PC - Item 4D - Municipal Code Amendment 10-05, to Revise Regulations Pertaining to the Development of Flag Lots in the City of RosemeadROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DIVISION DATE: JULY 19, 2010 SUBJECT: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT 10 -05, AMENDING THE 'ZONING CODE TO REVISE REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF FLAG LOTS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD SUMMARY Municipal Code Amendment 10 -05 is a City initiated amendment to the Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) for the purpose of revising definitions, development standards, and diagrams that regulate the development of flag lots in residential zones to implement the recently updated General Plan and to clarify inconsistencies between flag lot text and graphics in the Rosemead Municipal Code. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The Rosemead City Council adopted a General Plan update and certified an accompanying Program Environmental Impact Report (Program EIR) on October 14, 2008. The certified Program EIR provided a program -level assessment of the environmental impacts resulting from development pursuant to land use policy and implementation of the goals and policies set forth in all chapters of the updated General Plan, as well as long -term implementation of the General Plan through a revised Zoning Code. On April 13, 2010, the City Council adopted an Addendum to the 2008 Program EIR. Municipal Code Amendment 10 -05 is consistent with the Program EIR and Addendum, and pursuant to Public Resources Code 21083.3 and CEQA Guidelines sections 15162, 15168 and 15183 is exempt from the requirement that additional environmental documentation be prepared. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 10 -24 (Attachment A), a resolution recommending that the City Council ADOPT Ordinance No. 901 (Attachment B), amending Title 17 of the Rosemead Municipal Code to revise flag lot development standards. Planning Commission Meeting July 19, 2010 Page 2 of 6 BACKGROUND On July 12, 1983, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 560 (Exhibit C) to establish development standards for flag lot developments in order to provide for the opportunity for single - family residential lot development. This ordinance amended several definitions in the Zoning Code and added development standards for how residential lots could be subdivided into flag lot configurations. The Ordinance also incorporated an appendix of drawings (referred to as Appendix A) which depicted typical flag lot measurements and layouts. A flag lot is a lot whose shape is created in a manner which utilizes an extension of property (the flag pole) for the exclusive purpose of obtaining vehicular and pedestrian access to a public street. The following assessor map image depicts typical flag lot subdivision development that has occurred in Rosemead over the last several years Example of Flag Lot Development On May 17, 2010, Planning staff presented to the Commission a memorandum discussing several inconsistencies that had been discovered between text in the Zoning Code and the diagrams that were adopted in Appendix A that were meant to illustrate flag lot layouts. These related to the minimum lot area for flag lots and how the minimum lot width (street frontage) is determined. At that time, the Planning Commission provided direction to staff to amend the Zoning Code and diagrams to address the inconsistencies. ANALYSIS Lot Area Requirement Section 17.16.140(E) of the RMC states that "the minimum lot area shall be six thousand (6,000) square feet and shall be calculated as per Section 17.04.020, provided, however, that for the purposes of this section, the following shall be applicable: MGSCATEL " ��ni6 Flag Lots 5694 s6.4 445 ibr 59.94 TR 31 q 14 2„ 33 ^ °- 9 if F F@2� F 56 11?J SF -1 6125 5i _ n 3 #1 o- HIM; 56 4 a rr rsH p•1 11334V LS.C4 bi Example of Flag Lot Development On May 17, 2010, Planning staff presented to the Commission a memorandum discussing several inconsistencies that had been discovered between text in the Zoning Code and the diagrams that were adopted in Appendix A that were meant to illustrate flag lot layouts. These related to the minimum lot area for flag lots and how the minimum lot width (street frontage) is determined. At that time, the Planning Commission provided direction to staff to amend the Zoning Code and diagrams to address the inconsistencies. ANALYSIS Lot Area Requirement Section 17.16.140(E) of the RMC states that "the minimum lot area shall be six thousand (6,000) square feet and shall be calculated as per Section 17.04.020, provided, however, that for the purposes of this section, the following shall be applicable: Planning Commission Meeting July 19, 2010 Page 3 of 6 (1) The minimum developable lot area, exclusive of vehicle access leg or common drive -way access easements, shall be five thousand (5,000) square feet, and as set out in Appendix A attached to the ordinance codified in this title." The purpose of Appendix A (See attached Exhibit C) is to illustrate the development standards for residents and developers. However, when calculating the gross and net lot areas using the dimensions in the diagrams in Appendix A (Standard Plan No. P -7), the totals do not satisfy the requirement stated in the text portion of the Ordinance. The current diagrams could also be interpreted to mean that only 5,000 square feet of net lot area is required for a flag lot and that the 6,000 square feet for the gross area does not apply. In reviewing past meeting minutes dating back to 1983 regarding the creation of the flag lot ordinance, it is evident that the intent of the ordinance was to require a minimum 6,000 square foot gross lot area standard (total area of developable lot and access leg) and a 5,000 square foot net lot area (developable lot area) standard for each flag lot. The minimum lot area in the R -1 (Single Family Residential) and R -2 (Light Multiple Residential) zones is 6,000 square feet. Therefore requiring a gross lot area of 6,000 square feet would be consistent with the lot area requirements in the R -1 and R -2 zones. However, staff has reviewed past project case files and found that not all past subdivisions have satisfied the 6,000 gross lot area requirement, due to the fact that the diagram (Standard Plan No. P -7) does not illustrate the 6,000 gross lot area standard. On May 17, 2010, the Planning Commission determined that a flag lot must meet both the minimum net lot area of 5,000 square a feet and the gross lot area of 6,000 square feet. To address this inconsistency and the Planning Commission's determination, staff proposes to revise the definition of Lot Area in Section 17.16.140 F. of the RMC to be clear that gross lot area for a flag lot must be 6,000 square feet and that the net lot area must be a minimum of 5,000 square feet. Standard Plan No. P-7 of Appendix A has also been revised to make it clear that both the gross and net floor areas must be satisfied for flag lot developments. Attached as Exhibit D is a redline /strikeout version of the proposed revisions to the Zoning Code. Lot Width (Street Frontage) Section 17.16.140(G) of the RMC states "that the minimum street frontage for a flag lot development is directly dependent on the number of flag lots. The following requirements shall be applicable as per described circumstances, and as set out in Appendix A attached to the ordinance codified in this title. Planning Commission Meeting July 19, 2010 Paae 4 of 6 1. The minimum street frontage for a single (one) flag lot shall be fifteen (15) feet. 2. The minimum street frontage for two or more lots which are so designed to provide a common vehicular access leg by way of fee, easement or combination thereof, shall provide a minimum of three feet of real property street frontage; provided, however, that the following minimum street access widths are established: a. The street frontage for two lots shall be eighteen (18) feet; provided, however, that such requirement may be achieved by a combined contribution of individual lot street frontage which equals the required access driveway width. b. The street frontage for three flag lots shall be twenty -six (26) feet; provided, however, that such requirement may be achieved by a combined contribution of individual lot street frontage which equals the required street frontage width." However, the three lot and four lot subdivision examples in Appendix A (Standard Plan No. P -7) indicate that when two or more lots are designed to provide a common vehicular access leg, one of the lots shall provide a minimum of 15 feet of real property frontage, instead of any of the lots just satisfying the minimum three foot requirement stated above. To address this inconsistency, Planning Staff recommends that Section 17.16.140 H (Lot Width — Street Frontage) of the RMC be revised to more clearly state that each leg within a flag lot subdivision with two or three flag lots must be a minimum of three (3) feet in width as long as the total width for the access leg is also maintained. Standard Plan No. P -7 has been revised to delete the reference to a fifteen (15) foot minimum width for one of the access legs to be more consistent with the revised text in the Zoning Code. Doing this will allow the access legs to be shared more equally among flag lots, which will assist in achieving the 6,000 square foot minimum lot area requirement. Front Yard Although it was not discussed at the May 17, 2010 Planning Commission meeting on the flag lot issues, it has come to the attention of Planning staff that there is also confusion about which side of a flag lot must be considered as the front yard. Currently