OCTOBER 20, 1980
1. CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City
of Rosemead was called to order. by Chairman Cleveland,at 7:30 p.m.., in the
Council Chambers of Rosemead City Hall, 8838 Valley Boulevard, Rosemead,
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Ritchie.
The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Mattern.
2. ROLL CALL - Present: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Absent.: Handy
Ex Officio: Kress, Dickey, Carmona, Christianson, Fernandez
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Study Session, September 18,, 1980
Regular Meeting, October 6, 1980
Study Session, October 6, 1980
Commissioner Ritchie requested a clarification of the first paragraph on Page
Two of the Study Session minutes dated September 18, 1980. This paragraph
addresses itself to the discussion regarding split zoning. Mr. Carmona stated
that he would clarify the paragraph to better reflect the decision of the
Commission regarding the split zoning in the subject area.
It was moved by Commissioner Lowrey, seconded by Commissioner Ritchie, to
approve the Minutes of the Study Session, dated September 18, 1980, subject
to the clarification.
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy
It was moved by Commissioner Mattern, seconded by Commissioner Ritchie, to
approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting, October 6, 1980, as printed.
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy
It was moved by Commissioner Ritchie, seconded by Commissioner Lowrey, to
approve the Minutes-of the Study Session, October 6, 1980, as printed.
ROLL CALL VOTE -Ayes:' Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy
4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS.FROM THE. AUDIENCE - On items not on the Agenda
Chairman Cleveland asked if anyone present wished to address the Commission.
No one came forward.
Chairman Cleveland stated that Item No. 12, (Zone Change 80-121), would be
deferred to November 3, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. Mr Carmona stated that he would
elaborate on the reasons.for-the.continuance later in the meeting.
5. TENTATIVE TRACT 39996: Request.by Nina Kuo for the subdivision of a:parcel
of land located at 8902-8910 Marshall Street for the purpose of constructing
a fourteen-unit condominium project. (Continued from October 6, 1980).
The Staff Report dated October 20, 1980 was presented by Mr. Carmona. During
his presentation, lie reviewed the changes in the new plans, and made the
recommendation for approval.
Planning Commission Minutes
Regular Meeting - October 20, 1980
Page Two
Chairman Cleveland opened the Public Hearing at 7:45 p.m.
The secretary.administered the oath to the witness.
Mr. Louis Rodwell
1041 East Green Street
Pasadena, California
Mr. Rodwell stated that he was the architect.that designed the project and
was present to answer any questions by the Commission.
Chairman Cleveland.closed,the Public Hearing at 7:48 p.m., and referred the
matter to the Commission for discussion.'
Matters which.were considered during the course of the discussion-were plans
for the foundation and landscaping, driveway width, open space and the manner
in which the open space was calculated, and Condition No. 5 of the Staff Re-
Condition No. 5 was discussed regarding the standards for construction of the
interior private streets, and whether or not this was a matter.of Commission
Policy or Code. Commissioner. Ritchie requested that Condition No. 5 be
amended to read as follows:
5. Interior private streets shall be constructed with a minimum of 4" AC
over 6" base, or. 6". concreteY
. O _ -.1 cme.
There being.no objections.by members of the Commission, staff was instructed to
make the appropriate change.
Also-discussed by the.Commission was the type of pump system to be used for
drainage, and. the plans for an area located in the center of the project.
Mr. Rodwell stated that it was his preference to use a three-phase pump sys-
tem,for drainage.c He, also stated that the area in question was to be land-
It was moved by Commissioner.Lowrey, seconded by Chairman Cleveland, to approve
Tentative Tract.39996,.subject.to the conditions.recommended by staff and the
amendment to.Condition No. 5.
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy
6. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 80-199:. Request by Cheng Der Wu for the sale of alcoholic
beverages for off-site consumption in conjunction with an existing drive-through
dairy, known as "Altadena Dairy", and located at 2124 San. Gabriel Boulevard.
The Staff Report dated October 20, 1980 was presented by Ms. Christianson and
the recommendation for approval was made.
Chairman Cleveland.opened the Public Hearing at 8:25 p.m. Seeing no one wishing
to address the Commission with regard to this matter, the Public Hearing was
closed accordingly.
There was.a discussion by the Commission with regard to the.length of time this
permitwould be granted for, the broken.wall to the rear of the property, and
the absence of a lid on the trash bin enclosure. Commissioner Mattern requested
that the following condition be added:
7. The applicant shall repair the block wall to the rear of the property.
Planning Commission Minutes
Regular Meeting - October 20, 1980
Page Three
Commissioner Lowrey requested that the applicant indicate if he agreed to
abide by all conditions as set forth. Mr. Wu indicated that he understood
all-conditions and agreed to comply with them.
It was moved by Commissioner Mattern, seconded.by Commissioner Ritchie, to
approve Conditional Use Permit 80-199, subject to the-conditions recommended
by staff and the addition of Condition No. 7.
