PC - Minutes 07-19-82CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JULY 19, 1982 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead was called to order by Chairman Ritchie at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of Rosemead City Hall, 8838 Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The Pledge.of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Lowrey The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Schymos. 2. ROLL CALL:- Present: DeCocker, Schymos, Ritchie,Lowrey, Mattern ExOfficio: Kress, Dickey, Carmona, Christianson 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting, July 6, 1982 It was moved by Commissioner Mattern, seconded by Commissioner Schymos to approve the minutes of July.6, 1982 as printed with the addition to Item 5 that . . . Chairman Ritchie informed the applicants that within 10 days from this hearing the applicants may appeal the Planning Commission decision to the City Council. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: DeCocker, Schymos, Ritchie, Lowrey, Mattern 4. ORAL COMMUNICATION FROM THE AUDIENCE - On items not on the Agenda Mr. Frank Magallanes, 3014 N. Earle Avenue. Mr. Magallanes wished to register a complaint regarding the self-serve car wash on the northwest corner of Garvey and Earle Avenue. He stated that activities on the car wash property are causing disturbances to the residential area and he was speaking on behalf of several property owners in the area. Mr. Carmona stated that he has contacted the property owner in the past to clean up the property andthe matter was resolved at that time. Further, that he would attempt to resolve this latest nuisance problem. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. DESIGN REVIEW 82-9: Request by Seagull Construction, Inc., for design approval of a 53 unit motel to be located at 3533 Ivar Avenue and 8832-36-46 Glendon Way, Rosemead, California. The Oath was administered. Mr. Carmona presented the staff report. Chairman Ritchie opened the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. PROPONENTS: Mr. Joseph Tong, 2971 Garfield Avenue, Alhambra, Applicant. Mr. Tong expressed his desire to commit himself to satisfy the City on any facets of this project and asked the Commission if they would consider allowing small car parking for this project.to enable him to provide more landscaped areas. Mr. Ken Taylor, 8807-09 Glendon Way, Rosemead. Mr. Taylor commented that he was in favor of the project as it would be an improvement over the existing land use. He expressed his concern over the children in the area and traffic accidents however felt that the motel use was less obtrusive than if the property developed as apartments. Chairman Ritchie closed the public hearing at 8:00 p.m. Discussion by the Commission. PC Minut4s Page 2/July 19, 1982 Lengthy discussions ensued between the Commissioners, Mr. Tong, and his architect a Mr. Pete Volbeda,(1940 S. Fullerton Road, Rowland Heights) regarding various design concepts of the project:. The Commission raised concern over elevations on adjacent properties; fire escape accesses from the third floor; access walkways to the parking lots on the east and west side; signing; landscaping; and visibility from the rooms to .adjacent residential properties; and future and present traffic consideration. Eacn Commissioner in turn pointed out desired design qualities that should be tentatively considered as conditions for this project as follows: 1. That a six (6) foot slump stone block wall be constructed along the western and southerly property lines. 2. A detailed landscaping plan be submitted. 3. That all paved driveway areas be constructed of 4 inches of AC over 6 inches of base, or 6 inches of concrete. 4. That the irrigation plan shall utilize automatic timers and moisture sensor devices. 5. Wheel stops to Rosemead City Stnadards shall be installed where the parking is 90 degrees to the property line. 6. The trash enclosure shall be relocated to the east side of the project and be constructed to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 7. Add an access walkway to the parking lots on the east side of the project west side of the project approximately half way to permit access to the parking lot from the walkways. 8. Enclose the stairwell on the south and north end of the building with two hour fireproof walls•aad provide egress'to the outside. 9. All utilities shall be underground. 10. All on site lighting shall be directed away from adjacent residential properties. In addition to those tentative conditions considered above the following items were requested of the applicant: 1. Provide more detail of the planting areas (genus and size). 2. Provide full detail of the signing on the project. 3. Provide color and texture samples of the exterior materials to be used. 4. Provide more precise grading plans to enable determination of adjacent grades to the residential properties. 5. Provide more precise elevations especially where adjacent to residential properties. 6. Provide some means by which the southerly most rooms (on the east side) are screened from the residential properties on the south side of the project, (e.g., deeper wingwalls between units). 