CC - Item 4B - Authoritzation to attend planners Insttitute - Box 0706, TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROVT, CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 6. 2003 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL "PLANNERS INSTITUTE". MARCH 20-22. 2003. SAN DIEGO Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. There will be sessions on housing. CEQA, smart growth, infilUmixed use development and other various land use and pertinent planning related subjects. Staff has attended this annual planners institute conference over the years. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize the attendance of the Planning Director or a department staff designee. FEB 112003 iTE~~, No. r. e- -e P R O G R E S S T H R O U G H L E A R N I N G 2003 PLANNERS INSTITUTE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Thursday, March 20 - Saturday, March 22, 2003 Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, California You Will Want To Attend If You Are A... ➢ Planning Commissioner ➢ Commissioner for Transportation, Historic Preservation, or Architectural Review Planning or Community Development Director ➢ Land Use or Transportation Planner ➢ Mayor or Council Member or City Manager wanting to keep abreast of planning issues You Will Benefit By... ➢ Learning about the most recent laws and litigation effecting planning ➢ Networking with other commissioners and professionals to share ideas and solutions to make your job easier ➢ Gaining a solid and practical orientation to local land use planning ➢ Clarifying how current and future trends can affect your city ➢ Attending briefings and seminars on a wide array of currently relevant planning topics Sessions marked with this symbol have been designed for newly appointed Planning Commissioners. Sessions marked with this symbol are tailored for experienced Planning Commissioners. b .."Sessions marked with this symbol are a part of the Planners Institute's Housing Track. r Sessions marked with this symbol are tailored for attendees from cities with populations of 50,000 or less. X K "T Y Sessions marked with two torches are part of the Mayors and Council Members Academy advanced level. 1400 K STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 916 658.8200 Hotel and Registration Deadline Tuesday, February 25, 2003 Thursday 4:45 - 6:00 p.m. 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Friday March 20, 2003, coyiditucd Concurrent Sessions Basic Project Review New Planning Commissioners will appreciate this opportunity to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of a successful project review. Hear how to conduct each step and why it is important in the ultimate development and approval of the project. Housing Elements A discussion of the housing element - its requirements, how it works, and how it is being implemented from various points of view, including the San Diego Region, which operates under a county-wide arrangement with the State for self-certification. qtr 0-N Mixed Use Projects ve Smart growth principles encourage infill development, including mixed-use buildings to add land available for residential development. Mixed-use projects can include buildings with retail on the ground floor and office or residential on upper floors. This session will discuss a variety of ways to design mixed-use projects and practical tips on how to overcome opposition from developers, lenders and neighbors. t; Regional Cooperation ,.1. During the last legislative session, bill AB 680 (Steinberg) was considered and would have mandated, for the Sacramento area only, the regional sharing of tax revenues connected to the production of affordable housing. While this bill did not pass, the issue of regional cooperation is not dead. In this session you will hear from both sides of the AB 680 debate, as well as learn about a potential regional cooperation effort in Imperial County to share revenues based on economic development programs. Urban Land Institute's Smart Growth There is an increasing interest in smart growth in California. This session will discuss how State policy can be improved to assist local smart growth planning. The discussion will center on a recent report from the Urban Land Institute: Putting the Pieces Together: State Actions to Encourage Stuart Growth Practices in California. It will also showcase case studies of local implementation successes. dT d{' City/School Partnerships Y Y Good working relationships between cities and schools are essential to achieving quality communities. Learn ways to collaborate on programs, services, planning and economic development projects to forge strong viable partnerships. Agricultural-Urban Conflicts Housing and farmland have long been considered incompatible uses. Are there ways for the two to exist side-by-side? This session will look at some of the solutions that allow homeowners and farmers to "love their neighbors." Hosted Reception Enjoy this great chance to make useful, professional contacts in a unique setting; The Seaport Courtyard overlooking the beautiful San Diego Harbor and Marina March 21, 2003 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration and CityBooks Open Friday 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. March 21, 2003, continued Economic Development This session will highlight positive economic development techniques that small towns in competitive regions are implementing, while retaining their communities' "small-town" feel and maintaining the quality of life in their cities. Traffic Analysis There is a remarkable number of innovative techniques emerging in traffic analysis and some outstanding experiments from which to learn. This session will examine the issues, from traffic reduction, bicycle pedestrian plans and walk-able communities to traffic-orientated developments and pedestrian friendly infill projects. The San Diego Village Plan The San Diego Urban Village Plan has been touted as being at the cutting edge of smart growth