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy
Chairman Cleveland called.a recess at.8:30 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 8:40 p.m.
7. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 80-200: Request by Mars Oil Company for the con-
tinued.use of an existing service station located at 3366 'San Gabriel
The Staff Report dated October 20, 1980 was presented by Ms. Christianson
and the recommendation.for approval was made.
Chairman Cleveland opened the Public Hearing at 8.:45 p.m.
The witness was administered.the oath by the secretary.
Mr. Bill Dial
700 South Flower Street
Los Angeles, California
Mr. Dial. addressed the Commission with regard to Condition No. 2 (removal of
the free-standing sign),. He stated that the service station depended upon
the sign as advertisement to generate business for.:the station, and requested
that the sign be allowed to remain on.the premises. He also explained that
Condition No. 7 may require additional. time for compliance, and explained
the problems encountered in the repair of the pavement. Mr. Dial was. then
informed that should he require additional time for compliance, he could
request a time extension.
Chairman Cleveland closed the Public.Hearing at 8:55 p.m.
There was.a discussion by the Commission with regard to the removal of the
free-standing sign. Mr.. Kress stated that the applicant could apply for a
zone variance to allow the sign to remain, and stated that Condition No. 2
could be deleted.. He also stated that the deletion of Condition No. 2 did
_'not.in any way constitute the granting of a variance to Sections 9906(2) and
9902.d. He advised staff to inform the applicants of the procedures neces-
sary for-filing such a request.
There was.also a discussion regarding the landscaping and maintenance of
the subject site. During the discussion Condition No. 4 was amended to
read as follows:
4. All grass areas 'shall be cleared of rubbish and debris, and irrigated
landscaped accordingly: A landscape plan shall be submitted to the
Planning Department for review and approval.
Also discussed was.the improvement of Hellman Avenue and the scheduling of
the improvements.to the property to coincide with the street improvements
of that street.
It was also.requested by the Commission.that staff contact the water company
owning a portion of the property and request that they clean and maintain
their portion of the land. The possibility of arranging for an agreement
between the Mars Oil Company and the water company for the maintenance of the
area was also discussed.
Planning Commission Minutes
Regular Meeting - October 20, 1980
Page Four
it was moved by Commissioner Lowrey, seconded by Commissioner Ritchie, to
grant.Conditional Use Permit 80-200, subject to the conditions recommended
by staff, the deletion of Condition No. 2, and.the amendment to Condition
No. 4.
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy
8. CONDITIONAL-USE PERMIT 80-197: Request by Carl D. Lyse for the sale of
alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption in conjunction with an existing
bar, known as "Patrick's", and located at 7813 Garvey Avenue.
The Staff Report dated October 20, 1980 was presented by Ms. Christianson,
and the recommendation for approval was made. .
Chairman Cleveland opened the Public Hearing at 9:10 p.m. Seeing no one
wishing to address the Commission with regard.to this matter, the public
hearing was closed accordingly.
There was a discussion by the Commission with regard to.the front door of
the establishment. It, was stated that this door projected into the pedes-
trian right-of-way and various methods of resolving this situation were
discussed. During the course of the discussion, the following condition
was added by the Commission:
6! Applicant shall install an.automatic door closing device at the main
entrance facing Garvey Avenue.
In addition, the applicant was asked about the Cafe Incident Report. He
expressed his intention to cooperate fully with Law Enforcement Officers.
It was moved by Commissioner.Ritchie, seconded by. Commissioner Mattern, to
grant Conditional Use Permit 80-197, subject to the conditions recommended
by staff and the addition of Condition No. 6.
ROLL CALL VOTE -.Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy
9. CONDITIONAL USE.. PERMIT 80-198:. Request by Carlos F. Rodriguez.for the sale
of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption in conjunction with a
mar- ket/delicatessen, known as "Mary's Market", and located at 2428 San Gabriel
The Staff Report dated October 20, 1980 was presented by Ms. Christianson,
and the recommendation for approval was made.
Chairman Cleveland opened the Public Hearing at 9:15 p.m.
".The witness was administered. the oath by. the secretary.
Mr.. Carlos F. Rodriguez
2428 North San Gabriel Boulevard
Rosemead, California 91770
Mr. Rodriguez stated that he was the applicant and agreed to comply with all
conditions as set forth.
Chairman.Cleveland closed the Public Hearing at 9:20 p.m.
There was a short discussion by the Commission regarding this project.
It was moved by Commissioner Mattern,
grant Conditional Use Permit 80-198,
by staff.
seconded by Commissioner Ritchie, to
subject to the conditions recommended
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy
Planning Commission Minutes
Regular Meeting - October.20, 1980
Page Five
10. RELOCATION 80-B: Request by Rudolfo Alvarez for the relocation of an existing
residential structure to property located at 9323p, Glendon Way.