the flag lot development standards do not clearly state if the front yard on a flag lot has to be parallel to the street or if it may be perpendicular to the street. The diagrams in Appendix A (specifically Standard Plan No. P -6) also do not clearly state which side of a flag lot can or must be the front yard. In reviewing a number of flag lot subdivisions that have be approved over the past few years, staff found that subdivisions have been Planning Commission Meeting July 19, 2010 Page 5 of 6 approved with flag lots with front yards that have been both parallel and perpendicular to the street frontage of the subdivision. To clarify the intent of the Zoning Code with respect to the front yard requirements for flag lots, staff proposes to add clarifying language to the definitions of Lot Depth in Section 17.040.020 of the RMC to state the front lot line . of a flag lot may be parallel or perpendicular to the street which abuts the property. This allows for some flexibility on the part of the developer to decide which side of a flag lot would be most appropriate for the front yard. It is also important to note that Sections 17.16.140 J.3. and 17.16.140 L. of the RMC both give the Planning Commission authority to evaluate the most appropriate lot orientation as part of a flag lot subdivision. Therefore, the City will still have the ability to review a subdivision and determine if a particular flag lot should have its front yard parallel or perpendicular to the street on a case -by -case basis depending on the surrounding developments. Staff has also revised Standard Plan No. P -6 in Appendix A to clarify the different possible flag lot development alternatives. Conclusion The proposed Ordinance No. 901 provides a revised set of flag lot development standards that insures consistency with the General Plan for minimum lot size. The Ordinance also clarifies internal inconsistencies between text and diagrams and provides the City and developers some additional flexibility when planning and reviewing flag lot subdivisions. MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 17.116 of the Rosemead Municipal Code sets forth the procedures and requirements for zone changes and amendments. A zone change and municipal code amendments may be permitted whenever the public necessity, convenience, general welfare or good zoning practice justifies such action. California State law requires zoning to be compliant with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan. Municipal Code Amendment 10 -05 will accomplish this requirement. The revised flag lot regulations are consistent with General Plan Land Use Policy 1.2 to provide guidelines and standards to prevent land use conflicts. The revised flag lot regulations will ensure that flag lots are consistent with the density limits established in the General Plan and ensure that flag lot subdivision are designed to be compatible with neighborhood development patterns in the City. The revised flag lot regulations include provisions designed to protect the privacy of adjacent residential properties and the quality of establish neighborhoods, as required Planning Commission Meeting July 19, 2010 Page 6 of 6 by Land Use Policy 1.5 by granting the Planning Commission the authority to review flag lot subdivisions for consistency with neighborhood development patterns. The public necessity, convenience, and general welfare will be served by the adoption of the revised flag lot regulations that provides internally consistent development standards that will ensure consistency with the General Plan land use densities for residential developments while providing the opportunity for property owners to subdivide large properties in a manner that will maintain the integrity of single - family residential neighborhoods. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the required public posting requirements of the regular agenda notification process for Municipal Code Text Amendments, pursuant to Section 17.116.020 of the Rosemead Municipal Code, which includes publication in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune and posting of the notice at the six (6) public locations and on the subject site. Prepared by: -fai, � A Paul Garry Senior Planner Submitted by: 4g� tI o Community Development Director Attachments: A. Planning Commission Resolution No. 10 -24 B. Draft Ordinance No. 901 C. Ordinance No. 560 and Appendix A D. Redline /Strikeout version of proposed Municipal Code Amendment 10 -05 PC RESOLUTION 10 -24 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT 10 -05 AMENDING SECTION 17.04.020 AND 17.16.140 OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO FLAG LOT DEVELOPMENT. WHEREAS, Section 17.116.020 of the Rosemead Municipal Code sets forth procedures and requirements for municipal code amendments; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead has adopted the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, including specific development standards, to control development; and WHEREAS, Section 17.116.010 of the Rosemead Municipal Code authorize the Planning Commission to consider and recommend proposed municipal code amendments to the City Council; and WHEREAS, Municipal Code Amendment 10 -05 revises regulations for the development of flag lots; and WHEREAS, on July 9, 2010, a notice was published in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune specifying the public comment period and the time and place for a public hearing pursuant to California Government Code Section 65091(a)(3); and WHEREAS, on July 19, 2010, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed and advertised public hearing to receive oral and written testimony relative to Municipal Code Amendment 10 -05; and WHEREAS, the Rosemead Planning Commission has sufficiently considered all testimony presented to them in order to make the following determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead as follows: SECTION 1. The Planning Commission HEREBY DETERMINES that Municipal Code Amendment 10 -05 is consistent with the General Plan Program EIR and Addendum, and pursuant to Public Resources Code 21083.3 and California Environmental Quality Act CEQA Guidelines sections 15162, 15168 and 15183 is exempt from the requirement that additional environmental documentation be prepared. SECTION 2. The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that Municipal Code Amendment 10 -05 is in the best interest of the public necessity and general welfare, and good city planning practice dictates and supports the proposed 1 EXHIBIT A municipal code amendment, in that the change to the Rosemead Municipal Code will provide a superior level of planning and protection to the quality and character of the city. The revised flag lot regulations are consistent with General Plan Land Use Policy 1.2, to provide guidelines and standards to prevent land use conflicts. The revised flag lot regulations will ensure that flag lots are consistent with the density limits established in the General Plan and ensure that flag lot subdivision are designed to be compatible with neighborhood development patterns in the City. The revised flag lot regulations include provisions designed to protect the privacy of adjacent residential properties and the quality of establish neighborhoods, as required by Land Use Policy 1.5 by granting the Planning Commission the authority to review flag lot subdivisions for consistency with neighborhood development patterns. SECTION 3. The Planning Commission does HEREBY RECOMMEND that the definition of Lot Depth in Section 17.04.020 (Definitions) of the Rosemead Municipal Code be amended to read as follows: "Lot depth" means the length of a straight line drawn from the midpoint of the front lot line and at right angles to such line connecting with the line intersecting the midpoint of the rear lot line; provided, however, that for the purpose of measurement, methods of measurement shall be applicable as per the following described circumstances: 1. In the case of lot having a curved front line, the front lot line, for the purposes of this section, shall be deemed to be a line tangent to the curve and parallel to a straight line connecting the points of intersection of the side lot lines of the lot with the front lot line. 2. In the case of a flag lot, for the purposes of this section, the front lot line shall be that property line which extends across the width of the lot, which is exclusive of and is not to be confused with, those property lines contained within the flag lot vehicle access leg to the public street. The front lot line may be parallel or perpendicular to the street which abuts the property. SECTION 4. The Planning Commission does HEREBY RECOMMEND that Section 17.16.140 (Flag Lot Development) of the Rosemead Municipal Code be amended to read as follows In order to provide the opportunity for single - family residential flag lot development, and to maintain the integrity of existing single - family areas, the following regulations and criteria of evaluating flag lot development are established. However, in no case shall more than three (3) flag lots and one non -flag (conventional) lot be allowed within any subdivision. 