CC - 11-17-87 - Adjourned MeetingAPPROVED CITY OF ROSEMEAD MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETINCOATE 7 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL BY NOVEMBER 17, 1987 The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Cleveland at 7:05 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The Pledge to the Flag was led by Councilman McDonald. The Invocation was delivered by Councilman Taylor. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Councilmen McDonald, Taylor, Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch, and Mayor Cleveland Absent: None - Councilman Imperial entered the Conference Room at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Cleveland m+ Adjourned Meeting was Commerce to meet with goal being to begin a allow the development means to enhance City business community. ide the announcement that the purpose of this to allow members of the Rosemead Chamber of the members of the Rosemead City Council. The dialogue between these two groups that would of a long-term partnership creating ways and pride and present a more positive image for the Mayor Cleveland recognized Mr. Don Riddle, owner Howard's Rug company, and member of the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Riddle stated that the idea for this meeting had arisen from a Chamber of Commerce Planning Conference held the previous year. A primary concern had been the influx of minority business owners and ways to assimilate these new owners into the business community. A suggestion was made that this assimilation process should not be limited to just minority owners and that a program needed to be developed that would include all businesses. Mr. Riddle stated that ways were needed to create a more favorable business atmosphere in Rosemead and the Chamber was requesting input and assistance from the Council. The Chamber wishes to initiate a joint effort made to encourage Rosemead residents to shop in Rosemead. Bonnie Culbertson, Executive Vice-President, Rosemead Chamber of commerce, introduced the Board members who were present. Those in attendance were: John Steelesmith, Southern California Edison; Larry Kruse, Southern California Water Company; Betty Dondanville, Village Tire Service and in-coming President for 1988; Rosemead"Chamber of Commerce; Don Riddle, Howard's Rug Company; and Arnold Darrow, Doughboy Surplus and current President. Mr. Darrow stated that beautification was not the primary answer, but a concentrated effort to retain Rosemead dollars in Rosemead. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, asked what programs the Chamber had developed to achieve this goal, that the City could assist in implementing. Mr. Darrow cited the mixture of retail business with light industrial useage was detrimental to the shopping image in Rosemead. Consumers are becoming used to the "mall" form of shopping, where retail are isolated from other types of business. Mr. Tripepi stated that the zoning was regulated by law, and that if a retail business chose to open a store in the middle of a light industrial area, there is nothing the City could do to prohibit that type of use. CC 11-17-87 Page #1 Bonnie Culbertson stated that the Chamber needed to make the Council aware of their plans to ensure that the Chamber does not violate any City ordinances. Ms. Culbertson cited the issue of signs on the freeway, and the fact that they are not allowed. Councilman McDonald agreed that a harmonious relationship was desirable, and anything that is done to improve the business sector will help the community as a whole. Mr. McDonald stated that the Chamber has access to numerous organizations who can provide statistics on what kinds of actions have changed or improved the business opportunities. The Chamber could then come to the Council with specific requests backed up with exact figures. The Council could then take action, as needed. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch directed attention to the Economic Development section of the draft General Plan. That section provides for goals and policies for the economic development of the City.' Some of those goals are to encourgage upgrading of existing commercial centers; direct more intensive commercial uses in those areas of the City identified as commercial districts; and to encourage certain types of uses within these districts which will complement and contribute to the economic well-being of the community. Those elements will become a part of the General Plan and serve to direct the growth of the City. This incorporates many of the ideas expressed by the Chamber. Mr. Bruesch stated that the implementation of these goals would require working with the tools that are available. Zoning would be one the subjects that will need to be taken into consideration to provide consolidation of certain types of businesses. Ms. Culbertson agreed and expressed the necessity of starting somewhere to achieve these goals. Mr. Darrow suggested that zoning changes could be done by attritition, as various properties are offered for sale, the new owner could be made to operate under the new zoning restrictions. Mr. Riddle expressed the desire of having a theme for Rosemead for the upcoming year, such as "DISCOVER ROSEMEAD," using flags or banners on the utility poles. Mr. Darrow also expressed the possibility of using the Shopper'Shuttle buses to advertise this theme with posters, such as "SHOP WITH PRIDE IN ROSEMEAD." Councilman Taylor expressed the opinion that using the shuttle buses as a form of generic advertising was an excellent idea. They travel the entire City and this type of advertising would get plenty of exposure. Mr. Tripepi suggested that the business community might want to coordinate shuttle usage to a promotional campaign. Councilman Taylor stressed that any advertising on the buses must be of a generic nature, with no specific business mentioned in any way. Ms. Culbertson stated that the point of the advertising would be to promote business, in general, not specifically. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch stated that because of the way supermarkets are attracted to different locations he did not feel that it would be possible for Rosemead to gain such a market. Mr. Bruesch stated that the City and the Chamber should work to utilize the areas and resources that are already available. The development of businesses along Garvey Avenue or Valley Boulevard present the added problem of traffic logistics, especially during the rush hours. CC 11-17-87 Page #2 Councilman Taylor cited the supermarket survey that had been discussed by the Council over the past months and that acquisition of another supermarket had been fully investigated. Supermarkets require so many concessions from the city before they will even consider installing one. There is not enough vacant land in Rosemead to support a supermarket with its satellites, and the City does not care to consider condemnation in order to achieve this. Councilman Imperial expressed the opinion that the Chamber, rather than the Council, might have more influence with other business owners with respect to the upgrading of their businesses. Mr. Imperial also requested that the Chamber conduct a membership drive to try and get more businesses to join and support the Chamber. He stated the opinion that the Chamber needs to become more involved, themselves. Mr. Imperial also suggested that the Chamber consider the development of a logo that would be distinctive to the Chamber. Ms. Culbertson stated that only about one-third of businesses now belong to the Chamber and agreed that a membership drive was needed. Mr. Tripepi stated that a marketing program might be the answer in order to sell Rosemead on Rosemead. Ms. Culbertson mentioned again some nebulous suggestions and questions regarding the Council's opinion on the use of the utility poles, or additional signage in Rosemead. Councilman McDonald stated that the Chamber should develop specific requests and then bring them to the council for approval on an individual basis. Mr. McDonald did not feel that the council could just give blanket approval to nebulous plans. He did feel that all efforts must be made by both groups to promote the City and stated the willingness of the Council to meet the Chamber half way on the development of ideas. Ms. Dondanville extended an invitation to the council to attend the Chamber Planning Conference scheduled for January, 1988, in Escondido. Mr. Tripepi stated that Councilmembers who are available, as well as staff, will attend this conference as they have in the past. Councilman Taylor expressed concerns that the type of stores that are available in Rosemead are not publicized so that residents are aware of their existence. He asked when a Rosemead directory would be available. Ms. Culbertson stated that the new directory would be available in the near future. The council was in agreement that the Shopper Shuttle buses could be used for generic advertising to promote shopping in Rosemead and city staff was directed to work with Chamber staff on the development of this project. There was also agreement that the entrance signs to the City could be upgraded or changed.' Councilman Imperial made the suggestion that the schools could become involved by running a "sign" contest. These ideas, once developed, would then be brought to the Council for approval. The Chamber expressed appreciation for the council's attention to these matters and hoped for continued joint participation. There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. to the next Regular Meeting, set for November 24, 1987, at 8:00 p.m. APPROVED: Respectfully submitted: - Wig MAY R Ci y Clerk cc 11-17-87 Page 43