfoved the plans and specifications and for the "Citywide Curb Ramps Construction upgrading curb ramps at various street act includes the construction of approximately 500 Il~.., miscellaneous concrete work and other of $1,684,000 were acquired through the 2009 (ARRA). the CityManager to enter into a contract with CJ Construction, Inc. for the construction of the Citywide Curb Ramps Construction Project in the amount of $1,516;100 Establish ah•amount of up to $151,600 (10%) as contingencies to cover the cost of any potential and additional unforeseen construction work. This item was pulled for separate consideration by Mayor Pro Tern Gary Taylor. Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 6 of 28 Mayor Pro Tern Taylorexpressed concerns regarding the locations of the proposed curb ramps. The maps provided to Council show a small, secluded cul-de-sac, on the upper right hand side. He noted there are no sidewalks in the area west of "Encinita" and does not understand the logic regarding installation of wheelchair ramps in this location. Deputy Public Works Director Chris Marcarello noted the maps indicate the potential area of curb ramps and residents could provide their input regarding the installation of sidewalks. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated that the installation of sidewalks has bee.n,an issue in several neighborhoods for many years. He inquired about the "tearing out" of existing ramps"and'that there are existing ramps with "flat spots" that meet current specifications. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor noted that the old ramps do not meet the new specifications (additions of truncated domes, slopes) to comply with the American with DisabilitiesiAct requirements` Mayor Pro Tern Taylor understands that TARP fu ids are being used for this project;,, however, he noted on certain streets, the curb cut is level with the street and'doesn't slope from the sides 6ih handicapped ramps. He does not understand the methodologyof the project: Associate Civil Engineer Rafael Fajardo stated that,this is Caltrans to receive funding. Caltrans required the City t& requirements. Now that the money has been funded, th`e E to determine which areas should be prioritized for'service. with 50,000 square feet•of sidewalk'ahd,,50,000 document No. 1. Bid package was submitted to money and we are dealing with s due to stimulus package neer will be conducting a more accurate survey Ore are,500~6urb ramps in the base bid along are feet'ofsidewalks in the alternate bid dead Iines''ihere will be a little "give and take" regarding the final determinatidn of sites:'{ Council M4 to the Council. Mr. Marcarello,stated staff wbuldprovide•a hew map with revised locations along with the weekly update. Mayor Pro Tern~Taylor stated he wa',concemed'they will be jack hammering all four corners of a street to speed up the projectand that they need some guidahca It is viable to do less curb ramps and do more sidewalks? He is concerrietl about areas, like "Ellis Lane," which have "hodge-podge" sidewalks. He would like to have as first priorityJhe•completion of "hodge-podge" incomplete sidewalks and would like to see a review on how this is going Mayor Clark sated that in some of the higher-income properties there have been assessments to construct sidewalks and asked how that would be dealt with. With the federal monies other areas will have their sidewalks completed, but in the higher end areas, they had to pay for sidewalk completion. Rosemead Community Development Commission and ' City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 7 of 28 Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that there is a disparity in certain areas, some streets have sidewalks on one side and not the other, and there is a difference between those who had to pay and now, those who do not have to pay for the sidewalk completion. He would like to prioritize the completion of "hodge-podge" sidewalks. Mayor Clark asked what is the requirement and deadline to utilize the funding. Mr. Marcarello explained that there is a pot of money and you have to have the project out on the street next month, and show progress within the next month to retain the funding. Staff also addressed that incomplete sidewalks will also be addressed within the project scope. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated he would like to prioritize the areas imthe,City which have the most sidewalks "in", so that there can be completion without gaps, or fix just.oneside of•tl e,street, so you can have at least one side with foot traffic. You can serve the publicla little,better by how it this project will be coordinated. Council Member Low requested that the Council updating sidewalks and curb ramps. informed regarding a6y,changes in plans for City Manager Jeff Allred confirmed that will be prioritized. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor war work. be provided. weekly updates on which'areas of the City list before the start of Juan Nunez - made comments regarding;the requirements for the cuib`mmps project, doesn't understand why they need to cut 10-15'feet off sidewalk Mayor Pro-Tem ylor`stated that.if you have`access t the project funds, you have to ensure that the curb ramps are done to the current standards. If the City does,_no spend the money and make the corrections, the funds will°go to another City.``He mentioned`that wheelchairs can roll from the sidewalk into the flat spot on the upgraded.curb ramps, and then safely roll into the street, there is a safety provision at the bottom. The handicapped standards have changed,and the City has to follow the new rules. Council Member Stever`Ly made ,6 motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta, to approve item 6.e, and directed staff,to prioritize the completion of sidewalks as well as provide a weekly update to the Council regarding the next upcoming curb project locations. Vote resulted in: °11,07 Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 8 of 28 7. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Mid-Year Budget Update The Council will be provided with amid-year update presentation regarding the current 2009- 10 fiscal year budget along with a brief look towards the upcoming fiscal year. The Strategic Plan identifies key goals and objectives to ensure long-term fiscal sustainability and staff has been working to ensure these are met. In terms of the General Fund, revenues have proven to be stable and are generally in-line with budgeted projections. Sales tax revenues, while down, are coming in better than anticipated and property,tax revenues have been relatively stable. General fund expenditures are remainingin line with budgeted figures and staff has implemented cost savings measures when available. The projected bottom line for the end of the fiscal year is excellent and staff anticipateslhat revenues and expenditures will be balanced. .rdWR, Recommendation: That the City Assistant City Manager Matt in the City Clerk's Office). receive and file the midyear budget update report, the staff report and`a PowerPoint'Pre'sentation (available Council Member Armenta stated the secure local