2 EXHIBIT A A. All development standards and definitions contained within this title shall continue to be applicable and in force unless otherwise specifically addressed within this section. Particular reference is made to Section 17.16.090 pertaining to a minimum fifty (50) foot street frontage. The applicability of this requirement to non -flag lot (conventional) parcels, which may be part of the land division under consideration, is emphasized for clarity. B. Front Yard. For the purposes of this section, a "front yard" is defined as that area which extends across the width of the lot, or as otherwise defined within Section 17.04.020 and is immediately adjacent to the flag lot vehicular access leg, which connects to the public street. Such vehicular access leg is exclusive of a front yard setback area, as set out in Appendix A, attached to the ordinance codified in this title. C. Front Yard Setback. Those front yard setback requirements contained within Section 17.16.050 shall apply; provided, however, that for the purposes of measurement, the following methods shall be applicable, and as set out in Appendix A attached to the ordinance codified in this title. 1. When a single (one) flag lot is to be served by a driveway which is solely devoted to the exclusive use of such single flag lot, measurements shall be initiated from the front property line, as defined under subsection B of this section. 2. When two or more flag lots are to be serviced by a common driveway obtained through fee, easement, or in combination thereof, and when such lots lie partially within such common driveway, no setback measurements shall include any portion of such common driveway. 3. The Planning Commission may establish a new point of measurement for front yards; providing, however, that common driveways or vehicular access easements shall not be counted toward satisfying front yard setback requirements. D. Side Yard. Those side yard setback requirements contained within the underlying zone shall apply; provided, however, that for the purposes of measurement, the following methods shall be applicable as per described circumstances, and as set out in Appendix A attached to the ordinance codified in this title. 1. When a single (one) flag lot is to be served by a driveway which is solely devoted to the exclusive use of such single flag lot, measurements shall be initiated from the side property line. 2. When two or more flag lots are to be served by a common driveway obtained through fee, easement, or in combination thereof, and when such 3 EXHIBIT A lots lie partially within such common driveway, no setback measurements shall include any portion of such common driveway. E. Rear Yard. Those side yard setback requirements contained within the underlying zone shall apply. F. Lot Area. The minimum gross lot area shall be six thousand (6,000) square feet. For the purposes of this section, gross lot area shall mean the total area within the boundary lines of a lot or parcel, and the following shall also be applicable: The minimum developable lot area (net area), exclusive of vehicle access leg or common driveway access easements, shall be five thousand (5,000) square feet, and as set out in Appendix A attached to the ordinance codified in this title. G. Lot Width. The minimum lot width for a flag lot developable area as described in subsection E of this section shall be fifty (50) feet and shall be determined per the method described under Section 17.04.020, "Lot width," contained within this title. H. Lot Width— Street Frontage. The minimum street frontage for a flag lot development is directly dependent on the number of flag lots. The following requirements shall be applicable as per described circumstances, and as set out in Appendix A attached to the ordinance codified in this title. 1. The minimum street frontage for a single (one) flag lot shall be fifteen (15) feet. 2. The minimum street frontage for two flag lots which are so designed to provide a common vehicular access leg by way of fee, easement or combination thereof, shall be a minimum of three (3) feet of real property street frontage for each flag lot; provided, however, that the total street frontage for the two flag lots shall be a minimum of eighteen (18) feet. Such requirement may be achieved by a combined contribution of individual lot street frontage which equals the required access driveway width. 3. The minimum street frontage for three flag lots which are so designed to provide a common vehicular access leg by way of fee, easement or combination thereof, shall be a minimum of three (3) feet of real property street frontage for each flag lot; provided, however, that the total street frontage for the two flag lots shall be a minimum of twenty-six (26) feet. Such requirement may be achieved by a combined contribution of individual lot street frontage which equals the required access driveway. 4 EXHIBIT A 4. The minimum street frontage width for non -flag lot (conventional) parcels which face a public street, regardless of the number of flag lots in the development, shall be fifty (50) feet as prescribed in Section 17.16.090. 5. The street frontage access width may be increased beyond those requirements contained within this subsection, based on the recommendations or requirements of the City Engineer or Fire Department. Driveway. The interior lot driveway requirements shall be the same dimensions and shall occur under the same circumstances as contained within the subsection H of this section. J. Application and Procedural Provisions Pertaining to Flag Lot Developments. 1. The requirements contained within this subsection shall only apply in conjunction with the consideration of a division of land which contains a flag lot. 2. A site plan, drawn to scale, which accurately depicts all proposed structures and required setbacks and vehicle driveways, shall be submitted in conjunction with any application for a division of land which contains a flag lot. The site plan will become a permanent formal record of reference within the city's subdivision files after the approval or denial of such plan. The surrounding areas and land uses shall be shown for a distance of at least three hundred (300) feet. 3. The Planning Commission will review the merits of each flag lot proposal in relationship to the immediate property and the surrounding area. 4. Vehicle access easements for reciprocal use or otherwise shall be shown on the tentative maps, together with a statement identifying which lots are subservient and which lots are to benefit from such easements. 5. Should the Planning Commission choose to approve a subdivision of land, reasonable conditions related to on- and off -site improvements may be required. Such conditions may include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Where three or more lots are created by a subdivision, all utilities shall be placed underground; b. Correct all building code violations that exist on the remaining structures; C. Correct all zoning violations; 5 EXHIBIT A d. Parcel maps splits are required to install street improvements; e. Residential driveway pavement requirements for two lot divisions are two inches of AC over three -inch base material crushed aggregate; all other divisions are four inches of AC over four -inch base material crushed aggregate, or six inches of concrete; f. New fencing and /or walls may be required along existing and proposed property lines; g. Where vehicle access easements are to be used, a covenant shall be prepared by the applicant for review and approval of the City Attorney. The covenant shall assure that private common driveways shall be continually maintained and that cost associated with such maintenance shall be equally shared by all future property owners, whose properties benefit within the division, and shall include the following provisions: They shall have the right to cause such repair to be accomplished, and to place liens on the involved properties, if in the estimation of the City Engineer, the subject common driveway has reached a state of disrepair which renders it a hazard, unsightly, or a public nuisance; and that the property owners involved have failed to act within a responsible period, thirty (30) days, after notification. ii. No parking shall be allowed within the private common driveway obtained by easement and signs restricting same shall be posted at conspicuous locations. The ability to cite violations of such parking restrictions shall be granted to the city. K. Public Hearing. A public hearing is required to be conducted on all divisions of land. This requirement applies to the creation of flag lots. The public will be notified in the manner prescribed by state and local regulations. L. Necessary Findings for Approval. The Planning Commission may approve the platting of flag lots where all of the following conditions are found to exist: 1. That the design is justified by topographic conditions or the size and shape of the property prohibits conventional lot division practices; 2. That proposed flag lot division is not so at variance with the existing neighborhood pattern or development as to create detrimental visual or privacy impacts. 