CC - Item 4C - Approval of Plans and Specifications for Traffic Signal Updates - Box 070TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEM~EAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWE. CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 3, 2003 RE: APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES The subject project includes replacement of traffic signal controllers and other necessary equipment within the controller cabinets at various locations throughout the City of Rosemead, pursuant to the City's Traffic Signal Master Plan. Many of the existing traffic signal controllers are old, obsolete and in need of replacement due to the normal wear and tear and the fact that parts are no longer available. The project also includes installation of ADA compliant pedestrian push buttons. The proposed schedule for construction is as follows: Receive Bids Award Contract Begin Work Complete Work July 10, 2003 July 22, 2003 August 11, 2003 September 5, 2003 The specifications have been reviewed and are acceptable to the City Engineer. The Engineer's estimate for construction is $200,000. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids by the City Clerk. Attachments. JUN 10 2003 ITEM No. COUNCIL AGE aD r, City of Rosemead Traffic Signal Upgrades Intersection Description of Work 1 Del Mar/Emerson Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 2 Del Mar/Graves Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 3 Del Mar/Hellman Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 3 Encinita/Lower Azusa Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 4 Garvey/Del Mar Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 5 Garve /Delta Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 6 Garvey/Jackson Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons Install New Conductors 7 Garve /Kelbum Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 8 Garvey/Muscatel Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 11 Garvey/New Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 12 Garvey/Rosemead Pl. 8 River Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 13 Garvey/San Gabriel Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 14 Garvey/Walnut Grove Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 15 Valley/Mission/Rio Hondo Replace Controller and CMU Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 16 Mission/Muscatel Modify Detectors (6) Replace Controller, Program and add WWV Unit Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 17 San Gabriel/Delta Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 18 San Gabriel/Emerson Modify Detectors (6) Replace Controller Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 19 San Gabriel/Graves Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 20 San Gabriel/Hellman Modify Detectors (5) Replace Controller Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 21 San Gabriel/Klin erman Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 22, San Gabriel/Rush Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 23 Temple City/Loftus Replace Controller, Program and Cabinet Upgrade service Modify Detectors (2) Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 24 Temple City/Marshall Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 25 Valle frem le City Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 26 Valle /Delta Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 27 Valley/Easy Modify Detectors (5) Replace Controller Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 28 Valley/Hart Modify Detectors (4) Replace Controller 8 all Components Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 29 Valley/lvar Modify Detectors (4) Replace Controller, CMU and Detector Units Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 30 Valley/Muscatel Modify Detectors (4) Replace Controller, CMU and Detector Units Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 31 Valle /Walnut Grove Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 32 Walnut Grove/Edison Dwy Modify Detectors (6) Replace CMU Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 33 Walnut Grove/Edison Xwalk Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 34 Walnut Grove/Fern Modify Detectors (2) Replace Controller Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 35 Walnut Grove/Hellman Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 36 Walnut Grove/Klin erman Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 37 Walnut Grove/Marshall Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 38 Walnut Grove/Mission Modify Detectors (8) Replace Controller, CMU and add WWV Replace Program Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 39 Walnut Grove/Rush Modify Detectors (6) Replace Controller Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 40 Walnut Grove/Landis View Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 41 Walnut Grove/San Gabriel Modify Detectors (8) Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 42 Walnut Grove/Wells 8 Edmond Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 43 Mission/Encinita Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons 44 New/Newmark Replace Pedestrian Push Buttons