revenues. Juan Nunez-Re9uested'clarifcatio balanced. Noted that staff stated that Council and signatures are needed to thaLthe~FY 2009-2010 budget would be in the worst position ever. was in top fiscal shape. Parks, Recreation; an&General Facilities Master Plan Capital Improvement Projects List At 'its regular meet g of Aug6st,l'1, 2009, City Council reviewed f ndings from outreach efforts related to'he'Parks, Recreation, and General Facilities Master Plan. The purpose of Plan is to evaluate programs and facilities and, using community input, to the r letermme a 15-year strategy for meeting the changing recreational needs of residents. A vital part of Ihe'project is the development of a specific Capital Improvement Projects plan. Completion of the Master Plan is identified as Goal 1, Strategy 5 of Rosemead's Strategic Plan. The Master Plan is in its final phase - completion of chapters on capital projects and funding considerations. Both chapters are underway. However, in order to complete these, a City Council approved list of prioritized capital projects is needed. The financial portion of the plan, to be completed by Willdan Financial, will focus on funding options for these projects. Rosemead Community Development Commission and. City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 9 of 28 Recommendation: That the City Council approve a prioritized list of capital projects for inclusion in the Parks, Recreation,;°and General Facilities Master Plan. Director of Parks and Recreation David Montgomery-Scoff provided an overview of the City's Parks, Recreation, and General Facilities Fifteen Year Master Plan. He described the community's involvement in determining priorities and appraisal of current assets. Over 700 residents provided input into the Master Plan and included their priorities, the City's challenges, successes, and safety/liability concerns. Several of the priorities noted were: upgrades to both the Rosemead and Garvey pools to turn them into "state-of-the-art" facilities, a revitalized Rosemead Civic Center, a parking/pedestrian campus, a refurbished "RCRC," a 10th Anniversary 9/11 memorial, additional neighborhood parks, development parks along the Edison easement, upgrades to Garvey Gymnasium, and upgrades to Park restrooms; sports lighting, picnic structures and playgrounds (Power Point is available in the City Clerk's Office) ; Mayor Clark asked who responded to the surveys. Mr. Montgomery-Scott residents responded and conversations. also information gathered from "one on one" Council Member Armenta asked if the Mr. Montgomery-Scott responded that it cc individualistic interpretations and it should remove post at Sally Tanner Park and will including benches, etc., #;h. Council Member Mr. Montgomery-Scott aid.yes, the are addressing communityneeds to Council Member..Lv asked the actually as a hawk; a dove, an angel; there can be an evictims'`of 9/,11. He also stated that staff will `parks are updated with park amenities also help the City with energy savings, res. everything that's out there, and that we the, BBQ pits at Rosemead Park, when will they be fixed? Mr. Montgomery-Scott responded tHaf the BBQ replacements will be between $600-$1200; it will be in the capital improvement projects for nexf.year. At Sally Tanner there are two, one is just a post, but we need to start a capital improvement progra6i replacement equipment. Playgrounds - Rosemead, Garvey, Sally Tanner, Klingerman - lifespan,forplaygrounds is 15,years, Sally Tanner installed in 2003, consumer product safety commission and ADA requirements came into effect in 2000. Sally Tanner should be completely accessible, but it is not accessible. Wheelchair can't even get to transfer point. Sally Tanner accessibility is the cheapest to fix, but it still will not be cheap. Garvey park - should be a use zone of 6 feet, there is not. Klingerman and Zapopan (sp) - oldest and in most need of repair, designed for 3-5 age group, a toddler can climb up rope and fall and there is nothing to protect, there is head entrapment issue, brick and field come together and it has created a trip hazard. Skate park, number of kids skating - they communicate their desire for skate park. Dinsmore house replacement, interior public areas, sidewalk maintenance plan, dips, lips, and cracking were also discussed. Rosemead Community Development Commission and . City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 10 of 28 Y,. Mr. Montgomery-Scott continued by stating that two proposed studies, 1) -ADA accessibility study for all facilities, 2) Trails and green streets master plan. Tonight's requested action is to prioritize a list of capital improvement projects and look how to fund to the 15 year master plan. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated $10 million for pools, this is $20 million for all improvements, and a lot needs to be done. We need to focus on safety factors on the playground equipment; when they were put in they had to have been legal. Mr. Montgomery-Scott responded that Sally Tanner is the only one in question, as to why the equipment was not installed according to the appropriate standards. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated that in general they were put in consider"ation of ADA, don't understand, slides, etc. was there to be a wheel chair ramp to get to them?,/ Mr. Montgomery-Scott responded that most playgrouhds~have safety surfacing; but what we are missing is the "transfer point." h Mayor Pro Tem Taylor explain "transfer point.,, Mr. Montgomery-Scott responded that a wider'si d so that a child''orr,adult can physically move from wheelchair to the system. \.111,1 N Mayor Pro Tem Taylor/asked how they move them 2upper stem . Mr. Montgomery-Scott responded that they assume body mobility. Mayor Pro Tem-Taylor asked if we.are creating anotheraiability, kids running around, how do we get the kids off of it, there is no landing.,, 191 'It Mr. Montgomery-Scott stated, that•there is aimassumptioF that there will be someone to move wheelchair to the exit soot Mayor Pro Tem Taylor There is not easy fix, similar to curb ramps, I can see the spaces where kids can fall through the bars that should be an easy fix in some locations. He is not belittling it; however he doesn't see the rationale where they;can.b"efinbde 100 percent safe, with no accidents. Mr. Montgomery-Scott stated there are stand ardslguidelines, they recognize that it is not foolproof; it is not a perfect system, At Klingerman we want to address hazards as quickly as we can. From the year 2000 forward - you need to apply the standards to any projects going forward. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor Rosemead patio covers, we discussed this 4-5 months ago, walk through facilities, lack of painting and lack of maintenance, what is staff's responsibility to paint, and keep them clean? BBQs need to be replaced - bottoms are burned out, that can easily be taken care of at $600-$1200 dollars, why staff doesn't fix the little things? Looking at pool, the City Manager and I, looking at downspout, it was rusted Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 11 of 28 through completely. I feel this is an "out of site, out of mind" issue. The canopies - the base of one, I spent entire working life in construction and maintenance, they are just not being maintained and it doesn't take long for rust to take over, they are in good condition, other than poor maintenance, they are in good structural condition. How thick are the steel high beams that are holding up canopy? Mr. Montgomery-Scott responded ''/z inch, 10 feet tall, and inset in concrete. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor- What's right in the city? Every single issue, gyms, pools, park, I am a little disturbed at all of this. . 11 11 Mr. Montgomery-Scott - Our safety surfacing is what's right we are ahead of the game at most parks to varying degrees. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor- The one at Sally Tanner is rotted out, it shouldn't have happened. Mr. Montgomery-Scott- You can see through the roofs of some structures. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- $30,000-$60,000 thousand for theacanopiesat Rosemead park, clean them up! Mr. Montgomery-Scott - This is a 15 Mayor Pro Tern Taylor-$10 mill just read an article about a,youV didn't know how to swim~we won to swim. I remember swimming at consideration at needing a pool; tll Rosemead. I am against removm Mr. Montdomerv-Scott - Mayor Pro Te►n Taylor- I've around pools, the,biggest prol Mr. Montpomerv-Scott We have Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- times on there. for the pools, Mayor.Clark feels there,should be a pool at Garvey Park, I was trapped n waterp.h6llering in another language "save me" and he i able to measure how many~canswim, swim well, or have opportunity vey,Park in grammar chool, I' n kind of appalled at lack of rhole neighborhood'down there, it's two miles to come down to e pool afGarvey. Having the consultant come up, have you ever ling pools, we did Cal Tech for the Olympics, I've been pool is water leakage. it 5 times. says 4, you'lie done the small one 5 times, the large pool, I don't see 5 Mr. Montgomery-Scott- We are still talking about4 times in, had to consistently caulk it and epoxy the cracks, they are in the gutter system, they are 54 years old. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- The pool is structurally sound, what is not structurally sound - the major thing is the caulking. Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 12 of 28 Mr. Montgomery-Scott - Garvey pool has been caulked twice. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- We will clean out the joint, but was never completely sandblasted, they put it right back it there and there is a residue film. To do that much caulking, I find that sloppy workmanship, we did it October 2006 and again in September 2007, a year apart. Mr. Montgomery-Scott- Caulking is not supposed to be a permanent fix, it should not be exposed to temperature changes, cracks developed in areas that had to be re-epoxied. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- That was saw cuts, poor workmanship, the"y'did'not provide a caulking joint. Mr. Montgomery-Scoff-We have had a number of recaulking andepozy„„n various areas, the pool is now drained and now you have to recaulk due to the dryer temperature. 'N Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- The longer it sits, they've,all got to be scraped out and recaulked, the decking on 'both pools, the joints are out of level, they are trippin g points, they removed the enti re,decks on some pools and poured completely new decks and tiles for gutter space. They will'even manufacture.tile for the tile you have. Concerned about making a competition pool,,just to have a pool,like that, El Montejust built a pool. , and cannot operate the pool. Mr. Montgomery-Scott- El Monte had to layoff- Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- Stabilitymeans we are not going to compete with,El Monte, my son is a swimmer and he had to go to Azusa foctheirswim meets we've gotonelust,two miles away. Have the school district get into an agreement, 4661 wanfto ,keep up with,the,Joneses,"' we don't have the money, we have to come up with the fnancirig; le;the peoplelvote on the brines if they want to do it, it is very easy to have these 5 members vote on selling bonds, but the tax increment money coming in - half of it we lose to City operations. How-much tax incr"ement moneydbes`the Cityiget? Assistant City'Manager Hawkesworth - About 6 million,dollars. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor - How much,do we take out for operating for Community Development Commission and the City?„ i•. Mr. Hawkesworth - ministration oro4rams are about 1.5 million. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- I thinkt is.about $2.3 million, I disagree. The RDA purchases a lot of things for the general fund; a lot of those costs are very high, $4,million "net" spending money, paying off bonds, what is current liability each year? Mr. Hawkesworth - I don't know off the top of my head. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- It is several hundred thousand dollars every year that has to be paid, pay back money for bonds, this is 20 million dollars. On the last age of the report, it notes current conditions, safety, demand and revised standards, Willdan financial is developing a financial plan, if we do the pools here are Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 13 or 28 the issues: 1). $14 -15 million if you add them up; surprised there are so many miscellaneous things we can clean up - fields, what is the little park - another case of lack of maintenance and deterioration, beams, finish is peeling off - I cannot understand it, exposing the raw wood, little things can be fixed and make a good impression all around the City, instead of taking $10 million just for the pools. On the 2nd page from the back - upgrades sports fields and sports lighting at the parks - that benefits everybody immediately, however that is 4 - 9 years out. Renovating turf areas around Rosemead Park, the Jess Gonzales sports complex - that is also 4-5 years out until it can get on list, that facility is is used all the time. We have received complaints about the turf area at Garvey Park that is almost $1 million dollars just to take care of the sod for the fields? Mr. Montgomery-Scott - That would include all turf areas, grading, Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- Biggest problem is the area Mr. Montgomery-Scott - Park is 19 acres, most of which'i has more use. ; Mayor Pro Tern Taylor- It's hard to understand $1 Mr. Montgomery-Scoff - Hydroseed is an option. These are determines priorities Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- Rooftop at Mr. Montgomery-Scott--Structure is a 15 year plan, Mayor Pro Tem-Taylor- We Mayor Clark, Weneed1d, already statk what we see of space, for turf and soddings. July celebration. Park is priority because it for priority, Council issues. Please remember that this issues, we do not want liability, and we have Mayor Pro Tem<Taylor- All BBQ's need to be•rdplaced, priority 3, last page, picnic structure at Rosemead Park, they need to'be.eplaced nowt There are a lot of miscellaneous things that need to be replaced all over the City. I know the poolshave to repair, in some way, its $80,000 to bring them up to standards, those things understandably can be done to get the pool operational, the caulking prices. Get the $10 million and add the interest to it tell us what is it'aoina to,cost. Mr. Montgomery-Scott- We have spent 4.5 million to keep the pools up, that's almost half-way to getting the new pools Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- How much have gas, water, and electricity gone up in 10 years. What are the rate increases for the volume that was used, the rates have all gone up, and these are not inflationary prices. What were inflationary costs and what were usage costs, the total amounts seems horrendous, these were non-budgeted, $13,000 per year. Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 14 of 28 ,.s Council Member Low - Curious about the other Council Members, what about priority, do we agree with it, I agree with Madam Mayor, I want to bump up the priority for the safety issues. What do the other Council Members feel? Mayor Clark- Pools are separate issue, not ready tonight to make this into a prioritized list. Where is money going to come from? Priority was given to us by consultant, we need a study session to go through and decide and we need to start with liability and maintenance issues. Council Member Low - A lot of facilities - maintenance not done correctly, we want to clarify what needs to be done first. David only joined us a few years ago and inherited,a IotTof this situation. Weakening of structures takes years, it is not his fault. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- Cannot blame David for this,.he has been her~'' \f n I y 2 years, staff has to go back and make sure we are doing preventative mainterance. Mr. Montgomery-Scott - Staff is now required twice a month,to visit maintenance is done. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- We need to find out'the actual pnonty; nc Council Member Ly - First, where we are in term of S like? We didn't have a master plan this entire time .;I an swim at Garvey Pool, went to eveits.at Garvey Parkl,, what are the nice things?,'We,have a community that;u: get worn down; this list gives us,a map; whe a do we tF occur? Picnic_bencheslcanopies.at•Rosemead'Park on years. i nere 1s?nesltatlo talked about.this for a w utilize, it's-the only thing - I think-1 from this. Council Member`An pools, it's not cost eff, much potential there, a wish list. that aygrounds, what do they look grits of Rosemead, I learned to the various facilities. Mr. Taylor - ;ess means that the facilities will the future some of the problems are going to three, repair and replace within the next 15 an in place sooner rather than later, we have facilities are there for posterity, for our kids to i - We need to look`at-items that are hazardous and liabilities, but also seeing the to keep "fixing" the problems. I learned how to swim at Rosemead pool, there is so ed to do4he items with-the most potential with the least amount of money. Council Member Low - W64 looking at data, the pools are over 60 years old, they have served the community well, and we need to look how to fund the two pool projects with no tax increase. If we can fund it, why not have pools for kids, how are we going to pay for it, to use the money well, and once you have new pool, it will last another 50 years. City Manager Allred - We will pay for it with a combination of bond proceeds, solar utility grants, partnerships, naming rights, combination, bond proceeds must be spent on new construction. We have 5 million in bond proceeds and 7 million bond proceeds might be accessible. Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 15 of 28 Mayor Clark- What is the timeline to spend the rroney? Mr. Montgomery-Scott-Yes, there is timeline for spending bond issues (redevelopment agency bonds). Mayor Clark -Have your heard something about going out to voters? Mr. Allred - Existing revenue streams to pay the debt service, and this money would come from redevelopment. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor- Get a copy of $5 million of reserve it background of Glendon Way hotel purchase, do we still have t voted at some time to stop keeping the tapes. Mr. Hawkeswort since we have been here, you can hear the tapes of what wen together. At that time, we didn't have money, 4 million to'buyIt loan the agency the 4 million, I want the $4 and $7 millicrnfully didn't spend the 4 million because we didn't buy tha'vacant lot. Council Member Ly - I make a motion to-defer this with th priority issue, and bring back no later than 2 meetings from and the $7 million, he;tape?rbcordings from the meeting? We tiaaid•we,have stopped that process, ever f on, rather than pull the papers and put them he vacant parking`lot, the City was going to explained by Mr;Allred, the City Manager. We structiori.to staff to move,all'safety items a Mr. Allred - March 23rd meeting will be at RCRRC, it'should Council Member Ly - No jeite han the second`March mg Mayor Pro Tem Taylor--. have to go through parks a consultants weren't communicatmo the;safety factors meetings instead of 2. find a good meeting in there. and find out what they priorities, the Mr. Montgomery-Scoff L these piioritieswere given to"us` we,were involved since the beginning, we established those priorities based on what the commuhtty~'communicated, we have painted the worst case scenario 'we need to have a'plan,for the,nezt 15 years ,'what we have identified as potential hazards, when you come t6nmake significant alternations or-.build new since 2000, you have to address the standards, this is apart from replacin`g•an entire system ~x) Brian Lewin - 9501 Ralph,Street, move up safety.issues, civic center 1. prominent sign in civic center that identifies Rosemead city haVastoriished of the numberof people that don't know it is City Hall, expressed support to prioritize projects'with`,public safety/liability impacts, a prominent signs for the Civic Center area, chancing the Vietnam Veteran''s,Memorial to a memorial for all Veterans, and stated his opposition to any corporate naming of facilities as a potential source of revenue. City facilities should be distinct from corporate and other agencies. Gave examples of various corporate naming, but not a good idea for cities, you are tying up the City's reputation with the corporate identity. Encourage corporate sponsorship with credit, small plaque, etc., not a good idea to have a corporate name attached. low - the survey, was it done in multiple languages? Mr. Montgomery-Scott -four languages Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 16 of 28 Council MemberLow -priority -community concerned 1st trails, 2nd neighborhood parks, 3. picnic shelters Mr. Montgomery-Scott- restrooms foraging conditions, unsanitary, unsafe, Mayor Clark - brought back - would like to have the results of the survey. Mr. Montgomery-Scott- it was brought in August, but we can bring it back again. Council Member Ly-defer for no later than two meetings, brought back to move up all security issues as priority one issues. The City Council