6 EXHIBIT A M. Effective Date of Order Granting or Denying the Platting of Flag Lots —Time for Appeal. The resolution of the Planning Commission granting or denying the platting of flag lots shall become effective and final on the fourteenth day following its adoption unless within such period of time, an appeal in writing is filed with the City Clerk by the applicant or any other interested person. Any such appeal shall be accepted by the City Council. The timely filing of an appeal shall stay the effective date of the Planning Commission's resolution pending action by the City Council. N. Attached to the ordinance codified in this title, and incorporated herein by this reference, is that certain document entitled "Appendix A— Rosemead Municipal Code —Flag Lot Development," which contains drawings that depict typical flag lot measurements and layouts. SECTION 5. The Planning Commission HEREBY RECOMMENDS TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL of Municipal Code Amendment 10 -05, revising standards for flag lot developments within the City of Rosemead. SECTION 6. This resolution is the result of an action taken by the Planning Commission on July 19, 2010 by the following vote: YES: NO: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SECTION 7. The secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall transmit copies of same to the applicant and the Rosemead City Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 19th day. of July, 2010. William Alarcon, Chairman 7 EXHIBIT A CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead at its regular meeting, held on 19th day of July, 2010, by the following vote: YES: NO: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Stan Wong, Secretary 8 EXHIBIT A APPENDIX "A" ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE LOT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS: SECTION 17.04.020 - LOT DEPTH I w1 z1 w J I I Z J I r I z ~o LOT DEPTH LINE oa J- ----- -- ---- - - - --- - z MID -POINT -- a w o 0 � I F 01 J I FRONT LOT LINE ACCESS LEG ACCESS LEG STREET - R/W ACCESS LEG I I w I LOT DEPTH LINE FRONT LOT LINE I MID -POINT I I z I Z ~a a w 1 w l I I F I ACCESS LEG / I z r a O / O/ I o i S =r I I I _ NOT TO SCALE DATE APPROVED CITY OF ROSEMEAD STANDARD LOT DEVELOPMENT PLAN N0. LOT DEPTH REQUIREMENTS P -5 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPENDIX "A" ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE FLAG LOT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS: SECTION 17.16.140 (B), (C), (D) & (E) - YARDS REAR YARD io is STRUCTURE I :l 9,P O 45" ACCESS LEG 15' 15' SIDE YARD r -- FRONTI I REAR STRUCTURE YARD i YARD STREET 15' ACCESS LEG FRONT YARD STRUCTURE REAR YARD NOT TO SCALE NOTE: THE PLANNING COMMISSION MAY ESTABLISH THE MOST APPROPRIATE LOT ORIENTATION FOR CONSISTENCY WITH NEIGHBORHOOD PATTERNS AND TO MINIMIZE VISION OR PRIVACY IMPACTS DATE APPROVED CITY OF ROSEMEAD STANDARD FLAG LOT DEVELOPMENT PLAN NO. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY YARD REQUIREMENTS - ALTERNATES P -6 DEVELOPMENT APPENDIX "A" ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE FLAG LOT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS: SECTION 17.16.140 (E) & (G) - LOT AREA & WIDTH TWO LOT SUBDIVISION - THREE LOT SUBDIVISION FOUR LOT SUBDIVISION 68' 76' 65' 2 3 4 1 FLAG LOT FLAG LOT FLAG LOT � 6000 SQ. FT. � 6000 SQ. FT. r 6000 SQ. FT. GROSS GROSS GROSS 5000 SQ. FT. 1 5000 SQ. FT. 5000 SQ. FT. NET TI NET NET ACCESS LEG &EASEMENT 1 15' ACCESS LEG MIN & EASEMENT 1 z 3 �w w Z m FLAG LOT m m w w w FLAG LOT cwi o < w b CONVENTIONAL a o 6000 SQ. FT. c�i < LOT < °' GROSS o 16000 SO. FT. 6000 SQ. FT. 1 GROSS 5000 SQ. FT. NET NET 15000 SO. FT. 1 NET -'6 ACCESS LEG1 50' MIN. ACCESS LEG & EASEMENT — & EASEMENT 1 � 1- I 2 STREET 1 Z 1 w w FLAG LOT o R�W CONVENTIONAL U Q < w 1 O — LOT 6000 SQ. FT. N GROSS 6000 SQ. FT. 1 5000 SQ. FT. 18' MIN. NET 1 NET I 3' MIN. 3' MIN. I ACCESS LEG 50' MIN. & EASEMENT 1 STREET 1 R/W CONVENTIONAL 26' MIN. _ LOT N 3' MIN. 6000 SQ. FT. NET \ Y. X50' MIN. - XV STREET NOT TO SCALE -RAW NOTE: GROSS LOT AREA INCLUDES THE ACCESS LEG NET LOT AREA EXCLUDES THE ACCESS LEG AND /OR EASEMENT DATE APPROVED DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF ROSEMEAD FLAG LOT DEVELOPMENT LOT AREA & WIDTH REQUIREMENTS STANDARD PLAN N0. P -7 ORDINANCE NO. 901 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT 10 -05 AMENDING TITLE 17 (ZONING) OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO REVISE THE REGULATIONS FOR FLAG LOT DEVELOPMENT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Findings. The following findings are adopted in support of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to revise the . regulations pertaining to the development of flag lots in residential zones; and A. The City Council of the City of Rosemead wishes to promote the City of Rosemead's interest in protecting and preserving the quality and character of the residential areas in the City, and the quality of life through effective land use planning; and B. The City currently has provisions in its Municipal Code that regulate flag lot development. The City has determined that the regulations require updating to improve consistency with the General Plan land use densities allowed in residential zones and to resolve inconsistencies between text and diagrams in the Municipal Code; and D. It is the purpose and intent of the Ordinance to provide improved development standards and diagrams to ensure flag lot developments are consistent with neighborhood patterns. E. The proposed amendment would not be detrimental to the public convenience, health, safety, or general welfare of the City, and SECTION 2. The City Council hereby determines that Municipal Code Amendment 10 -05 is consistent with the General Plan Program EIR and Addendum, and pursuant to Public Resources Code 21083.3 and California Environmental Quality Act CEQA Guidelines sections 15162, 15168 and 15183 is exempt from the requirement that additional environmental documentation be prepared The City Council, having final approval authority over this project, has reviewed and considered all comments received during the public review period prior to the approval of this project. SECTION 3. The City Council HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that Municipal Code Amendment 10 -05 is in the best interest of the public necessity and 1 EXHIBIT B general welfare, and good city planning practice dictates and supports the proposed municipal code amendment, in that the change to the Rosemead Municipal Code will provide a superior level of planning and protection to the quality and character of the City. SECTION 4. The City Council FURTHER FINDS AND DETERMINES that Municipal Code Amendment 10 -05 is consistent with the Rosemead General Plan as follows: The revised flag lot regulations are consistent with General Plan Land Use Policy 1.2, to provide guidelines and standards to prevent land use conflicts. The revised flag lot regulations will ensure that flag lots are consistent with the density limits established in the General Plan and ensure that flag lot subdivision are designed to be compatible with neighborhood development patterns in the City. The revised flag lot regulations include provisions designed to protect the privacy of adjacent residential properties and the quality of establish neighborhoods, as required by Land Use Policy 1.5 by granting the Planning Commission the authority to review flag lot subdivisions for consistency with neighborhood development patterns. NOW, THEREFORE the City Council of the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California, does hereby find, determine and ordain as follows: SECTION 5. Code Amendment. 17.04.020 (Definitions) of the Rosemead read as follows: The definition of Lot Depth in Section Municipal Code is HEREBY AMENDED to "Lot depth" means the length of a straight line drawn from the midpoint of the front lot line and at right angles to such line connecting with the line intersecting the midpoint of the rear lot line; provided, however, that for the purpose of measurement, methods of measurement shall be applicable as per the following described circumstances: 1. In the case of lot having a curved front line, the front lot line, for the purposes of this section, shall be deemed to be a line tangent to the curve and parallel to a straight line connecting the points of intersection of the side lot lines of the lot with the front lot line. 2. In the case of a flag lot, for the purposes of this section, the front lot line shall be that property line which extends across the width of the lot, which is exclusive of and is not to be confused with, those property lines contained within the flag lot vehicle access leg to the public street. The front lot line may be parallel or perpendicular to the street which abuts the property. 2 EXHIBIT B SECTION 6. Code Amendment, Section 17.16.140 (Flag Lot Development) of the Rosemead Municipal Code is HEREBY AMENDED to read as follows In order to provide the opportunity for single - family residential flag lot development, and to maintain the integrity of existing single - family areas, the following regulations and criteria of evaluating flag lot development are established. However, in no case shall more than three (3) flag lots and one non -flag (conventional) lot be allowed within any subdivision. A. All development standards and definitions contained within this title shall continue to be applicable and in force unless otherwise specifically addressed within this section. Particular reference is made to Section 17.16.090 pertaining to a minimum fifty (50) foot street frontage. The applicability of this requirement to non -flag lot (conventional) parcels, which may be part of the land division under consideration, is emphasized for clarity. B. Front Yard. For the purposes of this section, a "front yard" is defined as that area which extends across the width of the lot, or as otherwise defined within Section 17.04.020 and is immediately adjacent to the flag. lot vehicular access leg, which connects to the public street. Such vehicular access leg is exclusive of a front yard setback area, as set out in Appendix A, attached to the ordinance codified in this title. C. Front Yard Setback. Those front yard setback requirements contained within Section 17.16.050 shall apply; provided, however, that for the purposes of measurement, the following methods shall be applicable, and as set out in Appendix A attached to the ordinance codified in this title. 1. When a single (one) flag lot is to be served by a driveway which is solely devoted to the exclusive use of such single flag lot, measurements shall be initiated from the front property line, as defined under subsection B of this section. 