CC - Item 8F - Authorization to submit annual funding request under CA beverage container recycling and litter reduction act - box 070TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEEAAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWE, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 22, 2003 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT ANNUAL FUNDING REQUEST UNDER CALIFORNIA BEVERAGE CONTAINER RECYCLING AND LITTER REDUCTION ACT The Department of Conservation has notified the City of the availability of $15,587 under the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act. Funds may be used for local programs and activities that meet one of the following criteria: • Primary emphasis is collection and recycling of beverage containers at large venues; public areas, residential communities or schools • Primary emphasis is public education promoting beverage container recycling an/or litter prevention • Primary emphasis is beverage container/litter abatement in public places including community clean-up projects or other related activities including community clean-up projects or other related activities involving the recycling of beverage containers. Annually, the Department of Conservation distributes over $10 million to eligible cities and counties for beverage container recycling and litter cleanup activities. Annual funding for the grant is per capita based. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council direct staff to submit the annual funding request to the Department of Conservation for funding of local beverage container recycling and litter prevention programs. COUNCIL AGENDA APR 2 2 2003 ITEM No.-VIE. CC- F D E P A R T M E N T OF C O N S E R V A T I O N S T A T E O F C A L I F O R N I A DIVISION OF. RECYCLING January 28, 2003 801 K 5TRE ET - SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA 95814 P H O N E Mr. Scott Yotsuya 916/323-3836 - The City of Rosemead FAX 8838 East Valley Boulevard 916/327-2144 Rosemead. CA 91770 - TOO 916/324-2555 Dear Mr. Yotsuya: INTERNET consrv.ca.90v The Department of Conservation (Department) is pleased to announce the ■ ■ availability of $10.5 million for beverage container recycling and litter G R A Y D AV IS cleanup projects for fiscal year 2003/2004. Your city or county's eligible G 0 V E R N 0 R funding amount is listed on the enclosed funding request form (FRF). The Department will begin distributing the funds to eligible cities and counties l in July 2003. The following information will be distributed to you electronically (or is enclosed with this mailing if an e-mail address is not available for you): • 2003/2004 Guidelines • Sample of a completed funding request form (FRF) • Sample resolution Frequently asked questions • Workshop announcement Please review the information provided, complete the FRF, and return it to the Department no later than April 30, 2003. Cities, counties, joint power authorities or lead agencies not returning the FRF to the Department by the deadline will be denied. Mr. Scott Yotsuya January 28, 2003 Page Two Mary Kay Shafer, a field representative from the Community Outreach Branch, has been assigned to assist you with. any questions regarding this program. Please feel free to contact your field representative directly at (916) 445-0545. Sincerely, Jim Ferguson Assistant Director for Recycling cc: Joint Powers Authorities Lead Agencies for Beverage Container Recycling Activities