and staff engaged in discussion regarding costs, and it was determined that further review of the list w agenda with the prioritization of any public safety/liability'im Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, sec6hd prioritize projects which have public safetylliatiility Council's review on a future agenda. Vote resulted e above referenced items, along with their >necessary•:and it should return on a future 1 icts as first conside\ation. Mayor Pro Tem Gar_iTaylor, to direct staff to :ts to the,City, and return the list for the Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low,`LyJaylor No: None \ Abstain: None Absent: None The City Council took a short,recess atw9:43 p.m and returned back to This item was.moved.uo on Request forxEvent Sponsorship and?n, Kind Services at 9:51 p.m. mtatives,from Joy of.Kung Fu, a regional martial arts organization that promotes wellness, have revised.their request for City sponsorship of a community-wide Awareness !Day on August 7, 2010 at the Rosemead Community Recreation Center the provision of in-kind services valued at $1,244. Recommendation: That the City Council direction regarding the revised request of Joy of Kung Fu for sponsorship of Fitness Awareness Day 2010 in the form of in-kind services valued at $1,244. Mr. Montgomery-Scott- Noted that in January a proposal to co-sponsor and offer funding as part of a fitness awareness day for August 8, 2010, came before the Council. The requestor revised the proposal and is now just asking for promotion, use of center and staff support at $1244 for in-kind services. Council Member Low - How is this different from when this came up last time? Mayor Pro Tern Taylor Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 17 of 28 suggested support for the hanging of banners. Mr. Montgomery-Scoff- They've eliminated the request of $4,000. Mr. Taylor's motion involved the hanging of banners and some services; however they have revised their proposal. Council Member Low - This is really just for the use of the facilities. The previous motion by Mr. Taylor also included using the City newsletter to promote the event. Mr. Montgomery-Scott - Yes, now it is just use of the facility and staff for the event. Meiling Wang - She apologized about not passing out her education and well-being of the community, showcasing va provide everyone the skills and services needed to make a This will occur on August 7th - a community event, showing being, it will include a health seminar and check up.,She nc life, attendees will find a way to live a healthier life. 'Shetsp wellness through the intersection of both eastern and westi Mayor Pro Tom Taylor- His main con this is a business. Meiling Wang -This is not a busim has not yet been approved< _ : Mayor Pro Tem Taylor`-',They are Mayor Mayor Pro'Tem Taylor '`We are money out d organizations and.su and choosing:businesses. An exa 400 children in sports activities, tli the youth. If find ifharrd,to begin a hard thing to decide. Meiling Wang - We are on Rosemead community, we going to raise funding. with Joy organization status, but it nd choosing ypu are not a non-profit yet, reluctant to start giving are not non-profits and schools, we can't be fair, we are picking ]Id\be it it is in the interest of the majority of.... like the RYA has ect benefit where the City doesn't have to organize programs for of "why did you do it for them, and didn't do it for me", this is a space at the Rosemead recreation center, this is a good activity for the to give information through City flyer, we didn't ask for money, we are Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- This is still going to the newsletter? Mr. Montgomery-Scott - Yes, we will still assist with,proinoting the event Council Member Ly - They are only asking us to sponsor the event, there are other organizations that use Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 18 of 28 3nization's information. The event is for the S mertia'arts techniques, with the goal to ng difference in their longevity and well-being. y exercise which are best for maintaining well- if you lose your:healltth, you will lose half your about the promotion of,health, wellbeing, and hilosophies. tiori',itself, he is having a hard time, because the RCRC. I make a motion to approve the recommendation to use in-kind services. Council Member Low- What they are asking for is pretty minimal, but I also share Mr. Taylor's concerns. If we have other organizations who also want to use facility and staff time, I think we may have to support those future requests as well. Council MemberArmenta - This is a great opportunity to educate the residents with athletic Tai Chi. We also have to look at who has been helping the cityMr. Wang has helped the city, we have to take consideration of that as well, and this is his daughter in law. This is in-kind funding - if people start coming to us with requests, we also need to ask them, "what:have you done for ourtcity, are you just coming into our city and asking?" This organization, the lineage has already proven that they do things for our City. Council Member Ly - Joy of Kung Fu is coming to us that this is a great event for the City of Rosemead. I do meeting health concerns, especially among our youth important that Joy of Kung Fu wants to do that. Andwi Mayor Clark- We have a motion and Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- For the minute; that we may start down a "slippery slope" Council Member Ste, approve as recommf Yes: No: T ;Abst; ;,7 Abse C. "Aaua ;ond, please n, s in: Ly and Garvey Parks Sandra Armenta, to Rosemead and Gainey Park Pools have remained inoperable since November 2009 due to a variety<of issues. These are the latest in a series of problems at the pools including safety concerns;,iriaccessibility, and inefficiency. Over the past ten years, Rosemead has spent f nearly $4.5'miilion.,on maintenance, repairs, renovations, and utilities to keep the pools operational. Currently, repairs at Rosemead Pool are estimated at $80,000 and $14,000 at Garvey Pool. Given the long term operational costs and current conditions of both pools, total renovation seems the most prudent way to address the numerous problems at these aging facilities. Recommendation: That the City Council: Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 19 of 28 ohsors0 he event itself, they genuinely feel it is a good event for the City of Rosemead by days, we should take it up as a cause, I think it is I will call for the question. is not agairist the organization or program, I believe cking arbitrarily,and how we spend City funds. 