2. When two or more flag lots are to be serviced by a common driveway obtained through fee, easement, or in combination thereof, and when such lots lie partially within such common driveway, no setback measurements shall include any portion of such common driveway. 3. The Planning Commission may establish a new point of measurement for front yards; providing, however, that common driveways or vehicular access easements shall not be counted toward satisfying front yard setback requirements. D. Side Yard. Those side yard setback requirements contained within the underlying zone shall apply; provided, however, that for the purposes of measurement, the 3 EXHIBIT B following methods shall be applicable as per described circumstances, and as set out in Appendix A attached to the ordinance codified in this title. 1. When a single (one) flag lot is to be served by a driveway which is solely devoted to the exclusive use of such single flag lot, measurements shall be initiated from the side property line. 2. When two or more flag lots are to be served by a common driveway obtained through fee, easement, or in combination thereof, and when such lots lie partially within such common driveway, no setback measurements shall include any portion of such common driveway. E. Rear Yard. Those side yard setback requirements contained within the underlying zone shall apply. F. Lot Area. The minimum gross lot area shall be six thousand (6,000) square feet. For the purposes of this section, gross lot area shall mean the total area within the boundary lines of a lot or parcel, and the following shall also be applicable: The minimum developable lot area (net area), exclusive of vehicle access leg or common driveway access easements, shall be five thousand (5,000) square feet, and as set out in Appendix A attached to the ordinance codified in this title. G. Lot Width. The minimum lot width for a flag lot developable area as described in subsection E of this section shall be fifty (50) feet and shall be determined per the method described under Section 17.04.020, "Lot width," contained within this title. H. Lot Width— Street Frontage. The minimum street frontage for a flag lot development is directly dependent on the number of flag lots. The following requirements shall be applicable as per described circumstances, and as set out in Appendix A attached to the ordinance codified in this title. 1. The minimum street frontage for a single (one) flag lot shall be fifteen (15) feet. 2. The minimum street frontage for two flag lots which are so designed to provide a common vehicular access leg, by way of fee, easement or combination thereof; shall be a minimum of three (3) feet of real property street frontage for each flag lot; provided, however, that the total street frontage for the two flag lots shall, be a minimum of eighteen (18) feet. Such requirement may be achieved by a combined contribution of individual lot street frontage which equals the required access driveway width. 4 EXHIBIT B 3. The minimum street frontage for three flag lots which are so designed to provide a common vehicular access leg by way of fee, easement or combination thereof, shall be a minimum of three (3) feet of real property street frontage for each flag lot; provided, however, that the total street frontage for the two flag lots shall be a minimum of twenty -six (26) feet. Such requirement may be achieved by a combined contribution of individual lot street frontage which equals the required access driveway. 4. The minimum street frontage width for non -flag lot (conventional) parcels which face a public street, regardless of the number of flag lots in the development, shall be fifty (50) feet as prescribed in Section 17.16.090. 5. The street frontage access width may be increased beyond those requirements contained within this subsection, based on the recommendations or requirements of the City Engineer or Fire Department. . Driveway. The interior lot driveway requirements shall be the same dimensions and shall occur under the same circumstances as contained within the subsection H of this section. J. Application and Procedural Provisions Pertaining to Flag Lot Developments. 1. The requirements contained within this subsection shall only apply in conjunction with the consideration of a division of land which contains a flag lot. 2. A site plan, drawn to scale, which accurately depicts all proposed structures and required setbacks and vehicle driveways, shall be submitted in conjunction with any application for a division of land which contains a flag lot. The site plan will become a permanent formal record of reference within the city's subdivision files after the approval or denial of such plan. The surrounding areas and land uses shall be shown for a distance of at least three hundred (300) feet. 3. The Planning Commission will review the merits of each flag lot proposal in relationship to the immediate property and the surrounding area. 4. Vehicle access easements for reciprocal use or otherwise shall be shown on the tentative maps, together with a statement identifying which lots are subservient and which lots are to benefit from such easements. 5. Should the Planning Commission choose to. approve a subdivision of land, reasonable conditions related to on- and off -site improvements may be required. Such conditions may include, but not be limited to, the following: 5 EXHIBIT B a. Where three or more lots are created by a subdivision, all utilities shall be placed underground; b. Correct all building code violations that exist on the remaining structures; C. Correct all zoning violations; d. Parcel maps splits are required to install street improvements; e. Residential driveway pavement requirements for two lot divisions are two inches of AC over three -inch base material crushed aggregate; all other divisions are four inches of AC over four -inch base material crushed aggregate, or six inches of concrete; f. New fencing and /or walls may be required along existing and proposed property lines; g. Where vehicle access easements are to be used, a covenant shall be prepared by the applicant for review and approval of the City Attorney. The covenant shall assure that private common driveways shall be continually maintained and that cost associated with such maintenance shall be equally shared by all future property owners, whose properties benefit within the division, and shall include the following provisions: They shall have the right to cause such repair to be accomplished, and to place liens on the involved properties, if in the estimation of the City Engineer, the subject common driveway has reached a state of disrepair which renders it a hazard, unsightly, or a public nuisance; and that the property owners involved have failed to act within a responsible period, thirty (30) days, after notification. ii. No parking shall be allowed within the private common driveway obtained by easement and signs restricting same shall be posted at conspicuous locations. The ability to cite violations of such parking restrictions shall be granted to the city. K. Public Hearing. A public hearing is required to be conducted on all divisions of land. This requirement applies to the creation of flag lots. The public will be notified in the manner prescribed by state and local regulations. 6 EXHIBIT B L. Necessary Findings for Approval. The Planning Commission may approve the platting of flag lots where all of the following conditions are found to exist: 1. That the design is justified by topographic conditions or the size and shape of the property prohibits conventional lot division practices; 2. That proposed flag lot division is not so at variance with the existing neighborhood pattern or development as to create detrimental visual or privacy impacts. M. Effective Date of Order Granting or Denying the Platting of Flag Lots —Time for Appeal. The resolution of the Planning Commission granting or denying the platting of flag lots shall become effective and final on the fourteenth day following its adoption unless within such period of time, an appeal in writing is filed with the City Clerk by the applicant or any other interested person. Any such appeal shall be accepted by the City Council. The timely filing of an appeal shall stay the effective date of the Planning Commission's resolution pending action by the City Council. N. Attached to the ordinance codified in this title, and incorporated herein by this reference, is that certain document entitled "Appendix A— Rosemead Municipal Code —Flag Lot Development," which contains drawings that depict typical flag lot measurements and layouts. SECTION 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed and adopted Ordinance No. 901 and each and every section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase not declared invalid or unconstitutional without regard to whether any portion of the ordinance would be subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 8. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published in the manner required by law. SECTION 9. Effective Date. The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk attest to the passage of this Ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the same to be published once in the official newspaper within 15 days after its adoption. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect thirty (30) days from its date of adoption. 