JUNE 16,.1980
1. CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the
City of Rosemead was called to order by Chairman Cleveland at 7:30 p.m.
in the Council Chambers of Rosemead City Hall, 8838 Valley Boulevard,
Rosemead, California.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Lowrey.
The invocation was delivered by Commissioner Ritchie.
Ms. Christiahson:then administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Howard
Mattern, newly appointed Planning Commissioner, and Mr. Mattern took
his seat on the Commission.
2. ROLL CALL - Present: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Absent: Handy (excused)
.Ex Officio: Kress, Dickey, Christianson, Fernandez
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular meeting, June 2, 1980.
Study Session,June 2, 1980
_ It was moved by Commissioner Lowrey, seconded by Commissioner Ritchie, to
approve the.Minutes of the regular meeting and the study session, held on
,..June 2, 1980, as printed.
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie
Noes: None
Absent: Handy (excused)
Abstain: Mattern
4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - On items not on the Agenda.
Chairman Cleveland asked if anyone, present~ wished to address the Commission.
No one came forward.
Chairman Cleveland requested that anyone wishing to address the Commission
regarding any of the matters under consideration at this meeting, rise
and be administered the oath.
The witnesses were administered the oath by the secretary.
5. PARCEL MAP 13325: Request by John Morgan and Carol Quan for a subdivision
of land located at 4124 Rio Hondo Avenue, for the purpose of constructing
two (2) additional single-family homes.
The staff report was presented by Ms. Christianson.
Chairman Cleveland opened the Public Hearing at 7:45 p.m. Seeing no one
wishing to address the Commission, the Public Hearing was closed accordingly.
There was a discussion by the Commission regarding the possibility of
saving some of the trees on the southeast and northeast corners of the lot,
the replacement of the fence on the rear property line and the proposed
placement of the dwelling on Parcel 2.
During this discussion, the Commission added the following conditions to
address the issue of the trees and the replacement of the fence:
6. Replace the fence on the south and rear property lines to the satisfaction
of the Director of Planning.
7. Save as many trees as possible on the southeast and northeast portions
of the lot.
Planning Commission Minutes
Regular Meeting - June 16, 1980
Page Two
There was further discussion with regard to the placement of the dwelling
on Parcel 2. Ms. Christianson assured the Commission that at such time as
the applicants applied for their building permits, the Planning Department
would reveiw the plans to be sure that the requirements of the R-1 zone
were fulfilled. The Commission then asked the applicants if they under-
stood and were in agreement. The applicants stated that-they did under-
stand and.that it would not present a problem.
It was moved by Commissioner Lowrey, seconded by Commissioner Ritchie, to
approve Parcel 13325, subject to Conditions 1 through 7 and the Findings,
and the adoption of the Negative Declaration.
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
.Noes: None
Absent: Handy (excused)
6. PARCEL MAP 13317: Request by Richard G. Lorenzo for the subdivision of
land located at 9229 Marshall Street for the purpose of constructing one
(1) additional single-family home.
The staff report was presented by Ms. Christianson.
Chairman Cleveland opened the Public Hearing at 8:05 p.m.
Mr. Louis Cappuccio Mr. Richard Lorenzo
1705 San Gabriel Boulevard 8872 Domaine Street
San Marino, California Rosemead, California
Mr. Cappuccio stated that he was the real estate agent that handled the
sale of the property. He also addressed the Commission regarding the
placement of the driveway apron which would serve two of the parcels.
Mr. Lorenzo was administered the oath by the secretary at this time. He
then addressed the Commission regarding his desire to restore and improve
the dwellings existing on the lot. He also stated that the parcel map had
been designed preserve the existing dwellings.
Chairman Cleveland closed the Public Hearing at 8:15 p.m.
There was a lenghty discussion with regard to the feasibility of Mr.
Lorenzo's proposal, especially.relating to the requirements of the R-1
zone and the building code. Also discussed was the matter of the irregularity
of the lot lines.
It was moved by Commissioner Ritchie, seconded by Commissioner Mattern, to
deny Parcel Map 13317, without prejudice.