design. This session will examine specific characteristics of the plan, review the process from which it was developed and offer lessons you can use. Legislative and Litigation Updates Join this session to hear the latest issues affecting planning from Sacramento. General Lunch Session FROM WORLD WAR II TO THE WORLD WIDE WEB Traditionalists', Baby Boomers', Generation Xers', and Millennials', how can you understand and relate to all of their needs when planning cities? Learn what makes these generations tick, and how you can bridge the gaps that exist between them. Join us for this entertaining session that will explore these questions and many more. 2:00 - 3:15 p.m. I Concurrent Sessions What is this thing called CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act)? _ This session will provide an overview of basic, introductory, environmentally oriented terms and acronyms such as "CEQA, "MD," and "EIR." The session is designed to answer the questions "what does all this mean to me as a planning commissioner?" and "why do I even have to bother with all this information?" Financing Infll and Affordable Housing E ° ° a There is a great deal of interest in urban infill, but the specifics of what it takes to put a project together and get it financed elude many cities. This panel will consist of experts who have succeeded in creating projects that many of us only dream of or talk about, but don't have the planning policies or practical knowledge to implement. What encourages - or discourages - bankers and developers to pursue a project? Join this discussion about what it takes to make infill housing a reality. t. Small Cities - Smart Growth: Accommodating Growth in Small Cities How do you ensure that you have enough housing to support small cities' ever growing populations? This session will examine positive economic development techniques that are working and still allowing the small town quality of life to be maintained. Saturday 7:30 -11:00 a.m. 7:30 - 8:45 a.m. 9:15 - 10:30 a.m. March 21, 2003 Registration and CityBooks Open . Breakfast Focus Sessions Join in these valuable breakfast sessions on topics of current concern. Hear what other cities are doing that can benefit you. The Relationship between the Commission and City Staff The interaction between staff and your commission is continuous and extremely important. This session will provide you with tools to assist you in developing an open and friendly relationship with staff that will help keep you on track as an effective advisor to the city. ;fr Why Housing is Good Business Z ftaq One of the challenges faced by the planning profession at the beginning of the 20" Century was how to provide safe and healthy housing for the workers needed by new manufacturing businesses. Things haven't changed. The availability of quality housing and communities to attract employees and businesses are still important. Hear why housing is becoming one of the most potent economic development tools and how your city can benefit from it. General Networking Breakfast Concurrent Sessions How to Have Effective and Enjoyable Meetings m Leam how your meetings can be more effective from a panel of experienced planners. Get practical tips on how to make your commission meetings more productive, effective and enjoyable. Dealing Effectively with the Media Do you get phone calls from the media asking your opinion on city issues? Have you ever been unhappy with your quote in the local newspaper? Learn effective techniques to work with the media to get your message across through television, radio and newspaper. V-_ 10 Housing Design ° M Good design can make a world of difference for the people who will live in the affordable housing you help build, and for the neighborhood surrounding it. This session will discuss examples and ideas from successful affordable housing projects throughout California. Downtown Revitalization ` Many small cities have experienced their downtowns becoming deserted wastelands, subject to outlying business development. This session will explore how some cities have managed the many aspects of producing successful redevelopment projects to bring new life to their downtown districts. Learn how to develop successful infill development to revitalize your downtown. Regional Cooperation More and more, cities are reaching beyond their physical boundaries during the planning process. Join in this discussion of ways to successfully implement regional planning projects. Registration Attendees whose registration is postmarked by Tuesday, February 25, 2003, will receive in addition to program materials, two continental breakfasts, one luncheon, and reception, a coupon worth $25 at the CityBooks bookstore. Don't miss this great way to expand and share your learning with colleagues at city hall! CityBooks can help increase your leadership skills and professional knowledge in vital areas such as strategic plamring, community building and economic development. Payment in full must accompany the registration form. Check, Money Order, Visa or MasterCard are accepted. We are unable to accept purchase orders, American Express or Discover cards. If paying by credit card please fax your registration form to (916) 658-8220 or please register online. We would like to invite you to register online at register online at WWW.cacities.org/events Refund Policy Special Accommodations Spouses Hotel Reservations Hotel Airlines Taxi Directions Full Seminar City Officials $430 All Others $480 One Dav Onlv City Officials $280 All Others $330 If you have questions, please contact the League Conference Registration Office at (916) 658- 8291. , Advance registrants unable to attend this meeting will only receive a refund of the registration fee, less a $50 processing charge, by submitting a written request to the League of California Cities, Conference Registration Office, 1400 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, fax (916) 658- 8220. Requests for refunds must be received by Friday, March 