7 EXHIBIT B PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of August, 2010. Gary Taylor, Mayor ATTEST: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Joseph M. Montes, City Attorney EXHIBIT B ORDINANCE NO. 560 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ESTABLISHING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR "FLAG LOT" DEVELOPMENTS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 9102.54 of the Rosemead Zoning Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "9102.54. Yard, front shall mean an area extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the front lot line and a line parallel thereto, and having a distance between them equal to the required front yard depth as prescribed in each zone. Front yards shall be measured by a line at right angles to the front lot line, or by the radial line in the case of a curved front lot line. When a lot lies partially within a planned street or common driveway indicated on a precise plan or division of land for such a street and where such planned street or common driveway is of the type that will afford legal access to such lot, the depth of the front yard shall be measured from the contiguous edge of such planned street or common driveway in the manner prescribed in this definition." Section 2. New Section 9102.36(01) is hereby added to the Rosemead Zoning Code to read as follows: "9102.36(01). Lot width shall mean the horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at right angles to the lot depth line at a point midway between the front and rear lot lines. Average width shall be the average of the length of line drawn parallel to the "lot width line" extending toward the front and rear lot lines at ten (10) foot intervals, but excluding from such determination any prolongated portions of the lot used exclusively for access to a public street or for a driveway. In computing lot width or average width, the following shall be excluded: (a) Any portion of said width which serves as an access easement to any other lot or building site; and EXHIBIT C 1 (b) Any portion of said width which serves as an improved surface food control project under the jurisdiction of any public agency. Section 3. New Section 9102.29(1) is hereby added to the Rosemead Zoning Code to read as follows: "9102.29(1). Lot depth as depicted on Appendix "A ", attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, shall mean the length of a straight line drawn from the midpoint of the front lot line and at right angles to such line connecting with the line intersecting the midpoint of the rear lot line; provided, however, that for the purpose of measurement, methods of measurement shall be applicable as per the following described circumstances: (a) In the case of a lot having a curved front line, the front lot line, for the purposes of this Section, shall be deemed to be a line tangent to the curve and parallel to a straight line connecting the points of intersection of the side lot lines of the lot with the front lot line. (b) In the case of a flag lot, for the purposes of this Section, the front lot line shall be that property line which extends across the width of the lot, which is exclusive of and is not to be confused with, those property lines contained within the flag lot vehicle access leg to the public street." Section 4. New Section 9102.29(2) is hereby added to the R(semead Zoning Code to read as follows: "9102.29(2). Lot, flag shall mean a lot whose shape or property line configuration is created in a manner which utilizes an extension of property for the exclusive purpose of obtaining vehiclar and pedestrian access to a public street, or as described within Appendix "A ", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference." Section 5. Section 9102.28 of the Rosemead Zoning Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "9102.28. Lot area shall mean the total area within the boundary lines of a lot or parcel; provided, however, that the following shall be excluded from the computation thereof: (a) Any portion of said serves as an access easement building site; or 2 lot or parcel which to any other lot or (b) Any portion of said lot or parcel which serves as an improved surface flood control project under the jurisdiction of any public agency. For the purpose of determining area in the case of an irregular, triangular or gore- shaped lot, a line ten (10) feet in length within the lot and furthest removed from the front lot line and at right angles to the line representing the lot depth of such lot shall be used as the rear lot line." Section 6. New Section 9104.21 is hereby added to the Rosemead Zoning Code to read as follows: "9104.21. Flag Lot Development, Purpose of Standards of- Develo went. In order to provide the opportunity tor sing e- amily residential flag lot development, and to maintain the integrity of existing single - family areas, the following regulations and criteria of evaluating flag lot development are esta- blished. However, in no case shall more than three (3) flag lots be allowed within any subdivision considera- tion. A. All development standards and definitions contained within this Chapter shall continue to be applicable and in force unless otherwise specifically addressed within this Section. Particular reference is made to Section 9104.7 pertaining to a minimum fifty foot (50') street frontage. The applicability of this requirement to non -flag lot parcels, which may be part of the land division under consideration, is hereby emphasized for clarity. B. Front yard. For the purposes of this Section, a front yard shall be defined as that area which extends across the width of the lot, or as otherwise defined within Section. 9102.54 and is immediately adjacent to the flag lot vehicular access leg, which connects to the public street. Such vehicular access leg is exclusive of a front yard setback area, as depicted within Appendix "A" herein. C. Front Yard Setback. Those front yard setback requirements contained within Section 9104.3 herein shall apply; provided, however, that for the purposes of measurement, the following methods shall be applicable, and as depicted within Appendix "C" herein. (1) When a single (one) flag lot is to be served by a driveway which is solely devoted to the exclusive use of such single 3 flag lot, measurements shall be initiated from the front property line, as defined under the preceeding subsection B. (2) When two or more flag lots are to be serviced by a common driveway obtained through fee, easement, or in combination thereof, and when such lots lie partially within such , common driveway, no setback measurements shall include any portion of such common driveway. (3) The Planning Commission may establish a new point of measurement for front yards; providing, however, that common driveways or vehicular access easements shall not be counted towards satisfying front yard setback requirements. D. Side Yard. The minimum side yard setback shall be five feet (5'); provided, however, that for the purposes of measurement, the following methods shall be applicable as per described circumstances and as depicted within Appendix "A" herein. (1) When a single (one) flag lot is to be served by a driveway which is solely devoted to the exclusive use of such single flag lot, measurements shall be initiated from the side property line. (2) When two or more flag lots are to be served by a common driveway obtained through fee, easement, or in combination thereof, and when such lots lie partially within such common driveway, no setback measurements shall include any portion of such common driveway. E. Lot Area. The minimum lot area shall be six thousand 6,000) square feet and shall be calculated as per Section 9102.28, provided, however, that for the purposes of this Section, the following shall be applicable: (1) The minimum developable lot area, exclusive of vehicle access leg or common driveway access easements, shall be five thousand (5,000) square feet and as depicted within Appendix "A" herein. F. Lot Width. The minimum lot width for a flag lot developable area as described in the preceeding subsection E(1) shall be fifty feet (50') and shall be determined per the method 4 described under Definitions, Section 9102.36(01) Lot Width, contained within this Chapter. G. Lot Width Street Frontage. The minimum street frontage for a flag lot development is directly dependent on the number of flag lots. The following requirements shall be applicable as per described circumstances and as depicted within Appendix "A" herein. (1) The minimum sin�le (one) flag lot (15 ) . street frontage for a shall be fifteen feet (2) The minimum street frontage for two or more lots which are so designed to provide a common vehicular access leg by way of fee, easement, or combination thereof, shall provide a minimum of three feet (3') of real property street frontage; provided, however, that the following minimum street access widths are established: (a) The street frontage for two (2) lots shall be eighteen feet (18'); pro- vided, however, that such requirement may be achieved by a combined contribution of individual lot street frontage which equals the required access driveway width. (b) The street frontage for three (3) flag lots shall be twenty -six feet (26'); provided, however, that such requirement may be achieved by a combined contribution of individual lot street frontage which equals the required street frontage width. (3) The minimum street frontage width for non -flag lot parcels which face a public street shall be fifty feet (50') as prescribed in Section 9104.7. (4) The street frontage access width may be increased beyond those requirements contained within this subpart, based on the recommendation of the City Engineer or Fire Department. H. Driveway. The interior lot driveway requirements shall be the same dimensions and shall occur under the same circumstances as contained within the preceeding subsection G. Lot Width, Street Frontage. 