The Staff Report dated 0ctober.20, 1980 was presented by Ms. Christianson and
the recommendation for approval was made.
Chairman Cleveland opened the Public Hearing at 9:23 p.m.
The witness was administered the oath by the secretary.
Mr. Rudolfo Alvarez
521 South Ynez Avenue
Monterey Park,.California
Mr. Alvarez stated that he was.the applicant and agreed.to comply with all
Chairman Cleveland closed the Public Hearing at 9:25 p.m.
There was a discussion by the Commission with regard to the subject relocation.
Mr. Alvarez was asked by the Commission if he had considered subdividing this
property. Mr. Alvarez stated that he had considered and planned to subdivide
at a later date.
The Commission.then discussed the subdivision requirements and asked staff
if the requirements of this ordinance could be met. Staff indicated to the
Commission that according to the proposed placement of the new home, it would
not appear to present a problem in meeting the subdivision requirements.
Also discussed in conjunction with subdivision.was the requirement-of the,.
Deep Lot Ordinance which stated that property owners developing R-1 zoned
property under the provisions of the Deep Lot ordinance must enter into a
covenant with the City agreeing to keep the property as one lot, under one
ownership. Mr. Kress stated that.this type of agreement could be dissolved
at the time the property owner wished to subdivide.,
There was also a discussion with regard to the completion reports of termite
fumigation, driveway widths, parking accommodations, and the use of the
utility room located in the garage.
Mr. Alvarez stated that he did not know what the utility room would be used
for, since he did not know what was in there,.or the size of the room. He
indicated, however, that possible uses were a laundry room, den, storage
room, and that he did not intend to convert the garage into an additional
rental unit.
It was moved by Chairman Cleveland, seconded by Commissioner Lowrey, to
approve Relocation 80-B, subject.to the conditions set forth in the Staff
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland., Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy
11. REL0CATION.80-C: Request by Gema and Frqncisco Ramos for the relocation of
an existing residential structure to property located at 7909 Whitmore.
The Staff Report dated October 20, 1980 was presented by Ms. Christianson,
and the recommendation for approval.was made.
Chairman Cleveland opened the Public Hearing at 9:43 p.m.
The witness was administered the oath by the secretary.
Planning Commission Minutes
Regular Meeting -.October 20, 1980
Page Six
Mr. Francisco Ramos
7909 Whitmore Street
Rosemead; California
Mr. Ramos stated that he was the applicant.-and agreed to comply with the con-
ditions.as set forth.
Chairman Cleveland closed the Public. Hearing at 9:45 p.m.
Mr. Ramos was asked by the Commission if he planned to.subdivide the lot at a
future date. The applicant stated.that he-did not. The Commission also in-
quired regarding the completion report. Ms. Christianson stated the the com-
pletion report had not been submitted; however, no permits would be issued
until such time as the report. was submitted.
Also discussed was whether or not.the amount of the bond ($17,500) was sufficient
for completion costs, and-compliance. with the R-2 ordinance.
it was moved by Commissioner Lowrey, seconded by Chairman Cleveland,-to
approve Relocation 80-C, subject to the conditions recommended by staff.
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy
12. ZONE. CHANGE 80-121:. Request by Chevron Land and Development Company for a
change of zone from A-1, Light Agricultural to C-3, Medium Commercial, for
the area generally bounded by the Pomona.Freeway on the north, Arroyo Drive
on the south, and west of San Gabriel Boulevard.
Mr. Carmona requested that this matter be continued because the City of
Montebello had also scheduled this matter for public hearing this evening.
A. continuance of this matter would allow the,public to attend both meetings.
it was moved by Commissioner Lowrey, seconded by Commissioner Ritchie, to
continue Zone Change 80-121 to the.next regular meeting, November 3, 1980.
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy
Mr. Kress read the Resolution. by title only.
It was moved by Commissioner Ritchie,.seconded by Commissioner Mattern, to
waive further reading and adopt PC Resolution 80-34.
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy -
Chairman Cleveland asked.if anyone present wished to address.the Commission.
No one came forward.
A. Scheduling of Study Session for the consideration of the Land Use Element.
After a short discussion, a study session was scheduled for November 13,
1980 at.6:00'p.m.
B. Commissioner Ritchie inquired regarding the status of Annexations 48 and
49. He was informed by Mr. Carmona that the annexations were to be
Planning Commission Minutes
Regular Meeting - October 20, 1980
Page Seven
scheduled for,final approval. by the City Council.
C. Commissioner Mattern~requested.that staff contact Cal Trans regarding
clean-up of the off ramps.
D. Commissioner Ritchie inquired of Commissioner Mattern the progress of
the installation of the soundwalls. Commissioner Mattern stated that
the project would be advertised in March or April, and construction
would commence approximately 3 to 6 months after.
There being no further business to come before the Commission,.Chairman
Cleveland adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m.