TC - Item 4A - Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard`~ , OSEMEAD ~~AFFIC COMMISSION T,QFF .REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: DECEMBER 4, 2008 SUBJECT: HELLI~AN AVENUE/RAi~ONA BOULEVAR® AT WALNUT GROVE AVENUE -STRIPING REVISION SU IVI MARY Commissioner Lewin requested staff revie~~~ the striping at the intersection of Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard at Walnut Grave Avenue. Commissioner Lewin specifically was concerned with the striping on the east leg (westbound traffic) of the intersection. He indicated there appears to be a need to provide additional travel lanes on Ramona Boulevard to allow right turning vehicles and through traffic the ability to travel around left turning vehicles. Staff' Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission concur with the proposed change in the striping on Ramona Boulevard to provide a westbound left turn lane and a shared through-right turn lane at Walnut Grove Avenue. it is further recommended that staff be directed to have the striping modification placed. on the schedule for striping crews. BACKGROUND The intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard has .been reviewed and analyzed several times over many- years. More recently, the traffic signal operation was modified to provide as much time as possible to traffic traveling on Walnut Grove Avenue. Due to the nature of the intersection and Caltrans' control over the ramps on Hellman Avenue, the City has made several adjustments to the traffic signal timing. ,_ As part of the signal modifications, traffic striping was also modified. The northbound .left turn .pocket on Walnut Grove Avenue at Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard was lengthened. The Traffic Commission also approved the lengthening of the southbound left turn pocket which the City Council also approved. The southbound lengthening i ~, Traffic Commission Meeting December 4, 2008 Page 2 of 2 requires modification to the raised center median and was to be included in appropriate capital improvement projects of the City Engineer. Discussion Field review of the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard indicated that westbound vehicles do experience "problems" if left turning vehicles are stopped. There is no striping to delineate left turning vehicles from through or right turning vehicles. Therefore, if a left turning vehicle is waiting at the red light, a right turning vehicle cannot-turn until a green light comes on. The proposed striping modification on Ramona Boulevard at Walnut Grove Avenue would provide for two westbound travel lanes. One would be a dedicated left turn lane and the other would be a shared through-right turn lane. Exhibit A will be available at the Traffic Commission meeting to depict the recommended striping modification. Staf'; RECOr~mendation It is staff's recommendation that the Traffic C~mmISSIOn concur with the proposed change in the striping on Ramona Boulevard to provide a westbound left turn lane and a shared through-right turn lane at Walnut Grove Avenue. It is further recommended that staff be directed to have the striping modification placed on the schedule for striping crews. Pl1BLIC fNOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Joanne Itagaki Traffic Engineering Deputy Exhibit A: Striping Modification on Ramona Boulevard at Walnut Grove Avenue (available at the Traffic Commission meeting)