CC - Item 4B - Resolution 2003-02 - Ralph Storm Drain Transfer Drain No 1632 to LA County Maintenance - box 070q7- TO: BILL CROWE, CITY MANAGER/ FROM: KEN RUKAVINA, CITY ENGINEER C DATE: JANUARY 14, 2003 RE: RESOLUTION NO. 2003-02 - RALPH STREET STORM DRAIN MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFER DRAIN NO. 1632; STORM DRAIN TRANSFER TO LOS ANGELES COUNTY FOR MAINTENANCE Presented for Council's consideration is a resolution to transfer Miscellaneous Transfer Drain (MTD) No. 1632 (Ralph Street, from Hart Avenue to Rio Hondo Avenue; Hart Avenue to south end), to the Los Angeles County Flood Control District for operation and maintenance. Construction of MTD 1632 was completed and accepted by Council on October 8, 2002. Adoption of this resolution is required to request the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to accept the transfer of MTD 1632. Attached for your review are the following: 1. Resolution No. 2003-02; and 2. Location Map RECOMMENDATION P It recommended that the City Council: 1. Approve and pass Resolution No. 2003-02; and 2. Request the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to accept the transfer of MTD 1632 for operation and maintenance, and authorize the transfer and conveyance of the drain. COUNCIL Attachments JAN 4 2003 I T EM ";0. RESOLUTION 2003-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO ACCEPT ON BEHALF OF SAID DISTRICT A TRANSFER AND CONVEYANCE OF STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFER DRAIN (MTD) NO. 1632, IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD FOR FUTURE OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENT, AND AUTHORIZE THE TRANSFER AND CONVEYANCE THEREOF. WHEREAS, there have been dedicated to, or the City has otherwise acquired, the storm drain improvements and drainage system known as MTD No. 1632, depicted on Los Angeles County Flood Control District Drawing Nos. 4-F833.1 to.5 on file with the Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works; and WHEREAS, the City is authorized and empowered to transfer and convey to the Los Angeles County Flood Control District any storm drain improvements and drainage systems for future operation, maintenance, repair,.and improvement; and WHEREAS, the City and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District entered into an agreement dated July 31, 1980, and recorded September 30, 1980, as Document Number 80-957601, of the Official Records in the office of the County Recorder for the County of Los Angeles, whereby the City made certain warranties about its future transfers and conveyances of Flood Control facilities to the District; and WHEREAS, the best public interest will be served by transfer and conveyance of the storm drain improvements and drainage system from the City to the Los Angeles County Flood Control District for future operation, maintenance, repair, and improvement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City does hereby request the Los Angeles County Flood Control District to accept the transfer and conveyance of the storm drain improvements and drainage system depicted on Los Angeles County Flood Control District Drawing Nos. 4-F833.1 to.5 on file with the Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, subject to the acceptance thereof of the Board of Supervisors of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District, the City Engineer is directed and ordered to prepare all necessary instruments and documents, including deed, to effectuate said transfer and conveyance, and that the Mayor is authorized and instructed to execute said deed and other instruments and documents. District shall have no obligation or responsibility to maintain said storm drain, improvements, and drainage until all rights-of-way for said drain now vested in the City and all other necessary rights-of-way, therefore, have been conveyed to and accepted by District. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. Adopted and approved this 28th day of January, 2003. Mayor of the City of Rosemead I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing Resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemead held on the 28th of January, 2003. By the affirmative vote of at least four-fifths of the Councilmen, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: City Clerk of the City of Rosemead CITY SEAL ~QN~H J J Ca Q L 3/~d , w W p 'ED Q O N z ~ O Ca r w co ~ a U z 0 a a v~ N o U CI D ~ U N U U X Q ED Z W J O F- f a u N F 18VH o z N = Q z w W J Q Q O u O Q w 0 Qn~9 Qb'3W3SOb 10 Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None T.H. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. LEGISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 2003-01 - CLAIMS AND DEMANDS The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 2003-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $2,006,372.46 NUMBERED 40016 THROUGH 40417 MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2003-01. Vote resulted: Yes: Vasquez, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. RESOLUTION NO. 2003-02 - RALPH STREET STORM DRAIN/MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFER DRAIN NO. 1632; STORM DRAIN TRANSFER TO LOS ANGELES COUNTY FOR MAINTENANCE The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2003-02 A RESOLUTION OF T14E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO ACCEPT ON BEHALF OF SAID DISTRICT A TRANSFER AND CONVEYANCE OF STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFER DRAIN (MTD) NO. 1632, IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD FOR FUTURE OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENT, AND AUTHORIZE THE TRANSFER AND CONVEYANCE THEREOF CCMIN:1-28-03 Pagc k3 MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2003-02. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez. No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. D. RESOLUTION NO. 2003-04 - RATIFYING THE FILING OF A LAWSUIT CHALLENGING THE STORM DRAIN WATER/URBAN RUNOFF PERMIT FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES (NPDES NO. CAS040001) The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2003-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, RATIFYING THE FILING OF A LAWSUIT CHALLENGING THE STORM WATER/URBAN RUNOFF PERMIT FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AND THE INCORPORATED CITIES THEREIN, EXCEPT THE CITY OF LONG BEACH (NPDES NO. CAS004001) MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2003-04. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Mayor Bruesch stated that he was shocked by the press release from the State Water Resources Control Board indicating that all they are asking cities to do is to put a screen over the storm drain intakes. Councilmember Clark stated that there are 90 pollutants that we have to get out of the water, and trash is only one of them. Mrs. Clark continued that the head of the Regional Water Quality Control Board in an interview recently stated that all the cities need to do is create more parks, use recycled water, and create wetlands. Mrs. Clark added that even if there was sufficient land to do that, wetlands cannot just be created. Cities would be liable for the death of birds eating seeds from plants that had pollutants in them from those areas, and various other unintended consequences. Mayor Bruesch added that one proposal was to install traps into each of the storm drain openings in Rosemead. It would prohibit the trash from entering the storm drains and remove the I I CCMINA-29-03 Page g4