1. Direct staff to make repairs to Garvey Pool in order to conduct a community aquatics program in the City during summer 2010; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a professional services agreement with Aquatic Design Group in the amount of $58,050 from existing redevelopment bond proceeds to develop specialized schematic drawings for upgrades to facilities at Rosemead and Garvey Pools; and 3. Adopt Resolution No. 2010-16 authorizing submission of a Statewide Parks Development and Community Revitalization grant application for the Garvey Aquatic Center Project. j' Parks and Recreation Director David Montgomery Scott provided anoverview of the proposed upgrades to the aquatic facilities at both Rosemead and Garvey ParksAmmediate repairs must be done at Rosemead pool in order for it to be operational for the summer. Garvey,'pool also has°needs, but less than Rosemead pool, to be able to run a summer aquatics program for the community. We need to decide what makes the most sense, if you consider what was spent since 2000; to keep the pools operational,- it was $4.5 million dollars, much of it unplanned and unbudgeted pool-related'projects. Jhe plan for Rosemead is to make it a state of the art pool for competition, swimming, and wata~ polo.\lt currently cannot be usedfor competition because of shallow nature of pool. What we will getis a 14 lane competition pool with diving and water polo, which will allow us to take on competitive swim,4hnwgh college Ievel\Basic recreational swim and competition were all incorporated into the design -,covered, bleachers, large shaded area, adjacent lawn area, for picnic purposes, solar panels, all of the elements are tliere, a new bathhouse, takes up considerably less space, meets community needs, and meets needs of the high school. tit At Garvey pool we wanfto focus on fun and recreation; swim lessons, slides, multi-age splash play areas, it was redesigned based upon,City~Council's input recognizing the need to ensure that there is immediate accommodation. to swim lessons and,recreational swim `Also, for non-residents also who would be drawn to facility. The new facility would include new shade.structures'and a bathhouse, using flumes - even a toddler can come down the slide splash play;.2~areas designed,for different age groups, gives an aquatic experience that does not currently exist. Tfie'commun`ty currently does not have access to these programs. The lesson pool effectively rounds out the swim-play and learning water acclimation -all elements that were included in design. These would,be "green" pools;,mcorpora'ting technologies to promote energy cost savings. Neither of the pools are ADA`accessible and there are a myriad of hazards at each pool. The pools would also include new entry landscapinga\ ) The estimates are conservative for the projected costs. Funding would come from $5 million in bond proceeds, the City has additional bonding capacity without increasing taxes, and this would dramatically increase services without tax impact. We will also apply for the first round of funding on state park grants - we think we have a good shot for Garvey Park and there is no match required. We have had conversations with Rosemead High School for sharing costs of construction and future operations and maintenance. The federal stimulus and energy block grants are an option; we may receive grants or rebates in the implementation in green technology. We are also looking at corporate sponsorships, there is a potential within the community and businesses understand the value of investing. The proposed schematics give a 3-dimensional model and a realistic sense of what these new pools mean and what they will cost. It also helps us avoid getting "second-rate" contractors or designers. There are time Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 20 of 28 considerations, we have 2 pools which are currently non-operational and we want to get them operational as quickly as possible. Grant opportunities are also:available, when we have schematics that show that we are in the design/development phase, it helps with obtaining potential grant opportunities. Council MemberArmenta - Is the cost to make the pools operational factored into the entire cost of the pools - $80,000 to get things up and running? Mr. Montgomery-Scott - Yes, that would be subtracted from total cost down the line. Council Member Armenta - If we decide to fix the pools, what's the`estimati will be intact and not need to be fixed again? Mr. Montgomery-Scott- It's hard to guess, but reality, especially'at Rosemea every year, there have been consistent problems, like leaks developing in the want a new solution, not just to redo the pool. About 80%,of the cost to comp way in replacing the pool, as compared to what it would-cost to redo the pool. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- I disagree with Mr. Montgomery-Scott=The pools have continue tomorrow and next year. Council Member Low - are we not going to repai Mr. Montgomery-Scott- The $80,000 to repair Rc pool / f Low - Council Membi aquatics center. as on how many years the pools pool, we have a problem col every other year. We tely renovate will go a long problems, and these will what about Rosemead pool, vatic drawings for the replacement of the pools. move forward with schematics for Rosemead pool to make sure kids have a place to swim this summer? - I would like to repaii Garvey pool and also work on the Rosemead park Mr. Montgomery-Scott- We-would l kefto move forward with schematic drawings of both facilities, there are several decisions to be made; we can use existing bond funding to cover the significant portion of the Rosemead pool, and however we are a fair distance down the road. After the schematics are done, there potential to move forward. We can immediately begin pursuing grant funds to rebuild Garvey pool Council Member Ly - $14,000 to operate Garvey pool? Where is this money coming from? Mr. Montgomery-Scott - We have existing funds within the budget to do this project. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- I have a question on the Garvey park aquatics - I don't see a lesson pool on there. Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 21 of 28 1 Mr. Montgomery-Scott- It was included in the document handed out on February 6, 2010. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- Where is the additional information? Mr. Montgomery-Scott-The revised proposal of costs, shows $47,000, but it clearly shows the cost estimates at Garvey pool. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- $461,000 to $520,000? The lesson pool is only going to cost 60,000? The wet play and slides have gone down. Wet play was $281,000 and now it's down4o,$175,000. Mr. Montgomery-Scott- It was reduced from 3 wet play.to 2, there isno difference in the water slides, they are at $180,000. ,/N' ✓ u~ Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- $16,500, you reduced the other two to come up witti,the rest of the cost for the instructional pool. In regard to my comments about;Keeping up with the Joneses";,other pools are definitely ~x .h nicer so to speak, my objections were when staff noted.'hat 80% would be renovatidh.or regeneration. 