14, 2003. Substitutions may be made, even on-site. ® If you require special accommodations related to facility access, communication and/or diet, please contact our Conference Registrar at (916) 658-8291. There is no registration fee to attend the Planners Institute sessions for spouses who are non- city or other public officials. Spouses of registered attendees may purchase meal tickets for an additional fee at the meeting registration desk. For information on events within in the City of San Diego, please contact the Concierge desk. Please complete the Hotel Reservation Form and mail or fax it to the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego OR make your reservations on-line at WwW.cacities.or2/events. Reservations mast be received by Tuesday, February 25, 2003 and will require a deposit. If you are unable to attend, the deposit may be refunded if your reservation is cancelled by March 14, 2003. After that date, deposits may be refunded only if the hotel is able to resell the room. Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego One Market Place San Diego, California 92101 (619) 232-1234, fax: (619) 239-5678 $179 single/double (plus 10.5% hotel tax) www. Manc hestera ra n d.hva t t.co m Check the League Web page, www.cacities.or /g travel, for the new Enhanced Local Government Airfare Program. Taxi service runs approximately $7 - $10.00 to the hotel (3 miles). Be sure to get a rate quote before traveling with any company as they vary from service to service. From San Diego International Airport (Lindbergh Field): Follow the signs to Downtown San Diego and Interstate 5. Stay in the right lane and this will put you onto North Harbor Drive. Continue south on North Harbor Drive approximately 3 miles along the waterfront. Go 1 block past the Seaport Village entrance (Kenner Boulevard). Turn right at Market Place into the Hotel's main entrance. 2003 PLANNERS INSTITUTE Thursday, March 20 - Saturday, March 22, 2003 Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, California We invite you to register on-line by going to our website www.cacities.org/events OR fill out this form completely and mail or fax it to the League of California Cities at (916) 658-8220. Enter first and last name and official title, as they should appear on meeting badge and registration card. Please indicate spouse's name, if attending (ifspouse is not a city or public official). Please complete one form per registrant. Name Title City E-mail Spouses Name Registration receipts will be mailed to the address designated below. Please provide the following: Address City Zip Code Telephone Fax Fax ® If you require reasonable accommodations related to facility access, communication and/or diet, please contact our Conference Registrar at (916) 658-8291. 1 ~ .ht For those paying by 1 81 check, please mail to: League of California Cities 1400 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Advance Registration: FULL SEMINAR City Officials _ @ $430 All Others _ @ $480 TOTAL $ ONE DAY ONLY City Officials _ @ $280 All Others _ @ $330 TOTAL $ Indicate which day for whom: ❑ Thursday ❑ Friday ❑ Saturday Payment Information: For those paying by credit card, you may fax this form to the League of California Cities at (916) 658-8220. Make checks payable to League of California Cities. (No purchase orders, American Express or Discover cards.) ❑ MasterCard OPersonal Check ❑ Visa ❑ City Check Name on Credit Card Credit Card Number Expiration Date / Authorized Signature Submit this Registration form by Tuesday, February 25, 2003, and receive a coupon worth $25 redeemable at CityBooks. NOTE: All cancellations must be submitted in writing and are subject to a $50 processing fee. No refunds will be given for cancellation requests received after Friday, March 14, 2003. THIS FORM MUST BE POSTMARKED OR FAXED BY Tuesday, February 25, 2003. After this date, please register on site. HOTEL RESERVATION FORM 2003 PLANNERS INSTITUTE Thursday, March 20 - Saturday, March 22, 2003 Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, California Please DO NOT return this form to the League of California Cities We invite you to reserve your room by going to our website wwwxacities.orl?/events OR fill out this form completely and mail or fax it to the Manchester Grand Hyatt at (619) 239-5678. Please make copies of this form if more than one room is to be reserved. If you choose to fax this form, complete the credit card information below. Please do not mail a duplicate copy. Phone reservations will not be accepted. Room assignments are based on a first-come, first-served basis. NametTitle Address City Zip Code Telephone Fax Email Arrival Date and Time ❑AM ❑PM Departure Date and Time ❑AM ❑PM Room Preference: ❑ I will share a room with: Deposit Information: The hotel requires a deposit in the amount of the first night room rate. Housing forms received without a valid credit card or check deposit will be returned and will not be processed. (No cash deposits accepted.) Checks should be made payable to: Manchester Grand Hyatt One Market Place San Diego, California 92101 If deposit is by credit card, please provide the following information: Name on Credit Card Credit Card Number Expiration Date / Authorized Signature Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel $179.00 single/double (plus 10.5% hotel tax) If the hotel is full, please refer to the next available hotel according to: Comparable room rate Proximity to conference site ❑ No smoking room ❑ Handicapped access ❑ Single - King ❑ Double -1 Bed ❑ Double/Double - 2 Beds There is no guarantee on room type, although the hotel will do everything possible to accommodate your request. Confirmation: If you do not receive a confirmation via e-mail, fax or mail within 14 days after any transaction, please contact the hotel at (619) 232-1234 Fax completed form to: MANCHESTER GRAND HYATT• FAX: (619) 239.5678 RESERVATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 3:00 PM on Tuesday, February 25, 2003.