7. Provide details of the third floor, and stairwells. 8. Provide details on striping of the parking stalls, typical. Questions arose relative to the traffic analysis and Mr. Justin Farmer, The Engineer responsible for the preparation of the traffic report, discussed the findings with the Commission. Mr. Tong again addressed the Commission relative to small car parking and it was the concensus of the Commission not to permit small car parking for this project. PC Minutes Page 3 / July 19, 1982 After further discussion it was the decision of the Commission to continue this matter. Chairman Ritchie-re-opened.the.public hearing and continued this item to the August 16th, 1982 meeting of the Planning Commission,•and requested the.applicant to provide the.Commission with-those items indicated- -and--to be.=shown on revised plans. Chairman Ritchie called a recess and the Commission reconvened at 10:20 p.m. 6. ZONE AMENDMENT TO ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE: Consideration of the proposed addition of Section 9121.25, Garage Sales, to the Rosemead Municipal Code for the regulation of garage/yard sales in residential zones. The Oath was administered. Chairman Ritchie opened the public hearing at 10:20 p.m. Addressing the Commission: Juan Nunez: Mr. Nunez suggested that merchandize should be located to the rear of the property whenever possible; the signs for yard sales should be removed by the person conducting the sale and felt that charitable organizations should not be exempt from the regulations of this new ordinance. Chairman Ritchie closed the public hearing. Discussion by the Commission. Chairman Ritchie requested Section 9121.25 (c) be amended to read as follows: (c). No advertising signs shall be.posted more than one (1) week prior !.to the initial sale date. No such signs shall be posted within the public right-of-way except on'self-supporting stakes. The conductor of the sale shall remove all signs immediately at the end of the sale. The activity may only be held between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., for a maximum of three (3) consecutive days. It was moved by Commissioner Schymos to approve the filing of the Negative Declaration and.seconded by Commissioner DeCocker. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: DeCocker, Schymos, Ritchie, Lowrey, Mattern It was moved by Commissioner Schymos, seconded by Commissioner Mattern that Section 9121.25, Garage Sales, be recommended to the City Council for adoption with the amendment as setforth in Section (c) as indicated by Chairman Ritchie. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: DeCocker, Schymos, Ritchie, Lowrey, Mattern OTHER BUSINESS 7. MODIFICATION TO SECTION 8110: Request by Warren Davis for a waiver of the sidewalk requirement for property located at 3026 North Sullivan Avenue, Rosemead. Mr. Dickey presented the staff report. It was moved by Commissioner Mattern, seconded by Commissioner Lowrey to grant the request for a waiver of the sidewalk requirement. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: DeCocker, Schymos, Ritchie, Lowrey, Mattern 8. 'AMENDMENTS TO THE R-3 ZONE: Discussion of the proposed amendments to the R-3 zoning requirements for apartment developments. Chairman Ritchie stated this item would be discussed at the next meeting of the Planning Commission on August 2, 1982.. 9. PC RESOLUTION 82-24 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DENYING A MODIFICATION TO THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 81-240 ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2454 NORTH SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD AND 2451 GLADYS AVENUE, ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA. City Attorney Kress read the Resolution by title only. PC Minutes Page 4/ July 19, 1982 It was moved by Commissioner Lowrey, seconded by Commission DeCocker to waive further reading and adopt PC Resolution 82-24. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: DeCocker, Schymos, Ritchie, Lowrey, Mattern 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - On any matter - None 11. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS AND STAFF - Commissioners Schymos stated his concern over the conditions of the parking lot at Toys-R-Us and asked staff to see if this could be looked-.'into as far_as getting the lot cleaned up and the landscaping maintained. Commissioner Mattern requested that in the future whenever abreviations in reports are used,to please provide a glossary for-the Commission. - Chairman Ritchie asked Mr. Carmona to please verify at the next meeting that there is a storm drairito serve the new proposed motel on Glendon Way, and if it is of adequate size. Commissioner Schymos asked staff who paid for the traffic study on Glendon Way for the proposed motel. Mr. Carmona stated that the applicant pays for the study and the City hires an independant contractor to work for the City. The applicants money offsets the fees of the engineer. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further matters to come before the Commission, Chairman Ritchie adjourned the meeting at 11:10 p.m.