80% of 6.5 million dollars. When the young man was talkingtovs, the surge; pit area, was it 30 x 30 feet? Mr. Montgomery-Scott - Three are Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- What do you thin 8 x 15 foot area. Mr. Montgomery-Scoff Mayor Pro Tern Taylor- the equipmentpasically a Mr. Montgomery-Scott-~ Mayor Pro TerrrTaylor- We ca equipment, pumps or what have small pool there. The pi tture we Council Member Ly - I wentAo however, the lesson pool at Font and intermediate lessons, a very is in that feet? Regardless of that, it could be replaced by be underground, but the rest doesn't have to be below grade and iced.,,There are'4 filtering tanks, 10-15 years old. those with much smaller units, we have lots of wore out I wahL o go back to Garvey Park and keep a pool down there, the Dwn is a different pool. ia, Mayor Clark and I, and in concept I couldn't decide on size, exactly what we were talking about. It is a great pool for beginning pool and will work very well if that is what we would put into Garvey. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- We would need to have dimensions. Mr. Montgomery-Scott- It is a 1500 square foot proposal, 30 x 50. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- I am curious about, at Rosemead pool, the solar panels, the way the picture was, it appeared they were above the small wading pool. Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 22 of 28 Mr. Montgomery-Scott - The wading pool would be relocated to the southern edge. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- Would it be joined? Mr. Montgomery-Scott=Yes, the small tots in one side. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- What prevents them from`slipping over? Mr. Montgomery-Scott- There would be ropes, staff and lifeguards would be present. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor- Can we come up with another desigri,,to;prevent this very real safety issue, IZ concerned about little kids slipping? 11<,\ Mr. Montgomery-Scott- We can install a moveable bulkhead so that they couldn't,access the deeper side of the pool. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- Is that a solar roof on the Mr. Montgomery-Scott - And on the Council Member Ly - We are talking about a'stiade structure picnic area~and pool access. Council Member Arm `tai For the.record, I want a~poo at;Garvey`Parrk. Council Member Low - Thistis,a good+th n9 for the city,;;l,heard Mr. Taylor say, "we don't want to keep up with Joneses",.however, the residents really deserve this, the pool has lasted us many years, it is time for us to have a new facility, it i 'very costly for "Band Aid'~maintenance, it is more cost effective to rebuild and we are savino construction monev:, Council Member,Ly- I make motion to ccept staffs recommendation, with one amendment, the addition of a public awareness plan. Especially asRwe are'going through process, change can be traumatic, by going through "step by step`:we let the publihnow at least 2-3 months before start of any capital projects in that area. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- I have an,is ue with the pool caulking at Garvey. In May 2008 we did it for $6,000 that is from April 2000 to December 9 for the 10 year period. I see the caulking down there one time, but I also asked for names of the contractors at Garvey, even if they did it 4 times at Rosemead, I feel that it was sloppy work. Mr. Montgomery-Scoff - The second time would be now, it needs to be caulked now. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- This is by our own causing because we are drying it out. Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 23 of 28 Brian Lewin - 9501 Ralph Street, expressed his support for Mayor Pro Tern Taylor's comments regarding contractor-related problems, we need to get names of people so we know who "not to use" Generally, he went on tours of Rosemead and Garvey pools as they currently exist and also went to visit facilities out in Fontana. He was very impressed by Fontana facility, and notes that it has excellent potential. We should do Rosemead pool - only what needs to be done to address safety issues, especially acid storage, it is contributing to the decay. Other things that need to be considered are that both facilities have the potential to be "draws" for the City. It gives something better for the residents, and events will happen if it is used for Rosemead High School training. Garvey facility is another excellent draw - we will get use from Montebello, Monterey Park - the areas immediately neighboring. This could make an. excellent contribution to the City's bottom line. He has a reservation about Garvey facility, is staff working on a parking plan for the facility. If it is successful there will be lot of cars coming to the facility and we need to accommodate those vehicles. Council Member Ly - Called for the question. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor - For the minutes, he wants,th( appropriate time, which is not now, for example, he`hotf Irwindale and Industry have reserves for multi-million di tuition for kids who live in the City. We don't have those rd to reflect thafhis ~'no' other cities and the pro the State cannot stop tt 11 of resources, if we had evioris discussion (park vote is that, at the support the plan. He also requests that people refer to the comments about the pools. Council Member Steven Ly made a motion; seconded recommended, with the addition of,includinia.'Oublic about the "step by-step" proces`s~at least two to three project work. Vote resulted m } Yes: Armenta; Clark„Low, Ly 8. MA items they are having. ?m:,,They pay college !,'then he would 31an)*where he made ber Polly Low, to approve as ram, advising the residents the commencement of any is seeking Council Support for Re-Election to the SCAG at the City Council give staff further direction on this matter. Mayor Clark- I am seeking re-election to regional courcil seat on SCAG. SCAG is going to be implementing SB 375; we need to be at the table and willing to make sure that it is done right. Council Member Ly- You have served our region well and I will be at the March 18th meeting to vote for you. Mayor Clark- You need to be there in person to vote, Mr. Taylor. Rosemead Community Development Commission and, City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 24 of 28 0 Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- Yes, I will be there, I might shock everybody. Council Member Sandra Armenta made a motion, seconded by Council Member Steven Ly, to provide support to Mayor Margaret Clark in her bid for re-election to the SCAG Regional Council. