PC - Minutes 11-16-81CITY OF ROSEMEAD
NOVEMBER 16, 1981
DATE. aLCCz2l~°1J.7..
1. CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the
_ City of Rosemead was called to order by Chairman Lowrey at 7:30 p.m.
in the Council Chambers of Rosemead City Hall, 8838 Valley Boulevard
Rosemead, California.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Lowrey.
The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner DeCocker.
2. ROLL CALL - Present: DeCocker, Schymos, Lowrey, Ritchie, Mattern
Ex Officio: Kress, Dickey, Carmona, Christianson
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting, November 2, 1981
It was moved by Commissioner Mattern, seconded by Commissioner DeCocker
to approve the Minutes of November 2, 1981 as printed.
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: DeCocker, Schymos, Lowrey, Ritchie, Mattern
4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - On matters not on the Agenda.
No one came forward.
5. TENTATIVE TRACT 42312: A request by Winifred Saunders for the subdivision
of an existing lot, located at 3853 Muscatel Avenue, into seven (7) single-
family residential lots. (Continued from November 2, 1981)
This matter was continued until later in the meeting to allow time
to provide the Commission with additional data.
6. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 80-201 - Request by Tomei Shogi Company, Ltd
for an expansion of Conditional Use Permit 80-201 which allows the
operation of a dog kennel on property located at 4110 Temple City
Boulevard and 9739 Abilene Street.
Mr. Carmona presented the staff report.
The public hearing was opened at 7:40 p.m.
The witnesses were administered the oath by the secretary.
Addressing the Commission:
Mr. Tom Chavez, representing the applicant
350 So. Figueroa, Los Angeles
Mr. Chester Lycan
4100 Temple City Blvd. - Mr. Lycan expressed his concern with the noise
from the kennels in the area and questioned how many dogs would be provided
for at this facility.
Jesus Herodia (interpreting for Mr. Herodia was Sergio LaVerde)
9727 Abilene - Mr. Herodia expressed his feelings that there were enough
kennels in the area already and noise from the barking dogs awakened
him and his wife at night.
The public hearing was closed at 8:15 p.m.
Discussion by the Commission
PC Minutes 11/16/81
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Commissioner- Ritchie requested an additional condition be added to the effect:
#7. The overnight kennel area shall be located at the northeast end of the
property, with the exception of animals needing specialized care.
Commissioner. DeCocker questioned staff on the requirements for parking
for this type of use.
Other matters discussed relative to this application were the desire for a
more detailed plot plan of the facility and designated areas for training
and kennel; consideration of a replacement for the barbed wire; and a more
detailed parking plan.
Commissioner Ritchie requested an additional condition:
#8. All conditions placed on the original Conditional Use Permit shall
be applicable to this extension.
Commissioner Mattern'requested an additional condition:
#9. All conditions to be fully implemented within one (1) years period of time.
Commissioner Schymos , with the concensus of the Commissioners,..stated his
that the applicant, Mr. Watanabe should be present to more fully explain
the operations of the kennel and be in agreement with all conditions imposed on
this property.
Commissioner Ritchie requested the hearing be continued to permit the applicant
to be present, and there being no.objection .Chairman_Lowrey contiriued.the.hearing
to the December 7,,_1981,meeting of the Planning Commission.
The Commission called a ten minute recess.
5. TENTATIVE TRACT 42312 - Continued from earlier in the meeting....
There being no testimony Chairman Lowrey closed the public hearing.
Mr: Carmona presented the amended staff report with added conditions.
Discussion by the Commission.
Commissioner Mattern requested that the note on the original Tract map
proposing natural drainage shall be removed because of the substitution of
condition #3.
It was moved by Commissioner DeCocker, seconded by Commissioner Schymos
to approve the filing of the Negative Declaration as submitted with the
findings that:.A. The Negative Declaration was prepared in accordance with
the State and Local Guidelines for preparation of enviornmental documents;
and, B. The project could not have a significant adverse effect on the
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: DeCocker, Schymos, Lowrey, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None -
It was moved by Commissioner Mattern, seconded by Commissioner Lowrey
to approve Tentative Tract 4231, and zone Variance 81-98, subject to the
conditions of approval contained in the staff report, as modified by the
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: DeCocker, Schymos, Lowrey, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
7. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 81-235 : Request by Virg and Betty Carter for the
continued sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with an existing
bar, located at 9424 Valley Boulevard, dba "Sidewinder Saloon".
Chairman Lowrey opened the public hearing, there being. no comment from the
audience, the hearing closed accordingly.
Discussion by the Commission.
PC Minutes - 11/16/81
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Addressing the Commission:
Mr. Virg Carter, Applicant
1266 Camino Del Sur, San Dimas - Mr. Carter stated that he did have a lease
agreement with the machine shop for-seven (7) parking spaces.
The following conditions were added to the Conditional Use Permit:
* F}oc~c}-pigl~~-s-sHal-~-be-i-trsta~i~-rrr-tktc~arkmg-ares~artk
atr arrt aEse-8xmer. (Amended by the PC 12/7/81)
#'67 Zir._,t ~~tl l-mote s-~lortg- ,a•,--F7- -spaoesorr-t-kte-mast samde-
<rf-{-t-rrg- fot,--a~}j-ecerrt:o-~-he-7eac3ri-rre-sYt< (Deleted by PC 11/18/81)
#9 Install a "Parking in Rear" sign on the front of the building.
#10. Doors to remain closed during business hours.
#11. Conditions 7, 8, 9, shall be implemented within 60 days
_ - of approval of this Conditional Use Permit.
The Commission also modified Condition #6 of the staff report to read as
follows: #6. within ten (10) days, the applicant and property owner shall
submit a notarized Affidavit of Agreement to these conditions, with the
Planning Department. _
Commissioner Schymos wished the record to show that #14 on the application
was not applicable to this Conditional Use Permit and therefore no action
would be taken on it.
It was moved by Commissioner Mattern, seconded by Commissioner Ritchie
to approve. the Conditional Use Permit 81-235 subject to the conditions of
approval contained in the staff report, as modified by the Commission.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: DeCocker, Schymos, Lowrey, Ritchie, Mattern
NOES: None
8. MODIFICATION TO SECTION 8110 - Request by Hector J. Padilla for a waiver of
the sidewalk requirement for property located at 3119 Driggs.
Mr. Carmona presented the waiver request.
Discussion by the Commission
It was moved by Commissioner Mattern, seconded by Commissioner DeCocker to
grant the waiver request to Section 8110 for property located at 3119 Driggs.
Commissioner Mattern requested that on all future waiver requests to Section 8110
staff include a cost estimate for installation of the improvements.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Lowrey
adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m.
*Amended to read as follows: "Flood lights shall be installed in the parking area with an
automatic timer with photo-electric cell so as to turn on at
dusk and otherwise to extinguish one (1) hour after closing."