5 I. Application and Procedural Provisions Pertaining to Flag Lot Developments. (1) The requirements contained within this Section shall only apply in conjunction with the consideration of a division of.land which contains a flag lot. (2) That a site plan, drawn to scale, which accurately depicts all proposed structures and required setbacks and vehicle driveways, shall be submitted in conjunction with any application for a division of land which contains a flag lot. The site plan will become a permanent formal record of reference within the City's subdivision files after the approval or denial of such plan. The surrounding areas and land uses shall be shown for a distance of at least three hundred feet (300'). (3) The Planning Commission will review the merits of each flag lot proposal in relationship to the immediate property and the surrounding area. (4) Vehicle access easements for reciprocal use or otherwise shall be shown on the tentative maps, together with a statement identifying which lots are subservient and which lots.are to benefit from such easements. (5) Should the Planning Commission choose to approve a subdivision of land, reasonable conditions related to on- and off - site improvements may be required. Such conditions may include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) Where three (3) or more lots are created by a subdivision, all utilities shall be placed underground. (b) Correct all building code vio- lations that exist on the remaining structures. (c) Correct all zoning violations. (d) Parcel maps splits are required to install street improvements. (e) Residential driveway pavement requirements for two (2) lot divisions are 2 inches of AC over 3 inch base I material crushed aggregate; all other divisions are 4 inches of AC over 4 inch base material crushed aggregate, or 6 inches of concrete. (f) New fencing and /or walls may be required along existing and proposed property lines. (g) Where vehicle access easements are to be used, a covenant shall be prepared by the applicant for review and approval of the City Attorney. The . covenant shall assure that private common driveways shall be continually maintained and that cost associated with such maintenance shall be equally shared by, all future property owners, whose properties benefit within the division, and shall include the following provisions: (i) The City shall have the right to cause such repair to be accomplished, and to place liens on the involved properties, if in the estimation of the City Engineer, the subject common driveway has reached a state of disrepair which renders it a hazard, unsightly, or a public nuisance; and that the property owners involved have failed to act within a reasonable period, (thirty days), after notification. (ii) That no parking shall be allowed within the private common driveway obtained by easement and signs restricting same shall be posted at conspicuous locations. The ability to cite violations of such parking restrictions shall be granted to the City of Rosemead. J. Public Hearing. A public hearing is required to be conducted on all divisions of land. This requirement applies to the creation of flag lots. The public will be notified in the manner prescribed by State and local regulations. - K. Necessary Findings for Approval. The Planning Commission may approve the platting of flag lots where all of the following conditions are found to exist. 7 (1) That the design is justified by topographic conditions or the size and shape of the property prohibits .conventional lot division practices. (2) That proposed flag lot division is not so at variance with the existing neighbor- hood pattern or development as to create detrimental visual or privacy impacts. L. Effective Date of Order Granting or Den in the Plattin of Fla Lots - Time for Appeal. e resolution o the Planning Commission granting or denying the platting of flag lots shall become effective and final on the fourteenth (14th) day following its adoption unless within such period of time, an appeal in writing is filed with the City Clerk by the applicant or any other interested person. Any such appeal shall be accepted by the City Council. The timely filing of an appeal shall stay the effective date of the Planning Commission's resolution pending action by the City Council. M. Attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference, is that certain document entitled "Appendix A - Rosemead Municipal Code - Flag Lot Development ", which contains drawings that depict typical flag lot measurements and layouts. Section 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption o this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be processed as required by law. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 12th day of July, 1983. ATTEST: CITY CLERK MAYOR APPENDIX "A" ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE LOT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS: SECTION 9102.29 (1) - LOT DEPTH z Z J F o LOT DEPTH LINE J__________ ___ ~ IAID -POINT — z 0 LL IDATE APPROVED D I RL2G ECT PLANNING ACCESS LEG STREET C R ` ACCESS LEG vl Z I LOT DEPTH_LI N E_ Z FRONT LOT LINE J I r —MID- POINT I ` I 0 I a Z I ACCESS LEG \2� I r o I �i x I Z- r I O O� QO O o I R RFFr / JI ' I NOT TO SCALE CITY OF ROSEMEAD LOT DEVELOPMENT LOT DEPTH REQUIREMENTS STANDARD PLAN N0. P-5 APPENDIX "A" ROSEMEAD CITY MUNICIPAL CODE FLAG LOT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS: SECTION 9104.21 (B), (C) & (D) -YARDS REAR o YARD F_ - -- 5' I STRUCTURE iF vl / , /i �v/450 SIDE YARD _[_ N \` A SIDE YARD 5 __ _ _� I I I FRO NTH STRUCTURE I REAR I YARD I YARD 20 I 0 _- - SIDE YARD 15'1\\N ACCESS STREET R / W 15'1\\1 ACCESS LEG FRONT JYARD al IQ rl Ir I I — STRUCTURE —� of to NI I� I _1 REAR 21YARD NOT TO SCALE DATE APPROVED /2/ CITY OF ROSEMEAD STANDARD FLAG LOT.DEVELOPMENT PLAN N0. (RECTOR /OF P - 6 PLANNING YARD REQUIREMENTS - ALTERNATES APPENDIX "A" ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE FLAG LOT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS: SECTION 9104.20 (E) & (G) - LOT AREA & WIDTH TWO LOT SUBDIVISION 65 2 FLAG LOT -r F50 SO. FT. NET 15 I CONVENTIONAL ON LOT 6000 SOFT. NET 50 MIN STREET R/W NOTE DATE APPROVED DIRECTOh OF PLANNING THREE LOT SUBDIVISION 68 -' 3 FLAG LOT v 5000 SO. FT r NET FOUR LOT SUBDIVISION �6� 4 FLAG LOT w 5000 SOFT. `D NET ACCESS EASEMENT 3 FLAG LOT o 0 5000 SOFT. NET ACCESS FLAG LOT o 5000 SO. FT. NET 6EASEMENT STREET — R / W _ o CONVENTIONAL N LOT 20 MIN. 6000 SOFT. 3 MIN. NET 3 MIN. 50 MIN, - STREET NOT TO SCALE —RAW NET LOT AREA EXCLUDES THE ACCESS LEG AND /OR EASEMENT CITY OF ROSEMEAD FLAG LOT DEVELOPMENT LOT AREA & WIDTH REQUIREMENTS STANDARD PLAN NO. P-7 V 2 _ Z E MENT I FLAG LOT p 5000 SOFT. ✓>Iw �w �0 w� NET a c a w FOUR LOT SUBDIVISION �6� 4 FLAG LOT w 5000 SOFT. `D NET ACCESS EASEMENT 3 FLAG LOT o 0 5000 SOFT. NET ACCESS FLAG LOT o 5000 SO. FT. NET 6EASEMENT STREET — R / W _ o CONVENTIONAL N LOT 20 MIN. 6000 SOFT. 3 MIN. NET 3 MIN. 50 MIN, - STREET NOT TO SCALE —RAW NET LOT AREA EXCLUDES THE ACCESS LEG AND /OR EASEMENT CITY OF ROSEMEAD FLAG LOT DEVELOPMENT LOT AREA & WIDTH REQUIREMENTS STANDARD PLAN NO. P-7 ACCESS LEG E MENT �0 Z ENTIONAL N J\5 LOT IS NJ N. 00 SOFT w cw NET 3 MIN. 50 MIN.' FOUR LOT SUBDIVISION �6� 4 FLAG LOT w 5000 SOFT. `D NET ACCESS EASEMENT 3 FLAG LOT o 0 5000 SOFT. NET ACCESS FLAG LOT o 5000 SO. FT. NET 6EASEMENT STREET — R / W _ o CONVENTIONAL N LOT 20 MIN. 6000 SOFT. 3 MIN. NET 3 MIN. 50 MIN, - STREET NOT TO SCALE —RAW NET LOT AREA EXCLUDES THE ACCESS LEG AND /OR EASEMENT CITY OF ROSEMEAD FLAG LOT DEVELOPMENT LOT AREA & WIDTH REQUIREMENTS STANDARD PLAN NO. P-7 MCA 10 -06 Flag lots Amendments Draft: July 19, 2010 Chapter 17.04 GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONS 17.04.020 Definitions. "Lot depth" means the length of a straight line drawn from the midpoint of the front lot line and at right angles to such line connecting with the line intersecting the midpoint of the rear lot line; provided, however, that for the purpose of measurement, methods of measurement shall be applicable as per the following described circumstances: 1. In the case of lot having a curved front line, the front lot line, for the purposes of this section, shall be deemed to be a line tangent to the curve and parallel to a straight line connecting the points of intersection of the side lot lines of the lot with the front lot line. 2. In the case of a flag lot, for the purposes of this section, the front lot line shall be that property line which extends across the width of the lot, which is exclusive of and is not to be confused with, those property lines contained within the flag lot vehicle access leg to the public street. The front lot line may be parallel or perpendicular to the street which abuts the propertV. Chapter 17.16 SINGLE - FAMILY R -1 REGULATIONS* 17.16.140 Flag lot development. In order to provide the opportunity for single - family residential flag lot development, and to maintain the integrity of existing single - family areas, the following regulations and criteria of evaluating flag lot development are established. However, in no case shall more than three Q) flag lots and one non -flag (conventional) lot be allowed within any subdivision--UndeF eensiderat+ea. A. All development standards and definitions contained within this title shall continue to be applicable and in force unless otherwise specifically addressed within this section. Particular reference is made to Section 17.16.090 pertaining to a minimum fifty (50) foot street frontage. The applicability of this requirement to non -flag lot (conventional) parcels, which may be part of the land division under consideration, is emphasized for clarity. B. Front Yard. For the purposes of this section, a "front yard" is defined as that area which extends across the width of the lot, or as otherwise defined within Section 17.04.020 and is immediately adjacent to the flag lot vehicular access leg, which connects to the public street. Such vehicular access leg is exclusive of a front yard setback area, as set out in Appendix A, attached to the ordinance codified in this title. EXHIBIT D MCA 10 -05 Flag lots Amendments Draft: July 19, 2010 C. Front Yard Setback. Those front yard setback requirements contained within Section 17.16.050 shall apply; provided, however, that for the purposes of measurement, the following methods shall be applicable, and as set out in Appendix AG attached to the ordinance codified in this title. 