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. Public Safety Connections - Policy and Vice Chair and Appointment of Chair At the February gih meeting, the City Council authorized the formation of this community- based forum to facilitate public participation in the ongoing efforts;fo prevent crime and combat alcohol and drug abuse. At thisipoint in time; the policy statement for the operation of Public Safety Connections. needs to be. amended to clarify that two (2)'rn mbers of the City Council will be appointed to serve in the capacities..oof Chair and Vice Chair respectively. Recommendation: That the Lily Council; 1) approve,,the revised Public Safety Connections policy statement; and 2) confrm,the Mayor's,designation~of Members of the City Council to serve as Chairand;Vice Chair of Public Safety,;Connections`for terms of one year. I'll - 4 City Manager Jeff Allred-_ We i Chair and Vice Chair will be ME Mayor Clark I would like to a Council Member Steven ' 'W" recommended, and appoint Armenta as V'iceZhair of the Yes Arrmenta No: l> Abstain: Nom Absent: None minor revisions to the policy"as requested by the Council. The City Councl! he mayor makes some designations. pint Polly LoWas.chair and Sandra Armenta as vice chair, a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Gary Taylor, to approve as cil Member•Polly Low as Chair, and Council Member Sandra Iic,Safety Connections. Vote resulted in: Ly, Taylor 9. COMMENTS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 25 of 28 Mayor Pro Tem Taylor - We received a letter that Mr. Wong sent to the Fire Department requesting that the inspections be brought back to the City. This was in the City Manager's newsletter. These are the buildings under the power lines, the "Tip Top" center, west of Walnut Grove. The letter states to "respectfully allow the residents to apply for and receive sign offs from the City. We want to remove inspections from the Fire Department and bring it back to the city? City Manager Jeff Allred - We are asking that the Fire Chief rescind his order that the Fire Department not provide inspections. The request is for the Fire Chief to rescind the prohibition from making these inspections. The Fire Chief has prohibited inspectors to inspect anything under the power lines and Stan's letter is asking him to rescind that and allow the county inspectors to do the inspections.}Currently, a third party inspector has to be retained. The third party is a private consultant that takes/the place of the Fire Department since they refused to do the inspections, but they still won't do anything under the Edison power line. The solution is to hire a third party to inspect the building and the Building de'p'artmenttwillsign off on it. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor - The Fire Department did not and would not do inspections and a third party did the inspections? Director of Community Development Services Star Wong fm.a,little fuzzy on that v y y \ st ff dno one has continuity, I thought an outside party..... Ma or Pro Tern Ta lor- We have all new Assistant City Manager Matt HaH reconsider their position and alloy Mayor Pro Tern Taylor-,Who is Director of Community.Devepr the Fire De6hmenv46 ds. Mayor Pro,Tgm Taylor - The:Fii Council Mem6er, Ly,- Staff to do the inspection. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor -NThis was February 10th, your letter, maybe you don't have the background this was part of the reason why the,City Manag`e~r before Mr. Chi was basically fired. They were trying to take away all inspections from the Fire Department and superseding the County's fire standards. Rosemead City was to do all the fire inspections and we wouldn't have to follow their rule, that's the background on that facility. There were others, but they were trying to issue permits.....don't know if you were aware of that Director of Community Development Services Stan Wong - We are trying to get the County to do it. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor- It is a sticky situation, come do the inspection even though we don't want them building under the power lines. Another thing, I asked for a letter back, a memo to the council, stating, who was talked to regarding John Nunez unemployment benefits, that's the way I asked it, who talked to who and Rosemead Community Development Commission and' City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 26 of 28 arty,did'the inspections and we are asking the County to do the'inspection so we don't have to do the inspection. is still going to be a third party outside, unless is still not doing inspections? when. All we got was in the City newsletter, don't want an incident like what happened the first time, there was no correspondence, it was all put back on human resources, somebody who originally challenged it. Mayor Clark - I want to know the original..... Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- Where we are now, who was talked to and who said what. Assistant City Manager Matt Hawkesworth - I have more updates to provide this week, a new update what has progressed thus far. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor- Who are you talking to, that wasn't in it,two weeks ago. Assistant City Manager Matt Hawkesworth - I will include i the Senator's office notified us that Senator Romero is into officials will not be eligible to receive unemployment,benef local elected officials. Mayor Clark- Is the EDD trying to danc Assistant City Manager Matt Hawkeswoi returned calls. I don't have good answer Mayor Pro Tem Taylor-They still`ne c r, Assistant City Manager'MittHawkeswoi Mayor Pro Tem-Taylor- Ste Assistant City'Manager Matt Senator's sav"City has correc 'the updates this week, notified, Henry Low from cing legislation to.further clarify that elected it will be further defined to say both state and .around that? q,, I,spoke,to Mr. James Nei wt'they are.nofanswering'th to get it larified has he bee h - He is not eliqible to recei - He has-t we should Mayor Pro Tem,Taylor-There is'a fly in the I left message and he hasn't benefits for a year now? )receiving it, City has been billed for it, and be paying it. try to get them to back down. Council Member Armenta- I would like to see a timeline, when we were first notified, who knew that he was receiving, want a timeline with,names„people coming to us, didn't you know I think it is ridiculous that Council does not know what is going'on at City Hall. Who knew about it? City Manager JeffAllred - We will provide a timeline with more information - with names on it. Council Member Ly - I specifically asked about the (NAME) hotel, I commend Mayor Clark and Mayor Pro Tern Taylor for denying that purchase, at the next Council meeting I would like to open an investigation about that purchase. I believe it was done fraudulently. Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 27 of 28 Mayor Pro Tern Taylor- The hotel was done prior to that, you want the hotel acquisition, not what I was referring to which was the 4 million dollars for the vacant lot. Council Member Ly- My second item is whether or not heard we have heard from Edison regarding green space. This is meeting number four in a row, I wilf continue bringing this up until they do. My item number three, I am glad we are looking at Dinsmore; I would like to see in the near future a plan for a cultural museum. What are we going to do with it and what are we doing to develop cultural history of Rosemead. I would also like to drop "ad hoc" off of Youth committee name and make it a permanent organization. City Manager JeffAllred - We have already dropped it since it is Council Member Ly - There is an upcoming meeting at would like staff to bring back a report making us an inten: because of his efforts we now have traffic calming meast 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:57 pm. The next joint Con meeting is scheduled to take place on M`a,rch 9; 2010 at body. ling the SR 60 coalition, we like to thank Brian Lewin; 7:00 p.m., City Council ATTEST: Gloria Molleda, Rosemead Community Development Commission and City Council Joint Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2010 Page 28 of 28 Mayor