PC - Minutes 06-23-80CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY SESSION JUNE 23, 1980 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER - The Study Session was called to order by Chairman Cleveland at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of Rosemead City Hall, 8838 Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. 2. ROLL CALL - Present: Handy, Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern Absent: None Ex Officio: Christianson, Guiterrez Mr. John Bitterly and Mr.. Marshall Linn represented Urban Futures. 3. MATTERS DISCUSSED The consultants presented Study..Areas a.to,4_through.a slide presentation of the existing developments and their Land Use recommendations, based on data regarding sewage, water and utility capacity, and environmental factors. SUMMARY: Case No. 1 - The R-1 zoned properties along Grand Avenue were recommended as being zoned for high density, (R-3). AMENDING = ZONING + LAND USE SUMMARY: Case No. 2 - The R-3 zoned properties along Mission Drive from City limits to Willard were recommended remaining as such. AMENDING: LAND USE - LOW DENSITY TO HIGH DENSITY SUMMARY: Case No. 3 - The area fronting on Valley Boulevard from Walnut Grove west to the City limit presently zoned M-1 is recommended to be zoned C-3. That area south of the Rubio Wash, north of Guess Street presently Zoned R-3 is recommended to be retained. AMENDING: ZONING ON VALLEY TO COMMERCIAL; LAND USE TO HIGH DENSITY FOR THE R-3 PROPERTY. SUMMARY: Case No. 4 - R-1 property along Muscatel Avenue to retain low density Land Use designation. NO AMENDMENTS. The Commission and consultants discussed Case No. 5 which involved Rosemead Boulevard; Nevada to Marshall and it was the consensus to walk the area. under study at the next study session to grasp a_ better.:concept of the appropriate land use for this area. The Commission requested the use of the City van to accommodate those viewing the study areas. 4. ADJOURNMENT The study session was adjourned by Chairman. Cleveland at 9:40 p.m. to Thursday, July 10, 1980 at 7:00 p.m.