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy (excused)
7. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 80-189: Request by Arcadio B. Hernandez for the
sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption in conjunction with a
bar, known as "The Wagon Wheel", and located at 3300 North San Gabriel
The staff report was presented by Ms. Christianson.
Chairman Cleveland opened the Public Hearing at 8:35 p.m.
Mr. David Crawford
8220 Dorothy Street
Rosemead, California
Planning Commission Minutes
Regular Meeting - June 16, 1980
Page Three
Mr. Crawford stated that he did not have any objections to the continued
use of this bar, and informed the Commission of his contribution to
cleaning-up the parking lot, which had presented some problems in the past.
Chairman Cleveland closed the Public Hearing at 8:40 p.m.
There was a discussion by the Commission with regard to the parking area,
specifically the lighting in this area, and the numerous Cafe Incident
Reports on the bar. It was the consensus of opinion that this conditional
use permit be approved for six months only; and that at the end of this
period, another Public Hearing should be conducted to allow neighbors in
the vicinity to appear before the Commission to voice any objections. As
a result, Condition No. 4 was amended to read as follows:
4. This permit is approved for a period of six months at which time the
applicant may apply for renewal by the Planning Commission with a.
public hearing. This permit is not transferable to future owners or
In addition, the following conditions were added by the Commission:
6. The parking lot to the rear of the property shall be restriped.
7. The existing lighting system shall be made operable.
8. The front door shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Planning
It was moved by Commissioner Ritchie, seconded by Commissioner Lowrey, to
grant Conditional Use Permit 80-189, subject to the amendment to Condition
No. 4 and Conditions 1 through 8.
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy (excused)
* 8. DESIGN REVIEW: Review of a proposed addition to an existing structure
located at 9212 East Lower Azusa Road.
The memorandum was presented by Ms. Christianson.
Mr. Tim Stevens and Mr. Jack Tigmeyer addressed the Commission regarding
the reasons for the expansion of the existing structure.
There was a lenghty discussion by the Commission regarding the parking
requirements, the location of the trash enclosure, and possible methods
of increasing the number of parking spaces available on the site.
The matter of the trash enclosure was referred to the Planning Director
for resolution.
It was moved by Commissioner Lowrey, seconded by Commissioner Mattern, to
approve the design of the proposed addition to the structure located at
9212 East Lower Azusa Road, subject to the resolution of the placement of
the trash enclosures
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy (excused)
9. MODIFICATION. TO SECTION 8110: Request by Ms. Rosa Isela Kitooka for a
waiver of the sidewalk requirement for property located at 3339 Greendale
Avenue, Rosemead.
The memorandum was presented by Ms. Christianson.
There was a short discussion by the Commission regarding the cost of the
remodeling to the Kitooka home, and the basis for granting the request.
Planning Commission'Minutes
Regular Meeting - June 16, 1980
Page Four
it was moved by Commissioner Lowrey, seconded by Commissioner Mattern, to
grant the waiver of the sidewalk requirement for property located at 3339
Greendale Avenue.
ROLL CALL VOTE - Ayes: Lowrey, Cleveland, Ritchie, Mattern
Noes: None
Absent: Handy (excused)
Chairman Cleveland asked if anyone present wished to address the commission.
No one came forward.
A. It was requested by Commissioner Lowrey that the nominations for
Vice-Chairman be postponed until Commissioner Handy was present. All
Commissioners in attendance were in agreement.
B. Mr. Dickey stated that the City of Rosemead would host the Contract
Cities Dinner at the Title Insurance Building, and inquired as to the
number of Commissioners planning to attend.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman
Cleveland adjourned the meeting to the Study Session, scheduled for
June 23, 1980, at 7:00 p.m.
Planning Commission Minutes
Regular Meeting - June 16, 1980
Page Four
8. DESIGN REVIEW (continued)
The applicant was advised by the Planning Commission that should he ever
wish to sell the building, the parking spaces-:available wouldnot be
adequate to accommodate another business.