1. When a single (one) flag lot is to be-served by a driveway which is solely devoted to the exclusive use of such single flag lot, measurements shall be initiated from the front property line, as defined under subsection B of this section. 2. When two or more flag lots are to be serviced by a common driveway obtained through fee, easement, or in combination thereof, and when such lots lie partially within such common driveway, no setback measurements shall include any portion of such common driveway. 3. The Planning Commission may establish a new point of measurement for front yards; providing, however, that common driveways or vehicular access easements shall not be counted toward satisfying front yard setback requirements. D. Side Yard. hose side yard setback requirements contained within the underlying zone shall 2l k the ����h..o he s,.,e veer, provided, however, that for the purposes of measurement, the following methods shall be applicable as per described circumstances, and as set out in Appendix A attached to the ordinance codified in this title. 1. When a single (one) flag lot is to be served by a driveway which is solely devoted to the exclusive use of such single flag lot, measurements shall be initiated from the side property line. 2. When two or more flag lots are to be served by a common driveway obtained through fee, easement, or in combination thereof, and when such lots lie partially within such common driveway, no setback measurements shall include any portion of such common driveway. E. F. E. Lot Area. The minimum gross lot area shall be six thousand (6,000) l[P3lsquare feet. Fand shall be 1p- latex S8Gti9R 17 nn mn is a h'.:^8V8F that for or the purposes of this section, tfgross lot area shall mean the total area within the boundary lines of a lot or parcel, and the following shall also be applicable: The minimum developable lot area (net area), exclusive of vehicle access leg or common driveway access easements, shall be five thousand (5,000) square feet, and as set out in Appendix A attached to the ordinance codified in this title. EXHIBIT D MCA 10 -05 Flag lots Amendments Draft: July 19, 2010 G. €Lot Width. The minimum lot width for a flag lot developable area as described in subsection E of this section shall be fifty (50) feet and shall be determined per the method described under Section 17.04.020, "Lot width," contained within this title. H. GLot Width— Street Frontage. The minimum street. frontage. for a flag lot development is directly dependent on the number of flag lots. The following requirements shall be applicable as per described circumstances, and as set out in Appendix A attached to the ordinance codified in this title. 1. The minimum street frontage for a single (one) flag lot shall be fifteen (15) feet. 2. The minimum street frontage for two eFa3ere flak lots which are so designed to provide a common vehicular access leg by way of fee, easement or combination thereof, shall beprevide a minimum of three Meet of real property street frontage for each flag lot; provided, however, that the total street frontage for the two flag lots shall be a minimum of eighteen (18) feet. Such requirement may be achieved by a combined contribution of individual lot street frontage which equals the required access driveway width. The minimum street frontage for three flag lots which are so designed to provide a common vehicular access leg by way of fee. easement or combination thereof, shall be a minimum of three (3) feet of real property street frontage for each flag lot; provided, however, that the total street frontage for the two flag lots shall be a minimum of twenty - six (26) feet. Such requirement may be achieved by a combined contribution of individual lot street frontage which equals the required access driveway, fG4Gv4R9 3. 3-4. The minimum street frontage width for non -flag lot (conventional) parcels which face a public street- regardless of the number of flag lots in the development. shall be fifty (50) feet as prescribed in Section 17.16.090. 45. The street frontage access width may be increased beyond those requirements contained within this subsection, based on the recommendations or requirements of the City Engineer or Fire Department. I. #Driveway. The interior lot driveway requirements shall be the same dimensions and shall occur under the same circumstances as contained within the subsection G-H of this section. EXHIBIT D MCA 10 -05 Flag lots Amendments Draft: July 19, 2010 J. 1Application and Procedural Provisions Pertaining to Flag Lot Developments. 1. The requirements contained within this subsection shall only apply in conjunction with the consideration of a division of land which contains a flag lot. 2. A site plan, drawn to scale, which accurately depicts all proposed structures and required setbacks and vehicle driveways, shall be submitted in conjunction with any application for a division of land which contains a flag lot. The site plan will become a permanent formal record of reference within the city's subdivision files after the approval or denial of such plan. The surrounding areas and land uses shall be shown for a distance of at least three hundred (300) feet. 3. The Planning Commission will review the merits of each flag lot proposal in relationship to the immediate property and the surrounding area. 4. Vehicle access easements for reciprocal use or otherwise shall be shown on the tentative maps, together with a statement identifying which lots are subservient and which lots are to benefit from such easements. 5. Should the Planning Commission choose to approve 'a subdivision of land, reasonable conditions related to on- and off -site improvements may be required. Such conditions may include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Where three or more lots are created by a subdivision, all utilities shall be placed underground; b. Correct all building code violations that exist on the remaining structures; c. Correct all zoning violations; d. Parcel maps splits are required to install street improvements; e. Residential driveway pavement requirements for two lot divisions are two inches of AC over three -inch base material crushed aggregate; all other divisions are four inches of AC over four -inch base material crushed aggregate, or six inches of concrete; f. New fencing and /or walls may be required along existing and proposed property lines; g. Where vehicle access easements are to be used, a covenant shall be prepared by the applicant for review and approval of the City Attorney. The covenant shall assure that private common driveways shall be continually maintained and that cost associated with such maintenance shall be equally shared by all future property EXHIBIT D MCA 10 -05 Flag lots Amendments Draft: July 19, 2010 owners, whose properties benefit within the division, and shall include the following provisions: i. They shall have the right to cause such repair to be accomplished, and to place liens on the involved properties, if in the estimation of the City Engineer, the subject common driveway has reached a state of disrepair which renders it a hazard, unsightly, or a public nuisance; and that the property owners involved have failed to act within a responsible period, thirty (30) days, after notification. ii. No parking shall be allowed within the private common driveway obtained by easement and signs restricting same shall be posted at conspicuous locations. The ability to cite violations of such parking restrictions shall be granted to the city. K. JPublic Hearing. A public hearing is required to be conducted on all divisions of land. This requirement applies to the creation of flag lots. The public will be notified in the manner prescribed by state and local regulations. L. KNecessary Findings for Approval. The Planning Commission may approve the platting of flag lots where all of the following conditions are found to exist: 1. That the design is justified by topographic conditions or the size and shape of the property prohibits conventional lot division practices; 2. That proposed flag lot division is not so at variance with the existing neighborhood,pattern or development as to create detrimental visual or privacy impacts. M. LEffective Date of Order Granting or Denying the Platting of Flag Lots —Time for Appeal. The resolution of the Planning Commission granting or denying the platting of flag lots shall become effective and final on the fourteenth day following its adoption unless within such period of time, an appeal in writing is filed with the City Clerk by the applicant or any other interested person. Any such appeal shall be accepted by the City Council. The timely filing of an appeal shall stay the effective date of the Planning Commission's resolution pending action by the City Council. N. M.Attached to the ordinance codified in this title, and incorporated herein by this reference, is that certain document entitled "Appendix A— Rosemead Municipal Code —Flag Lot Development," which contains drawings that depict typical flag lot measurements and layouts. I EXHIBIT D